forced gay success?

A place to post about the success you've had with the various files

Moderator: EMG

Postby Blink » April 12th, 2007, 4:51 pm

Baphijmm wrote:I'm more than willing to speak about it, as I am living it; however, I wonder if this wouldn't be hijacking the original thread? ^^;
I see it as legitimate broadening, but I'm manipulative like that. Besides, if it's hijacking, I already did that a few posts back. :)

Baphijmm wrote:For me anyway, it's definitely not a hypoactive... libido, I guess would be the correct word. I do get aroused, and I do enjoy relieving sexual tension....
Mm. Have you read the Wikipedia article on autosexuality? While this particular article is in dispute for a number of reasons, the basic description of "autosexual" seems--to me--to match up with your self-description.

This is really a terminology question. For one thing, I'm not poking at anyone's self-identification. For another, I know that there is a significantly larger amount of information and resources available for people who are asexual (which, if you've looked, gives you an idea about the vanishingly rare resourses for autosexuals), and much of what is available under that larger umbrella is probably applicable.

Thanks very, very much for helping to inform me a bit. (I need all the help I can get.)

-- Blink
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Postby Baphijmm » April 12th, 2007, 5:12 pm

Yes, I've seen the info on autosexuality, and I suppose I do technically fit that definition somewhat; at the same time though, it's kind of off, as I don't really find sexual attraction in myself either.

My particular situation is highly complicated, and it's rather difficult to explain to someone with relatively normal sexual feelings (I've tried several times before, so I've had experience). In the sense of a- vs. auto-, I lean more strongly towards a- because arousal to me is more something that happens and susequently should be dealt with. If that makes any sense.
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Postby Blink » April 13th, 2007, 7:36 pm

Baphijmm wrote:My particular situation is highly complicated, and it's rather difficult to explain to someone with relatively normal sexual feelings (I've tried several times before, so I've had experience). In the sense of a- vs. auto-, I lean more strongly towards a- because arousal to me is more something that happens and susequently should be dealt with. If that makes any sense.
I think I understand. I'm disinclined to delve too deeply into it into a public forum, especially after you've just said that it's difficult to explain and that I'm likely to be slow to get it (assuming I fall within the scope of "relatively normal sexual feelings" ;) ).

I can, as you prefer:
    A. start a new thread
    B. continue asking questions here
    C. contact you privately with my questions, or
    D. shut up and move on.
What kind of dominant sadist would I be if I couldn't recognize and respect limits? :)

-- Blink
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Postby Baphijmm » April 13th, 2007, 9:15 pm

I don't mind any of the above; if you're curious, ask away. I enjoy talking about myself at great lengths, and certainly don't mind helping others get a better understanding. :P

If you want to make a new topic or continue here, either is fine because I regularly check the forums. If you'd rather PM, that's fine too. As for shutting up and moving on, if that's what you want to do that's perfectly fine (though somehow I get the feeling that's not the case :P ). Doesn't matter to me.
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Postby hypnomeister2 » May 1st, 2007, 1:28 pm

Any more stories?
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Postby MN_FriendlyGuy » May 1st, 2007, 2:39 pm

hypnomeister2 wrote:Any more stories?
hypnomeister2 - I noticed that this was your first posting in a WMM forum. Welcome!

By now, you've realized this thread is a success story for sissyboyoxford. Every so often, he posts an update - on his own timetable.

There are many members (I include myself) who began reading from curiosity, and with time, have grown to care about the man behind the nickname.

While we wait to learn more about sissyboyoxford's hypno development, would you consider starting a new "success story" thread that tells about your development?
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Postby Diapered_Cherub » May 1st, 2007, 10:14 pm

MN_FriendlyGuy wrote:There are many members (I include myself) who began reading from curiosity, and with time, have grown to care about the man behind the nickname.

MN_FriendlyGuy, It's really too bad there aren't more people like you around on these forums. All too often there are people seemingly ready and waiting to pounce on people's posts and tear them to shreds. I have been to many chat forums, and it is my opinion that WMM has by far been the most hostile.
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Postby TheOneWho » May 2nd, 2007, 1:40 pm

Diapered_Cherub wrote:
MN_FriendlyGuy, It's really too bad there aren't more people like you around on these forums. All too often there are people seemingly ready and waiting to pounce on people's posts and tear them to shreds. I have been to many chat forums, and it is my opinion that WMM has by far been the most hostile.

