Writing scripts for Subliminal Blaster

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Writing scripts for Subliminal Blaster

Postby cardigan » April 16th, 2006, 11:35 am

Subliminal Blaster seems to be a good, little program to give yourself (or others sitting by a computer) subliminal messages.

But as has been pointed out in this discussion, you should always keep your messages one line a piece. Otherwise you risk fragmentation and misunderstandings. If you write the suggestions yourself for yourself, then you consciously know what the goal of the exercise is. That is why you would still see results - if you were the author and making it for yourself. But I'm sure that even better results are accomplished - and you might have more success influencing your spouse unknowingly - if you keep the commands one line a piece only.

Also do not use negative commands like
I cannot come unless keyword is spoken.

Instead use
I come ONLY when keyword is spoken.

The first instance could be interpreted as "I come unless keyword is spoken", which will be taken to mean something like - whenever the keyword is spoken, I come, but I may also come when it is not spoken. So if you want to trigger somebody to come ONLY when the keyword is spoken, use the second instance! The reason for this is, that the subconscious cannot understand negations. It only knows direct language - not the finer nuances, that the conscious knows. So what usually happens is, that the 'not' or other negations are just ignored, and the sentence is instead interpreted without this word! Can lead to some pretty awkward effects.

I would fraze the file in question something like this if I were making it:

I am always horny
I can only come when someone says Keyword
I come at once when Keyword is spoken
When I come it lasts a minute
I am still unsatisfied after I come
I am always horny

This makes the file much shorter, so much more could be added. But remember: short, complete sentences, and no negations.
Certified hypnotist C.I., C.H.
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Postby demigraff » April 16th, 2006, 11:44 am

Those sound like really useful tips, thanks for that.

Here's my first attempt at a script... does this seem good to you? Is there a way I could write it better?

[code:1]My ears are wonderfully sensitive
Kisses on my ears feel good
Kisses turn me on so much
Touching my ears makes me horny
Kisses on my ears arouse me
My ears feel so sensitive
His breath on my ear turns me on
Close whispers make me aroused
When my partner whispers "now" I orgasm
Whispers make me so hot
Whispers help me relax
Whispered instructions are easy to obey
I want to be hypnotised
Whispered descriptions are easy to imagine
I can visualise easily
I can imagine what I am told
I am so easily hypnotised
I am suggestible
I fall into trance easily when I want to
I want to be hypnotised
Trance is so easy
I can relax easily
I enjoy going into trance
Falling into trance feels so good
Hypnosis arouses me
Arousal makes me suggestible
I want to be hypnotised
I obey whispered instructions
I find it easy to obey my lover
I need to be hypnotised
I want to be entranced
Hypnosis turns me on
Whispers turn me on
Kisses turn me on
Kisses make me so suggestible[/code:1]
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Postby franco » April 16th, 2006, 12:14 pm

Thanks for the great hints, Cardigan.
I'll be sure to think of them when I'll write my next script.
And I definitly will avoid negations! :wink:
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Postby cardigan » April 16th, 2006, 2:55 pm

The script that is proposed looks like a good script. The sentenses are short and direct. They are not in contradiction with one another. I think it will work quite nicely!
Certified hypnotist C.I., C.H.
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Question regarding triggers

Postby franco » April 16th, 2006, 3:02 pm

I do have a question about the phrasing of triggers, or rather about the trigger to stop and revert to normal:
Can or should the same codeword that started it be used again to stop it? For example if the trigger is "climax" should the stop-code contain the same word, like in "stop climax" or could the subconcious mind ignore the "stop" and interprete the command as once again starting from scratch with the trigger because the trigger-word (or phrase) is being repeated? :?:
I'd really appreciate your help on this since I'm now starting on something that would need a stop-trigger that works.

franco :?
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Postby cardigan » April 16th, 2006, 4:27 pm

The triggers to start and stop things can be anything you like. But it is probably safer to have some words or phrases, that are clearly very different. You want to leave as little room for misunderstanding as possible. This is why - if you look at the files EMG has done - he will have a trigger that could be "hardon time for you", and then the stop-trigger: "revert to normal". No mistaking those two!

