Any success with Curse Fucked By A Dog?

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Any success with Curse Fucked By A Dog?

Postby yaar » January 4th, 2008, 1:20 am

Has anyone had success with this one?

Also, would EMG's deprogramming file work to remove this?
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Postby CopperPhalanx » January 4th, 2008, 4:04 am

I've been thinking about trying this one too, but have been put off by the curse part... Now if it was a trigger I'd be listening too it now, but hey-ho, maybe I'll be braver in the future.

-- CopperPhalanx
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Postby catgirlatheart » January 4th, 2008, 4:28 am

I MIGHT uses it if it did not have the curse crap & humiliation stuff.
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Postby TabbyCat » January 12th, 2008, 9:20 am

Oh wow, I never noticed that this had become free.. it annoys me that I miss files because of that.
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Postby yaar » January 12th, 2008, 8:57 pm

catgirlatheart wrote:I MIGHT uses it if it did not have the curse crap & humiliation stuff.

I've been thinking of using it and then using Trigsafe (makes all files only self-triggerable)
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Postby SDoll » January 13th, 2008, 6:56 pm

Someone left a comment saying it worked. It sounds hot the way the describe it. ;)
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Postby catgirlatheart » January 14th, 2008, 5:32 pm

yaar wrote:
catgirlatheart wrote:I MIGHT uses it if it did not have the curse crap & humiliation stuff.

I've been thinking of using it and then using Trigsafe (makes all files only self-triggerable)
but still.... I think it could have been made better.
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Postby EMG » January 14th, 2008, 7:01 pm

I created the file the way it was requested/paid for, if you want a better one add it to the voting list or commission a custom file and then you can have it exactly the way you want it.

catgirlatheart wrote:
yaar wrote:
catgirlatheart wrote:I MIGHT uses it if it did not have the curse crap & humiliation stuff.

I've been thinking of using it and then using Trigsafe (makes all files only self-triggerable)
but still.... I think it could have been made better.
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Postby catgirlatheart » January 15th, 2008, 7:05 pm

EMG wrote:I created the file the way it was requested/paid for, if you want a better one add it to the voting list or commission a custom file and then you can have it exactly the way you want it.

catgirlatheart wrote:
yaar wrote:
catgirlatheart wrote:I MIGHT uses it if it did not have the curse crap & humiliation stuff.

I've been thinking of using it and then using Trigsafe (makes all files only self-triggerable)
but still.... I think it could have been made better.
... you can do that.... wow. I'm dumb....
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Postby Bloodog » February 9th, 2008, 6:01 am

I think for me it is the very fact that it's a curse that makes this one erotic.
If it were just a self trigger it would take away the control element and helplessness of the situation.
I like neither pain or humiliation on this level but a long time ago (whilst accepting that the reality would be unpleasant) I had some dog fuck fantasies, so this one struck a chord with me.
Of all the files on here I think this one excites and scares me most! :lol:
Very tempted to try it at some point in the near future.
Will keep you posted if I get the nerve. :wink:
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Postby crash_matrix » March 1st, 2008, 2:00 am

About the curse issue: the only part of the dog fuck curse is that it repeats once a week if someone else doesn't trigger you in time; however, it only happens in a situation where it's "safe" to happen, so I wouldn't fear the curse part too much.
I have to agree with Bloodog that the lack of control aspect is the enticing part of the idea; the idea that one wouldn't have significant control is a fascinating one.
I'm new to hypnosis, so I'm training on inductions right now; then, I'll try the simple stuff like "trigfreeze"; but, once I get comfortable with being hypnotized, I'll try out some more crazy stuff, and dog fuck might be one of them. I'll let you know if it yields any results.

-- CM
Last edited by crash_matrix on March 2nd, 2008, 2:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby BobbyS » March 2nd, 2008, 11:04 am

But WHY??!!!
Why would you want to do that???!!!
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Postby Mino » March 2nd, 2008, 1:28 pm

BobbyS wrote:But WHY??!!!
Why would you want to do that???!!!

When you say this there are another 1000 saying the same things in their head, and there's another 10 masturbating to your post.
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Postby SDoll » March 3rd, 2008, 8:15 pm

Mino wrote:
BobbyS wrote:But WHY??!!!
Why would you want to do that???!!!

