I guess this is a success story.

A place to post about the success you've had with the various files

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I guess this is a success story.

Postby ClaireC » January 6th, 2008, 7:52 pm


First up, I want to say that this site is simply amazing. I haven't looked around much yet, but just the little I've seen blows me away. I had no idea something like this existed, which is kinda ironic considering what I have to tell all of you.
I'm hear because someone I know online pointed me here after hearing what I've been doing the past year and a half. You see, I used to date this guy that had me listening to this hypnosis file, and after breaking up with him a year ago I continued to listen to it. Twice a day, pretty much every day, just the way I did when I was with him.
The file is the one about living naked, and no I dont live naked 24/7 and hate clothes, but I do feel that the file has had some affect on me after listening to it for so long.
You see, my Ex loved keeping me naked as much as possible, and I did that for him because it made him happy and to be honest I enjoyed the mild thrill. Doing the hyponsis thing just became an extension of that, although I did find it pretty funny at first that he was making me do it.
But like I said, after we split up I still found myself going back to the file, and by then I was noticing a change in my thoughts and habits regarding my own nudity. Maybe because of how he treated me, or maybe because of the file, I didn't know back then. But the past year since I last saw him has really convinced me that there is really something to this self hypnosis stuff.
So here is how I live right now.
I sleep nude of course, and have done for a very long time. But when I get up in the morning I go through my entire morning routine without dressing.
The time I do have to get dressed is just before I leave for work, and this is one of those times when I feel the file has been influencing me, because just looking at my clothes I feel a very strong reluctance to put any of it on.
I don't hate clothes, I just really wish I didn't have to wear them.
But I have to dress, and funnily enough the trigger in the file that lets you put something on when you have to, actually helps me to overcome this reluctance, but I have to say it over and over, like a sort of mantra as I dress.
The file says I can only wear a skirt when I have to get dressed, but that part doesn't work. Once I start to dress I can dress pretty much normally.
There is more though.
I spend a lot of my time alone at work, and can be undisturbed for hours at a time, which has led to my giving in to my urge to be nude more and more often as time goes by. When I know I will be okay for a couple of hours, I will strip right there in my office and work nude for a while. I feel so much better for doing it, and enjoy the thrill of sitting at my desk with nothing on.
No one at work has discovered me yet, and I am very careful about it so no one probably will. But the urge to do stuff like this is always in the back of my mind.
In fact, if I am not distracted by something else, I can hear the words from the file echoing in my head. And it's funny but when I am really focused on something, like at work, I can hear them almost as clear as when I listen to them on my Ipod.
Anyway. When I get home again off come my clothes. And sometimes I start undressing in the car before even getting home, at least what I can while still remaining decent.
When I am not at work and have to go out, that is when I dress a lot lighter. I've lost count of the number of times I have gone to the store in nothing but a big Tshirt, or gone out with friends in just a dress with nothing underneath it.
I tend toward loose clothing because I hate that binding feeling.
As far as my friends are concerned, I have only confided this to a couple of my closest, and they have been cool about and even let me stay naked when they come over. They have both asked though what would happen if I just stopped listening to the file, and to be honest I have tried.
I would go for a few days without listening, but the words would always be there in my head, and eventually without even realizing it I would grab my Ipod at the usual time and sit down to listen.
The funny thing is, I dont know if I am being really hypnotised or what. I dont feel like I am going into any sort of a trance. But I cant ignore the fact that my life has changed since I started listening to this file, and even my friends have commented on it.
It's not just the nudity, but they say I've gotten a lot more private than I used to be. I keep to myself a lot more and dont seem to be as outgoing as I was.
Im not really sure if that is true or not, but Im not unhappy at all or even regretfull. It's hard to put into words how I do feel. I'm not sure whether to thank you for making this file or not.
I do enjoy how I feel when I am naked, and yet I wonder what sort of person I would have been had my Ex not gotten me started.
And now I have something else to think about, this site.
As I said I had no idea this place existed, and the number of files you have here like the one I have simply amazes me.
A part of me is a little afraid to look through them all, because I might find another one that would appeal to me. And since I know that given time I can be influenced by a self hypnosis file, what other behaviour modification would work on me.
Anyway, I just thought you would want to know, and I'm going to go now and listen to my file again.

