I've been fooling around with the incontience files, trying to understand my desire to wear diapers. I have come to understand the situation, revealing a root cause that I think is applicable to almost all submissive behaviours. Below you will see my essay detailing my journey. I hope you find it interesting and useful.
I have, or rather had, a diaper fetish. There was just something about wearing a diaper, knowing you can wet it at any time that seemed so much better then normal, so exciting, so natural, such a turn on. However, I didn't just blindly accept this desire, that's not my nature. I experimented with it, wetted myself a few times, slept with one on, and it was all very pleasurable. From the softness of the material to how it held my genitals so comfortably and closely. From the feeling of just letting go to the warmth of the urine. Everything was fresh, new, vibrant and yet also natural, relaxing and nice. Of course, despite these great feelings that wasn't the point of the experiment. Rather, I was seeking to understand the root cause of those feelings by studying the feelings directly.
I asked myself, "Why do I get these feelings and why are they so powerful?" What I found was a potent mix of the rational and irrational, logic and emotion. There's no doubt that the softness and padding of the material is very nice. There's the pleasurable rubbing now and then. There's the old natural comfort of it, since I was a bedwetter until age 12. However, more then anything else there was the feeling of release. Wearing diapers was like its own type of orgasm. While I did it, anxieties just melted away and worries turned to dust, and wow... it was pleasurable. All I felt was me and my diaper, unified and free. There was no more thought of holding it in, no need to rush to the bathroom or interrupt what I'm doing. I could just go right there and then. It was so natural, so easy and so free.
All this has strong parallels to the sexual release, and so naturally it filled me with sexual lust and vigor. Generally, I would wear the diaper for a few hours until it was really good and wet, and then masturbate in it. Curiously, right after the orgasm my entire diaper fetish was gone. I looked down and said, "What the FUCK am I doing?!" I would take off the now wet and somewhat aromatic diaper, clean up and just stand in a bit of shock; unable to really reconcile with myself what I had just done. This state only lasted for less then an hour usually, until my body recharged and was ready for another go.
Of course, this initially led me to believe that the fetish was entirely sexual. I can clearly remember purposefully wetting my diaper around 11 or 12 for the pleasure of it. Back then it was the warmth, squishiness and wetness of it against my genitals that I found exciting, and to a lesser extent the naughtiness of it. This was still the case now, but the diaper itself was a turn on too. Perhaps this can be attributed to time's tendency to blur the lines between old memories and desires, but I still asked myself how this connection came to be made. Given that I still could enjoy simply wearing and wetting diapers without the sexual component, I honestly felt that this passion was really secondary and complementary to the overall experience. Thus, there must be some deeper root cause, and pure sexual pleasure was not it.
I turned my attention to what was triggering that sexual avalanche of pleasure, and found myself looking at the feeling of release that diapers gave me. As I mentioned before, the most powerful driver for wearing diapers was the feeling of freedom they gave me. They created a freedom without anxiety, worry or fear. I felt that diapers gave me this secret personal freedom that could help compensate for the stress of life. For me, this private openness was an immense turn on. In this space I could be naked, both physically and emotionally, and it made me feel alive. Wearing diapers is a private and personal experience, and given how privately I hold my sexuality, it's no surprise there was a connection. It was obvious that my sexuality was feeding off the feeling of wearing diapers, not the other way around. I knew for a fact there was another cause, the one that resulted in my feeling of freedom.
So I asked myself, "Why do I feel so free?" As soon as I did that, the answer I sought became clear. I was free because I was giving up a responsibility. I was no longer responsible for taking care of my bladder. It could run free and urinate whenever and wherever it wanted to, and I could be free to not even think about it. The need to urinate would never again interrupt my conscious mind, and when it did it would only be pleasurable thanks to the sexual connection. In public, I could quietly enjoy the kinkiness and naughtiness of it, while being free to let the urine flow. In private, I could relax in enjoyment or feed off of it to create a sexual experience of extreme potency. Overall, the freedom was in how it turned a responsibility into a pleasure.
But wait! "Turn a responsibility into a pleasure"? What does that mean? What does that imply? And here I found the base contradiction, the root irrationality, of the whole thing. No matter how kinky and sexual it might be, no matter how free and released I felt, the whole house of cards was dependant on one thing. I, deep down in the dark corners of the mind, had somehow connected responsibility with pain.
Sure, I've had painful moments in regards to urination. Bedwetting during the childhood years can be very embarrassing, especially at sleepovers, and we've all peed our pants once, twice, maybe many times. However, these stresses only serve to make one want to wear diapers and urinate less, not more. My incredibly shy bladder is proof enough of that. A part of me is so paranoid about urination that I can't even go until the bathroom is empty AND the last person out is well down the hallway. These terrible memories play their part in my life, but making me want to wear diapers is not it.
No, everything boils down to this. I've associated responsibility with pain, stress and anxiety, and wearing diapers removes a pretty significant responsibility. However, this root association is completely irrational, wrong and I dare say stupid.
Think of the mother. Think of the tremendous responsibility she bears in raising her children, yet somehow it brings her such joy! No matter how arduous it may be, in the end it's worth it, generally speaking. In truth, responsibility isn't painful or joyful in itself; it's what you make of it that counts.
Responsibility is like money. It's not good, not evil, just responsibility. For example, with money you can spend it on hookers, drugs or even killing people, or you can spend it like the two richest men on Earth, Bill Gates and Warren Buffet, do. Together they've donated about $70 billion to their joint charity, the William & Belinda Gates Foundation. Their annual donation budget is more then half of what all of the United Nations spend each year! Responsibility is the same way. You can let it destroy you or make the world beautiful. It all depends on what you do with it.
Now how does this relate to submission in general? Well, pretty easily. The central action of submission is the giving up of your will, leaving it in someone else's hands. Only those who truly detest their ability to choose or truly enjoy not having one, can do such a thing. Likewise, only those who truly love their own will, the dominants, can accept it. The thing to note is that every choice, will itself, is a type of responsibility. Every person is responsible to make good choices, or at the very least follow the laws of the land. Merely having your own will is a responsibility. If you associate responsibility with the negative, then having a will will feel bad and giving it up will feel good. Thus, we have discovered the underpinnings of submission.
Extending this to diapers, we also see a form of submission. The wearer submits control of a part of their body to the diaper, entrusting it to handle urination and other excrement. If it doesn't, it's not the wearer's fault. After all, it was the diaper's job to take care of everything. By giving up our bladder to the diaper, we submit to it. Incidentally, a large number of those who wear diapers are definite submissives, further solidifying this result.
I believe, and am an example of how, understanding this central truth can really change one's life. It's only been perhaps a day since I've reached this conclusion, and I can't say that the desire to wear diapers is gone, there's still the edgy kinkiness of it, but I can say it has much declined. I know that if you reflect each day on this basic truth, this obvious and clear truth, the same will occur to you. You will find yourself less and less submissive. More and more accepting of your ability to choose and who you are. You will find true freedom, one a thousand times greater then any submission can ever afford. This can only be a good thing.
Now, keep in mind, I'm not saying that wearing diapers is bad or evil, I'm just saying that it's based on a flawed assumption. There are very real and important uses for them. For example, astronauts have to wear diapers, because it takes way too long to get in and out of the spacesuit. Moreover, with my shy bladder situation it seems like a useful tool to make myself comfortable with urinating in public places. After all, if you can pee in a diaper in public, then using a urinal the "normal" way is a piece of cake! On the other hand, if you wear a diaper because it affords some "freedom" or "stress relief", you ought to know why it does, and know that the reasoning is flawed.