ViVe's Dumbing Down series

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Re: ViVe's Dumbing Down series

Postby saffa » January 26th, 2025, 7:35 am

Heya all!

Ive seen a lot of guys post about their experiences or hopes so thought I would do one from a female perspective! I don't know if people still use this site/still post here but I found these files a few days ago and decided to start giving them a listen. I'm also listening to the dumbing down 2023 file so I hope that helps the process! I've done 4 listens of file 1, first time I came in like 3 minutes, second time in 5mmins 30, 3rd time at the end of the file and 4th time it took a loop and a half. I haven't been able to listen to it more than once a day unfortunately, I get too sensitive but that's why I'm mixing in the other file :)

So far ai've noticed minimal effects, though today I did try and learn a new board game with some friends and got very confused.oj one particular line which I kept repeating out loud trying to make sense of it which I couldn't do so told them I gave up and we watched a movie instead lol. Though they also said it sounded confusing so I don't know if that was the games fault or the files fault!

As I go through I'll try update, as I'm also not sure at what point, if any, I may stop. No thoughts of stopping at this stage though!
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Re: ViVe's Dumbing Down series

Postby saffa » January 26th, 2025, 5:55 pm

So I've fi ished all listens of file 1, i cant wait to move on to file 2!

I dont know if this is because of the file but ive noticed slightly less of an attention span? Youtube videos i usually enjoy watching i havent finished today, one because it just felt like there was too much i fo and 2, i dont know it just seemed to take too much focus to watch anf i wasnt paying attention. But maybe they just werent as good as usual haha.

Im still only at the start of my journey so not expecting major changes yet :)
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Re: ViVe's Dumbing Down series

Postby naughtywish14 » January 28th, 2025, 6:08 pm

So I Have been seeing people report that they now have to or are addicted to wearing diapers after listening to this series. I was curious from people who have listened to this if they are or have experienced this effect and if so after listening to witch file?

Also if your already pretty stupid will this series effect you more or speed up how fast you will become dumb ?
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Re: ViVe's Dumbing Down series

Postby naughtywish14 » January 28th, 2025, 7:31 pm

just to add my iq is 83 so im wondering how fast this might go i have listened to file 3 so far i love looping file 5 as well it so addicting and fun that one is my favorite

has anyone listened to maxharm I bought some of his stuff but it almost sounds like doing actual serious brain damage so i have chickened out so far on that one

intelect drain seemed to be pretty effective as well

easy idiot looks great but one of my greatst strenghs is being able to read so losing that kinda scares me bad

i also saw fiona clearwater has a good one about making thoughts heavy sounds effective although temperary but can stack with repeated listening so yeah not exaclt sure just how fucking dumb im looking too become i guess im asking for ideas or others experinces
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Re: ViVe's Dumbing Down series

Postby saffa » January 28th, 2025, 9:56 pm

Ive finslly finished all 5 lostens aof file 2! I cant wait tk listen to file 3 next. I also use the 2023 one to help, and ive noticed a bit more struggling with words in certain situations and that when i hsve to do a period of jeavy thinkinf it tires me out a lot more! I also listedned to the dreamy and happy fractionational file and absolutely loved how that made me feel. Probably my favourite file so far!
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Re: ViVe's Dumbing Down series

Postby saffa » January 29th, 2025, 6:23 pm

I lovr this fesctionstio n file it onlu mskes me fddl goof thinds and so hesvy and no norriws. Definitely my favojrits fild
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Re: ViVe's Dumbing Down series

Postby saffa » February 1st, 2025, 3:16 am

So, I dont know if anyo e is even readinf these a d staying updated with me but ive jist finished my fifth listen of fjle 3! Ive been noticing that ive been much more relaxed at work, even in stressful situatio z, and ive also noticed ive been losing my train of thought/forgetting words when im talking to people which has lead to a lot of 'you know whaf i mea ' and it feels so, peaceful? I guess is the right word for me to use, when thix happens. But i dont think my actual intelligence has gone down yet, or maybe my idea of what intelligence is haz just changed a bit? But anywaus im loving the effects so far though i have noticed if i wakt too long between listens i go back to almost no typoes, though the attention issues have persisted
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Re: ViVe's Dumbing Down series

Postby CollieGuy924 » February 3rd, 2025, 7:14 am

Thank you for sharing your experience! I'm glad the files are working for you. Have fun melting your brain away!

