forced gay success?

A place to post about the success you've had with the various files

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Postby adriana » January 27th, 2007, 3:15 pm

OK, sounds a little inevitable..I am sure it will be OK!
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Postby sarah_tg » January 28th, 2007, 7:57 am

So how do you feel about this now then?

Is this what you want and you are comfortable with it?

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Postby sissyjaime » January 28th, 2007, 11:41 pm

this is a very informative thread... I have listened to the file once or twice and this post kind of makes me want to listen more. I feel that I might be gay deep down, but I can never act upon my feelings... maybe this file will help me get over that and just accept that I love the cock lol.
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Postby Cwolf_FA » February 5th, 2007, 3:12 pm

Wow. Based on the reviews this file should have a really high rating
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Postby Jullie » February 21st, 2007, 5:52 pm

Hey, are there going to be any more updates?
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Postby sissyjaime » March 22nd, 2007, 2:30 pm

no more updates???
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Postby xthr » March 22nd, 2007, 11:33 pm

heres an update....hes a full blown fag,case closed. u want ur cock and balls licked, hes ur man.
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Postby joe » March 23rd, 2007, 9:08 am

well, i was inspired to listen to the file after his story (the ultimate risk) and i've found myself also experiencing minor changes. everywhere i walk i find myself noticing men a lot more - they seem to be everywhere. when i see a woman that i used to think was attractive, i look away from her. it's always men. i also find myself trying to 'out' myself subtly in front of friends and strangers, by doing things i perceive as 'faggy,' such as finding myself suddenly smoking my cigarette in a different fashion. yesterday i was compelled to go down to the thrift store to see if they had anything - i came home with a pair of vinyl black pants and the tightest, brightest shirt you've ever seen. i've also just won a rainbow-colored spandex tanktop from ebay. i can't tell if these are conscious or unconscious or subconscious events, but something's happening and it's definitely not normal. we'll see how far this goes.
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Postby Cwolf_FA » March 23rd, 2007, 12:50 pm

Why do none of the files I listen to work this well?
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Postby hypnomeister » March 24th, 2007, 7:06 am

Anyone else dare try this and had any success?
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Postby sissyboyoxford » March 26th, 2007, 9:00 am

Can't believe this has had sooo much interest - I'm flattered but suprised none the less!

I guess i should update as it's been ages...

Okay well since my 'Outing' which still gives me goose bumps writing! things have been pretty cool...seriously, nothing perverted or deviant at all, on the whole most of my friends have stuck with me, i've even had a few 'i always knew' comments. Although i have to say my circle of friends has shifted more from boys to girls, but i always thought that would happen.
My ex-girlfriend and i still talk to each other, although she's now got a new boyfriend, who's a complete prick and has threatened my life on a number of occasions if i ever go near him or my ex (why are some people just pricks?)
I've told a few people about the file, although as expected most don't belive me or think that i'm just using it as an excuse; although one or two have said they are going to try it 'just to see' so if you are one of these people - Hi!
I do still listen to it, a few times a week, it just helps me relax. I haven't gone out with a guy full time, although i am seeing one or two (four!) off and on. i selpt with the guy who outed me again, but he too has since turned out to be a loser so we don't speak anymore.
I've still not come out to any family members, I live away from them. But every time we speak on the phone or see each other i just have the strongest desire to blurt out 'Oh by the way i'm gay!' but i never find the nerve! Like the other poster i also keep trying to find ways to out myself to those who don't know, either by the way i dress, act or talk.

Sorry i've written loads! but hopefully that should keep you updated...oh if there are any cute guys in the south UK PM me!

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do you like where you are?

Postby excitableboy » March 26th, 2007, 8:27 pm

Have you thought about paying for the curse removal file or listening to pussie lover or train bi?
Or are you happy being homosexual?
Do you feel like you were always like this and just needed the file to realize this? Or is this a complete and real change? Or something in between? Have you thought about selling your story to the media? It might be of some interest.

sissyboyoxford wrote:Can't believe this has had sooo much interest - I'm flattered but suprised none the less!

I guess i should update as it's been ages...