It's because you shoot down their beliefs and say that things don't work just because they didn't work for you. If you have noticed, most people around here are nice, but you are constatly trying to get people angry with you.
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Postby loony28 » May 2nd, 2007, 5:05 pm

First of all I want to congradulate sissyboyoxford on his success. It took awhile for the file to work on him so I don't think that he was secretly gay, it was the file that turned him gay. That being said if he ever wanted to go back to being straight then he shouldn't have a problem with getting other files to work, though there may be something in the curse file that may make that difficult. I don't know as I haven't listened to it and have no interest in listening to it. Now on to something that's off topic.

Diapered_Cherub wrote:
MN_FriendlyGuy wrote:There are many members (I include myself) who began reading from curiosity, and with time, have grown to care about the man behind the nickname.

MN_FriendlyGuy, It's really too bad there aren't more people like you around on these forums. All too often there are people seemingly ready and waiting to pounce on people's posts and tear them to shreds. I have been to many chat forums, and it is my opinion that WMM has by far been the most hostile.

Diapered_Cherub there are many people like MN_FriendlyGuy on these forums. If you post something you have to expect that people may ask questions about it. That isn't hostile as evidenced by the questions that have been asked in this thread. We welcome everyone's two cents, we may disagree with them and will say so or ask that you clarify your post. The only reason I was able to shred your post was that you didn't answer the questions I and one other posed to you. I was asking you questions and arguing my position at the same time. I wasn't being hostile to you, I really did want you to clarify the things you said in your post. If you want to know what hostile is, look at the pm you sent me. Now if I really wanted to be hostile to you I could quote the pm you sent me in the forums or quote it to anyone who asks. As of now the only one who knows about that pm besides you and me is EMG and that's because I thought that he had a right to know since it was pretty abusive.

To everyone here, sorry about the above off topic rant but I couldn't help myself.
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Postby Diapered_Cherub » May 3rd, 2007, 1:53 am

EMG has been in touch with me concerning the PM. Points could be argued on both sides of that problem from here till kingdom come. Let's agree to drop the problem here and now. NOT by request of EMG or anyone else,, I offer an apology to you. Let's try to get along from here shall we?
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Postby Diapered_Cherub » May 3rd, 2007, 1:59 am

TheOneWho wrote:It's because you shoot down their beliefs and say that things don't work just because they didn't work for you. If you have noticed, most people around here are nice, but you are constatly trying to get people angry with you.

I was merely giving my opinion on the topics. However if you care to go back and take another look I withdrew my comments (on my own). If it is I who is the cause of the problems,, then perhaps I should not be on this forum. Or in the very least go back to being an invisible lurker.
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Postby loony28 » May 3rd, 2007, 6:48 am

Diapered_Cherub wrote:EMG has been in touch with me concerning the PM. Points could be argued on both sides of that problem from here till kingdom come. Let's agree to drop the problem here and now. NOT by request of EMG or anyone else,, I offer an apology to you. Let's try to get along from here shall we?

Well I can make the effort but you'll have to convince me that your apology is sincere. If you post anywhere on these forums you have to be prepared to have questions asked of you relating to your post and people may be sarcastic with their questions. It's not that they are being hostile, it's that they want some clarification. If you do think that people questioning your posts is hostile then you shouldn't be posting, maybe you shouldn't even be here.

Well now to get things back on topic a bit. Last night after reading this thread I had a gay dream. Sorry but I can't really remember it so I can't give you details, I just remember it being a gay dream. Maybe it had something to do with this thread.
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Postby Diapered_Cherub » May 3rd, 2007, 10:59 am

I don't "have" to convince you of anything. I apologized openly about my mistake and as far as i'm concerned the problem is dealt with and is over.
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Postby Diapered_Cherub » May 3rd, 2007, 10:03 pm

Sorry henk-thokk, wont happen again.
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Postby sissyboyoxford » May 8th, 2007, 4:59 am

Wow it's been ages since i last posted!

Well all i have to say is how good i feel! I woudn't say that my life was bad before but it does feel like i've started all over again, and everything is good.