When you say this there are another 1000 saying the same things in their head, and there's another 10 masturbating to your post.

And another 10 doing both. :wink:
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Postby Whoolpurse » March 17th, 2008, 7:02 am

I tried listening to it. I mean what could possibly go wrong. So far nothing. but i guess ill try again.
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Postby Teltroxine » March 18th, 2008, 4:49 pm

im very interested in this file... how about if every day you didnt activate it you got a stinging pain in your balls that grows worse and worse until you have to trigger it
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Postby crash_matrix » March 20th, 2008, 5:51 pm

BobbyS wrote:But WHY??!!!
Why would you want to do that???!!!

This is an understandable question, though it clearly isn't backed by extended consideration. Speaking from a psychologically analytical perspective, I would conclude that the dog isn't [necessarily] the key mitigating factor in desire for the effects of this file -- it's about the experience of being humiliated and controlled (though technically the subject is still in control).
It's similar in premise to the 'tentacle rape' file released by EMG; who wants to be pinned down and raped by nasty, slimey aliens? Noone, really. But, there are groups of people who like the overwhelming loss of control (and its tie into sexuality) in the experience.
Hypnosis helps us to feel that helplessness and sexual submission without the ugly social embarassment or the dangers of hybridization (interspecies sex).

Hope that answered your question,
-- CM
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Postby scotland-man » March 22nd, 2008, 4:48 am

yeah i have been listening to this file but nothing yetbut just so people know there is a non curse file called IS - Doggy Style but its a pay file
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Postby sometrouble » March 22nd, 2008, 9:35 pm

i think this is a file for those of us that feel both ashamed of and compelled towards our non-human, animalistic internal demands. Those shades of our mental pigmentation that blend with the dark of our evolutionary past. To listen willingly and expectantly to this file is an attempt to forsake one's humanity, and to revel in the base, simplistic and counter-intellectual world of the family pet, while at the same time despising those same qualities for their sheer inhumanity
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Postby sometrouble » March 22nd, 2008, 9:38 pm

p.s it got me hard, but 5 times around, still not been fucked by that dog
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Postby Shad_Phoenix » May 24th, 2008, 7:07 am

Worked for me after a while. I didn't feel it enter, but I definitely felt it pound into me. The knot got bigger and bigger, and then it came.

Strange file for a cat to use, but oh well :)
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Postby Raeft » June 2nd, 2008, 6:30 am

Ha, Can you believe I didn't even realize WMM had its own forum? Didn't see this forum when I started using these files with one of my subjects. This file was me testing it out on her, she actually doesn't like it if only for the beastiality aspect (I told her, hey, imaginary dog, no animals get hurt, but she's hard to convince). She's a uniquely submissive and easily hypnotized subject. I will here pass on her experience with the file in question:

"When the file is triggered, I feel myself being forced to my knees. Then I get the vague sensation that a dog is being led slowly over, feel it snuffling around my crotch, and then it mounts me and starts taking me. I can't move my arms or legs, I just buck and rock forward and back irresistably, feeling the cock inside of me and a furry body covering my back and holding me with paws on either side. Then my cunt squeezes and the knot starts to press in. It's a little painful, but if I'm wet enough, it goes in smooth and keeps getting bigger. Then I end up cumming and feel ashamed whether I want to or not... it really does last fifteen minutes, and at the end it hurts when the dog pulls out, and I'm left collapsed and wet."

Ha, had quite a bit of fun with this file. I later used the script as a template, and adapted the file from my own experience to record a version (since we do long distance hypnosis), which removes the dog element and replaces it with rough, dominant sex on the part of a demon (another of her fantasies).

But, I'd rate this file a resounding success. HOWEVER, no offence to the other hypnotists or subjects out there? But this experience will NOT be typical. My girl here is particularly subby and has 2 years of going into trance to my voice and only mine (I tend to recite files or re-record them, often adding binaurals or some music depending on what I think will work), and I have a fair bit of experience by now.

Still, awesome stuff. My kudos to the chef. ;)
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