
A place to post about the success you've had with the various files

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Postby Phish44 » May 5th, 2008, 9:04 am

beh why is my vision blury! meh - any way, I havn't been trying anything for a while, figured i'd listen to some files again today. I listened to the bubble induction by lutz, about half way though, my arms and legs fell numb, weightless or heavy I couldn't really tell, buy I couldn't get my chest, neck, head, breathing, (heart?), to realy relax, during the rest of the file it was generally the same, I think i started to kinda wake up a bit too early either way...

It was on a playlist, I listened to "Deeporgasm" after that, something with an echo i couldn't understand, couldn't really fall back into the numbness.

And finally (not finishing with the playlist but i just stoped), I listened to EGM's prostate milking (am I a psycho for wanting this?), I had my body fall back into the relaxing/numbness feeling again, but just like bubble my head, mind, and chest were all tense...(right now i feel tense as hell all over acctually)... It felt like the file was working while listening to it, but not much afterwords with the trigger, i'll listen to it again tomarrow or maby later today....

however next time I go to, is there anything i can really do to relax the rest of my body and mind? and/or is the numbness like...the right feeling?
-kinda felt like i was on a cloud i i could kick one leg and just start spinning, felt awsome.
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Joined: April 8th, 2008, 12:00 am

Postby MN_FriendlyGuy » May 5th, 2008, 1:28 pm

From your posting, I see you're experiencing the challenge of describing sensations you experienced during trance. Sometimes words just seem inadequate, don't they? :roll:

You asked: is there anything i can really do to relax the rest of my body and mind? and/or is the numbness like...the right feeling

Think of a radio - the type that lets you tune-in a station using a dial.

    - Sometimes you hear no station at all - keep dialing
    - Sometimes, the station comes in clearly - it's perfectly tuned-in
    - Sometimes you hear the station, but there's static because the tuning is off by a little
From the description you've written, it seems like you "hear the station - but there's static".

Be patient with yourself. You're close. It's just a matter of fine-tuning to isolate the calm, clear signal. It's unmistakable. And, you'll recognize it immediately.
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Postby jockboyslave » May 5th, 2008, 8:20 pm

Listen to the file, at the start, Lutz says to take a deep breath, hold it, then let it go slowly. I do this for about 3 -4 breaths or so to get my upper body in that relaxed state, I have the same problem, bro. My neck, shoulders, chest, and face don't relax as easily, but I've found that if I take deep breathes for the first few (imagine being at the doctor's office and they have you breathe in and out to listen to your heart) in order to really relax..or close to it.

I've been told I've gone under, but I'm still skeptic and doubt myself, so we'll see, been listening to it for about 2 weeks now. Just don't over do it, no more than twice a day, for Lutz. I'd forgo the other stuff until you are getting that "lost time" or trigger works from Bubble.
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