Most people report the later files are the ones that make the most obvious changes to intelligence.
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Re: ViVe's Dumbing Down series

Postby saffa » February 3rd, 2025, 11:54 am

Oo thank you for replying! Thata good to knoe and at least now i know mu updates arent for nothing haha.
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Re: ViVe's Dumbing Down series

Postby CollieGuy924 » February 4th, 2025, 10:28 pm

Of course! The forums are pretty slow nowadays, but I expect there are plenty who will enjoy reading of your experiences.
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Re: ViVe's Dumbing Down series

Postby saffa » February 5th, 2025, 12:48 am

Well thank you for bothering to let me know theres someone around! Well, i also wanted to jump on here and give a quick update because it msde me laugh/feel good/feel dumb when it happened so i thought id share!

Ive been mesaaging someone on here with aspects of my journey and then i wanted tk message them that i had realised i had forgotten something but then when i we t to type my message I forgot what I had forgotten hahaha. And then i couldnt remember the word to say that we both now have to live in... (the state of wanting to know something but never knowing, or waiting for something) and i cant remember the word xD

The effects and their strengths i definitely notice differently on different days, some days some effects are stronger than others, and some days i feel almost normal if a bit more peaceful overall, and im only on file 4 so still got a ways to go. I cant remember if ive listened to it 4 or 5 times so ill listen one more time to be safe.

Im not sjre if ill listen to the porn one or reading one, but the more i feel the effects the more im considering it. But i do t want to not be able to read and do any updates here lol, or at least semi function at work (i dont need to worry to much about most of these affects at work but want to be able to at least do the minimum) so probs wont do those 2
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Re: ViVe's Dumbing Down series

Postby saffa » February 5th, 2025, 2:22 am

Hehe so before listening to these files, my husband would do lots of talks to me about his smart stuff that hes i terested in such as science and stuff. And i like to chat with him, let him work out his latest problem to me out loud but often he spoke to me forgetting i didnt know what he was talking about and id say in a joking way 'stop assuming i know things, give me details'. And then tonight he was doing the same thing and i was able to again jokingly say stop assumijg i know things, i dont. And he said no youre smart! And i said no, im dumb talk to me like im dumb, and he said okay. I giggled on the i side and it felt good that me agreed to talk dumb tk me for that vonveraation
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Re: ViVe's Dumbing Down series

Postby saffa » February 8th, 2025, 5:16 pm

So I'm on file 5 now, have done 2 listens, still listening to the 2023 version too. I've been noticing a lot more times where I lose trach of mu thoughts half way through my sentences and so stop talking, or forget what they had said so also stop talking. Or i've also notoved i speak slower cus im trying to remember whst im saying. And each time i notice doing one of these thing s it just makes me feel so much better and happier, i havent felt embarassed or anything.
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Re: ViVe's Dumbing Down series

Postby saffa » February 10th, 2025, 3:34 pm

Just a quick update, cus this made me feel so good! I was told tha I'm cute when I'm confused (no one knows im doing these files) and I loved the feeling that gave me and it just reinforxed everything! :D
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Re: ViVe's Dumbing Down series

Postby uBun2 » February 10th, 2025, 3:46 pm

Glad to see you finding effects of the files in your every day life! That's one of the best parts, for sure.
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Re: ViVe's Dumbing Down series

Postby saffa » February 10th, 2025, 5:26 pm

Yeah it feels so nice and peaceful when k nitice things happening! Also i saw in a previojs post someone said to try the mental eroison files alongside the dumbing down ones so i listened to it. I dont remembed anything from the file so.i hope thaf means i tranced and not that ifell asleep haha. Though i did wake up when he said 10, so probably it waz trance? I just havent had it happen before that I dont remember the contents of a file so im hoping that means it worked well! I have been noticing kve been going i tk trance easier lately though so thats cool tol!
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Re: ViVe's Dumbing Down series

