Hetero Conversion and Curse Forced Straight Combined.

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Re: Hetero Conversion and Curse Forced Straight Combined.

Postby grover27 » May 14th, 2021, 6:58 pm

Great update and great progress MasterJack. How did your wife respond?? I think it's a great sign that your wife sexually aroused you. I'm continuing my avoidance of anything outside of sexy women. My attraction today for my wife was high as well. Let's keep it up.
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Joined: March 13th, 2019, 8:29 am

Re: Hetero Conversion and Curse Forced Straight Combined.

Postby MasterJack » May 14th, 2021, 9:49 pm

She responded as if she didn’t like it.

Btw I couldn’t fall asleep, and I woke her up with all my moving around, so I started playing with her, and then we fucked. I was pretty dominant too. I kept telling her I own this pussy/ass/body/breasts now, or I’m going to take sex whenever I want it, stuff like that, while trying to fuck her as hard as possible. She came, I didn’t, and then we stopped because we were really tired. Defo shouldn’t have taken that prami in the evening today, and I think I might go on a lower dose to prevent worsening insomnia.

Also I haven’t listened to the file today so it’s a miss, clear and relaxed mind hasn’t been a thing today. And it’s not like I find everything about her sexy yet or anything, but some how my libido is very much tied with dominating her, even though this isn’t in the file. Then again I always try to be the man of the house outside the bedroom for the last 5 years we’ve been together, and I felt she craved I should also be like that in the bedroom. But I also had an agenda of conditioning her of sorts, that this is the sex we’re going to have from now on, whatever type I desire (including anal), and whenever I want it, I’m gonna take it. I don’t know how far I can go with this, but I’m hoping she becomes more open and less of a prude. Not saying she is, but if you ask her, she’d only want romantic sex lmao

But I think most of all, everything should be taken with a pinch of salt. Cause I might be only feeling like this because I took my prami late and I’m sleep deprived atm (4:44am right now). And while the sex didn’t feel forced, it’s not like I felt the strong emotion behind it either, or strong sexual attraction, it just felt kind of automatic. So it’s very much in the early stages, hopefully I can find it much more enjoyable in the future.
No longer distributing my files.
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Re: Hetero Conversion and Curse Forced Straight Combined.

Postby belyaev » May 17th, 2021, 2:31 am

Self-conditioning and viewpoint suggestions: (for anyone who might need to read thoughts and advice on the matter)

When convincing self either mentally or through home-made hypno-scripts, perhaps it will help choosing and isolating elements which both bio women and sissies have: hair, lips, nipples, fingers, toes, ass, anus, and focus on amplifying attraction to those.

The vagina can have a separate place with separate descriptions about how juicy and spasming it becomes when it opens up like a hungry slut bitch. Focus on how getting the vagina to become helplessly and hungrily open and lubricated is a way of getting the vagina to give up and submit.

Try to see sex with wife not as an act that proves something to someone, but rather as an act that produces in her sensations which she is overwhelmed by. A dominant trip the point of which is to gradually get her brain to switch off and her becoming a sex animal riding the waves of ecstasy.

Thus the husband’s performance does not have to be centered about his erection and his ability to maintain it while entering the vagina. Rather, the husband’s performance is in this case centered on the many ways he can gradually wake up his wife's desires and then overwhelm her with passionate sensations, via the shaping of her internal experience.

He can use toys, dildos, restraints, whatnot, licking this, fingering that, vibrating this, slapping that. Gradually weaving a sensory-cocoon, which switches off the wife’s brain and leads her into a deepening adventure. It's completely OK if during this time his boner appears and disappears, appears and disappears many times. Just remember, when the boner is there, to get the wife to have tactile contact with it in some manner--even just hold it for a minute, while you're busy doing other things to her. This tactile contact with your boner, when it's there, may help keep her subconscious mind reassured that "everything is OK between you two".

The “point” of the exercise no longer being necessarily someone’s orgasm, but rather leading one’s wife/submissive partner into sexually-induced catharsis after which they areshaking, blank-eyed, and sated. Doing this once a week or once a fortnight or even once a month should also be good emotional prophylactic—working out the stress she accumulates through sex catharsis, as opposed to allowing the stress to erupt in the more traditional shapes such as nagging and scenes.

(Of course, this type of sexual activity needs to happen on a day without stress, and with enough time to gradually wake up the wife’s body and switch off the wife’s brain)

With practice, as she approaches catharsis, the husband can start banging her in some orifice, timing his orgasm to her journey, while still remembering that his role is more of a loving overseer of what is taking place. The sexual act thus becomes an orgiastic ritual with crypto-religious properties, which resets the timer of your personal reality for two, and serves as a reinvigorating center that fills your mini-reality with life-giving and meaning-giving energies. A ritual that constantly rebuilds and reaffirms the deeper basis of your shared mini-reality.

Once you accept the point of view that the point of sex is to help shape your wife’s internal experience through all the means at your disposal—of which the erect penis is an important but not necessarily central element—then the various dominant tactics, including very much dirty talk, turn out to be not so much self-sufficient goals, but are rather tools, the point of which tools is to overwhelm the wife’s/submissive partner's ego at that moment, so that she can finally relax, open up, let go, and experience currents of pleasure coursing through her.
Lastly, it may help to remember that in spite of today the pendulum again swinging to everybody being born this way or that way, and being hardwired into this or that, gender roles are nevertheless to a large extent constructed--consciously and unconsciously. Thus the role of the “sissy slut” which men play, is also a role which women play.

Today’s woman is liberated, she is an independent actor within a civilization which treats her as an equal, some might say these days as more than an equal, to men. This leads to various interesting psychological phenomena. Hence many women’s fascination with gay erotica—because “men run the world” and “men are dominant” yet men also “submit sexually to each other”. Women exploring gay erotica and switches from "masculine" to "feminine" identities and behavior is one not insignificant part of society’s long journey of deconstructing and reconstructing various roles. All our sexualities and identities are now parts of a larger civilizational transitional period.

It’s one thing to have hardwired biological stuff to do with reproduction. It’s another thing to play out social roles to do with being a sissy slut or a whore etc. Today's emancipated women also play these roles, just like men play these roles. When a contemporary woman lets go and plays this role, this is psychologically equivalent of a man playing this role. The modern woman's subjective sexual experience and needs appear to increasingly overlap with the subjective sexual experience and needs of men who (even if not all the time, then at least periodically) need to be dominated in order to get some relief from life.

Today’s women also have to juggle many roles in society, and being a sissy slut is also a role which some of them may play for pleasure, with everything that entails. So the deeper you can get your wife to enter the “sissy slut” internal experience, the less difference it will make who is who and what genitals are in play.

Summary of the above thoughts on self-conditioning to enjoying sex with wife again:
1) Most of her external elements of attraction can be encoded in persanolized hypno-tracks in a gender-neutral way: bum, anus, fingers, toes, nipples, lips, hair
2) Her vagina can be encoded as a semi-autonomous entity, that wants to be dominated and to be opened up like a filthy slut, or something along those lines
3) The point of sex with wife does not have to be one of the traditional goals (orgasm; feeling of closeness, etc), but of masterfully producing sensations in the wife, culminating in her mind shutting down and her experiencing an animalistic catharsis
4) The point of physical dominant tactics and dirty talk is sometimes not about how this makes the husband/dominant partner feel, but how, when timed correctly, this can help drive the submissive partner/wife over the edge and get her Ego to shut down and just let go
5) The point of the erect penis does not have to be about proving something to someone, but of it being simple one of many elements in the wider sexual ritual that focuses on the temporary orgiastic ego-release for the passive partner (in this case the wife)
6) Today’s women, when they choose the role of being sexy or being dominated, are sometimes performing a role psychologically equivalent to a man playing at being a sissy slut. This realization alone can be quite arousing for some dominant partners. And in a situation of this type--which the husband gradually brings about through foreplay and toys--these women then need to be overwhelmed and dominated not unlike a male sissy would be in their place
7) This type of sex can gradually become with some couples a regular crypto-religious ritual which reaffirms, resets, and reinvigorates on a regular basis your "personal reality for two people", just like ancient Dyonisian sex rituals would do the same for larger communities
8) You don't have to have a raging boner the whole time during the sex ritual, but when it's there--providing tactile contact of your wife with your boner in some manner may "reassure" her on a deep pre-verbal level that "everything is OK between you two".

Final thoughts: putting on something which is just generic sounds of sex--for example sexy/orgasmic ASMR or binaurals--as a soundtrack/loop for the foreplay and the sex, is a tool which husbands did not have in the past and had to make do with "sensual music" or just putting on porn. Putting on sexy ASMR or binaurals as a soundtrack can be the perfect mood-setting middle-ground between "sensual music" and "actual porn".