Okay well since my 'Outing' which still gives me goose bumps writing! things have been pretty cool...seriously, nothing perverted or deviant at all, on the whole most of my friends have stuck with me, i've even had a few 'i always knew' comments. Although i have to say my circle of friends has shifted more from boys to girls, but i always thought that would happen.
My ex-girlfriend and i still talk to each other, although she's now got a new boyfriend, who's a complete prick and has threatened my life on a number of occasions if i ever go near him or my ex (why are some people just pricks?)
I've told a few people about the file, although as expected most don't belive me or think that i'm just using it as an excuse; although one or two have said they are going to try it 'just to see' so if you are one of these people - Hi!
I do still listen to it, a few times a week, it just helps me relax. I haven't gone out with a guy full time, although i am seeing one or two (four!) off and on. i selpt with the guy who outed me again, but he too has since turned out to be a loser so we don't speak anymore.
I've still not come out to any family members, I live away from them. But every time we speak on the phone or see each other i just have the strongest desire to blurt out 'Oh by the way i'm gay!' but i never find the nerve! Like the other poster i also keep trying to find ways to out myself to those who don't know, either by the way i dress, act or talk.

Sorry i've written loads! but hopefully that should keep you updated...oh if there are any cute guys in the south UK PM me!

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Postby sissyboyoxford » March 27th, 2007, 10:37 am

In all honesty i'm still not sure, where i am. I don't feel compelled to try to listen to another file to change me back, or even listen to any other file; not sure if you can become attached to one file that much or it's just me being too lazy to!
Generally tho i am really happy where i am and am quite content to be this way; i've still got loads of friends, haven't lost my job etc, the only hurdle is family, so i'll wait and see. I wouldn't be too keen on the idea of selling to the media i can imagine all i'd get is a slagging off or people not beliving me....oh hang on i get that on here! Just kidding most people have been very lovely with their comments :D

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Postby alexander » March 27th, 2007, 1:30 pm

sissyboyoxford wrote:In all honesty i'm still not sure, where i am. I don't feel compelled to try to listen to another file to change me back, or even listen to any other file; not sure if you can become attached to one file that much or it's just me being too lazy to!
Generally tho i am really happy where i am and am quite content to be this way; i've still got loads of friends, haven't lost my job etc, the only hurdle is family, so i'll wait and see. I wouldn't be too keen on the idea of selling to the media i can imagine all i'd get is a slagging off or people not beliving me....oh hang on i get that on here! Just kidding most people have been very lovely with their comments :D


Ok ok, I see eveyone saying you should do what makes you happy. Ok, thats fine. But weren't you happy before you turned "gay"?
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Postby sissyboyoxford » March 27th, 2007, 3:19 pm

Yes i was, as much as the next person anyway. I don't know what the answer is, as i'm not unhappy; maybe t's just that this is all new and its kinda like starting all over again (if that makes any sense!)
whether its something to do with the file, or maybe i was gay and needed the push i do feel a lot more comfortable now and feel less like i have to try all of the time...i'm sorry it may seem like i'm answering a question with a question but please understand that my resolution for 2007 wasn't to be gay, so it's still a bit of a shock!
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Postby garibaldi » March 27th, 2007, 6:19 pm

I read back from your early messages and I got the impression that it was your girlfriend (at the time) who suggested it and not you. So unless there was some signs back then that made her suggest it I don't know. certainly has been an interesting topic thats for sure :)

I hope you are happy with how things have turned out and if thats the way it is now, you are comfortable with it.
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Postby MN_FriendlyGuy » March 28th, 2007, 6:52 am


    Congratulations! Not only have you mastered some hypnosis technique, you've also allowed it to genuinely change your life. More than that, you've allowed other members to share in the transformation. Thank you.

    Along the way, you've received several postings that ask "are you sure?" and "Don't you want to change back?". This ain't one of 'em.

    You're in the driver's seat and you know the right way to go. You can feel when it's right.

    There will always be passengers who tell you you're going the wrong way. And when they repeat their message of doubt frequently, it can be tempting to change your direction.

    You're in the driver's seat and you know the right way to go.
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Postby aeroue » April 1st, 2007, 7:04 pm

That is the case with most things, not sure if it can be said with hypnosis.

Take the name of this site 'Warp my Mind' yes it is only the name however, warp, that is what hypnosis does. It changes you, not to your specifications but to the hypnotists. You are not the driver the hypnotist is, when your being hypnotised i would say your very firmly in the passengers position.

In my opinion the words being typed by sissyboyoxford are not all his, they are the files as well. I would not be surprised if in the wording of the file it tells you to feel the way he feels about what has happened to him.


