Cum when you pee

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Cum when you pee

Postby LA88 » May 21st, 2007, 6:05 am

Has anyone had any luck with cum when you pee? i'm intrested in it but has it actually done anything to anyone?
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Postby FlameD » May 21st, 2007, 11:50 am

Is that even possible...? Doesn't the body prevent you from doing them at the same time, because otherwise you'd get toxins from your urine into your reproductive systems?
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Postby jeffery » May 21st, 2007, 8:07 pm

Flame...I would say that it's nearly impossible to ejaculate while you pee, as the body seals off your bladder during arousal. Urine isn't toxic for people, so long as you're reasonably healthy - but sperm tend to die when they come in contact with it.
But keep in mind that cumming and ejaculating are two very different things. For most men, it's fairly difficult to seperate the two, but definitely possible. For most women, it happens regularly. I don't see why anyone couldn't have a dry orgasm (no ejaculation, but a climax) while they pee. Some people do, without hypnosis, just because they get off on it for one reason or another.

In response to the original post - sorry, I haven't tried the file.

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Postby Mino » May 22nd, 2007, 10:11 am

To be honest the file itself is very bad, I had to write it while minimizing it constantly due to privacy issues but once I get some more privacy I'll rewrite it and upload a new file similar to that peeing pleasure entry in the voting page.
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Postby getpumped87 » May 27th, 2007, 10:17 pm

FlameD wrote:Is that even possible...? Doesn't the body prevent you from doing them at the same time, because otherwise you'd get toxins from your urine into your reproductive systems?

it is impossible to do both, that's why if you have to pee real bad, think of something sexy and the urge to go will practically disappear
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Postby akwalpurgisnacht » October 17th, 2012, 1:18 pm

Actually, depending on the guy, if you have not cum in a while, sometimes when you pee, your body will release a certain amount of cum. Its happened to me after a couple weeks in my CB6000s. Mind, this is totally different from orgasm, or even real ejaculation; it is more like your prostate is just so full that when you relax the muscles down there, the cum flows out with the piss.
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Postby solano » April 25th, 2014, 9:07 am

Never say never! Impossible is not a word we should use lightly in WMM, because the mind can do amazing things to/with the body. Orgasm is a process of the brain, whereas ejaculation is very much a bodily response. Ejaculation causes a refractory period (more or less, and in some not at all), while orgasm does not. Many people (myself included) have learned to experience them independently or together. \r\n
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Postby solano » April 25th, 2014, 9:51 am

I had an early experience (when I used marijuana for the first time) of orgasming hard four or five times in a row. So at an early age, I was mentally conditioned (no matter how many times people told me it couldn\'t be done) that I could experience multiple orgasms. In fact, to this day, I’m rarely satisfied with fewer than three typical orgasms.\r\n\r\n\r\n
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Postby solano » April 25th, 2014, 9:53 am

problems creating paragraphs in this forum. Will experiment...
Last edited by solano on April 25th, 2014, 10:02 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Postby solano » April 25th, 2014, 9:57 am

For many reasons (including the obvious biological ones) there is a powerful association between orgasm and urination. The bladder is essentially in direct contact with the prostate gland, and empties right through it. ................................................................................................................................... In women, the urethral sponge (equivalent to male prostate) is also in proximity to the bladder and internal clitoris, and the urethra passes through it for them as well. We all see the association between pee and orgasm in women who squirt. The Skene’s Glands secrete through the urethra. As do the male fluids. .................................................................................................................................... For men, that part of urination near the end in which one consciously or (usually) subconsciously begins to contract the bulbospongiosus muscle (also used in ejaculation) to squirt out the remaining urine, is extremely close to ejaculation, physiologically. I personally start doing this earlier in the flow, and extend it as long as I can force myself to feel the urge to urinate, which is a feeling I love almost as much as orgasm. .................................................................................................................................... Wanting (needing) to interact with pee (yours or somebody else’s) is a fetish. The love of peeing isn’t so much a fetish as a realization! .................................................................................................................................... So it’s easy for me to understand how this file works. I have only just downloaded it, but I have little doubt it can work. The main differences between ejaculation and peeing are that the fluid passes through the neck of the bladder before it goes through the prostate. The sensations from the nerves in bladder (as the bladder contracts and the urine passes out of it) are much more powerful than those produced by the rest of the urination process (despite the fact that the rest are the same feelings as those that occur during ejaculation—without orgasm). .................................................................................................................................... And so we mentally \"experience\" peeing and ejaculating as two very different things. When in truth, the biological differences are miniscule! Some men (myself included) can develop extremely powerful associations between pee and cumming. It’s simply a matter of sexualizing the experience of bladder nerve sensations, and mentally associating them with orgasm. .................................................................................................................................... I know for a fact that I have more powerful and longer and more numerous ejaculatory orgasms when I have a slightly full bladder than I do with an empty one. I know for a fact that when I orgasm through anal penetration it really helps to have fluid in the bladder, and that I can orgasm and ejaculate many times or in one continuous, wave-like series (that does involve ejaculation), or in a long, sustained internal orgasm that involves almost no genital action, but is mind-blowing and body-wracking without it. In all of these situations, the bladder is a definite contributing factor for me. .................................................................................................................................... I realize this is an old thread, but hopefully this will encourage those of us just now trying out this file. The body is already wired and plumbed this way, so it’s a simple matter of coaxing the mind along for the ride. Piece of cake for WMM, no? .................................................................................................................................... PS: Pardon the multiple posts and strings of periods. I\'m experimenting with ways of creating paragraphs. The usual way just adds the text rnrn to the post, and keeps everything one long jumble. I hate that! Also there\'s a backslash before apostrophes. Weird!
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Postby BearBoy83 » April 25th, 2014, 11:00 am

the bladder closes off before you are about to cum thats why it takes a while to pee after you cum.\r\nCertain medications or conditions such as diabetes can cause retrograde ejaculation where the cum instead goes back into the bladder and you pee it out
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Postby PeeMind » April 27th, 2014, 7:33 am

Why would you want to cum when you pee?

Surely what you want is to pee when you cum which, as others above have described, is phisically near impossible.

The closest I can get is after using EMG's 'Curse Urine Orgasm' and Sarnoga's 'Teenie weenie' I'm often managing to wank to spunking without getting an erection, the efects are interesting:

I might start normal and get an erection, but then the urge to pee kicks in,- which itself is interesting as I always wank after I've peed.

The urge to pee causes me to loose any erection, the need to pee taking over my mind.

After a while I'll pee (not much; about a spooneful), but once I've peed the orgasm comes very quickly and I'll spunk with a still flacid prick.
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Postby outbreak » April 27th, 2014, 9:56 am

PeeMind wrote:The urge to pee causes me to loose any erection, the need to pee taking over my mind.rnrnAfter a while I'll pee (not much; about a spooneful), but once I've peed the orgasm comes very quickly and I'll spunk with a still flacid prick.

That's awesome :3, i wish i could orgasm like you, and pee aswell.
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