P.S. For insomniacs:
Consider at least as a temporary experiment not sleeping in the same bed as your partner (and certainly not under the same blanket, which restricts freedom of movement and posture even more).

For some people sleeping in the same bed improves sleep, but for others it is a sleep-killer. For certain insomniacs it can be much better to sleep even on the sofa or on a cheap inflatable mattress on the floor. Sometimes the sleep quality soars when you don’t have to be constantly on guard about your movements or your body position.

Not every wife can take sleeping in different rooms (“OMG we lost the connection this is the end my mother was right” etc), but even sleeping in the same room, close to each other, just not on the same mattress, has been known to improve sleeping patterns by up to 50% for some people.
Last edited by belyaev on May 17th, 2021, 6:36 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Joined: January 17th, 2020, 11:26 pm

Re: Hetero Conversion and Curse Forced Straight Combined.

Postby Alien4420 » May 17th, 2021, 6:32 am

I like this bi phase I'm in. I'm wondering if I should switch to a bi file instead. I am actually at peace with liking girls this time, but am not sure if I want to lose being attracted to men. I assume that if I were to continue with this file, I'll eventually not care.

Is there a good bi file yet? The ones I listened to years ago weren't effective.

I originally thought I could listen to Curse Forced Gay and just be bi -- stupid, I know, it was one of the first files I listened to. I've been gay for more than 10 years now and I'm used to it and so is everyone else. I wouldn't want to lose that at this point but I'd be open to being bi. I suppose I could take CFG, change it so it made you bi, and do text-voice, that might work. CFG is really in there, though, since I listened hundreds of times and it became permanent. And I've listened to other gay files as well.

I do sometimes get turned on by women, but then I can't do anything about it.
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Re: Hetero Conversion and Curse Forced Straight Combined.

Postby Alien4420 » May 17th, 2021, 6:37 am

Master Jack, those meds sound really cool, particularly the one that makes you horny. :-) I'm taking Lamictal and it also seems to make hypnosis work better, maybe because it decreases anxiety?

Re the sleep apnea, try a CPAP. You won't believe how much better you'll feel.
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Joined: March 25th, 2009, 12:00 am

Re: Hetero Conversion and Curse Forced Straight Combined.

Postby lak » June 23rd, 2021, 6:32 pm

Anybody tried braxtonleo’s file on this? I didn’t think these were working but this file unlocked something man. I’ve been super attracted to women since I started listening I’m not sure why.
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Re: Hetero Conversion and Curse Forced Straight Combined.

Postby jeremyjason76 » March 30th, 2022, 10:58 pm

I've tried these files on and off a few times now. I'm wondering if the effects ever fully take hold. I've been in a sort of bi state for a while now. The attraction to men is still there. The attraction to women is really only obvious when by myself, watching porn or looking at pictures. When I'm out, I pretty much revert to just guys. The attraction to women has remained only on a physical level, not an emotional one.

On a basic level, it seems like a lust switch is turned on with women in porn, but not out and about, while men remain a more complex and constant attraction.

I know there have been a couple of guys who have reported success in the past, but how much are they the exception?
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Re: Hetero Conversion and Curse Forced Straight Combined.

Postby jeremyjason76 » April 2nd, 2022, 11:41 pm

The last couple of days, it seems like there was a settling into place suddenly. I still notice guys I would be attracted to, but have no interest in touching them in any way. Also, I'm actually completely checking out girls. I don't know what suddenly happened, but it seems like it has worked. I just wonder how long to continue until I can be sure it's permanent.
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Joined: May 14th, 2019, 3:18 am

Re: Hetero Conversion and Curse Forced Straight Combined.

Postby Glasnerven » April 23rd, 2022, 12:53 am

It's interesting to see how many people apparently want to have their sexuality changed.
I'm also Glasnerven on Skype, Yahoo, and various IRC chatrooms
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Re: Hetero Conversion and Curse Forced Straight Combined.

Postby MN_FriendlyGuy » April 23rd, 2022, 9:49 am

Glasnerven wrote:It's interesting to see how many people apparently want to have their sexuality changed.

You're absolutely right, Glasnerven. 8-)

Isn't it fantastic when people understand that in their private thoughts, they're free to who they wish to be?
The chains of habit are too light to be felt until they’re too heavy to be broken.

Check out my latest journal entry: here.
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Re: Hetero Conversion and Curse Forced Straight Combined.

Postby Glasnerven » April 26th, 2022, 11:10 pm

It is indeed fantastic. I guess I should point out that I'm one of the people who'd like to experience having my sexuality changed by hypnosis. I don't want to stop liking women but I want to start liking cock more . . . a lot more. Maybe have a trigger for it. I'd also like to be a whole lot less inhibited!

This isn't the thread for that, though.
I'm also Glasnerven on Skype, Yahoo, and various IRC chatrooms
Posts: 146
Joined: March 3rd, 2006, 1:00 am

Re: Hetero Conversion and Curse Forced Straight Combined.

Postby MasterJack » June 25th, 2022, 10:36 am

And all my suggestions feel so natural and normal to you, like they've always been inside of you.
And whether you resist, accept, or just listen to my suggestions, the stronger my suggestions become, and they become your new, reality.
And your subconscious will obey all of the suggestions I give you, and will affect you immediately and forever.
And you easily understand all my words, and enjoy the sound of my voice.
And any snoring, noises, feelings, or distractions, send you deeper into hypnosis.
And if you feel any tingling in your spine, this tingling will go all the way up your spine, and into your brains septum pellucidum.
And all fidgeting, has been washed away, and has been replaced, with feeling completely comfortable.
And all o c d, has been washed away, and has been replaced, with fully trusting the hypnosis is 100% working on you.
And your breath, is easy and wonderful, and you breeth, deeply and fully, so your breething, is deep, full, and easy.
And every word I say, sends you deeper into hypnosis, and you easily remain in this deep hypnosis as this file continues to loop, causing your conscious mind to drift off into sexual imagery and experience lots of sexual pleasure, while your subconscious listens to all of my words, and absorbs all of my suggestions deeply.

Your libido is becoming stronger and stronger, so strong, and so powerful.
Your libido is becoming stronger and stronger, so strong, and so powerful.
Your libido is becoming stronger and stronger, so strong, and so powerful.
Your libido is becoming stronger and stronger, so strong, and so powerful.
Your libido is becoming stronger and stronger, so strong, and so powerful.
Your libido is becoming stronger and stronger, so strong, and so powerful.
Your libido is becoming stronger and stronger, so strong, and so powerful.
Your libido is becoming stronger and stronger, so strong, and so powerful.
Your libido is becoming stronger and stronger, so strong, and so powerful.
Your libido is becoming stronger and stronger, so strong, and so powerful.
And all these sexual suggestions are reinforced whenever you see your wife, and whenever you see your wife, all these sexual suggestions are reinforced permanently. This feels so natural and normal to you, and feels like it's been this way forever.

Your horniness is becoming stronger and stronger, so strong, and so powerful.
Your horniness is becoming stronger and stronger, so strong, and so powerful.
Your horniness is becoming stronger and stronger, so strong, and so powerful.
Your horniness is becoming stronger and stronger, so strong, and so powerful.
Your horniness is becoming stronger and stronger, so strong, and so powerful.
Your horniness is becoming stronger and stronger, so strong, and so powerful.
Your horniness is becoming stronger and stronger, so strong, and so powerful.
Your horniness is becoming stronger and stronger, so strong, and so powerful.
Your horniness is becoming stronger and stronger, so strong, and so powerful.
Your horniness is becoming stronger and stronger, so strong, and so powerful.
And all these sexual suggestions are reinforced whenever you see your wife, and whenever you see your wife, all these sexual suggestions are reinforced permanently. This feels so natural and normal to you, and feels like it's been this way forever.

Your hyper sexuality is becoming stronger and stronger, so strong, and so powerful.
Your hyper sexuality is becoming stronger and stronger, so strong, and so powerful.
Your hyper sexuality is becoming stronger and stronger, so strong, and so powerful.
Your hyper sexuality is becoming stronger and stronger, so strong, and so powerful.
Your hyper sexuality is becoming stronger and stronger, so strong, and so powerful.
Your hyper sexuality is becoming stronger and stronger, so strong, and so powerful.
Your hyper sexuality is becoming stronger and stronger, so strong, and so powerful.
Your hyper sexuality is becoming stronger and stronger, so strong, and so powerful.
Your hyper sexuality is becoming stronger and stronger, so strong, and so powerful.
Your hyper sexuality is becoming stronger and stronger, so strong, and so powerful.
And all these sexual suggestions are reinforced whenever you see your wife, and whenever you see your wife, all these sexual suggestions are reinforced permanently. This feels so natural and normal to you, and feels like it's been this way forever.