Postby saffa » February 14th, 2025, 3:45 am

So I finished the 6 and started the 6b fild for the fjrst t ime. I cant belice how aroused these lazt 2 o es are making me. After cumming feom 6b i the also watched porn and made myself cum agan which necer usually i have been able to do so close to each other. It felt amazing bjt i can already feelmyself getting aroused again. In the beginning i want sure anout listening to 6b but the srousal i felt from 6 was so good that i want to feel more arousal when k feel dumb and more dumb when i feel arousal.

Ive definktwky noticed that i have cycles of when i feel my brain working less than other times, im looking forward to this becoming more regular and hopefully more in my day to day life not just after the stress of having to think. Its definktelu take s a lot mor effort to think for longer periods, my brain gets tired and sore after having tk think for too long but i then have to choose to stop thinking to get that peaceful feeling. It isnt automatic.

If anyone has any questions please feel free rk ask :D
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Re: ViVe's Dumbing Down series

Postby saffa » February 14th, 2025, 5:05 am

Oo so i was thinking tk myself and then i couldnt remember what i was thinking so it struck me that that was dum so i got aroused and then i started thinking of porn and then that made me more aroused amd i already feel like i need to cum agak. I think this file is deliciously evil, itll be interesitng to see how long the initial effects ladt, or how many listens it takes before the effects last lonf
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Re: ViVe's Dumbing Down series

Postby CollieGuy924 » February 14th, 2025, 10:46 pm

Glad to see you're enjoying the files and getting such lovely effects!
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Re: ViVe's Dumbing Down series

Postby saffa » February 15th, 2025, 1:28 am

Haha thank uou! Yeah i'm loving it, cant believe kts been a month kf listening so far!
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Re: ViVe's Dumbing Down series

Postby saffa » February 21st, 2025, 8:38 pm

Thought I would make an update as it has been a bit. I have felt the effects slowing down as i started also getting into another set of files qnd maybe my brain implementing those have caused these ones to be less effective? Will see if this is a long term thing or if they start to work better again!
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Re: ViVe's Dumbing Down series

Postby saffa » February 23rd, 2025, 10:15 pm

So I th8nk I've changed my mind about some of theeffectiveness, maybe not as much disappeared as I thought, especially as ive been focusiing kn it again. I dont work in an environement where I have to do a lot of maths but I came a cross a relatively simple equation today (79x3) and my brain was just like 'nah'. It was like, my beain took like a while extra to even understand what it was supposed to be doing, but also like it had a block there qlmost? Thinking bavk on the equation even now my brain stipped at 158 and like blocks me from doing the next part of the equation. Im not sure of its like telling me that i cant do it or dont want to do it? I just know theres some sort of block there and when I realised that my brain said nah, i realised thatt that was like pretty dumb and felt turned on by that haha.
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Re: ViVe's Dumbing Down series

Postby saffa » February 25th, 2025, 10:39 pm

Heya all! Thoyght i woulf do an update as its my month anniversaru of starting the files! Thought i'd do a bit of an all encompassing update if that makes sense? Like an update of the journey so far and how i feel about it all :)

So i decided to start listenijg to these files because life is tough and i wanted to feel less stress. I wanted to have less thoughts raving through my head as well. I have tried hypnosis through tthe years but havent really sound mny that were very effective. I have been so pleasantly surprised to experience some of the effects lver this month but it hasnt been without its barriers or roadblocms

Ive always been someone who has above average spelling and sent3nce consteuction, usually able to get my point acrpss very succintly, often being asked to prrof read colleagues work and edit. In my day to day life i jave definitely noticed slme this vhanging but at work ive been able ti mitigate some of this though it seems to use more focus and causes headaches at times. But generally at work i dont think mich has changed because of thks extra fovus im using. But i guess that also shows its been working cus i have to focus harder? But i wonder if allowing ti to work less at work is also stunting it the rest of the time? Idk.

