So I fell off the files for a while because I got depressed. So you could say all of my progress rolled back to day one. However, I managed to write a script for the EMG and got myself a nice 3 month membership. I downloaded the bodys, subliminals and binaurals of almost all the files i ever wanted to listen to and have them on my computer now.
I decided to focus on TrainBodybuilder (TBb) and TrainTotalJock (TTJ) instead of TBb, TTJ, TrainNotShy, and FreedomFromMentalBondage. I figured, my goal is to look good this summer. If TTJ works, I wont be too shy anymore and I'll look sexy too haha.
Also I know I have people watching my thread. I don't want to slide back and slip off and show up mediocre results. If I'm going to do it, I'm going to make sure I follow through with it - especially with the membership - there's no excuses.
Thank you to all the people that have been encouraging me.
Since I don't have much daytime to focus on actually going into a trance, I'm using the binaurals and subliminals to get me there. I listen to them while on the train ride to work, on the train ride home, while preparing for my tutoring sessions at work, walking down the street, chilin' at the computer; doesnt matter. Where ever I know I'm going to have time to a listen in of either file, I'm going to listen to that file.
I'm going to try to also listen to the Training Enhancing files at any given time: Accelerator, Susceptible, Reinforce, TrainSleepReinforce, TrainTrance
Hopefully Susceptible will make it easier to accept the suggestions, Reinforce/SleepReinforce will make it easier to repeat and drill the suggestions in -- even when I'm not listening to a file during sleep, and Accelerator will give each file's suggestions more power, effectiveness and shorten the length of time it'll take to reach the peak of that file.
My focus is on the TTJ and TBb files, the Training Enhancing files are just to help move things along when ever i feel like adding that extra boost, you know?
So those are my thoughts... and thanks