Your sexual arousal is becoming stronger and stronger, so strong, and so powerful.
Your sexual arousal is becoming stronger and stronger, so strong, and so powerful.
Your sexual arousal is becoming stronger and stronger, so strong, and so powerful.
Your sexual arousal is becoming stronger and stronger, so strong, and so powerful.
Your sexual arousal is becoming stronger and stronger, so strong, and so powerful.
Your sexual arousal is becoming stronger and stronger, so strong, and so powerful.
Your sexual arousal is becoming stronger and stronger, so strong, and so powerful.
Your sexual arousal is becoming stronger and stronger, so strong, and so powerful.
Your sexual arousal is becoming stronger and stronger, so strong, and so powerful.
Your sexual arousal is becoming stronger and stronger, so strong, and so powerful.
And all these sexual suggestions are reinforced whenever you see your wife, and whenever you see your wife, all these sexual suggestions are reinforced permanently. This feels so natural and normal to you, and feels like it's been this way forever.

And all my suggestions feel so natural and normal to you, like they've always been inside of you.
And whether you resist, accept, or just listen to my suggestions, the stronger my suggestions become, and they become your new, reality.
And your subconscious will obey all of the suggestions I give you, and will affect you immediately and forever.
And you easily understand all my words, and enjoy the sound of my voice.
And any snoring, noises, feelings, or distractions, send you deeper into hypnosis.
And if you feel any tingling in your spine, this tingling will go all the way up your spine, and into your brains septum pellucidum.
And all fidgeting, has been washed away, and has been replaced, with feeling completely comfortable.
And all o c d, has been washed away, and has been replaced, with fully trusting the hypnosis is 100% working on you.
And your breath, is easy and wonderful, and you breeth, deeply and fully, so your breething, is deep, full, and easy.
And every word I say, sends you deeper into hypnosis, and you easily remain in this deep hypnosis as this file continues to loop, causing your conscious mind to drift off into sexual imagery and experience lots of sexual pleasure, while your subconscious listens to all of my words, and absorbs all of my suggestions deeply.

Your wife's bum is extremely sexy, and gives you lots of pure raw sexual pleasure.
Your wife's bum is extremely sexy, and gives you lots of pure raw sexual pleasure.
Your wife's bum is extremely sexy, and gives you lots of pure raw sexual pleasure.
Your wife's bum is extremely sexy, and gives you lots of pure raw sexual pleasure.
Your wife's bum is extremely sexy, and gives you lots of pure raw sexual pleasure.
Your wife's bum is extremely sexy, and gives you lots of pure raw sexual pleasure.
Your wife's bum is extremely sexy, and gives you lots of pure raw sexual pleasure.
Your wife's bum is extremely sexy, and gives you lots of pure raw sexual pleasure.
Your wife's bum is extremely sexy, and gives you lots of pure raw sexual pleasure.
Your wife's bum is extremely sexy, and gives you lots of pure raw sexual pleasure.
And all these sexual suggestions are reinforced whenever you see your wife, and whenever you see your wife, all these sexual suggestions are reinforced permanently. This feels so natural and normal to you, and feels like it's been this way forever.

Your wife's breasts are extremely sexy, and give you lots of pure raw sexual pleasure.
Your wife's breasts are extremely sexy, and give you lots of pure raw sexual pleasure.
Your wife's breasts are extremely sexy, and give you lots of pure raw sexual pleasure.
Your wife's breasts are extremely sexy, and give you lots of pure raw sexual pleasure.
Your wife's breasts are extremely sexy, and give you lots of pure raw sexual pleasure.
Your wife's breasts are extremely sexy, and give you lots of pure raw sexual pleasure.
Your wife's breasts are extremely sexy, and give you lots of pure raw sexual pleasure.
Your wife's breasts are extremely sexy, and give you lots of pure raw sexual pleasure.
Your wife's breasts are extremely sexy, and give you lots of pure raw sexual pleasure.
Your wife's breasts are extremely sexy, and give you lots of pure raw sexual pleasure.
And all these sexual suggestions are reinforced whenever you see your wife, and whenever you see your wife, all these sexual suggestions are reinforced permanently. This feels so natural and normal to you, and feels like it's been this way forever.

Your wife's pussy is extremely sexy, and gives you lots of pure raw sexual pleasure.
Your wife's pussy is extremely sexy, and gives you lots of pure raw sexual pleasure.
Your wife's pussy is extremely sexy, and gives you lots of pure raw sexual pleasure.
Your wife's pussy is extremely sexy, and gives you lots of pure raw sexual pleasure.
Your wife's pussy is extremely sexy, and gives you lots of pure raw sexual pleasure.
Your wife's pussy is extremely sexy, and gives you lots of pure raw sexual pleasure.
Your wife's pussy is extremely sexy, and gives you lots of pure raw sexual pleasure.
Your wife's pussy is extremely sexy, and gives you lots of pure raw sexual pleasure.
Your wife's pussy is extremely sexy, and gives you lots of pure raw sexual pleasure.
Your wife's pussy is extremely sexy, and gives you lots of pure raw sexual pleasure.
And all these sexual suggestions are reinforced whenever you see your wife, and whenever you see your wife, all these sexual suggestions are reinforced permanently. This feels so natural and normal to you, and feels like it's been this way forever.

Your wife's pubic hair is extremely sexy, and gives you lots of pure raw sexual pleasure.
Your wife's pubic hair is extremely sexy, and gives you lots of pure raw sexual pleasure.
Your wife's pubic hair is extremely sexy, and gives you lots of pure raw sexual pleasure.
Your wife's pubic hair is extremely sexy, and gives you lots of pure raw sexual pleasure.
Your wife's pubic hair is extremely sexy, and gives you lots of pure raw sexual pleasure.
Your wife's pubic hair is extremely sexy, and gives you lots of pure raw sexual pleasure.
Your wife's pubic hair is extremely sexy, and gives you lots of pure raw sexual pleasure.
Your wife's pubic hair is extremely sexy, and gives you lots of pure raw sexual pleasure.
Your wife's pubic hair is extremely sexy, and gives you lots of pure raw sexual pleasure.
Your wife's pubic hair is extremely sexy, and gives you lots of pure raw sexual pleasure.
And all these sexual suggestions are reinforced whenever you see your wife, and whenever you see your wife, all these sexual suggestions are reinforced permanently. This feels so natural and normal to you, and feels like it's been this way forever.

And all my suggestions feel so natural and normal to you, like they've always been inside of you.
And whether you resist, accept, or just listen to my suggestions, the stronger my suggestions become, and they become your new, reality.
And your subconscious will obey all of the suggestions I give you, and will affect you immediately and forever.
And you easily understand all my words, and enjoy the sound of my voice.
And any snoring, noises, feelings, or distractions, send you deeper into hypnosis.
And if you feel any tingling in your spine, this tingling will go all the way up your spine, and into your brains septum pellucidum.
And all fidgeting, has been washed away, and has been replaced, with feeling completely comfortable.
And all o c d, has been washed away, and has been replaced, with fully trusting the hypnosis is 100% working on you.
And your breath, is easy and wonderful, and you breeth, deeply and fully, so your breething, is deep, full, and easy.
And every word I say, sends you deeper into hypnosis, and you easily remain in this deep hypnosis as this file continues to loop, causing your conscious mind to drift off into sexual imagery and experience lots of sexual pleasure, while your subconscious listens to all of my words, and absorbs all of my suggestions deeply.

Your wife's body is extremely sexy, and gives you lots of pure raw sexual pleasure.
Your wife's body is extremely sexy, and gives you lots of pure raw sexual pleasure.
Your wife's body is extremely sexy, and gives you lots of pure raw sexual pleasure.
Your wife's body is extremely sexy, and gives you lots of pure raw sexual pleasure.
Your wife's body is extremely sexy, and gives you lots of pure raw sexual pleasure.
Your wife's body is extremely sexy, and gives you lots of pure raw sexual pleasure.
Your wife's body is extremely sexy, and gives you lots of pure raw sexual pleasure.
Your wife's body is extremely sexy, and gives you lots of pure raw sexual pleasure.
Your wife's body is extremely sexy, and gives you lots of pure raw sexual pleasure.
Your wife's body is extremely sexy, and gives you lots of pure raw sexual pleasure.
And all these sexual suggestions are reinforced whenever you see your wife, and whenever you see your wife, all these sexual suggestions are reinforced permanently. This feels so natural and normal to you, and feels like it's been this way forever.

