by yahnoh » May 6th, 2006, 9:33 am
Me too! I'm keeping my nails buffed all the time and under arms shaved all the time. Leg hair has been ripped out so many times now that, when it shows up, it no longer puts up a fight when it's attached with the epil tool.
I mentioned in another post that I feel awkard and out of place in the mens department when shopping. I feel now the way I used to feel when I started shopping in the ladies department.
The more female I become, the more female I want to be. Someone once said to me, on the path to feminization, if go two steps forward you can only ever go one step back. Or to put it another way, you can never get back to where you started. I think it's true.
I guess that this should be a warning to those guys who think it would be cool to be female, but also want to be husbands and fathers, once you start down this path, it's very hard to get off the train........