I've been seeing a great guy for about the last 6 weeks or so, who is a little older than me but its fine, and he's helped me become more accepting of who i am; starting to refer to someone as your 'boyfriend' nearly made me pass out the first time i said it! but he also helped me come-out to my parents, who have been really cool...almost too calm which makes me think they always suspected something? I think my dad is a little upset but he's certainly not threatened to disown me like i'd feared.
it's also helped me become closer to my sisters ( i have 2) who i never really got on with as they are a few years older than me, now they can't stop talking to me!

I've also started a new job working for a gay and lesbian estate agents ( i never knew such firms existed!) it's really cool and we have loads of work socials and everyone is really friendly + i'm earning about 10k more than my previous job!

The only element that still keeps me awake at night is the 'no going back' regret, this really is it and i'm having to live each day like it. I also get upset about not being able to get married or have children; but i'm sure given time these feelings will pass.

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Postby loony28 » May 8th, 2007, 7:03 am

sissyboyoxford wrote:Wow it's been ages since i last posted!

Well all i have to say is how good i feel! I woudn't say that my life was bad before but it does feel like i've started all over again, and everything is good.

I've been seeing a great guy for about the last 6 weeks or so, who is a little older than me but its fine, and he's helped me become more accepting of who i am; starting to refer to someone as your 'boyfriend' nearly made me pass out the first time i said it! but he also helped me come-out to my parents, who have been really cool...almost too calm which makes me think they always suspected something? I think my dad is a little upset but he's certainly not threatened to disown me like i'd feared.
it's also helped me become closer to my sisters ( i have 2) who i never really got on with as they are a few years older than me, now they can't stop talking to me!

I've also started a new job working for a gay and lesbian estate agents ( i never knew such firms existed!) it's really cool and we have loads of work socials and everyone is really friendly + i'm earning about 10k more than my previous job!

The only element that still keeps me awake at night is the 'no going back' regret, this really is it and i'm having to live each day like it. I also get upset about not being able to get married or have children; but i'm sure given time these feelings will pass.


Well it certainly looks like your life has taken a turn for the better since you listened to this file. I'm curious about something though. Have you found out exactly why your ex-girlfriend suggested you listen to this? Things have gone so well that I can't help but wonder if the idea originally came to her from some paranormal source.
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Postby sissyboyoxford » May 8th, 2007, 8:41 am

I don't remember the exact conversation, but we were trawling through the files, daring each other to try them. We were both quite horny and had a very unrepressed relationship, so we didn't mind sharing fantasies or daring each other to try stuff. Which is how i told her about my old cross dressing desire and this website and its hypnotic files. So she wanted to see what i was on about.
I seem to remember that she liked the sound of the file and its effects, so she dared me to try it. I listened to it once, with her there and it had no effect then she said that i should listen to it over a month, 'just to see'
And that's where my posts pick up from!

Hope that clears things up for you?
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Postby saffronsaffy69 » May 8th, 2007, 3:56 pm


Awesome, what's happened to you. Should I give this file a try? How does it effect you?
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Postby sissyboyoxford » May 8th, 2007, 4:43 pm

trying it is up to you!

I don't know if it works on everyone. but i went into it with a reasonably open mind.

I can't say how it starts but, it's a snowball effect of a lot of little things, it becomes hard to control your subconcious desires
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Postby arekusu » May 9th, 2007, 7:06 pm

I think its really starting to work on me! I have been listening to it for about 2 weeks or so, and I have been changing. First of all, its getting really hard for me to get aroused by women. Secondly, I have been having urges to wear tight pants. Also, I got aroused today after looking at a guy's bulge, and this thing is starting to happen. Its very interesting!
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Postby sissyboyoxford » May 10th, 2007, 3:55 am

Oooo keep us posted how it goes! I'd be interested to see if your progression was similar to mine.

Mine mainly came down to dreams and fantasies, although i was still attracted to girls; even now i can't help but admire a good looking girl, i just stopped finding them exciting and i think that was the change because there just wasn't a spark there.

I also experienced the tight pants thing; both jeans and underwear, these days i don't wear anything that doesn't highlight my bulge and butt!
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Postby ekluise » May 10th, 2007, 8:04 pm

Question for you, sissyboyoxford--Are you a top or bottom? Or switch.
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Postby loony28 » May 10th, 2007, 9:38 pm

saffronsaffy69 wrote:Wow!