Posts: 7
Joined: January 6th, 2008, 1:00 am

Postby bucketwarrior » January 7th, 2008, 12:11 am

well I'm happy for you, it seems like you had some success and are enjoying it. If its working fine for you and you have no problems with it you should continue with it and embrace it.
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Joined: December 9th, 2007, 1:00 am

Postby Kimberly_tv » January 7th, 2008, 11:52 am

It's true, quite historically accurate in fact, that if you listen to any message enough then you will start to believe it. It is what propaganda is based on - so it's no surprise really, that after a year of listening to it that you still do so and have been influenced by its suggestions!

Who can still remember the Lords prayer from first school, for example, even though they might not be religious. (I can!!) It's because we said it every single day!

I wouldn't worry too much. In fact, try working from home!! :)
Posts: 19
Joined: July 11th, 2007, 12:00 am

Postby ClaireC » January 7th, 2008, 5:04 pm


Thanks for the replies. This is a great community, and I am very happy to have discovered it.

As for working from home, I wish! :)
Posts: 7
Joined: January 6th, 2008, 1:00 am

Postby littlecaltoy » January 8th, 2008, 5:44 pm

ClaireC wrote:Hi.

Thanks for the replies. This is a great community, and I am very happy to have discovered it.

As for working from home, I wish! :)

I'm not sure if that would be as exhilarating as being nude at your work.

Well, anyway.. welcome.
Hope you enjoy your stay here. Feel free to IM or PM me if i can help in any way.
-- cal

"to label me is to render me useless" -- Kierkegaard
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Postby ClaireC » January 20th, 2008, 12:35 am

Hi all again.

Thought I'd update you all a bit on what has been happening since I found this site.
I've been working a lot with one of the hypnotists here, building trust and eventually letting him put me under.
One of the things I have discovered since we started this is that after so long listening to my file, I am pretty easy to put into trance. Once an induction (see I'm learning the lingo) starts its like it builds on the induction I have been listening to for so long, and down I go.
I've also learned that while before I didn't really know whether or not I was really going into trance, I now know that I was.
I've discovered missing time while under, and through the suggestions given to me over the past couple of sessions I know I can be influenced in other ways.
In a way it is rather scary to know that my head can be hacked into with reletive ease...but through it Im finding out things about myself that I wasnt really ready to admit to.
This has opened up a whole new part of my life, not to mention all the fun we are having experienting with what my subconcious will accept and compell me to do, and what it wont.
And it hasn't all been about fun and games, the few sessions we have had have also helped me deal with a few mental blocks in my personality, for want of better words...so there has be a thereputic aspect to it all as well.
It isn't all about sex sessions!
Still, since most of you are guys I think you will be happy to hear that my inductions with this hypnotist may be spilling over into my listening to the livingnaked file which I still do. It has become harder to dress, and a lot harder to wear the clothes I can get on! I'm wearing less and less, in fact today was the first time I realized just how much that has changed since I was out a public event today and I saw I was certainly the most underdressed person in the room, which was rather embarrassing. I got a lot of stares, especially since outside it was well below freezing. Yet I found it very hard to put on more than I did and Im not looking forward to going back to work on Tuesday where I have to be a lot more conservatively dressed.
Anyway...I just thought you all would like to hear about how all this has affected me, and maybe it will give a little hope to those of you who dont think the files you are listening to are working. Because another thing I have learned here is that for the most part, you wont get immediate results if you haven't been tranced before. It may take a long time of patient listening before you notice anything. But once things do start working, then a world of possibilities can open up for you.
Just keep at it!

Posts: 7
Joined: January 6th, 2008, 1:00 am

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