I am wondering though, why you chose the name sissyboyoxford on May 28 2005 when you claim you were straight before the file which you did not try until sometime after August 7 2006. Not to say your lying, just wondered.
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Postby BobbyS » April 1st, 2007, 8:31 pm

aeroue, I disagree completely. It is as much the subject controlling the hypnosis as it is the subject. If the hypnotist tells you to pay him money and you aren't prepared to do that, your mind will say "no way" and likely snap you out of trance. I've lost count of the number of files I've listened to because I thought I liked the sound of, but a particular element, which wasn't in the description, pops up and disagrees with me, and I'm awake again with no compulsion to follow or reaction to any of the suggestions.
And about the sissyboy before sexpreference change - I'm no expert, but couldn't he be a sissyboy before he became gay. Isn't sissyism just behaving 'femininely'. (Although I still think there's nothing remotely feminine about a guy with a beard in a dress and two melons down a bra smelling of cheap perfume. Open invitation for someone to correct this assumed stereotype though.
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Postby sissyboyoxford » April 2nd, 2007, 1:53 am


Thanx for the kind words everyone. Now i'm no expert on hypnosis but i guess i am an expert on how i feel. So i'll do my best to explain -
Basically i am quite happy with the changes, and have little desire to try and change back, now i don't know if this is the file blocking those desires or the file telling me i'm better with where i am?
However before i 'came out' i was in a battle between the desires the file had put in my mind and the streight ones i was use to, it was only since i was forced into adhering to the desires of the file; since being outed and not in a position to control my destiny anymore that i stopped fighting it.
Now i don't know what all that is supposed to mean, but again i am comfortable with it and (this is going to sound really strange!) it's like waking up one morning and finding yourself in a different persons body, there is still some fear there that you're stuck and can't be 'you' again, however the desire to explore life as that new person is too great to pass up on and any such fears of not being able to return are over shadowed by the desires of wanting to explore this new person.

Oh and the name thing, which i have already explained in this post, so thanx for reading it all! :wink: i first discovered this site way before i was going out with said girlfriend and gay files, i was interested in cross dressing and looking at those files, hence the name. It was kinda a phase i enjoyed but grew out of and i haven't cross dressed since listening to any unrealted files. Hope that clears that one up more!
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Postby Patience_endures » April 3rd, 2007, 12:09 pm

If i could find lesbianism files that would be great...

But i guess i'd have to change myself into a girl first before they would have any effect, non? (Currently straight in a round-a-bout way. So i guess i'm half way to being a lesbian)
The faeries it is said
Drop maple leaves into the streams
to dye thier waters red.
-translated haiku from japanese, author unknown
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Postby Cwolf_FA » April 3rd, 2007, 12:43 pm

............................................................................................................and why do you want to be a lesbian? :?
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Postby Patience_endures » April 3rd, 2007, 3:49 pm

well i like girls but i want to be one at the same time.
The faeries it is said
Drop maple leaves into the streams
to dye thier waters red.
-translated haiku from japanese, author unknown
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complex world

Postby excitableboy » April 3rd, 2007, 8:43 pm

I have to say that I really do enjoy this forum.
Some people think that gay is gay and straight is straight and never the twain shall meet. But life is more complex than that, isn't it?
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Postby Cwolf_FA » April 4th, 2007, 12:57 pm

Apparently. (twain is an interesting word choice by the way)
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Postby aeroue » April 4th, 2007, 5:15 pm

BobbyS wrote:I've lost count of the number of files I've listened to because I thought I liked the sound of, but a particular element, which wasn't in the description, pops up and disagrees with me, and I'm awake again with no compulsion to follow or reaction to any of the suggestions.

And so, in effect, you were not hypnotised. Had you been hypnotised you would have accepted it.
Granted you control whether or not to participate, but I don't think the hypnotee is the driving force behind the experience

To continue with the driving analogy, you were so terrified by the aged blind taxi driver you jumped out the door before you got there.

Not to say I have particularly vast knowledge of hypnosis, this is just how it appears to me.

However before i 'came out' i was in a battle between the desires the file had put in my mind and the streight ones i was use to, it was only since i was forced into adhering to the desires of the file; since being outed and not in a position to control my destiny anymore that i stopped fighting it.

Have you considered trying a file to try and return, see if you can make it a full loop. That would be interesting. It would also make it less likely in my opinion (if it worked) that the file just unlocked some hidden desire already there.
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Postby BobbyS » April 4th, 2007, 5:56 pm

And so, in effect, you were not hypnotised. Had you been hypnotised you would have accepted it.
Granted you control whether or not to participate, but I don't think the hypnotee is the driving force behind the experience

So,in effect, you're ignoring my point, which I have experienced personal proof of in my post. I have been hypnotised before to experience stuff like paralysis, and phantom sensations and so on. However, when listening to another file and hearing stuff I don't like, I snap out of it. Thus although I have been hypnotised before, my mind prevents me from taking on suggestions I disagree with by snapping me out of trance. I can't really say it any clearer than that.