Awesome, what's happened to you. Should I give this file a try? How does it effect you?

haven't you learned your lesson from the CurseStrokeSissy file? You didn't like that one and what it did to you, what makes you think you'll like this one? In case you didn't see what this file is, it's a curse file that turns you gay.
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Postby sissyboyoxford » May 11th, 2007, 5:52 am

ekluise wrote:Question for you, sissyboyoxford--Are you a top or bottom? Or switch.

:oops: well i've tried both, but my B/F is more top, i think its the age difference! not that i mind too much :wink:
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Postby Rico605 » June 13th, 2007, 7:05 am

Hello everyone, i a new here. I have been attracted by this file for a long time, just the idea of listening to it was very exciting. I have a girlfriend but i know deep down inside of me that i am probably gay and i am very shy and still afraid to do a coming out. I am with this girl for 8 years, she's very sweet, but... Right now, she wants a baby. I would love to have kid's, but is that right knowing i might come out one day? So i decided to listen to the curse gay files. Wow! After the first listening, i was looking at guy without beeing shy. During the listening, i got hard! I was decided to do my coming out. It didn't last, cause a skipped a few days of listening to it, and few days after, i became a bit anxious when looking at a man. I was so simple after the first listen, it was so clear that coming out was the right thing to do. So now, i am a bit unsure of what i should do... Listening or not listening, that is the question??
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Postby arekusu » June 13th, 2007, 3:34 pm

I do believe this file is starting to work. I have started looking at gay porn, its really weird, I just had compulsions to do it. Its strange though. I am still interested in women, but I have stopped looking at porn with women in it.
However, it is still easier for me to get turned on by women than men. I have picked up a habit of staring at men, which I never used to do with women.

Also, whenever I listen to this file, I get a massive hard on!

I think this file might be working! Whatever its doing, it is changing me, and it is good fun!
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Postby Rico605 » June 14th, 2007, 6:36 am

Well, i decided to listen to the file again and i had the same result. Yes, it is really fun to listen to this file. Was hard will listening and happy to be able to have desire for men without feeling guilty. This file work's, cause even if i already have desire for men, i had also desire for woman, let say about 70/30. So i think it's my destiny to listen to that file, just to force me to be what i should be. I will keep posting my results.
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Postby sissyboyoxford » June 19th, 2007, 9:38 am

Rico605 wrote:Well, i decided to listen to the file again and i had the same result. Yes, it is really fun to listen to this file. Was hard will listening and happy to be able to have desire for men without feeling guilty. This file work's, cause even if i already have desire for men, i had also desire for woman, let say about 70/30. So i think it's my destiny to listen to that file, just to force me to be what i should be. I will keep posting my results.

Nice one, i hope you have as much success as i have had with it :D
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Postby Rico605 » June 20th, 2007, 5:30 am

Thanks! The effects are not permanent yet, but i am working on that! :wink: It's weird, but i listen to the file in the morning, and get results at the end of the day, not right after listening. I'll keep listening, i am only listening to it for less than 2 weeks so, permanent effects should come with the time.
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Postby aeroue » June 21st, 2007, 7:42 pm

So you got a girlfriend you have had for eight years, who wants a baby and you want kids.

Your worried you might be gay so you listen to curse gay....

Why not trainsexwomen?

You should hurry up and tell your gf if what you say is true though, unless your gonna waste another 8 years of her life? and yours too I suppose
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Postby Rico605 » June 23rd, 2007, 7:00 am

Over the last 2 years i have been trying the train sex woman a few times but with no success... Maybe if it was an cursed files like a cursed forced sex with woman file it would work but it doesn't exist yet...
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Postby Rico605 » June 29th, 2007, 11:18 am

I am still listening to the file daily. The effect are taking place slowly, but i have more and more difficulties to get hard with my girlfriend without thinking about men. The real difference is that i am less shy about being gay, i am ready to accept myself that way. Althought i am not ready yet for a total coming out. So that's it for now, i will keep posting my results. :D
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Postby kjk » July 5th, 2007, 12:04 am

Rico605- you mentioned having a 70/30 connection between male and female. Just curious, did you have sexual attraction to females as well before you started listening to this file?

Where i am going with this is, if you did show a sexual attraction to your girlfriend and other females, maybe you were really bisexual to an extent, and listening to this curse file will turn you 100% gay.