Your wife's face is extremely sexy, and gives you lots of pure raw sexual pleasure.
Your wife's face is extremely sexy, and gives you lots of pure raw sexual pleasure.
Your wife's face is extremely sexy, and gives you lots of pure raw sexual pleasure.
Your wife's face is extremely sexy, and gives you lots of pure raw sexual pleasure.
Your wife's face is extremely sexy, and gives you lots of pure raw sexual pleasure.
Your wife's face is extremely sexy, and gives you lots of pure raw sexual pleasure.
Your wife's face is extremely sexy, and gives you lots of pure raw sexual pleasure.
Your wife's face is extremely sexy, and gives you lots of pure raw sexual pleasure.
Your wife's face is extremely sexy, and gives you lots of pure raw sexual pleasure.
Your wife's face is extremely sexy, and gives you lots of pure raw sexual pleasure.
And all these sexual suggestions are reinforced whenever you see your wife, and whenever you see your wife, all these sexual suggestions are reinforced permanently. This feels so natural and normal to you, and feels like it's been this way forever.

Having sex with your wife is extremely sexy, and gives you lots of pure raw sexual pleasure.
Having sex with your wife is extremely sexy, and gives you lots of pure raw sexual pleasure.
Having sex with your wife is extremely sexy, and gives you lots of pure raw sexual pleasure.
Having sex with your wife is extremely sexy, and gives you lots of pure raw sexual pleasure.
Having sex with your wife is extremely sexy, and gives you lots of pure raw sexual pleasure.
Having sex with your wife is extremely sexy, and gives you lots of pure raw sexual pleasure.
Having sex with your wife is extremely sexy, and gives you lots of pure raw sexual pleasure.
Having sex with your wife is extremely sexy, and gives you lots of pure raw sexual pleasure.
Having sex with your wife is extremely sexy, and gives you lots of pure raw sexual pleasure.
Having sex with your wife is extremely sexy, and gives you lots of pure raw sexual pleasure.
And all these sexual suggestions are reinforced whenever you see your wife, and whenever you see your wife, all these sexual suggestions are reinforced permanently. This feels so natural and normal to you, and feels like it's been this way forever.

Your wife experiencing sexual pleasure is extremely sexy, and gives you lots of pure raw sexual pleasure.
Your wife experiencing sexual pleasure is extremely sexy, and gives you lots of pure raw sexual pleasure.
Your wife experiencing sexual pleasure is extremely sexy, and gives you lots of pure raw sexual pleasure.
Your wife experiencing sexual pleasure is extremely sexy, and gives you lots of pure raw sexual pleasure.
Your wife experiencing sexual pleasure is extremely sexy, and gives you lots of pure raw sexual pleasure.
Your wife experiencing sexual pleasure is extremely sexy, and gives you lots of pure raw sexual pleasure.
Your wife experiencing sexual pleasure is extremely sexy, and gives you lots of pure raw sexual pleasure.
Your wife experiencing sexual pleasure is extremely sexy, and gives you lots of pure raw sexual pleasure.
Your wife experiencing sexual pleasure is extremely sexy, and gives you lots of pure raw sexual pleasure.
Your wife experiencing sexual pleasure is extremely sexy, and gives you lots of pure raw sexual pleasure.
And all these sexual suggestions are reinforced whenever you see your wife, and whenever you see your wife, all these sexual suggestions are reinforced permanently. This feels so natural and normal to you, and feels like it's been this way forever.

And all my suggestions feel so natural and normal to you, like they've always been inside of you.
And whether you resist, accept, or just listen to my suggestions, the stronger my suggestions become, and they become your new, reality.
And your subconscious will obey all of the suggestions I give you, and will affect you immediately and forever.
And you easily understand all my words, and enjoy the sound of my voice.
And any snoring, noises, feelings, or distractions, send you deeper into hypnosis.
And if you feel any tingling in your spine, this tingling will go all the way up your spine, and into your brains septum pellucidum.
And all fidgeting, has been washed away, and has been replaced, with feeling completely comfortable.
And all o c d, has been washed away, and has been replaced, with fully trusting the hypnosis is 100% working on you.
And your breath, is easy and wonderful, and you breeth, deeply and fully, so your breething, is deep, full, and easy.
And every word I say, sends you deeper into hypnosis, and you easily remain in this deep hypnosis as this file continues to loop, causing your conscious mind to drift off into sexual imagery and experience lots of sexual pleasure, while your subconscious listens to all of my words, and absorbs all of my suggestions deeply.

All negative feelings or negative emotions from my hypnotic suggestions, have been washed away forever, and have been replaced with acceptance, love, and sexual pleasure.
All negative feelings or negative emotions from my hypnotic suggestions, have been washed away forever, and have been replaced with acceptance, love, and sexual pleasure.
All negative feelings or negative emotions from my hypnotic suggestions, have been washed away forever, and have been replaced with acceptance, love, and sexual pleasure.
All negative feelings or negative emotions from my hypnotic suggestions, have been washed away forever, and have been replaced with acceptance, love, and sexual pleasure.
All negative feelings or negative emotions from my hypnotic suggestions, have been washed away forever, and have been replaced with acceptance, love, and sexual pleasure.

All negative feelings or negative emotions from your sexuality, or sexual feelings, have been washed away forever, and have been replaced with acceptance, love, and sexual pleasure.
All negative feelings or negative emotions from your sexuality, or sexual feelings, have been washed away forever, and have been replaced with acceptance, love, and sexual pleasure.
All negative feelings or negative emotions from your sexuality, or sexual feelings, have been washed away forever, and have been replaced with acceptance, love, and sexual pleasure.
All negative feelings or negative emotions from your sexuality, or sexual feelings, have been washed away forever, and have been replaced with acceptance, love, and sexual pleasure.
All negative feelings or negative emotions from your sexuality, or sexual feelings, have been washed away forever, and have been replaced with acceptance, love, and sexual pleasure.

You are only physically sexual with your wife when no one else is around, and it's an appropriate time and place, such as when your at home, and the children are asleep, or in your private room, on holiday. And whenever you're in public, you lose all ability to get an erection, however horny you feel. Whenever you're in public, you lose all ability to get an erection, however hyper sexual you feel. So you can only get an erection when you are physically sexual with your wife, when no one else is around, and it's an appropriate time and place, such as when your at home, and the children are asleep, or in your private room, on holiday.
You are only physically sexual with your wife when no one else is around, and it's an appropriate time and place, such as when your at home, and the children are asleep, or in your private room, on holiday. And whenever you're in public, you lose all ability to get an erection, however horny you feel. Whenever you're in public, you lose all ability to get an erection, however hyper sexual you feel. So you can only get an erection when you are physically sexual with your wife, when no one else is around, and it's an appropriate time and place, such as when your at home, and the children are asleep, or in your private room, on holiday.
You are only physically sexual with your wife when no one else is around, and it's an appropriate time and place, such as when your at home, and the children are asleep, or in your private room, on holiday. And whenever you're in public, you lose all ability to get an erection, however horny you feel. Whenever you're in public, you lose all ability to get an erection, however hyper sexual you feel. So you can only get an erection when you are physically sexual with your wife, when no one else is around, and it's an appropriate time and place, such as when your at home, and the children are asleep, or in your private room, on holiday.
You are only physically sexual with your wife when no one else is around, and it's an appropriate time and place, such as when your at home, and the children are asleep, or in your private room, on holiday. And whenever you're in public, you lose all ability to get an erection, however horny you feel. Whenever you're in public, you lose all ability to get an erection, however hyper sexual you feel. So you can only get an erection when you are physically sexual with your wife, when no one else is around, and it's an appropriate time and place, such as when your at home, and the children are asleep, or in your private room, on holiday.
You are only physically sexual with your wife when no one else is around, and it's an appropriate time and place, such as when your at home, and the children are asleep, or in your private room, on holiday. And whenever you're in public, you lose all ability to get an erection, however horny you feel. Whenever you're in public, you lose all ability to get an erection, however hyper sexual you feel. So you can only get an erection when you are physically sexual with your wife, when no one else is around, and it's an appropriate time and place, such as when your at home, and the children are asleep, or in your private room, on holiday.