Oh, and your suggestion "Had you been hypnotised you would have accepted it." is complete garbage. I WAS hypnotised and I didn't accept it. When that happened, I left the HYPNOTIC trance.

Am I any clearer now?
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Postby Lissar » April 4th, 2007, 7:58 pm

Yeah, BobbyS is right. I also snap out of trance if I don't like any part of the file description. For example, TrigSlave has never worked for me because of the suggestion that I will strip when triggered. I've come out of trance at other times with other files (or when people have tried trancing me online) because I'm not okay with the suggestions. You can NEVER be hypnotized into doing something you do NOT want to do. BobbyS was hypnotized (meaning that he was IN TRANCE), and when the disagreeable suggestion popped up, he came OUT of trance, which ended the hypnosis.
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Postby BobbyS » April 5th, 2007, 1:56 pm

Lissar, have you ever considered using an audio program such as Audacity to cut out the bits of TrigSlave you don't want, or are they too interspersed with the other suggestions to do?
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Postby alexander » April 5th, 2007, 2:01 pm

BobbyS wrote:Lissar, have you ever considered using an audio program such as Audacity to cut out the bits of TrigSlave you don't want, or are they too interspersed with the other suggestions to do?

Yeah audacity is a great program to eidt files, I edited all of mine to my liking. If you want I can do it for you but you have to tell me what you dont want.
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Postby gregi696 » April 6th, 2007, 10:27 am

I think that the GS reading of the file has the stripping command removed already. If you are ok with a female hypnotist's voice then that file might be more to your liking as well.

Great success story Sissyboy! :D
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Postby Lissar » April 6th, 2007, 2:17 pm

I like stuff that's free, haha, so if the program isn't free, then I don't consider it. Right now, though, I'm working with a different file that seems to be working very well, and my boyfriend has managed to work the trigger with some success. So right now TrigSlave isn't too necessary, but thank you for the feedback!
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Postby aeroue » April 6th, 2007, 8:33 pm

Fair enough, I haven't experienced this 'snapping out.' Maybe it is just my choice of files. However I did not skip your point I think you missed mine, I acknowledged you snapped out from the trance you were in. Never denied it.

But maybe some people don't always snap out and maybe some people are more susceptible to suggestions they may otherwise not accept.


However this thread seems to support a theory I have heard that a large percentage(I cannot remember of the top of my head) is bisexual. But, due to social conditioning most people conform to society.
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Postby Kalendaine » April 7th, 2007, 12:31 am

The 'snapping out' sensation i've had more than once. I tend towards self-hypno (the files barely work for me) and several times i've suggested something my subconcious does NOT like. It's i'd be nice and fuzzy, and then i'd say a wrong word and i'd be ejected forcefully out of my trance.

Needless to say, i try very hard to get 'approval' form my subconcious before doing anything hypnowise. :p perhaps you can try the same?
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Postby Lissar » April 7th, 2007, 8:00 am

I've been known to snap out if the person who has me in trance takes too long, or if I think something is funny.

aeroue, the way you worded your original post may have been misleading in terms of your point, if you did not mean it to sound the way other people read it. I'm sorry if that was the case.

I've also heard some statistic that 90% of people are bisexual. I don't know if this statistic is remotely accurate. However, I do believe that ever since the homo- or bi-sexual identity came into existence, fewer people have been engaging in same-sex acts. So I agree with aeroue. If we all were not conditioned to exist in a heterosexist and heteronormative society, it would probably be MORE deviant to show NO interest in the same sex.
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Ever hear of Kipling?

Postby excitableboy » April 7th, 2007, 9:19 am

Cwolf_FA wrote:Apparently. (twain is an interesting word choice by the way)

I'm not just making things up here. Read more poetry.
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Postby Blink » April 7th, 2007, 11:09 am

I caught an interesting idea on this thread, not the main point, so I'm just tossin' in my two cents.

I don't know how the population is distributed across the Kinsey scale, but I've seen it theorized (by a non-scientist, mind you) that about 10 percent of the population is gay (Kinsey 6), about another 10 percent is straight (Kinsey 0) and the remaining (roughly) 80 percent is some flavor of bi.

I don't have any information to support (or contradict) the assertion, but it's an interesting idea, no?