It's your life, so continue listening at your own risk. I just feel that you should try to take some time and think about where your sexual orientation REALLY is before changing it to something else with hypnoisis.

Sorry if this response sounds negative, it wasnt intended that way.
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Postby Rico605 » July 9th, 2007, 5:44 am

Yes, i was attracted by woman and i am still. I find them beautiful. The problem is that i never had any relationship or anything with a man. However, sometime when i make love with my girlfriend, i have to think about men to get hard. Over the 3 last years, i tried twice to come out to my girlfriend. Told her that i thought i was bisexual or gay. But the day after both time, i got afraid and denied having attraction for guy's up to that point. She said she wouldn't be able to see me again even as friend if i was gay and also for financial reason. To try with a man, i would have to cheat on her, and i not that kind of guy. So i tried train sex woman hoping it would boost my attraction for her, but it didn't work. So now, i think that turning 100% gay, not being able at all to get hard with her, would force me to be gay not leaving me choice. Deep down, i love that girl, we think the same, have the same taste, but sexually, i am not at the right place... Without this file, i might not have the courage to do it for both reason i told you earlier.
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Postby Rico605 » July 16th, 2007, 6:57 am

Well, things have change a bit for the last few day. When having sex with my girlfriend, i used to be able to get hard thinking about men, but now, even doing that, my cock wont get really hard. Last night, i dreamed that my girlfriend was teaching me how to have oral sex with a man, she was there will i was having sex with a guy. The weirdest thing is that my girlfriend dreamed the same night, that she was transformed into a guy and having sex with me as a guy cause i was gay! She doesn't know about me listening to this file.. Another thing is that one guy i work with who is gay, is getting closer to me, and the other day, said " Can i ask you something... oh.. no, forget about that." Well i think the gaydar is working. That's it for now, i'll keep posting the results.
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Postby djmgpsp » July 18th, 2007, 8:12 am

Last edited by djmgpsp on February 27th, 2009, 8:19 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Rico605 » July 19th, 2007, 5:15 am

I can understand what you meen by having trouble with being gay. i had trouble with the other kids at school. In my case, i think i must admit first that i am gay, then maybe the trainsexwoman will work. I tried, but it's about the only file that didn't work on me. To change from gay to straight, i will probably have to live as a gay and accept it for a while. I wich you luck with that one, tell me if you see any difference. :)
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Postby djmgpsp » July 25th, 2007, 7:29 am

Well theres some sucess, i still havent gone into trance yet but i leave it on while sleepin and i do notice girls more if u kno what i mean and im going out with a girl now so that helps, no sex but its goin nice and slowly and im enjoyin life at the mo, will keep u posted
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Postby Rico605 » July 27th, 2007, 6:48 am

I am happy for you that it is starting to work. Don't worry about not getting into trance, i have been listening to files from here for more than 3 years, i am not even sure that i went into trance, but since i have had some succes with numerous files, i probably did and you also!! :wink: I wonder if the other guy's who tried the forced gay files are still getting results? To they have to still listen to it every day? For me, the problem is that i can only listen to the file on week days, i skip the week-end. So the effects are fading away during the week-end, and it's as if i was starting from the beginning every monday morning... :( Anyway, i not sure anymore if it such a good idea, but i still come back to this file again and again...
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Postby saffronsaffy69 » August 4th, 2007, 7:19 am

What's happened with sissyboyoxford? I've been enjoying his posts but he hasn't said anything for a while... Have the effects worn off?
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Postby sissyboyoxford » August 9th, 2007, 4:33 am

saffronsaffy69 wrote:What's happened with sissyboyoxford? I've been enjoying his posts but he hasn't said anything for a while... Have the effects worn off?

I'm still here! Just taken a back seat and reading other peoples success stories.

Nope the effects haven't worn off, in fac they are stronger than ever! I'm soo happy with my life now, it's all working out really well. i now live with my boyfriend and we have a really great life together...there's not much more i can say really, except that i'm extremely greatful to the file! :D
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curse forced gay

Postby little_n » August 13th, 2007, 2:12 pm

I have been listening to this file for a few weeks now. It has gotten into my head and will not leave. i find myself thinking of real men all the time now and wishing I could service them. I am hapilly married but I just cannot stop.

I do have transvestite tendencies and want to listen to the sissy files also. has anyone had similar experiences?