Every time you listen to self hypnosis files, you automatically become comfortable, automatically breeth deeply and fully, and automatically go into a deep hypnosis, where your conscious mind drifts off into sexual imagery and experiences lots of sexual pleasure, while your subconscious mind listens to all of my words, and completely obeys all of my suggestions.
Every time you listen to self hypnosis files, you automatically become comfortable, automatically breeth deeply and fully, and automatically go into a deep hypnosis, where your conscious mind drifts off into sexual imagery and experiences lots of sexual pleasure, while your subconscious mind listens to all of my words, and completely obeys all of my suggestions.
Every time you listen to self hypnosis files, you automatically become comfortable, automatically breeth deeply and fully, and automatically go into a deep hypnosis, where your conscious mind drifts off into sexual imagery and experiences lots of sexual pleasure, while your subconscious mind listens to all of my words, and completely obeys all of my suggestions.
Every time you listen to self hypnosis files, you automatically become comfortable, automatically breeth deeply and fully, and automatically go into a deep hypnosis, where your conscious mind drifts off into sexual imagery and experiences lots of sexual pleasure, while your subconscious mind listens to all of my words, and completely obeys all of my suggestions.
Every time you listen to self hypnosis files, you automatically become comfortable, automatically breeth deeply and fully, and automatically go into a deep hypnosis, where your conscious mind drifts off into sexual imagery and experiences lots of sexual pleasure, while your subconscious mind listens to all of my words, and completely obeys all of my suggestions.

You are completely, fully, and utterly addicted, to this hypnosis file, and have to listen to it at least once a night, when your at home before going to sleep. And this addiction always pulls you into a deep hypnotic trance, and your subconscious obeys and absorbs all of the suggestions from this hypnosis file, changing you, and your sexuality, forever. And this addiction washes away all desires and compulsions, to create new hypnosis files, or listen to other hypnosis files. But this addiction, will temporarily disappear, if you know you won't be sleeping at home for that night, but it will come back in full force, when you are sleeping at home again. And the only time this addiction will completely dissappear, is once you enter the year 2023, but all the suggestions will remain in your subconscious forever.
You are completely, fully, and utterly addicted, to this hypnosis file, and have to listen to it at least once a night, when your at home before going to sleep. And this addiction always pulls you into a deep hypnotic trance, and your subconscious obeys and absorbs all of the suggestions from this hypnosis file, changing you, and your sexuality, forever. And this addiction washes away all desires and compulsions, to create new hypnosis files, or listen to other hypnosis files. But this addiction, will temporarily disappear, if you know you won't be sleeping at home for that night, but it will come back in full force, when you are sleeping at home again. And the only time this addiction will completely dissappear, is once you enter the year 2023, but all the suggestions will remain in your subconscious forever.
You are completely, fully, and utterly addicted, to this hypnosis file, and have to listen to it at least once a night, when your at home before going to sleep. And this addiction always pulls you into a deep hypnotic trance, and your subconscious obeys and absorbs all of the suggestions from this hypnosis file, changing you, and your sexuality, forever. And this addiction washes away all desires and compulsions, to create new hypnosis files, or listen to other hypnosis files. But this addiction, will temporarily disappear, if you know you won't be sleeping at home for that night, but it will come back in full force, when you are sleeping at home again. And the only time this addiction will completely dissappear, is once you enter the year 2023, but all the suggestions will remain in your subconscious forever.
You are completely, fully, and utterly addicted, to this hypnosis file, and have to listen to it at least once a night, when your at home before going to sleep. And this addiction always pulls you into a deep hypnotic trance, and your subconscious obeys and absorbs all of the suggestions from this hypnosis file, changing you, and your sexuality, forever. And this addiction washes away all desires and compulsions, to create new hypnosis files, or listen to other hypnosis files. But this addiction, will temporarily disappear, if you know you won't be sleeping at home for that night, but it will come back in full force, when you are sleeping at home again. And the only time this addiction will completely dissappear, is once you enter the year 2023, but all the suggestions will remain in your subconscious forever.
You are completely, fully, and utterly addicted, to this hypnosis file, and have to listen to it at least once a night, when your at home before going to sleep. And this addiction always pulls you into a deep hypnotic trance, and your subconscious obeys and absorbs all of the suggestions from this hypnosis file, changing you, and your sexuality, forever. And this addiction washes away all desires and compulsions, to create new hypnosis files, or listen to other hypnosis files. But this addiction, will temporarily disappear, if you know you won't be sleeping at home for that night, but it will come back in full force, when you are sleeping at home again. And the only time this addiction will completely dissappear, is once you enter the year 2023, but all the suggestions will remain in your subconscious forever.

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Re: Hetero Conversion and Curse Forced Straight Combined.

Postby MasterJack » June 25th, 2022, 11:30 am

The previous post is the script of a custom made file I made for myself.

Key points:

1. Increases libido.
2. Increases sexual pleasure for the wife.
3. Increases sexiness for the wife.
4. All suggestions are reinforced whenever I see my wife.
5. Safeties for no erections in public while remaining horny (don't won't erections when taking my kids to the swimming pool or park thank you).
6. Safeties for only being sexually physical with my wife at an appropriate place.
7. Suggestions to help ocd, fidgeting, breathing/sleep apnea during trance, and helping trance in general.
8. Suggestions to stop compulsively creating new hypnosis files.
9. Addiction to the file until entering the year 2023.
10. Simple compounded suggestions.
11. Suggestion to get rid of annoyingly strong tingles in my spine that wake me up from trance.

The reason for the safeties is I suffer from ocd and bipolar. And in the past hypnosis can blur the lines between appropriate behaviour for me, especially when I've gone hypomanic (which also comes with hypersexuality). This is also a reason why the suggestions have to be focused on my wife rather than women in general, as I'd probably end up cheating on her. Also even with her there's a safety to only be physically sexual with her at an appropriate time and place, because if I become hypersexual I'd probably want to have sex with her all time in the wrong places lol.

The file loops the script twice for a total of 47 minutes, because I don't use a long induction but rather cardigans instant induction, I never feel fully in trance/deep until I've listened for a little while (ocd for ya), so I don't want to miss any suggestions from the beginning of the file (hence the loop).

The most important part is the addiction and reducing compulsiveness. Once my libido starts going up, I start seeking out old fetishes again. I start creating all sorts of hypnosis files around those fetishes. And my fetish ideas for hypnosis files continually evolve. Which ends up me not sticking to any file long enough, even my own fetish files.

It's like recently. I listened to a previous iteration of this type of file, and I ended up feeling and playing with my wifes breasts for a couple of seconds during the day, because they were so sexy to me. It was the most amazing sexual/sexy feeling I've felt in a long time, even better than porn. But because of this spark, I end up seeking it from previous memories in fetishes/porn, go off track, create new files surrounding old fetishes, and basically don't end up sticking to any file, until my libido lowers again and I'm back to square one.

What's sad is that spark with my wifes breasts was so sexually amazing and deep, that if I could create that on a strong and consistent basis, any other fetish or porn would pale in comparison.

So hence the reason for the "ultimate" file for myself. It sucks having no libido. But it also sucks having a high libido and taking me down the rabbit hole and going off track from my original sexual goals. I want a strong libido all the time and my original sexual goals. The question is will the addiction to the file beat my increased libido to the mark?

Wish me luck fellas!
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Re: Hetero Conversion and Curse Forced Straight Combined.

Postby MasterJack » June 25th, 2022, 5:11 pm

Okay I listened to the file. As usual I go deep to the point I can't remember anything (natural amnesia). I naturally woke up after the file (which is already looped twice within the file) was playing again, so around 67 minutes of total looping.

I had one compulsion to modify the file, which I went ahead with because I really think it needed it. Amazingly it was only this one edit, compared to loads of them I would usually make. But I wanted to word the addiction suggestion better, so it wasn't so focused on before going to bed. Here's the changes I made:


You are completely, fully, and utterly addicted, to this hypnosis file, and have to listen to it at least once a night, when your at home before going to sleep.
But this addiction, will temporarily disappear, if you know you won't be sleeping at home for that night, but it will come back in full force, when you are sleeping at home again.


You are completely, fully, and utterly addicted, to this hypnosis file, and have to listen to it at least once every day, when your at home.
But this addiction will temporarily disappear, when your away from home, but it will come back in full force, once your at home again.

With OCD you worry about all the possibilities which becomes a hinderance to accepting suggestions. But it's useful when writing scripts where you don't want to make a hypnosis faux pas and accidently feed yourself badly worded suggestions which your subconscious takes the wrong way or too literally. At least with the new wording which is more vague, my subconscious will allow me to listen to the file everyday at any time at least once (and possibly more), rather than being associated before sleep.

But only doing one change is new for me. Hopefully I'll be addicted to this and will be able to share results in the coming days or weeks.
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Re: Hetero Conversion and Curse Forced Straight Combined.

Postby garotoanakin » June 25th, 2022, 9:54 pm

Where i can find this file?
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Re: Hetero Conversion and Curse Forced Straight Combined.

