A place to post about the success you've had with the various files

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Postby sparkelypine » March 18th, 2006, 10:13 pm

I came accross this sitre a few weeks ago and signed up and viewd the files which got me intrested. I noticed the cursecum and was like why the hell not see if it could work. So for 5 weeks I listend to it every night and now all I can say is why I masterbate wihout immedently eating my cum and the weird thing is I enjoy it more more to the point now All i can think think of yhe next time I can get it in my mouth...IM not asking to get rid of it but More and more everyday I feel like I need it stonger.
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Postby CuriousG » March 19th, 2006, 4:09 pm

If you want, just stop listening. The effect will slowly fade no matter what the curse disclaimer says.
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Postby tinaCDsub » March 19th, 2006, 9:41 pm

I have had success with this curse as well. I wanted to develop a taste for cum for years, but could never bring my self to actually do it. After listening to this curse, I could - and did. Then I found that I started to have a craving, so I erased the download, assuming I could let it go. But after a week or so, I downloaded it again and listened. My craving seemed to get deeper, so I tried to let it go a second time ... but I still kept coming back. Net - this curse works! I now get all the cum I need.
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Postby Aridity » March 20th, 2006, 2:41 am

I've been listening to CurseCum off and on ever since I joined this site, but it still hasn't worked for me. I think I'm one of those people who just can't be hypnotized, because I've read each and every suggestion and tip on this site but nothing's worked so far.
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Postby cardigan » March 20th, 2006, 7:50 am

Try training yourself to just go into trance, before you attempt anything else. If you are a very analytical mind, I recommend the Confusioninduction. If not, you may try any of the others. If you are premium member, I recommend my own file Cardigan - Deep Trance.

Then when you can easily obtain a good level of trance, you can step it up and try some of the files here. But trying too many things all the time will probably never work.
Certified hypnotist C.I., C.H.
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Postby CuriousG » March 20th, 2006, 8:29 pm

The ultimate step, if you're really into hypnosis, is to go to a live person who is qualified. Even the best recorded file can't match someone who is reacting to you moment by moment.

Of course, this is also an expensive option.
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Being "Unable" to be hypnotized

Postby Max » April 5th, 2006, 12:27 am

Everything I've read says that everyone can be hypnotized. Trance is supposed to be a normal state of consciousness.

But there's all this talk about "good" and "bad" subjects, people that can go easily into trance and everyone else. I've been reading up on hypnosis and starting to understand more about it.

First off, you're auto-suggesting when you say it's not working for you. What you believe will be manifested in your experience. It's the essence of hypnosis itself - putting suggestions into your mind which get accepted without critical examination.

So each time you try and fail you're reinforcing that notion and that reality in your experience.

Another very interesting thing I've learned from my reading is that there are two types of subjects. The classic one we all think of going deep into trance forgetting all that.. is one. There's another though. This other type requires different phrasing and different touch to get them into a deep state. Also their deep state does not look the same as the first group - the ones we usually call "good" subjects.

It's also completely normal for the subject to be aware even more aware of their surroundings and to remember all of the session. But given those things it would be easy for one to assume that they were not under at all since it didn't fit the classic picture of trance.

I trance and control gay men who want to submit to me on the internet. Since reading up on this stuff I've found it's easier to trance some of the guys I've been working with.

This second group is also more worried about losing control. Most of EMG's files use keywords that trigger that fear. You can guess what result you're going to get that way.
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OMG! Hopelessly cursed on one listening

Postby sammy1nz » July 14th, 2007, 4:47 pm

Even reading the file name implanted the idea. Listening once has left me cumming into my had and slurping it off every few hours
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