homo-bi-hetero transformation

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homo-bi-hetero transformation

Postby Ar » April 26th, 2005, 3:57 am

Somebody changed sexual orientation?

Is it possible?
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Postby Linja » April 26th, 2005, 4:35 am

Yup, it sure is possible!

Most of the time sexual preference is a matter of taste and choice. For gay men, they just find males more attractive and so choose to have sex with them over women. In some cases it's a little more complicated than this as it is a deeply rooted psychological condition (sorry, this makes it sound like a disease of some sort, which it itsn't, but I can't think of better words to describe it with).

And so, as hypnosis has the ability to alter one's tastes and perception, it is of course possible to change one's sexual preference. It can be used to just make the opposite sex appear more attractive or vice versa, and can alter the individuals tastes to appeal to that gender.

Simply put, through hypnosis, it's indeed possible because you can change a person's tastes and desires.

Hope this helped.

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Postby Ar » April 26th, 2005, 8:09 am

Hom much time do I need on average if I want to transform from gay in bi?
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Postby Linja » April 27th, 2005, 2:00 am

It depends on the level of your trance and how naturally succespable to hypnosis you are.
There are other factors like the effeciency of that induction on you as well, blah blah blah.

Are you going into trance at the moment? If so how deep do you feel you're going?

It may be suprisingly quick or it may take a while, it all depends.

Just curious, why do you wanna change?

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Postby coraxinserve » April 27th, 2005, 2:23 am

Though I do agree with the above claims about sexuality, I'd just like to note that they are contentious. Opinions (both informed and uninformed) on sources of sexuality range from deeply rooted neurology, to genetics, to social influences, to "the devil". As far as hypnosis changing things, worst that happens is nothing, so if you'd like try...
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Postby Linja » April 27th, 2005, 2:39 am

I chose not to go into too much detail on all the reasons for homosexuality, I just gave brief overview and answered the question. I didn't mean to start an argument.

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Postby coraxinserve » April 27th, 2005, 4:46 am

Sorry, didn't mean to give an argumentative impression. I agree with you, I just wanted to note that it's not a settled issue.
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Postby Linja » April 27th, 2005, 5:09 am

It's fine man, I'm glad you agree with me. Having homosexual friends, I can't say I like views that it's "the devil" and things like that. Sorry if I sounded overly agressive.

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Postby Agriff » May 12th, 2005, 5:18 pm

There was a success story on here about a guy changing his sexual orientation to like men, and he was in progress, he hadnt completly done it yet. So he was kinda bi...
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Postby blk_sub_bottom » May 19th, 2005, 9:25 am

I'm a newbie. My problem is that I can't fully relax with my preference for men (I'm pretty much gay but like some dominant and demanding women). I want to find someone who can help me to fully relax with the truth of my orientation and help me to go deeper into it, losing inhibitions and therefore being a better sexual servant for my lover(s)/user(s) or hopefully Master(s). There are things that I know, intellectually, to be true, but living those truths day to day, fully accepting them and living them out, is very difficult to even start doing.
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From straight to bi?

Postby OUstud82 » June 12th, 2005, 8:30 pm

i am dying to know more about the guy that changed himself from str8 to bi.... can you tell me more about what happened?

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Postby Eve » June 13th, 2005, 6:58 am

I managed to change my sexual preference from female to male. I am still progressing but am thinking about stopping now, as I think I have reached just the right balance. I would now say that as a girl I am straight / bi-curious. Here is the original post I gave:

Hello everyone, I just thought I'd let you know of my success with the 'train sex men' file that is on here.

I decided that my desire to be female would be made stronger if I were more attraced to men, and I would be able to relate more with other women that I know. I never had any inhibitions about changing my sexuality, as I knew that whatever happened, I'd still be happy even if I was "made to prefer men".

I have been listening to it quite persistently for the last 6 months or so (along with a whole host of other files), and have had great success. I originally considered myself as straigt. I found little pleasure or arrousal out of men (not that I tried), however now, I find I am very attracted to men. In fact, I would say that I prefer men to women in a sexual respect. I have also recently had my first male sexual partner, and enjoyed the whole experience very much!

Woment aren't completely out the picture, but I am finding myself less drwan to them. I think that I will continue using this file, to see if I can make myself completely attracted to men, in the same way I was attracted to women before I started using this file.

I am convinced it is to do with the file, as the change has been so dramatic in a fairly short space of time.

Incidentally, I have been using many other files, however the effects have been less great (Or at least I haven't noticed them as much). However, I have been using curse hormone change since it came out, and I think it may be doing something. My breasts have started to feel very tender over the last couple of months . That said, i've done endless research on hormones, and ordered my first batch yesterday. I'm so excited.

The best bit is that this success, has renewed my former dwindeling faith in this method, and so I will continue to use hypnosis until I am the girl I always was!!! (I know that makes no sense at all... don't worry, I'm mental!)

Oh, and by the way... EMG, great new site. Keep up the good work!


Sorry this post was soooo long. I am just so excited!
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Switched from Bi to Flaming?

