ViVe's Dumbing Down series

A place to post about the success you've had with the various files

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Re: ViVe's Dumbing Down series

Postby saffa » January 26th, 2025, 7:35 am

Heya all!

Ive seen a lot of guys post about their experiences or hopes so thought I would do one from a female perspective! I don't know if people still use this site/still post here but I found these files a few days ago and decided to start giving them a listen. I'm also listening to the dumbing down 2023 file so I hope that helps the process! I've done 4 listens of file 1, first time I came in like 3 minutes, second time in 5mmins 30, 3rd time at the end of the file and 4th time it took a loop and a half. I haven't been able to listen to it more than once a day unfortunately, I get too sensitive but that's why I'm mixing in the other file :)

So far ai've noticed minimal effects, though today I did try and learn a new board game with some friends and got very confused.oj one particular line which I kept repeating out loud trying to make sense of it which I couldn't do so told them I gave up and we watched a movie instead lol. Though they also said it sounded confusing so I don't know if that was the games fault or the files fault!

As I go through I'll try update, as I'm also not sure at what point, if any, I may stop. No thoughts of stopping at this stage though!
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Joined: January 26th, 2025, 7:23 am

Re: ViVe's Dumbing Down series

Postby saffa » January 26th, 2025, 5:55 pm

So I've fi ished all listens of file 1, i cant wait to move on to file 2!

I dont know if this is because of the file but ive noticed slightly less of an attention span? Youtube videos i usually enjoy watching i havent finished today, one because it just felt like there was too much i fo and 2, i dont know it just seemed to take too much focus to watch anf i wasnt paying attention. But maybe they just werent as good as usual haha.

Im still only at the start of my journey so not expecting major changes yet :)
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Re: ViVe's Dumbing Down series

Postby naughtywish14 » January 28th, 2025, 6:08 pm

So I Have been seeing people report that they now have to or are addicted to wearing diapers after listening to this series. I was curious from people who have listened to this if they are or have experienced this effect and if so after listening to witch file?

Also if your already pretty stupid will this series effect you more or speed up how fast you will become dumb ?
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Re: ViVe's Dumbing Down series

Postby naughtywish14 » January 28th, 2025, 7:31 pm

just to add my iq is 83 so im wondering how fast this might go i have listened to file 3 so far i love looping file 5 as well it so addicting and fun that one is my favorite

has anyone listened to maxharm I bought some of his stuff but it almost sounds like doing actual serious brain damage so i have chickened out so far on that one

intelect drain seemed to be pretty effective as well

easy idiot looks great but one of my greatst strenghs is being able to read so losing that kinda scares me bad

i also saw fiona clearwater has a good one about making thoughts heavy sounds effective although temperary but can stack with repeated listening so yeah not exaclt sure just how fucking dumb im looking too become i guess im asking for ideas or others experinces
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Re: ViVe's Dumbing Down series

Postby saffa » January 28th, 2025, 9:56 pm

Ive finslly finished all 5 lostens aof file 2! I cant wait tk listen to file 3 next. I also use the 2023 one to help, and ive noticed a bit more struggling with words in certain situations and that when i hsve to do a period of jeavy thinkinf it tires me out a lot more! I also listedned to the dreamy and happy fractionational file and absolutely loved how that made me feel. Probably my favourite file so far!
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Re: ViVe's Dumbing Down series

Postby saffa » January 29th, 2025, 6:23 pm

I lovr this fesctionstio n file it onlu mskes me fddl goof thinds and so hesvy and no norriws. Definitely my favojrits fild
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Joined: January 26th, 2025, 7:23 am


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