As i said i got distracted by some other files (still listen8ng to these ones usually but a bit less often) but i think trying to do both at the same time caused my brain to loose progress here. But focussing on them again seems to be making it work a bit again? I also have been listening to mental erosion 1 and 2 a bit so hoping that has dome long term effects. These file seems to mpre often than not cause me not to remember a lot of it for some reasoj. Not sure why its different or if im falling asleep at times, i do remember my first time listeing to it that after the i duction i wasnt aware of anything until the end count. Havent had a full time where ive felt unaware but pockets

Someone who knows that ive been doing this has given me the feedback that i've been making more spelling mistakes, sometimes make less sense a s and have been more easily co fused, asking clarifying questio s and such. I think with the spelling its less that I dont know how to spell something, but if i type it wrong i donr really care and dont want to fix it? And in terms of making less sense i still think im making sense to myself, so im not sure if i am making sense or not but ive found myself sometimes rambling a bit more in order to try make sure my point ks understood?

In the beginning i noticed more cases of me struggling to remember words, and kinda giving up on trying to think of the word, bjt less so lately probably cus of the lavk of focus. Im hoping this sis something that comes back because the feeling kf giving up held so much, like relief and some arousal, and peace.

I decided to listen to 6b and glad i did! Ive found myself thinki g of watching porn when i get horny more now and so have done that, but as with everything else have found some of that has disappeared. I started listening to the like file bit decided i didnt wa t tk listen to that one because while i wanted to sound dumb, i didnt like want to sound annoying lol. While ive had that one experience with maths i dont know how much it has effected me as i dont come across a lot of maths in my day to day life or at work. But i want to listen to that file even more for some reason, ive always hated maths so i guess km hoping that the file will make it enjoyable to give up and not try?

I'm currently on the passive one, For the last couple of files i'm not actually sure how many times i listened. I would forget how many lkstens i did so after a few i would do a couple more just to make sure i listened enough lol. I have also started listening to the addictive breasts file bit ahd to make some changes as my brain ssteuggles to focus when theres only one thing to focus on, so added some binaurals. Thats definitely helped! While masturbating now ive noticed that ive started to hold my breasts/nipples and occassionally when st home (im naked every second that im at home lol) ill just feel the random urge to grab my boobs bit no major cha ges there. Will update of that also does anything in the future!

I've noticed i have been reading less, usually i read ALOT, like at least a book a day. Im still reading but it takes me longer to finish a book, and my attention doesnt seem to be able to focus it for too long at a time. U sure if this is an efdect of any of the files but thought id mention it as its a change!

Is there anything else anyone wants to know? Not sure what i may have forgotten to cover but i'm happy to ask any questions that may arise :) oops i mea t answer
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Re: ViVe's Dumbing Down series

Postby saffa » February 25th, 2025, 10:41 pm

Oo i fotgot to say i have also noticed slelling mistakes in messages ti colleagues and gamily and sometimes i catch them early enough to fix them and some i havent even noticed cus i feel like im typing normall. Even here i feel like im hitting the correct keys but then ill look up and see some mistakes i did lol
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Re: ViVe's Dumbing Down series

Postby saffa » February 26th, 2025, 12:48 am

To celecrate my mo th i listendd to the dresmu sns happy fractionsgiin foldre and it maked me drel so fuzzy i wish i couls feel like this all rhe rkme. Feel so heavu and fuzzy. Recommend eceeuone should lisren rk thks
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Re: ViVe's Dumbing Down series

Postby CollieGuy924 » February 26th, 2025, 7:19 am

Thanks for the updates, Saffa! Glad to hear everything is working nicely.
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Re: ViVe's Dumbing Down series

Postby saffa » February 27th, 2025, 12:32 am

Thank you Colloeguy!
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Re: ViVe's Dumbing Down series

