Freeze Success

A place to post about the success you've had with the various files

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Freeze Success

Postby itsalx » April 26th, 2005, 9:34 pm

Ok, been messing around here about a week, so time to post, I guess. After practicing a bit with induction files from here and elsewhere I've gotten able to achieve a medium trance with little trouble. I highly reccommend GoddessSpiral's reading of resistant induction, by the way :D In fact, I'm a big fan of all her readings.
Anyway, to the success stories part. Erotic Dreams did nothing for me, and FemOrgasm didn't work. I just can't get deep enough to visualize much. So I decided to try TrigFreeze2. I used GoddessSpiral's version (as I said, I'm a fan). Tested it after the second try (using her induction before using the Freeze file). Worked well, but I really felt as if I were playing along. After a few more listens, however, I'm completely frozen at the trigger. Sitting, standing, doesn't matter. I can't freakin' move! I usually play the TrigFreeze file back to back, and while I go under the first time, the second time knocks me right out. I'm usually a bit loopy after listening, because 5 steps isn't enough to bring me up out of that abyss. :)
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Postby danmalara » April 26th, 2005, 9:36 pm

Cool, just becasue of you I'm gonna go listen to that file until it works. That was a good success story. :lol:
My MIND is happy. BLANK and empty. BRAINwashing is GOOD for me.
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Postby itsalx » April 26th, 2005, 9:49 pm

Glad I inspired. My completely amateur advice is that even if you feel like you could move after hearing the trigger, don't. Just keep listening and try again. Like they tell the AA people: Fake it till you Make it. If you resist the trigger successfully, it'll be harder for it to be effective later. Keep listening and it'll work. Probably
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Postby loony28 » May 4th, 2005, 9:30 pm

itsalx wrote:Glad I inspired. My completely amateur advice is that even if you feel like you could move after hearing the trigger, don't. Just keep listening and try again. Like they tell the AA people: Fake it till you Make it. If you resist the trigger successfully, it'll be harder for it to be effective later. Keep listening and it'll work. Probably

:twisted: Some good advice. I'll just add a little something. Believe that it will work and it will. :twisted:
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Postby Agriff » May 11th, 2005, 9:22 pm

Wow! I was downloading the trig test onto my ipod because I wanted to try it later (I had listened to trigfreeze 2 earlier today). It accidentally played and I was like "oops ill just hit pause". I went to move and the trig actually worked! I couldnt move at all. :o Im so happy because this is the first sucess ive had on here, and I only listened to the file once. Maybe subliminal suggestive served it purpose, I looped that last night.....
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Postby pykoslave » May 12th, 2005, 9:31 pm

I've been having slight trouble with that file. I'll take your advise into account next time.
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successfully frozen...

Postby mrblue » August 10th, 2005, 4:37 pm

I listened to TrigFreeze once a couple days ago and than again today, then tried the Freeze test and it worked, I could blink but my breathing was deep and slow. I started to get worried that I would drool because my head was tilted down and my mouth was slightly open. I kept wanting to try and look at the time on the Freeze test mp, but couldn't, then when emg said revert to normal it was as if a jolt of electricity went through me. Which really confirmed to me that it worked.

pykoslave wrote:I've been having slight trouble with that file. I'll take your advise into account next time.
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Postby kziin » November 11th, 2005, 6:05 pm

Had success GS reading of freeze. I listened to the file a couple of times. I didn't think that it was doing anything, then I accidently hit the freeze test instead of some music file i wanted to listen to. I was stunned to find that i completely locked up. I wasn't sure how the test worked. It was cool at first, but the 10 min seemed much longer. Glad when it was over. I've been playing with it for a day or two. I'm going to test it in a location where I would be uncomfortable doing it...a crowded place just to see if it works then

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Postby groomlakeguy » December 12th, 2005, 7:31 pm

Any updates on this?
I'd love to hear some more success stories for this one.
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Postby groomlakeguy » January 13th, 2006, 12:08 pm

Hey, here's a question/request I have.

Has anyone tried/would anyone consider trying to hold a weight (dumbbell or other heavy but hand-holdable object) as if you would biceps curl, straight out from the body, and then freeze themselves and see what happens? The weight should be too heavy to hold up for more than a short period of time - much shorter than the time frozen.

I'd like to know what happens in a situation like that. Several scenarios are possible:

Does the body respond by snapping out of the frozen state when the arm can no longer hold the weight up?

Does the body allow the weight to stretch the arm out to its downward position, and then keep holding the weight like that, still frozen?

Does the body open the grip to release the weight, in order to keep the body from moving more than necessary (i.e. the grip opening is a smaller amount of movement than moving the entire arm is)?

Or, finally, does the body allow itself to be frozen at all, in a situation like that?

I haven't yet got started with the TrigFreeze file, and I'm not sure yet that I dare to. So, if someone who has successfully become frozen by the trigger would try this, I'd be thrilled! It'd be cool to see how the mind responds to something like this, don't you agree?
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Postby jun » January 13th, 2006, 12:54 pm

My guess is the person would drop the dumbell because the hand would "freeze" but not have the signal to keep the hand closed and clenched... then the dumbell would drop on the person's foot...

And they wouldn't be able to scream or curse about it for 10 minutes. :D

Now someone roll those dice and try it, I want to know what'll happen too. ;)
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Postby Phoenix-D » January 13th, 2006, 1:12 pm

The Freeze file describes you as bet is most people would just let the weight pull their arm down.
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Postby JasonDarkfire » January 16th, 2006, 1:32 am

Hey all; long time lurker, first time poster here. Just wanted to share my own success with the trigfreeze file. After a lot of practice with going into trance I did a couple of try's with GS's trig freeze. The first two times I tried to test it I didn't feel much of a change, but the third time I had a very hard time moving after being triggered by the test file. I just came off my 4th listen and trigger to it, and I was almost totally immoblie. I was able to open and close my eyes, but with heavy resistance, and I could still sort of roll my arms and legs, but I couldn't move my hands or do anything that would make my muscle's contract or expand.

Anyway, just thought I'd offer this up as a little bit of encouragement for everybody that this stuff does work!
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Postby groomlakeguy » January 16th, 2006, 1:52 am

Is that four separate listens to the file, or four attempts at the trigger after one listen to the file? :?
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Postby JasonDarkfire » January 16th, 2006, 9:14 am

4 seperate listens to the file
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Postby horsfijp » January 16th, 2006, 5:55 pm

I've just had success with the GS Trig Freeze file. I've been listening to her other sessions a lot now and this worked for me first time. Its really weird but when she told me I would be a mannequin I could feel my body being made out of plastic (Only slightly but it was there). When I took the freeze test my arms and legs were immobile and try as I did I couldn't bend my arms, not sure why I just couldn't.
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Postby hailtheprinceofdarkness » February 12th, 2006, 10:39 am

wow. This seems to be a good file. It might be a good file to start with, just to build confidence.

Just a thought

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