Postby MasterJack » June 26th, 2022, 4:32 am

Assuming it fits your needs here you go: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/2sm1b6fwxg33njv/AADHX7YgtqQA867wQasDVo-Na?dl=0

They’re all the same file with the script repeated twice within.

The numbers are just the speed of the voice which also changes the files duration:

Slower to faster:
2 = 56m
3 = 52m
4 = 47m

Note this is just the body, so you still need to add an induction and awakener (if you want to).
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Re: Hetero Conversion and Curse Forced Straight Combined.

Postby garotoanakin » August 3rd, 2022, 8:08 pm

Is there a similar file for single men?
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Re: Hetero Conversion and Curse Forced Straight Combined.

Postby MasterJack » September 12th, 2022, 1:51 pm

Interesting updates and observations on my part.

So I've been going back and forth, from wanting to be straight, to wanting to enjoy transgenders in porn again just to feel something (and creating files for that). As usual because of my ocd & bipolar I'm very double minded. Recently I've started trying to eat low mercury oily fish everyday, and my libido recently shot up, where I was really horny everyday, and I think I feel more mentally better more days than less, maybe slightly more in control.

Anyway what I noticed is my behaviours always changed first and faster, before any of my emotions. When I was listening to my "find transgenders sexy" file, I ended up downloading and collecting a load of transgender porn (sissies, ladyboys, shemales, transgenders), riding the horniness (by avoiding masturbating), watching some of it, but never really finding them sexy, especially when compared to in the past where it has hit before strongly (but required weeks of hypnosis). So I'd get an erection to transgender porn, download a load of porn, feel general horniness, but the sexiness of transgenders wasn't there. It was more behavioural (collecting porn) than emotional (seeing sexiness). So if I was given suggestions on a behaviour level, like dressing up in lingerie and making it feel sexy, it would probably effect me very fast, and I would probably dress up in lingerie, before I really felt any strong sexiness from it, almost like stage hypnosis or strong role play. It sort of reminds me of Aliens testimony of curse stroke sissy, where he said it affected him very fast, like after 3 days, while curse force gay took around 2 months, i.e. the compulsion to dress in lingerie (behavioural) was quicker and stronger (3 days) than the ability to find the same gender sexy (emotional) which took much longer (2 months).

The second thing is horniness. It sort of changes everything. Since I became very horny for a period of time and popping boners, just from eating fish. Other than the obsession of transgender porn I went through at one point. One day I felt a very strong drive to make out with wife in a very sexual way, it just kind of pushed me there. Maybe because of sexy wife suggestions in the past. But my observation is if you drive up horniness, it becomes even easier to feel sexual with your wife, even though you're not accustomed to it. There was another time before the fish, where I took some supplement, and my horniness went up considerably for a day, one of the highest its ever been in recent years, and I watched sissy porn, but I was seeing it as being very sexy as well. So in this case, being extremely horny, like another level horny, brought out the sexiness of sissy porn in this case.

I don't think there is any sexuality without horniness in my experience. But you feel a lot of sexuality and you see a a lot of sexiness the stronger your horniness becomes. When I'm not horny, I'm neither into transgenders or my wife, I'm neither gay nor straight. And I can be like this for months, and it really sucks (though I don't notice it at the time, I'm just asexual). But once I start experimenting with erotic hypnosis, or eat something that triggers my horniness, and start feelings of horniness again, I just want to feel it more, and if my mind convinces me the quickest way to get back horniness is transgender erotic hypnosis, that's what I'll do, until I bust a nut, and realize what I truly want is sexiness with my wife (which I have also experienced strongly in the past using hypnosis).

Oh and the last thing I noticed when starting to eat fish regularly, was feeling more relaxed and calmer a lot of days, which has made hypnosis easier I think, something which no amount of hypnotic suggestion seemed to help with. Also because of this relaxation, I see the journey more than the goal. So instead of being so worried about getting it to work, I just feel now it will work with time. In fact my idea now, is just looping a file for 50 minutes before falling asleep and without awakeners, and only putting myself in a light hypnotic trance/fast induction before the loop starts. And hopefully over weeks the suggestions will start taking effect.

I did have some other observations, like experimenting with obsessive thoughts of seeing sissies in lingerie being fucked, which seemed to work, where I'd have flashes of scenes in my mind for a couple of seconds randomly. The idea of the obsessive thoughts idea was trying to take advantage of my ocd, and let the suggestion reinforce themselves by having obsessive thoughts, as well as try and enjoy a scene in my mind without having to rely on secretly watching porn. It's something I will probably experiment more with in the future with.

Anyway this post is a bit all over the place, just some observations with recent experimentation.
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Re: Hetero Conversion and Curse Forced Straight Combined.

Postby MasterJack » September 16th, 2022, 7:33 am

I've started putting my posts in journal entries to stop this thread from getting cluttered. If anyone is interested in the turning straight journey, that's what my journal should be about.

Just a quick note on my current thinking/path. I think harnessing the power of erotic dreams, and creating obsessive erotic fantasies/thoughts during the day, may be a better way to reinforce hypnotic suggestions and change my sexuality faster, at least that's what I'm currently investigating and experimenting with. Read the journal for future updates on this.
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Re: Hetero Conversion and Curse Forced Straight Combined.

Postby MasterJack » October 12th, 2022, 10:14 am

I thought I’d post an update here because I’ve sort of hit a milestone.

I’m slowly but surely making progress. At the moment it seems to be hentai pictures of women with hairy pussies/assholes. I’m getting erections every time I look at or think about them. But my ability to see strong sexiness isn’t there yet. Basically my sexual preference have changed a bit. This is even though my file goes through each part of a woman’s body, (face, breasts, pubic hair, pussy, bum).

And the sexual attraction is there more for hentai pics than real women, which is odd as when I was attracted to sissies/shemales/transgenders, it was just normal/real porn. Hentai women/wives with hairy pussies and big breasts are drawn so beautifully though.

Once in the past I did a wife hairy pussy fetish file over a year ago which worked at one point. So maybe I have remnants of that.

So I’m sort of in a bi phase at the moment, slightly leaning to hentai women with pubic hair. Because I did come across a sissy hentai comic and was still turned on. But at the same time I’m not so much in a struggle of going back and forth like I have in the past. For example the last time I jacked off was to pictures of hentai women with hairy pussies, and didn’t even look at any transgender porn, whereas before I’d find it too hard to get aroused to straight porn to jack off and would end up on the transgender stuff. I’d also do the same with creating hypnosis files, whereas before I’d struggle going back and forth with creating straight files, and then sissy files, whereas now I’m more interested in creating straight files only. So the hold has lessened, but has not completely gone. And because I’m at this point currently, I’m going to try and take advantage of it while I can lest I revert back to the sissy stuff.

So my next hypnosis file is actually going to be an interesting one. Even though my current straight file covers everything of a woman, my mind has attached itself to hentai women with pubic hair. So I’m going to go off this and strengthen it. I’m going to increase my sexual attraction to hentai women with pubic hair, but also add suggestions that I see my wife as a really sexy hentai women/wife using many varied suggestions. I’m pretty excited about this idea lmao, wish me luck!
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Re: Hetero Conversion and Curse Forced Straight Combined.

Postby MasterJack » October 12th, 2022, 4:28 pm

Everyday your libido, is becoming stronger and stronger, and all your sexual desire, is for hentai women.
Everyday your libido, is becoming stronger and stronger, and all your sexual attraction, is for hentai women.
Everyday your libido, is becoming stronger and stronger, and all your sexual emotions, are for hentai women.
Everyday your horniness, is becoming stronger and stronger, and all your sexual desire, is for hentai women.
Everyday your horniness, is becoming stronger and stronger, and all your sexual attraction, is for hentai women.
Everyday your horniness, is becoming stronger and stronger, and all your sexual emotions, are for hentai women.
Everyday your sex drive, is becoming stronger and stronger, and all your sexual desire, is for hentai women.
Everyday your sex drive, is becoming stronger and stronger, and all your sexual attraction, is for hentai women.
Everyday your sex drive, is becoming stronger and stronger, and all your sexual emotions, are for hentai women.
Everyday your sexuality, is becoming stronger and stronger, and all your sexual desire, are for hentai women.
Everyday your sexuality, is becoming stronger and stronger, and all your sexual attraction, is for hentai women.
Everyday your sexuality, is becoming stronger and stronger, and all your sexual emotions, is for hentai women.
All this feels so natural and normal to you, and feels like it's been this way forever.
And the more you resist these suggestions, the stronger these suggestions become.
And with every second in life, in the background of your mind, your subconscious has obsessive thoughts and feelings, of all of these suggestions, which continually loop in your subconscious mind, reinforcing all of these suggestions forever.