Postby saffa » February 27th, 2025, 4:15 am

Oo somethijg i realised today but have now also reqlised has been happening fkd at least a few days is that i struggle to focus on more than one thing so if im trying to hold a converdation while im doing something its like my brain just freezes up and i have to either finish what im doing and then try think of the sentence i want to say, and like construct the sentence ot i stop what im doi g and have to take a few seconds to formulate my sentence. And sometimes if i decide to finish what im doing first ill forget what i was saying!! And i cant do both! Its such a nice feeling when i realised that happened and that it was okay to just think of one thing at a time and i havent even cared when i couldnt remember what i was gonna say. Before these files if that happened i would ge so frustrated and do whatever i could to remember
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Re: ViVe's Dumbing Down series

Postby saffa » February 27th, 2025, 4:36 am

Omg and i was just thinking about what i posted but realised i could t remember what i had said or what it was that i had noticed! And when i try to remembee there is this like block in my head that wont let me remember, like a wall i know i could push down if i tried hard enough but i dont want to. And teh i thought about how stupid it was to not remember what i had just written and that caused me to feel so much arousal. Wow, i think this is the steongest thing ive noticed in a while!
I even went and looked at the first sentence to see if reading that would remind me about the rest of the post and it dint!!! I can only remembee the first sentence cus i read it and evwn then it kinda keeps srill slipping away, maybe cus im.trying to think while typing this and my brin doesnt like trying to do 2 thinga at once?
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Re: ViVe's Dumbing Down series

Postby saffa » March 2nd, 2025, 7:34 pm

Heya again all! Thought i' a quick.update with somethings i noticed today/realised has changed. Im currently on the ?simple words file. For the last cpuple of days ive noticed more distraction in conversations, it taking longer to be able to formulate a thought, or forgetting what i was meaning to say in the middle of a sentence so there have been some slightly awkward silences, or umms, as i try remember and fail lol. And then arousal as i realise how dumb i look :D im noticing this happen a bit at work and dont mind it at all.

Ive also realised.that i have been reading less. Normally i read like suuuuper fast, a book a day? But ive noticed over the last ?week or 2 i havent even finished the one ive been reading. U sire how long ive been reading for it now but i cant read for very long as my attention wanders, no more difficulty reading but it seems to take more effort to actually do it.
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Re: ViVe's Dumbing Down series

Postby saffa » March 7th, 2025, 10:29 pm

Thought it was time for an update! Ive had a real problem with remembering hoe many timez ive listedned to a file haha, the simple words one after like 2 listenes i completely forgot so i listened to it many more times just to make sure i listened to it enough, cus each time i would forget how many timez. Im on simple thoughts now sk getting closer to the end, but am loooking forward to doing them all again! Maybe i can make myself do 10 times this time cus i see now thats the idwal number. Ive still been umming about doing the reading one, what do you guys think? Ive been getting more curious about it since everything else has felt so good.

I've also started listening to the BS files again and loving how that mskes me feel. Also I um found maxharms dumb files so ive been looping those too before bed and i gotta say those have been making me go unaware at many parts throughout the files. So im explori g with a few different fjlez but so happy with hoe i feel and how far ive come so far!

If anyone is still staying updated here, id love if someone is able to give me an overview of how theyve noticed my updates changing (here or dm) cus maybe rheres changes i myself havent noticed bit also hearing from someone else any dumb things theyve noticef ro how how theyve noticed thi gs different id love to hear cus it makes me realise how dumb i am and helps it settle in more. But no prezzure, only if anyone feels comfortable!

Im still mostly able to keep it.together at work or when i have to though i hsve noticed a couple of times where i cant think of words so i have to use a other word. Its been so exciting to notice that cus it means its affecting deeper that i thought it was which is what i want :D
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Re: ViVe's Dumbing Down series

Postby CollieGuy924 » March 12th, 2025, 9:01 pm

In addition to the obvious spelling and grammar errors, it appears your "train of thought" has become more easily derailed. As in, you jump from thought to thought as they come without necessarily completing the previous thought.
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