Sorry this post is short, but I am scared and excited at the same time - shaking while typing this...)
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Postby Rico605 » August 16th, 2007, 5:57 am

Hi! It's a very powerful one. I stopped for a few days thinking that the effects would wash away, but it's not the case. Before, i was able to get hard with a woman thinking about her, but now, i can only get hard with a woman thinking that she's a male. But when i read how happy is syssyboyoxford, well i just feel like accept that this file will make me totally gay. I can only explain that personnal change by this file. It's true that i am as you afraid and excited. But, there is no reverse file for that one, maybe if you pay emg... But for now, it's one of the only files without a reverse file. So the best is to give into that one and accept the change. I think that those who listen that file, secretely want that change, so why not accept it?
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Postby Noluk » August 17th, 2007, 7:52 am

This sounds similar to something that happened to me, except without listening to hypnosis. I began just peeping at pictures of gay furry porn (I am a furry myself) and however only visited out of curiosity. Eventually I started to look at them more and then began to start coming back to it even more. My gay furry friend in New York warned me that if I continue this I will turn into a gay furry and eventually even begin cybering with him. However I ignored him and now I get hard from seeing gay furry porn or fantasizing about being in a room full of male anthropomorphs, or even thinking of men having sex with each other. Soon enough his prediction turned out to be real and I ended up cybering with him all along. Then one day he typed in "your gay" and I immediately got a hard on and became VERY sexually aroused. :oops: I now paw off only to gay yiff porn.

Well I am still sexually attracted to human females but I am sexually attracted to anthropomorphic male furries. What does this mean?
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Postby arekusu » August 18th, 2007, 11:37 pm

It means this file is really working!

I haven't listened to this file since about June, and I am listening again. I took a break cuz I was on a long backpacking trip. It was fun though, on the backpacking trip, I hypnotized my crew about every other night, so they could sleep better and such.

Anyways, it definitely means its working on you! Its a fun file! Even though I haven't listened to it in a while, I think it has made me bi. Imma keep going, I think. Right now, its about %50 %50, but I want it to be more like %80 male, %20 female.

Good luck, and keep listening!!
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Postby saffronsaffy69 » August 27th, 2007, 3:47 pm

Has anyone else had any success with this file?
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Postby Cwolf_FA » September 12th, 2007, 6:11 pm

I've had some success after only a few listens, yeah. I was already bisexual at the time I started listening to it, but was having problems. I was leaning towards men, but still thought women were attractive and everything. The problem with that was that I was worried I'd get into a marriage with a woman because of social pressure and regret it for the rest of my life. Also I wanted the confidence to tell my friends and family, and figured that the file could help me with that. So let's see... after just over a week it's already working amazingly. I just don't feel any physical attraction towards women anymore and instead am finding myself turned on by other men. Not to mention that i've gone with a level where i was comfortable with my sexuality to the point where I'm now proud of it. Granted, I'm not ready just yet to come out to anybody, but I think I'll get there eventually.
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Joined: September 22nd, 2006, 12:00 am

Postby Rico605 » September 13th, 2007, 5:25 am

Congratulation! Your profil is really like mine. I am up to the same point as you. I didn't come out yet, but it nearly happened the other day. I was in bed with my girlfriend, and she said that when i was entering bed, that i did it like a gay. :lol: So i said that a was suprise to know that gay have a special way to come into the bed and that if it was the case, i was ready to admit it and be confortable with that. She said: So you're admiting that you are gay? At that moment, i really felt like saying YES, «««««««««««yes i am and proud of it! But i said no, i am admiting that i might move like a gay and i dont care about it. So keep listening, i am doing the same, and coming out will eventually happen!
Posts: 22
Joined: June 27th, 2005, 12:00 am

Postby Rico605 » September 18th, 2007, 5:36 am

I started again to listen to the file daily. Well it finally happened: i did my first coming out to a friend. I wrote her a long e-mail, telling her all about it, that i am dedicated to men and that i dont want to hide it anymore. Without that file, i would'nt have done it. She probably didn't read her mail yet, but hopefully, i will have an answer later on today. She's the best friend of a co-worker who is gay and that i foud attractive. So i will keep on posting for any new effects.
Posts: 22
Joined: June 27th, 2005, 12:00 am


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