-- Blink
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Postby bubblebutt » April 7th, 2007, 12:41 pm

I agree with BobbyS that if there was no previous desire or even a slight curiosity about being gay sissyboy would have snapped out of hypnosis right away because his mind would not accept the suggestion. I would not be shocked if what Blink said was true because society has been stressing heterosexuality for thousands and thousands of years and most people are said to be homosexual but just to what degree.
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Postby Cwolf_FA » April 9th, 2007, 8:12 pm

Blink wrote:I caught an interesting idea on this thread, not the main point, so I'm just tossin' in my two cents.

I don't know how the population is distributed across the Kinsey scale, but I've seen it theorized (by a non-scientist, mind you) that about 10 percent of the population is gay (Kinsey 6), about another 10 percent is straight (Kinsey 0) and the remaining (roughly) 80 percent is some flavor of bi.

I don't have any information to support (or contradict) the assertion, but it's an interesting idea, no?

-- Blink

Hmmm, not too sure about that. Most scientific studies say that 80-90% of the population identifies themselves as straight, and the remaining 10-20% is everything else. On the other hand, there are studies done that have shown that 50% of all adults had had some form of sexual contact with their own gender at points in their childhood. However, most people tend to push back these memories and go on to have only heterosexual relationships. So what I'd say is that most people "identify" themselves as straight, but also have the capability of having relationships with people of their own gender. (Effectively making them bisexual....technically)

The main thing here is society and the positions it takes on the issues. Today, (obviously) the vast majority of society is against same-sex relationships. When kids are young all the movies they see end with the guy getting the girl.(not the guy getting the guy or the girl getting the girl) Additionally there's just the fact that a lot of people see it as something horrible or disgusting. Because people are so influenced they really don't live as themselves. Further proof of the whole society thing comes from ancient Greece/Rome. Bisexuality was encouraged there, and because of that a majority of the population was bisexual. I'm not saying that sexual orientation comes from the media or the rest of society, but if hetereosexuality is really always such a large majority, then how come there were so many bisexuals where it was encouraged? So I guess what I'm saying is that roughly 50% of the population is in hadn't intended for that to be so epic.
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Postby Lissar » April 9th, 2007, 8:47 pm

Cwolf_FA, I don't think that 50% of the population is in denial. I think almost everyone is. But I agree completely that children are conditioned to believe that heterosexual relationships are normal, and so these children grow up into adults who believe that heterosexual relationships are normal. As you said, in Ancient Greece and Rome, things were VERY different. Of course, it's not that everyone in Greece or Rome was gay. It's that performing a sexual ACT with someone of your sex was not considered an IDENTITY. In fact, male homosexual sex was related to power specifically; a high ranking man would NEVER be the one receiving anal, and a low ranking man or teen would never be the one penetrating. Lesbian sex, of course, didn't even exist since people didn't believe sex could exist without a penis. So it wasn't so damning for women to be engaged in sex (although, they weren't really supposed to be INTERESTED in sex). But there's SO much more information on male homosexual behavior in history, and so much less on female homosexual behavior, so it's hard to tell.
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Postby Cwolf_FA » April 10th, 2007, 12:56 pm

As far as I know it didn't just include sex, but also actual love. I've heard that in the Greek and Roman armies, lovers often fought side by side, and there are also several myths involving gods falling in love with men and boys. These are very often changed though to make it so that they're "just friends". The whole thing with younger boys gets kind of creepy though. But do you really think that everybody is bisexual deep down? Because if 100% of the population is in denial then that would mean both sraights and gays are actually deluding themselves.
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Postby Lissar » April 10th, 2007, 3:49 pm

Well, I'm not too sure, obviously. I just wonder if maybe there are some gay or lesbian people who believe that they are only attracted to their own sex, but they are really bisexual, in the way that we've been discussing might be true for people who believe they are only attracted to the other sex. I'm sure, though, that there would be groups of people that only were attracted to ONE sex (their own or the other) among a bisexual population. Yay for deviant sexual behavior :)
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Postby Blink » April 10th, 2007, 3:50 pm

Cwolf_FA wrote:Most scientific studies say that 80-90% of the population identifies themselves as straight, and the remaining 10-20% is everything else. On the other hand, there are studies done that have shown that 50% of all adults had had some form of sexual contact with their own gender at points in their childhood. <snip of a very good post> So I guess what I'm saying is that roughly 50% of the population is in hadn't intended for that to be so epic.
I enjoyed seeing you think through it.