Another sound piece of advice: don't try too many things at once. Start off slowly with just one or two things, and see how they work and then build on those to expand the whole thing.
Certified hypnotist C.I., C.H.
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Another question

Postby franco » April 16th, 2006, 5:21 pm

Really sorry to be a bother but there is another question I have.
Where should the stop phrase be within a subliminal script so that I can stop it anytime? And how should it be phrased? I mean, if I put this phrase at the end of the script would that mean that the whole thing has to be played out before I can utter the phrase and it would be effective? Or is that of no importance and I can stop it anytime?

Which leads to the phrasing (but is basically connected with the first question). Is "until", "when", etc. connected with the stop-trigger okay with ending the induction or would I need "anytime", "whenever", etc. to stop it?

You've made me aware of the risks of such a program, especially since the first script I wrote (rather naively) worked so well. Therefore I'd like to be sure of what I'm doing before carrying on.

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Postby cardigan » April 17th, 2006, 1:22 am

I think you should keep the script short. A maximum of 20 - 30 lines at the most.

The stop instructions can be anywhere, since the subconscious will treat each individual line as an individual command. The order is of no importance. You might have the stop instruction right after the trigger, if you want. For example

When the word "Kazam" is spoken, I come at once.
When the words "Revert now" are spoken, I return to normal.
When the words "Revert now" are spoken, I forget all commands.

Notice that I have put down 2 lines of stop suggestions. You could do more if you like. Also more lines describing the trigger, where every line gives an added meaning. The subconscious will add all these different things up by itself. It will go: "OK, when I hear "Revert now" I return to normal, AND I will forget all the commands AND...". So it is better to have several individual lines describing something, than to try to describe it all in one big line. Make it short and simple.

If you make the script too long, I don't think it will work very well. Think of subliminal messages as a mantra. Make it short like a mantra.
Certified hypnotist C.I., C.H.
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length of lines

Postby franco » April 17th, 2006, 5:15 am

Thank you for your help. It is very much appreciated.
But I have still some questions.
First, how long may a line be at the most. Is your example "When the words 'Revert now' are spoken, I forget all commands" about as long as it should get? Will the subconscious mind still be able to grasp that even if it flashes only for moments on the screen?
Second, should each line always appear at the same spot on the screen or is a random setting (which I use right now) preferable?

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Postby cardigan » April 17th, 2006, 5:30 am

Maybe that line is a bit too long. Try saying:
I stop when I hear REVERT
or something like that.

I think it is probably best to have the text on the same place - providing you are not trying to trick someone else. They might catch on quicker, if the text was always in the same place. But if you were trying to influence yourself - as I hope is the case - then I think it will save your subconscious some energy not having to look all over the screen - but rather to know where to look. Note: you may look anywhere on the screen simultaneously.

But these are only educated guesses. Try using them as a guideline for a while and report back here, if you feel that it helped - or not - in comparison with your earlier experiments.

There are probably lots of others out there, that would like to hear of your results!
Certified hypnotist C.I., C.H.
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Postby mirage2101 » April 17th, 2006, 10:15 am

What would be a good script to make myself easier to hypnotize?

I haven't had much succes with the files to be hypnotized up untill now,
i think it might be because i'm pretty analytical.

So instead of trying to do what the files already do through hypnosis i want to use the subliminals to make it easier to get into trance for me.

how would that script look?
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Postby BobbyS » April 17th, 2006, 1:06 pm

Maybe something like:

My subconscious obeys hypnosis
My mind clears easily during hypnosis
I follow suggestions under hypnosis
My mind loves to obey (insert name of hypnotist/teuse)
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Postby cardigan » April 17th, 2006, 2:07 pm

In answer to Mirage, I would recommend you to listen to Cardigan - Deep Trance and Cardigan - Enhancement and Acceptance. They are not subliminal files, but are files to easily put you in trance and to make other files more readily acceptable by you.