Postby becoming_chloe » December 7th, 2005, 1:36 am

I have to agree with the previous poster that its a matter of altering or swaying ones taste and perception. I've been bi ever since I first put on a dress. Have always like shemales and transfolk and dabbled in men only when those were not available. Out of need for more contact with others, I enjoyed bathroom sex and other forms of sex with men. But never liked hairy bodies and male appearence, just the cocks that were associated with them.

I realized that perhaps part of me wanted to go further with that when I found myself in a bathroom stall masturbating and having mutual oral with an 80-something year old married man. It got so hot that we started making out like prom dates. As soon as I came, the desire disappeared and I threw up in the toilet. My partner laughed and said I'd get used to it. As repulsed at the thought as I may have been, I was also intrigued. As a transvestite (and a hot one I might add at that - becomine_chloe on yahoo for those who are curious), I thought men were an underutilized resource. If I could learn to like more than just there cocks...

I find that the more I listen to the file on changing sexual preference to men, the more I like them even when not sexually turned on. I've gone from only liking the cocks and barely being excited at the thought of the body attached - to REALLY liking them. And that I am fucking with my own desires is even more of a turn on. I like altering the desires of the sane and satisfied version of me for the sake of the turned on version. When I am turned on, I take a quite period to calm down and listen to the file several times. And then I help myself to that underutilized resource. Men.

Now, when I cum I don't feel repulsed at what I've done. I open my mouth and accept my mans cock or tongue as a woman should do. This has enabled me to get over my christian guilt and do what I perhaps want to do at a deeper level.

Proud to say, gay and becoming a total FAG.

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Postby becoming_chloe » December 7th, 2005, 1:39 am

One typo in all of that....

becoming_chloe is my yahoo profile.

Aint I a cutie?
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Postby Eve » December 9th, 2005, 4:06 am

You look amazing hon!


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Postby dgrade » December 9th, 2005, 8:15 pm

Eve your case seems to be the best documented, thank you very much for keeping an informal journal here. If you would please indulge me; I have a few questions.

In your original post on Apr 06 you stated that you were finally seeing results after about 6 months of using the file. Then again in this thread on Jun 13, you said that your results are complete. So in your case it took a total of 8 months for a complete sexual identity re-write.

Here we are about 6 months later since you said you were thinking about stopping the use of the TrainSexMen file. Have there been any further changes in your identity, or have you remained with your desired result for these past 6 months without further reinforcement? Have the desires for men (and conversely disinterest in women) accelerated beyond your intent in the absence of the file?
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Postby Eve » December 12th, 2005, 5:21 am

I did stop using the file shortly after that post, and have since had much the same feelings. I still find both men and women attractive, and still enjoy the company of both too.

I don't feel that I have changed much from not using the file for some time, i.e. it hasn't worn off over time, though, i go through periods where I feel more strongly about one particular gender to the other. However, I think this is natural for anybody (particularly bi or bi curious), be they hypnotised or not.

Hope this helps!


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Postby OMGWTFBBQ » December 20th, 2005, 7:57 pm

I think that if you already like [wo]men, then you don't really need a file to make you make your mind up.
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Postby Eve » December 21st, 2005, 7:12 pm

but why not change? If not just to conform, then for the fun of it, or even just to see if the file works! Afterall, if you'e not happy with the results, then just use the opposite file and go back - what have you got to loose?
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Postby loved_subm » January 2nd, 2006, 7:11 pm

i have started the trainbisexual file last week. Have not had any changes not that i expect instant changes but time will tell.
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could i be lactating

Postby slaveboy » February 15th, 2006, 12:12 pm

iv listened to about every feminization file here on wmm. lately wile listening to breast groath ,using a nipple sucker and waching breast groath flash programs ,lastnight i removed my suckers. then some (maby1\2oz )of liquid ran out of my nipple suckers. Could i b lactating? iv listened to curse milky many times over the 2-3 yrs since i found this sight, iv also used many other feminizing hypnosis programs from other sights. could it be that im making milk even though im a genetic male?
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Postby aeroue » February 15th, 2006, 6:56 pm

Well probably....

I mean what else would it be?
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Re: homo-bi-hetero transformation

Postby SexPrefChange » April 7th, 2006, 12:14 am

Ar wrote:Somebody changed sexual orientation?

Is it possible?

I am a man who comes on here under the name "SexPrefChange." Some background, when I was very young, about 12, an older teen molested for about two years and I had great shame over that. Then when about 15-16, went out exclusively with girls/woman. When I was a 20, a male college professor seduced me. I panicked and went back to women and was with her for over a year but then she left me for another guy. Men seemed to find me attractive and then I just stayed with men. I have listened to the TrigSexWomen file. I feel that I went from straight male to bi male to gay male and now would like to move back across the continuum back to straight male. My ultimate goal would be to enter into a meaningful long-lasting relationship with a woman, if not a marriage, at least a live-in situation where we are sexual with only each other. Who believes this is possilbe? Thanks.
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Postby Lissar » April 7th, 2006, 12:35 am

I'm so sorry to hear about your experiences. While your first experience must have been very traumatizing, and your later experiences not so great, I don't think that these events have changed your sexual orientation, especially since many men who have been abused by other men can become confused about their sexuality. From what you've said, it seem as if you might be bisexual normally. Of course, if you want to just be attracted to women, that's what this site is for :D I'm sure that it's possible if you listen to the file enough. Good luck.
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Postby Eve » April 7th, 2006, 3:57 am

I'm sorry to hear about your experiences! It's a pitty these sort of things happen, but they do. It's all part of life I suppose though.