Everything about hentai women, is extremely sexy, and gives you lots of pure raw sexual pleasure.
Everything about hentai women, is extremely sexy, and gives you lots of pure raw sexual horniness.
Everything about hentai women, is extremely sexy, because hentai women, are the sexiest women, you've ever seen.
Everything about hentai women's faces, are extremely sexy, and give you lots of pure raw sexual pleasure.
Everything about hentai women's faces, are extremely sexy, and give you lots of pure raw sexual horniness.
Everything about hentai women's faces, are extremely sexy, because they're the sexiest faces, you've ever seen.
Everything about hentai women's bodies, are extremely sexy, and give you lots of pure raw sexual pleasure.
Everything about hentai women's bodies, are extremely sexy, and give you lots of pure raw sexual horniness.
Everything about hentai women's bodies, are extremely sexy, because they're the sexiest bodies, you've ever seen.
Everything about hentai women's breasts, are extremely sexy, and give you lots of pure raw sexual pleasure.
Everything about hentai women's breasts, are extremely sexy, and give you lots of pure raw sexual horniness.
Everything about hentai women's breasts, are extremely sexy, because they're the sexiest breasts, you've ever seen.
Everything about hentai women's pussies, are extremely sexy, and give you lots of pure raw sexual pleasure.
Everything about hentai women's pussies, are extremely sexy, and give you lots of pure raw sexual horniness.
Everything about hentai women's pussies, are extremely sexy, because they're the sexiest pussies, you've ever seen.
Everything about hentai women getting fucked, is extremely sexy, and gives you lots of pure raw sexual pleasure.
Everything about hentai women getting fucked, is extremely sexy, and gives you lots of pure raw sexual horniness.
Everything about hentai women getting fucked, is extremely sexy, because hentai women, are the sexiest women, you've ever seen.
Everything about hentai women sucking cock, is extremely sexy, and gives you lots of pure raw sexual pleasure.
Everything about hentai women sucking cock, is extremely sexy, and gives you lots of pure raw sexual horniness.
Everything about hentai women sucking cock, is extremely sexy, because hentai women, are the sexiest women, you've ever seen.
Everything about hentai women having sex, is extremely sexy, and gives you lots of pure raw sexual pleasure.
Everything about hentai women having sex, is extremely sexy, and gives you lots of pure raw sexual horniness.
Everything about hentai women having sex, is extremely sexy, because hentai women, are the sexiest women, you've ever seen.
All this feels so natural and normal to you, and feels like it's been this way forever.
And the more you resist these suggestions, the stronger these suggestions become.
And with every second in life, in the background of your mind, your subconscious has obsessive thoughts and feelings, of all of these suggestions, which continually loop in your subconscious mind, reinforcing all of these suggestions forever.

Whenever you see your wife, she looks like a sexy hentai woman, which is extremely sexy, and gives you lots of pure raw sexual pleasure.
Whenever you see your wife, she looks like a sexy hentai woman, which is extremely sexy, and gives you lots of pure raw sexual horniness.
Whenever you see your wife, she looks like a sexy hentai woman, which is extremely sexy, because hentai women are the sexiest women you've ever seen.
Whenever you see your wife's face, it looks like a sexy hentai woman's face, which is extremely sexy, and gives you lots of pure raw sexual pleasure.
Whenever you see your wife's face, it looks like a sexy hentai woman's face, which is extremely sexy, and gives you lots of pure raw sexual horniness.
Whenever you see your wife's face, it looks like a sexy hentai woman's face, which is extremely sexy, because hentai women are the sexiest women you've ever seen.
Whenever you see your wife's body, it looks like a sexy hentai woman's body, which is extremely sexy, and gives you lots of pure raw sexual pleasure.
Whenever you see your wife's body, it looks like a sexy hentai woman's body, which is extremely sexy, and gives you lots of pure raw sexual horniness.
Whenever you see your wife's body, it looks like a sexy hentai woman's body, which is extremely sexy, because hentai women are the sexiest women you've ever seen.
Your subconscious mind, will completely convince you, that your wife looks like a sexy hentai woman, that only you can see.
Your subconscious mind, will 100% make you believe, that your wife looks like a sexy hentai woman, that only you can see.
All this feels so natural and normal to you, and feels like it's been this way forever.
And the more you resist these suggestions, the stronger these suggestions become.
And with every second in life, in the background of your mind, your subconscious has obsessive thoughts and feelings, of all of these suggestions, which continually loop in your subconscious mind, reinforcing all of these suggestions forever.

And because only you can see that your wife looks like a hentai woman, you never tell anyone else about it, not even your wife, because you know they wouldn't understand.
So instead, you just secretly enjoy it.
And because you find hentai women sexy, you never tell anyone else about it, not even your wife, because you know they wouldn't understand.
So instead, you just secretly enjoy them.
And because your subconscious has obsessive thoughts and feelings of these suggestions, you never tell anyone else about it, not even your wife, because you know they wouldn't understand.
So instead, you just secretly enjoy them.

Script finished (I excluded induction and deepening parts from quote). This gets looped 4 times in my file which equates to 33 minutes (without induction). 33 minutes is around what I can handle after the induction file is played.

I decided to forego the hairy fetish, because there is plenty of hentai that exists without it and I didn't want to limit myself. The file is not exactly what I originally envisioned, but that's probably because I'm horny and my ideas changed. The most important thing, is usually when I'm this horny, I try to create a sissy file that would work with my life and needs. But this time, it's all woman. Previously a file like this would be made to change my sexuality from sissy stuff without excitement, almost forced, but now I'm pretty excited to go in this heterosexual direction even more, even if it is in a warped fucked up way of hentai women and seeing my wife as one lmao

I call it "Hentai Wife, Happy Life". A play on the saying happy wife, happy life.
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Re: Hetero Conversion and Curse Forced Straight Combined.

Postby MasterJack » November 22nd, 2022, 11:39 am

Ok I’m back.

So my sexuality is pretty much all over the place. At one point I found hentai women sexy, then I found normal women hairy pussy sexy, then I got a glimpse of the sexiness of my wife’s breasts, and now I’m halfway back on transgender porn.

My problem is as it’s always been, not sticking to one file for very long before switching my goal (very double minded), and hit and miss on trancing.

The trancing issue I’ve come up with a new technique which I think works and may be effective for me. My problem with trancing is I go too deep (blank), and I also suffer from sleep apnea at times, which then disturbs the trance. So my new technique is to keep my conscious mind awake and hyper focused on my breathing (and making sure it’s deep and full), while my subconscious mind absorbs the suggestions. So instead of making my conscious mind drift off or wash away, it instead stays hyper focused on breathing deeply and fully.

The other thing I noticed after all these years is HORNINESS IS KEY. That’s my current theory anyway and from past experiences.

You can go of two ways, making things sexy, which then makes your horny. Or make yourself horny, which then makes things sexy. The latter is the better way I think. The hornier you are the sexier things are imo, whatever your horniness is attached to. So I think to make an effective erotic hypnosis file, 1/3 should be focused on increasing the libido, and 2/3’s should then focus on attaching a fetish to that horniness.

So lots of things to try and figure out.
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Re: Hetero Conversion and Curse Forced Straight Combined.

Postby grover27 » November 22nd, 2022, 6:39 pm

MasterJack - What are your goals? Do you want to create new fetishes or do you want to be straight and attracted to your wife? What's your sexual relationship with your wife like?
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Re: Hetero Conversion and Curse Forced Straight Combined.

Postby MasterJack » November 30th, 2022, 7:12 am

Yes the goal is be straight and sexually attracted to my wife and women in porn, rather than sissy or transgender stuff. Sex life is dead, but that's purely on my part due to my lack of sexual attraction, once it's back it shouldn't be an issue.

Last night I tried looping a file I made while watching straight porn and jacking to it. And my dreams last night were a long sexual story about a woman I use to know, so it seems like my subconscious is getting affected.

It can be done, it just requires consistency on my part, and other hurdles I have to overcome with hypnosis due to ocd and bipolar. I've seen what hypnosis can do when it takes strong effect, I yearn to get to that point where I really see strong sexiness again, it's the best. I've done this for sissies in the past, and also women.

I think the thing I hate the most, is no mans land while converting. The asexual phase. Where neither transgenders or women turn you on, and you want to be horny, but aren't.

The main thing at the end of the day is consistency, as sometimes I lose all interest in this goal and stop doing hypnosis.