I have to say, that although subliminal messages are a very interesting subject, there are certainly many different opinions as to whether they actually work - and why. I think it would be a much better bet for someone who is overall analytical and a bit sceptic to try to listen to basic hypnosis files for a start. Then - if they are succesful, you can transition to more alternative things from there.

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Postby mirage2101 » April 17th, 2006, 2:46 pm

well the problem is a bit that the basic hypnosis files and deepening files don't seem to work.

i've listened to the freezetime file for a week, and the trigger only once "kinda" worked.
but i'm doubting that i'm actually achieving trance.
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Postby cardigan » April 17th, 2006, 3:01 pm

Try the files, I mentioned, and you are also welcome to PM me for help/advice.
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Getting the Word Out

Postby Patch_Winter » April 20th, 2006, 4:51 pm

Perhaps it might be good to stick this thread or maybe put a link to this program on the site somewhere?
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Postby Jacara » April 20th, 2006, 7:08 pm

Yeah, there should probably be a section in the Links page that links to hypnosis programs, although Subliminal Blaster doesn't technically fall into that category, it's in the same spirit.

Someone go suggest it on the Site Improvements forum, I'm too lazy :lol:

Incidentally, this thread got me to go download that program. It's a good little program that you hardly notice running.. I've had subliminals flashing on my screen for 2 days now :D
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Postby Davnix » April 21st, 2006, 11:54 pm

Has anybody had any luck with triggers involving visuals? I'm pretty new to this Subliminal Blaster and WMM and I haven't had anything work for me yet.
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Postby LDark » June 25th, 2006, 7:21 pm

I'm using this handy little program now, with two of the built-in scripts and one of my own running. I notice it, though I'm attempting to tone that down through experimentation. I seem to be very... easily suggestible, though. I've only been watching my screen for like... an hour with it running, at the most, and my personal script's already working... it involves easy erections through touching my nose with my left index finger. Yeah, weird, I know.

Anyways, for the hell of it, I added in teh words "growing" and "compulsion". And it's true; I keep noticing myself with my left index finger on my nose. And yeah, it's working. =D

Only listened to one of the files so far, EroticDreams, and it... well, let's just say it worked really, really well. >D
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Postby OMGWTFBBQ » June 25th, 2006, 8:41 pm

What seems to be really effective for me is setting it to "every 1 second" and "nearly invisible". It's the spamming technique :)
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Postby LDark » June 25th, 2006, 9:39 pm

Right now, it's set to 1 second and nearly invisible, with the smallest font size and black, though if I end up being able to read it somehow, I'll set it to moneygreen or something again.

I like this program -- it works quite well. I've had a lot of problems with self-confidence recently, but now I'm feeling great about myself. =D
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Postby trancey » August 15th, 2006, 6:19 pm

subliminal blasteer?
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Postby cardigan » August 15th, 2006, 11:08 pm

Try doing a Google search. It's a program to write subliminal messages, that pop up on your monitor all the time. It's freeware.
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Postby SlurpeeMachine » August 16th, 2006, 6:17 pm

Thank you, Cardigan for pointing me in the direction of this great program! I've been using it for only a couple of days now and I'm already feeling the changes. I periodically switch off between self-esteem/assertiveness and millionare-mind/prosperity, and I'm feeling better than ever!

I've also been working on a Penis Enlargement script. This is what I've got so far, so feel free to make any changes/suggestions.

My penis grows longer and thicker every day
I have an extremely large penis
My penis is so BIG
Women love my massive penis
My penis is constantly generating new cells
My increasing hormone levels facilitate my growing penis
I am supremely confident
My penis is growing
Having a large penis is my reality
My penis is very thick
My penis is desirable
My penis is getting longer
My penis is getting thicker
I have a HUGE penis

BTW: this is also my first post, and since I couldn't find an intro thread, I'll just take the time out here to say, Hello everyone! Looks like EMG has a great site and a great community here.
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Postby cardigan » August 16th, 2006, 10:39 pm

Your suggestions seem fine, as far as I can see. No contradictions and no use of negative language. There are a couple of the sentences, that are a bit long, though. Subliminal messages need to be as short as possible, so the eye can read the whole sentence in on blink.