If you really want to change, then I really do believe this series of files work. I have almost completely changed my sexuality, and have loved every part of the change. I say 'almost completely' only because I stopped using the file when I found myself getting rapidly less attracted to women. I always wanted to be 'a bit bisexual', but predomintly attracted to men, and in truth, I have gone a bit futher than intended. I think I might just stay the way I am though, as I'm completely happy with my sexuality right now. I reckon that if I continued to listen to the file for a little while longer, then I would completely change.

I think my change was completely due to listeing to the trainsexmen file. I'm still pretty young (19) so the sceptics among you may claim that I may have been naturally changing in sexuality, or coming to terms with my sexuality, and the fact that I was listening to the files while this was happening was purely co-incidental. I suppose that this is a possibility, but even though I consider myself to be quite a sceptical person, I really feel that the changes are due to the file.

I would like to add that at every stage of my change, i have been totally happy with my sexuality. It's been a very enjoyable exerience, and has allowed me to try a lot of new things. It's not been a quick change, so I knew that I just had to sit back, relax and enjoy what was happening to me. In my oppinion, this is the best way to use this file, and is porbablly the only way to make the file work. Afterall, you're never going to change unless your up for it... an oppinion that applies to all files.

In my usual fassion, it has been a bit of rant again. In short, and in response to the question posed, If you want the file to work, then, over time, it will. If the prospect of the outcome makes you happy, then the file will be even more effective.

I just wish it was this easy to change physical gender!

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Postby jothan_s » April 7th, 2006, 9:58 am

know triggers planted that change this one's orientation on a phrase. pretty sure original orientation was straight. now norm is bi. can be triggerd to straight, gay, or even female form as any orientation, (straight, bi, or lesbian) is possible. is
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Postby SexPrefChange » April 7th, 2006, 12:29 pm

Thanks for the feedback and encouragement.
I do listen to the file but I find that men seem to pick me out and then I question, "What do *I* do or how do *I* look that men look at me or stare at me?" I do look away and not meet their gazes to give them any indication that I am interested. Yesterday a woman struck up a conversation with me and I literally froze. I wasn't rude but I felt very awkward and very much felt like "Oh, in a minute she'll see a man look at me and think I must be gay." So I tend to not go down a road that I fear I will be humiliated over later.
I almost wish there were a file to first remove interest in or (attraction by) other men first so then you are starting with a neutral playing field on which to then to put the attraction to women on top of. Almost maybe even a file to make the thought of being with a man seem repugnant or induce nausea.
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Postby Arabella » April 7th, 2006, 3:25 pm

Sounds like you still resist what you are trying to do. Relax. If this is truely what you want, it will come. Repitition is the key. Also, if you can find a hypnotist you can trust completely, I have found that lots of positive reinforcement/rewards, speed the changes. Of course my husband is rediculously easy to put under. Even more so after the time I have put into his transformations.

SexPrefChange wrote:Thanks for the feedback and encouragement.
I do listen to the file but I find that men seem to pick me out and then I question, "What do *I* do or how do *I* look that men look at me or stare at me?" I do look away and not meet their gazes to give them any indication that I am interested. Yesterday a woman struck up a conversation with me and I literally froze. I wasn't rude but I felt very awkward and very much felt like "Oh, in a minute she'll see a man look at me and think I must be gay." So I tend to not go down a road that I fear I will be humiliated over later.
I almost wish there were a file to first remove interest in or (attraction by) other men first so then you are starting with a neutral playing field on which to then to put the attraction to women on top of. Almost maybe even a file to make the thought of being with a man seem repugnant or induce nausea.
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An update on my preference change

Postby becoming_chloe » June 29th, 2007, 1:49 pm

Just wanted to give a quick update and underline the need for more sex preference change files. I've continued to use the file trainsexmen several times a week. When I don't have time for trancing, I simply listen to the tape while masturbating to pictures of men - porn or non porn.

I now find I'm very comfortable being with a man and crave them exclusively. Whereas there used to be a stong urge when hard only to have that fade quickly after climax. I now find I continue to want my male partner after cumming - kissing holding sucking and being taken is very pleasureable now! I feel like the total sissy I was desiring to become.

I'm married and love my wife but sex has never been satisfying for us and we're completely non-sexual nowadays. I find that turning to men for sex has allowed me not to feel rejected by her lack of sexual desire. It also makes me feel more feminine which is the goal of my crossdressing.

Please feel free to visit my pics and profile on flickr. I love to be seen and admired.


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