Breaking Curse ForcedGay

A place to post about the success you've had with the various files

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Breaking Curse ForcedGay

Postby Whichway » July 6th, 2007, 8:13 pm

I have had a very interesting experience with Forced Gay.
It is likely to be one of the most powerful files on the site. Most seem to stay at the low, soothing, introductory monotone but this thing brings to down into trance then hits you with both barrels.

I am a (still) heterosexual male with a transformation fetish. I’ve been lurking around here for some time, either to scared or to lazy to really try most of the files. I’ve always wanted to be a girl, even cross dressed a little around early puberty ( looked good in a dress at that time), but frankly I feel I have enough social/emotional problems without inducing true gender dysphoria on myself.
Enter sissyboyoxford’s success story. An achievable, real life transformation. To be honest it was enough to turned me on.
You must understand I love women with all my heart and genitals, but I’m really shy and chivalrous. Intelligent girls are awesome though they also tend to be damn picky. I can’t stand unintelligent girls for very long but nor can I stand the idea of becoming a fuck’um and leave um sort of prick.
So a couple nights ago, on July forth, I was feeling particularly sexually frustrated and self-destructive. I figured that if I “switched teams” so to speak, things would be easier. Men are as a rule, horny. While it might take days, weeks, MONTHS to get a girl in bed surly getting into a gay mans pants would be a synch.

So help me god by time the file was winding to a conclusion I wanted to grab my hard on and run into the night looking for one to suck. One of the only things that stopped me was the fact that I hadn’t been commanded to move yet.
Then something really strange happened.
The file works by installing a powerful primary fixation on male genitalia. With that as the foundation it continues with secondary commands to love all that is associated with the organ and shun traits that are not.
My hetero nature made a tooth and nail resurgence of itself. I started looking through my porn and came to the Futanari transformation (normal girl to dickgirl) section. In the face of this the secondary directive to stop liking women was counteracted completely. Seeing those images reminded me of just how much I LOVE the female form and how desperately I’d hate to lose that.
So while the file was successful, I refuse to continue on with it.
I currently have zero attraction to men, but I’ve been left with a couple side effects. I’ve become more aware of my own penis. When an erotic thought or beautiful set of curves walking by causes it to tingle I end up with a full blown erection because having an erection itself has become a strange sort of turn on.
Also I have an addict like desirer to listen to the file again. My mind keeps scrambling to find a justification that’ll get me to do it, but I know it’s just programming and I hope it will fade in time.
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Joined: February 16th, 2006, 1:00 am

Postby arekusu » July 8th, 2007, 7:29 pm

Meh, thats how I felt when I started listening to that file: I didn't want to give up women. Also, I was turned on by my own erections! I kept on listening to it, and I stopped caring about giving up women. I would say I am attracted to both right now, but I think women I fading away.

Its a damn fun file! I suggest you keep on listening to it!!!
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Postby Whichway » July 8th, 2007, 11:08 pm

It is now the fourth day since using the file and thank god the public erections have subsided.
I also seem to have become a little more, *cough* observant of the female form. Strange reaction to a manlove training program.
I don’t find men sexually appealing but the idea of growing to find men sexually appealing is… arousing.
But women are arousing too. You see my dilemma.
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Postby experimenter » July 9th, 2007, 9:15 am

With all of the to-do about this file, I had to give it a few listens, and it is really powerful.

I will say this: TrainSexWoman DOES work to reverse the effects this file has on your attraction to men, but what it doesn't do is reduce the desire the file puts into to you to go back and listen to the file again. That's something you're going to have to break on your own.
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Postby lorcain » July 9th, 2007, 9:48 am

Or if you really wanted to, you could pay EMG to remove the curse from you.
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Breaking Curse ForcedGay

Postby nostromo » May 5th, 2008, 7:54 pm

Yeah, I had a real fascination with being "switched" to the other side lol and i started listening to this file and it scared me and I tried to stop it cold turkey but of course i came back to it. i have recently came out of the closet to my closest friends and i don't see me ever turning back.
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Postby jockboyslave » May 5th, 2008, 8:36 pm

Let me respond to your situation with this little "story"/question...

A gay friend of mine posed a question to a married friend we both knew about his "comfort" level of his sexuality and his "standing" on homosexuality. I'm not sure of the percentage, but I feel safe saying most straight men think 2 women getting it on is hot as hell, especially if they're allowed to get involved. Most straight guys think 2 guys and a girl are a bit border line and probably would only do things like sandwhiching with the woman in real physical interaction between the guys. 2 guys together just repusles most straight men...course, now adays, people are seeming to be open with themselves, and comfortable in their sexuality.

When I was stationed in Norfolk VA with the Navy, I went to a country/leather bar almost every weekend, at the time, I didn't drink alcohol, but went for friends and such. There was a lesbian and a straight guy that would always come in and I became friends with them. No one knew the guy was straight. He was handsome and hot as hell in my opinion, and he would line dance, and even slow dance with the guys at the bar...cock tease, ain't he. LOL It wasn't until he and I were at that line in our friendship...becoming more that he told me he was straight, the lesbian confirmed it. I was such distraut, but also, very excited. Most straight men don't like other guys getting to close...let alone THAT close. But he was, and he enjoyed it. He was comfortable with himself, in his skin, and those around him. Most of his friends were gay/lesbian. Some straight people like gay bars now adays because there not as much "fuck suck dump" as the straight ones. Women like the gay men bars cause they aren't treated like meat, and so on.

My question to you "Whichway" is what do you feel comfortable with? Would you do something to a girl with another guy in a three way? Or just one on one? Keeping safe sex in mind. And don't worry about being more aware of your penis, some people like that. I'm sure you'd love a woman who was more area of her breasts, yes? Not all bisexuality means you actually get fucked or be fucked by someone of the same sex. There's different levels to our sexuality. how far we will go and what we will do (kinks, fetishes, etc.) for that pleasure.

If it makes you happy, you enjoy it, and want to do it again, GO FOR IT. Don't fight who you really are because of what society or the bible says you must/must not do.
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