Best wishes

Certified hypnotist C.I., C.H.
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Postby Daeth » August 17th, 2006, 5:41 pm

I tried to create one to help increase the deepness and speed at which i can go into trance.

I go into trance easily
I am very suggestible
(Name)'s files work very well
They will always work
When (Name) says
I will go into trance
A deep trance
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Postby cardigan » August 18th, 2006, 10:26 am

The latter part:

When (Name) says
I will go into trance
A deep trance

Will not work. This will be interpretated as 4 separate sentences by the subconsious. This might be a tricky combination for Subliminal Blaster. Or even to make subliminal.

Suggestions - anybody?
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Postby Jacara » August 18th, 2006, 11:43 pm

I was curious about that when I saw it, because I didn't know if Subliminal Blaster would play them in order (I checked and it does).
Are you sure that subliminal messages have to be as part of the same "flash", as long as all of the "flashes" make rational sense if seen in order?

Anyway, rather than trying to set up a trance trigger via subliminals, I'm assuming it'd be better to do that in trance, and instead use the subliminals to train one's responsiveness to trance in general ("I relax easily".. "I focus intently on {so-and-so's} words".. etc.).
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Postby cardigan » August 19th, 2006, 12:13 am

I think you are right, that it would be much better to work at this in trance. Subliminal messages can probably do a lot of things, but they cannot replace real hypnosis, where you are put in a trance.
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Postby demigraff » August 19th, 2006, 4:11 pm

Jacara wrote:I was curious about that when I saw it, because I didn't know if Subliminal Blaster would play them in order (I checked and it does).

Whether it plays them in order will be irrelevant. Subliminals like that are normally on while you do something else - working or studying at the computer, browsing the web or playing games. If your eyes aren't on the right part of the screen (you happen to be looking down at the keyboard at that instant, or at a book, or out the window, or even at a different part of the screen) you won't get every message. So even if it plays them in the right order, the order your subconscious receives them in can be quite different.
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Postby Jacara » August 20th, 2006, 12:38 am

I think the default setting is to have them all in the center of the screen, so if you're subconsciously aware of the messages flashing there, one might expect that you'd see them all in order (of course when you look away then you'd miss the beginning or end of a multi-line statement, but then again you're seeing the same lines thousands of times, so most of the time you'd get it all). But if you have them set for random locations (like I do) or look away a lot, the multi-line suggestions wouldn't do much good.

I think we're mostly in agreement that single-line short suggestions are best, whether or not long multi-line suggestions would work.
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Wow... great success.

Postby ebo101 » August 22nd, 2006, 9:24 am

Sub Blaster works beautifully. I modified the example you made, Cardigan, so I am always horny in bed, and when I went to bed, I was erect the entire night. I had no sleep until about 4 in the morning, and when I woke up, I was still erect. Amazing...
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Postby newman » August 25th, 2006, 6:25 am

I have found that after using a subliminal for a few days, trancing and doing some self suggestions really drives things home.

I have also noticed that if I stop the subliminal's for a few days...the effect goes away pretty quick.
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Postby KatieFox » December 2nd, 2006, 6:11 am

interesting program..i wonder if itl work for me

ill give it a go
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Postby blah666 » December 4th, 2006, 3:36 pm

Hm, this file seems to have a paypal hacking tool in it. Use with caution I'd say and run your antivirus and antipest software all the time ;)
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Postby jlloydisthebest » December 13th, 2006, 3:09 am

I made this one for any diaper wearers out there, since I've had it going I've noticed that I do like to wet and mess my diaper more:

I enjoy wearing diapers
I enjoy wetting my diaper
I enjoy messing my diaper
Diapers are very comfortable

This one is just for hypnosis in general:

I enjoy being hypnotized
I go into trance very easily
I am very suggestive in trance
I accept all suggestions while in trance
I accept all of EMGs suggestions
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