I think the big problem on my part in the past was the tug of war between sissy stuff and straight stuff. I'd try and force myself straight with files, but then fall back into the sissy stuff and create hypno files around sissy things. However a big milestone was hit a few months ago where that tug of war diminished a lot. So even if I still make a stupid amount of files, as long as these files have the general theme of women, I should continue going in the right direction.
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Re: Hetero Conversion and Curse Forced Straight Combined.

Postby grover27 » December 1st, 2022, 1:09 pm

MasterJack. I am going to tell you something that you may not want to hear, but it is the truth. If your goal is to only be attracted to women and specifically attracted to your wife, there is really only one way to do this. You can use hypnosis, and it can help you in your efforts tremendously, but it will NEVER work if you fail to do what I am about to tell you.

You must quit porn. You will never reach your goal of only being attracted to women and being sexually attracted to your wife if you are looking at porn. You have rewired your brain over many years to need that porn dopamine hit. You are not really homosexual or bisexual. You are pornosexual. You will forever be tempted to look at guys, gurls and the next crazy thing to up that dopamine hit. It is so satisfying and fulfilling in the moment and your brain will forever trick you into thinking that it all you need. However, in your heart, you know that it is empty and not the best version of you. Trying to be attracted to women in porn is not the way to go about it. Whether you are attracted to women in porn is not the litmus test. I imagine like most men, you started with only women in porn and then went down the spiral to more taboo stuff to keep scratching that itch. The test is whether you can find all of your sexual fulfillment from your wife.

You need to make a goal of not looking at porn or masturbating to fantasies for 90 days. During that time, limit masturbation and when you do it, only do it away from the computer and without thinking of anything but yourself or your wife. Don’t always masturbate to orgasm. Make a hypno track that encourages sexual attraction only to your wife but also reminds you that porn has no appeal to you (use proper language to avoid negatives). If you need some kink to help you, look into chastity cages and wear a cage to help you keep your hands away. Don’t let the cage me another sex toy, but only let it be a tool to help you.

If you can make it to March 1st, I bet you will have cleaned all of the junk out of your mind and will have a much clearer picture of your true priorities and feelings.

I am going to guess that most of the people on here who are into sissy stuff and other extreme fetishes all got there from going down a porn rabbit hole. I believe that homosexuality is nature for the majority of gay guys but I believe that it is nurtured by porn for a large minority.

This is not an easy journey. You need to be committed and purposeful in this. But aren’t you tired of failing year after year in your goal? It’s time to get serious and do something different. Consciously and subconsciously commit to this.
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Re: Hetero Conversion and Curse Forced Straight Combined.

Postby jeremyjason76 » October 12th, 2023, 6:52 am

Well, I am back and going to try the file again with the expectation that I will end up bi in the end.
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Re: Hetero Conversion and Curse Forced Straight Combined.

Postby jeremyjason76 » October 28th, 2023, 5:06 am

It seems this thread is on hiatis.
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Re: Hetero Conversion and Curse Forced Straight Combined.

Postby solidweeny » October 28th, 2023, 5:42 am

Tell me of your progress, would love to do this file alongside with you
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Re: Hetero Conversion and Curse Forced Straight Combined.

Postby MasterJack » October 29th, 2023, 11:13 pm

I’m doing my own file atm. It’s not really effecting me as strongly as before when I’ve used my other files for various fetishes in the past. But my mental health seems way more level and peaceful lately, which is way less OCD and hypomania, but because of this it feels like I have less mental energy, libido, and zest for life at the moment. But I did jack off after looking at some straight porn earlier, but it was more mental and a physical erection rather than strong desire and enjoyment. I guess to sum it up, I’m in less touch with my emotions, sort of numb.

Anyway I’ve started this journey again, I’ll probably give an update if I make any significant progress.
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Re: Hetero Conversion and Curse Forced Straight Combined.

Postby MasterJack » November 1st, 2023, 8:54 pm

I haven’t been able to listen to my file lately because of a damn stuffy nose that I keep getting on and off the past few months. Also sometimes I have an inner resistance/procrastinate to listening when I do get the opportunity, or I’m just too tired.

However as I’ve noticed with hypnosis previously, I can get effects weeks later. This is why I’m writing this post. Last night I had a dream that lasted quite a while of me just sexing up some women’s body, and these sex dreams usually affect me after I awake. And while my libidos been down, today I had a quick look at some porn I downloaded, straight, and then trans, and ended up deleting all the trans stuff. And it wasn’t that I was particularly turned on by the straight porn over the trans porn, in fact I’m in that middle asexual stage mostly. But I subtly saw the tiniest bit of sexiness for the women, while I felt nothing for the trans.

And that’s the thing with hypnosis, there are strong effects, and there are subtle effects. And even just a subtle effect of seeing sexiness of the women, allowed me to feel like I’m not going to miss the trans stuff and hence why I deleted it. Also I’ve noticed a lot more of my wife, thought it’s died down a bit now since I haven’t been listening lately, but it is nice to see her in a different light.

I think for me, it’s best to drill in these sexy suggestions while my libido is down, so when my libido does kick in again, it’s for straight stuff. And my hypnosis focuses only on sexiness suggestions because the experience is quite different and I think safer than libido/horniness suggestions.

I think libido/hotniness is one of the most mind warping drives/emotions someone can experience. There’s a reason a lot of people that do meth or trenbolone, end up doing gay stuff they wouldn’t usually do. When you’re extremely horny or hypersexual, even subtle things which aren’t your preferred inclination can have appeal when exposed to it. The other way could be said when you have little to no libido/horniness, nothing seems to have an appeal.

Anyway these are just my random babbling thoughts, don’t take my opinions/experiences as fact.
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Re: Hetero Conversion and Curse Forced Straight Combined.

Postby jeremyjason76 » November 1st, 2023, 10:14 pm

solidweeny wrote:Tell me of your progress, would love to do this file alongside with you

I have gone partway with this a couple of times before. I had done hypnosis resets both times, but each time it seems to start taking hold quicker. This makes me wonder about deprogram files in general. This time might be the one when I stick with it. I'm in a bi place, and somewhat don't care if it works this time.
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Re: Hetero Conversion and Curse Forced Straight Combined.

Postby solidweeny » November 9th, 2023, 12:54 am



Apologies for taking so long to respond. I feel the same and probably this would be the best time to stick to it.

Would you like to do the file together?
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Re: Hetero Conversion and Curse Forced Straight Combined.

Postby jeremyjason76 » November 8th, 2024, 7:24 am

Once again, I'm back to seeing where I can go with Hetero Conversion. Anyone around who wants to do the encouraging?
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Re: Hetero Conversion and Curse Forced Straight Combined.

Postby solidweeny » November 14th, 2024, 11:41 pm

Hello jeremyjason76, I can give you encouragement and even do the file alongside with you. Great that you are starting again. Where are you progress wise so far now?
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Re: Hetero Conversion and Curse Forced Straight Combined.

Postby jeremyjason76 » November 16th, 2024, 8:50 am

I only kept at it for a week, but I think I have come to an epiphany.

Each of these times I've attempted this after the first, it kicked in rather quickly, even though I used deprogramming files. The farthest change I have experienced is bi with only a sexual response to females. Also, ever since after the first time, I have been into trans men.

It's my conclusion that I am mostly gay but at a Kinsey 5. I think these files brought this slight sexual attraction to females to the surface. There has never been a any desire for romantic attraction. I think the trans male thing was my way of coping with it after the door was cracked.

So, I think this has all made me aware of a small latent bisexuality and it would be best to find files to nurture this more instead of using these files, which try to force my very dominant homosexual aspect down, leading to much discomfort and cognitive dissonance.
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Re: Hetero Conversion and Curse Forced Straight Combined.

Postby solidweeny » November 16th, 2024, 9:10 am

I absolutely agree with you jeremyjason76
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Re: Hetero Conversion and Curse Forced Straight Combined.

Postby jeremyjason76 » November 16th, 2024, 8:54 pm

So, I could still do something like TrainBisexual and still communicate here if you want.
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Re: Hetero Conversion and Curse Forced Straight Combined.

Postby solidweeny » November 19th, 2024, 8:53 pm

Hello jeremyjason76
I would either quit and be myself or do these straight conversion files what do you think?
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Re: Hetero Conversion and Curse Forced Straight Combined.

Postby jeremyjason76 » November 20th, 2024, 8:40 am

I assume you say that because it takes a lot of the fun away for those who are just watching along, so to speak.
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Re: Hetero Conversion and Curse Forced Straight Combined.

Postby solidweeny » November 20th, 2024, 11:46 pm

Ηi jeremyjason76,
Not really I am only thinking of the pleasure one might get from the files on an individual level
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