It really does bend one's brain, no? Remember that Kinsey defined seven possibilities with regard to preference, and only two of those--the extremes at both ends of the spectrum--were exclusive. If it weren't for societal pressure, which you suggest (and I agree) is the major force at play, what would the distribution across categories look like? Would we be having a lot more fun?

-- Blink
Wanna whole lotta love?
Wanna whole lotta love?
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Postby MN_FriendlyGuy » April 10th, 2007, 3:59 pm

Lissar wrote:Yay for deviant sexual behavior :)

That made my day! And now when I quote it, do I need to give you credit?

As a gay man, I thoroughly enjoy telling straight folks that they're NOT normal. They're just common. And now, thanks to your quote, my circle of uncommon friends is growing.

Yay for deviant sexual behavior :)
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Postby Baphijmm » April 10th, 2007, 4:10 pm

I'm going to post this now, just because it's been bugging me. First, the Kinsey scale is way too... graduated. Or not graduated enough. Too general, I guess. Second, it doesn't include about 1% of the population, to which I belong - asexuals. :P
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Postby Blink » April 10th, 2007, 4:18 pm

MN_FriendlyGuy wrote:Yay for deviant sexual behavior :)
Sorry to burst your bubble, but gender preference for sexual partners doesn't make you deviant. Possibly by mathematical definition, but not by clinical definition.

Given your contributions to this site, though, we can probably settle on some other reason to apply the label, if it would make you feel better. :D

Anybody want me to define paraphilia?

-- Blink
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Postby Lissar » April 10th, 2007, 4:45 pm

Blink, relax. According to normative sexual behavior, we're all deviants here anyway.

MN_FriendlyGuy, you don't have to give me credit, haha. I'm glad I made your day!
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Postby Blink » April 11th, 2007, 4:35 pm

Lissar wrote:Blink, relax. According to normative sexual behavior, we're all deviants here anyway.
If we're looking for a bit of pervert pride, I'm all for it (and thought I'd made that clear--should I have added another smiley?). For the record, deviant has been defined as anything other than M/F "missionary" style procreative sex. As a label, it really doesn't mean much.

It's when people read "deviant" and think "pathological" that I get torqued a bit tight. I know which side of the threshhold I'm on. I'm happily deviant, but proudly distinct from the pathological people I've seen.

This has been your meaningless minute of jargon for the day.

-- Blink
Posts: 333
Joined: January 8th, 2006, 1:00 am

Postby Blink » April 11th, 2007, 5:02 pm

Baphijmm wrote:I'm going to post this now, just because it's been bugging me. First, the Kinsey scale is way too... graduated. Or not graduated enough. Too general, I guess. Second, it doesn't include about 1% of the population, to which I belong - asexuals. :P
Ooh! Great point!

Kinsey is the scale with which I'm most familiar, but you're right that it's not as inclusive as the Klein grid, which is structured just like Kinsey for showing gender-based attraction, but includes additional elements for showing sexual, social and emotional attraction and sexual behavior. Of course, if your idea of a sexual interest scale is "1) On, 2) Off".... :)

The discussion on this thread has prompted me to read the Wikipedia article on sexual orientation, which lists asexuality as a "common classification." Apparently the researchers are still wringing their hands, trying to decide whether it's a legitimate classification or an expression of hypoactive sexual desire. I wonder if they've considered asking the asexuals what they think.

That's as good a cue as I'm likely to write. Anyone willing to speak knowledgably on the topic?

-- Blink

...who has, once again, written a long rant about clinical threshholds and thrown it away. If you think what I write is bad, you should see what I throw away. :)
Posts: 333
Joined: January 8th, 2006, 1:00 am

Postby Baphijmm » April 11th, 2007, 11:04 pm

Blink wrote:The discussion on this thread has prompted me to read the Wikipedia article on sexual orientation, which lists asexuality as a "common classification." Apparently the researchers are still wringing their hands, trying to decide whether it's a legitimate classification or an expression of hypoactive sexual desire. I wonder if they've considered asking the asexuals what they think.

That's as good a cue as I'm likely to write. Anyone willing to speak knowledgably on the topic?

I'm more than willing to speak about it, as I am living it; however, I wonder if this wouldn't be hijacking the original thread? ^^;

For me anyway, it's definitely not a hypoactive... libido, I guess would be the correct word. I do get aroused, and I do enjoy relieving sexual tension; otherwise, I don't know that I'd be here. :P However, I do not find attraction in either gender; I never have. I don't really make the same kind of connection most people do in that situation, and the prospect of sexual contact with others isn't attractive or even interesting to me.
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