Email Slave test

A place to post about the success you've had with the various files

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A warning !!!

Postby hypnostudent » August 23rd, 2008, 4:29 am

sometimes my suggestions can seem TOO REAL for some people.

jjc wrote:On the questionnaire I had put NA for town and state,
which was supposed to mean it was too personal. I also
let you know I do not live alone, and told you I had
to be careful to only listen to the file when I am

The courier showing up with a box, I'm assuming from
you by the HS on it, with my full address means
somehow you have gotten me to provide the information
I had already said was too personal. It was pure dumb
luck that I was alone when they came to the door.

If you're not going to follow the guidelines you asked
for it sounds like you are planning to do whatever you
want anyhow, not just within the limits agreed to.

You can just hear the anger as he typed that.

Now, the questionnaire I sent him was a list of questions I sometimes send Email Slaves to find out what experience they have had with the ES file, and to find out what sort of things they are into. I ask roughly where you are, to deal with timezones etc., and I allow you to answer N/A for any questions you don't feel comfortable answering.

This guy was given a suggestion that he would receive a box by courier. I described the box, and the coloured logo on the address label and gave him the suggestion that it would be addressed to him, for realism. At NO POINT did I ever find out or know his address, and when I pointed out to him that he hadn't got a box from me, and he confirmed that he looked all over the house looking for it, and couldn't find it he realised it was just a really powerful visualisation.

Anyway, just a warning that I may send you suggestions that shock you at first, or may have cause to be more real than you'd think.

Just a friendly warning, as I hate to lose email slave's over what is sometimes a simple misunderstanding.
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Postby hypnostudent » August 23rd, 2008, 4:31 am

I do requests too.

AF wanted a suggestion to 'force' him to pee sitting down.

AF wrote:Just a while ago, I peed while standing up and once I realized what was happening. I felt ashamed that I was standing while peeing. I felt I should know better than that.
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Postby hypnostudent » August 23rd, 2008, 4:33 am

He also wanted to experience the evening as a female.

So, when he told me that he bites his nails a lot, I told him girls, proper girls don't do that.

AF wrote:So far today I have prevented myself from chewing my nails. Also, I sat down for the first time when peeing today. Also, I dunno why, but I cried alot watching the end of the movie "Field of Dreams". I have not cried that much while watching a movie in quite a while.

LOL at imagining him sat there watching the film, crying.
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Another package

Postby hypnostudent » August 23rd, 2008, 4:38 am

I also "sent" someone some special "waking dream" cookies by post.

He enjoyed eating those.

R wrote:
This cookies you sent me they are hell of effective. You won't believe this but right now I feel and look like a pregnant girl. I know this sounds crazy but I was eating one of your waking dream cookies. I looked out of the window while eating the cookie and saw a pregnant woman walking down the street. I thought about her for a few seconds and got a little dizzy. I turned around and sat down and on the table in front of me I spotted a pregnancy test, I was really confused but reached for it and saw that it was positive. Even more confused I got up and I felt some weight on my chest, I gasped out and my voice sounded somewhat higher. I looked down and saw that I was wearing my ballerina outfit but now really filled it out as I had breasts and was now female. Even a little more shocked as I put 2 and 2 together that by fantasizing about the pregnant woman I triggerd the waking dream of beeing a pregnant woman.
First thing I did was feel me up, I know you shouldn't do that but I was quiet excited about this. I think the best asset of my body was my butt, it was so cute and I liked to touch and stroke it. This felt just really great. After about 20 minutes I realized that my belly started to grow little by little. It felt really amazing, like a constant but very slow swelling. During the next 20 minutes I sat on the couch stroking my belly and watching it growing and growing. I was somehow enthralled by this and didn't really notice the time flying by. It was all so very exciting. But then this extra weigh started to put a strain on my bladder and I had to go pee. Although I only looked like 4 to 5 pregnant by now I already had some balance problems. I think my growing breasts had something to do with it also. So I walked slowly to the bathroom to relief myself. The way back was not much easier as I looked like 6 months pregnant right now and my belly was quiet huge by then.
I loved to hug my belly and stroke it so I went back to the couch to sit down and see how far this would go. And it went on further and further. I really enjoyed just sitting and there and going through this sped up pregnancy. After about 90 minutes I looked like I was about to give birth any minute. My belly was humongous and I now really had difficulties to move around. I wanted to wander around the house a little but all I could do was waddle around it. It was difficult to move but so very enjoyable hugging my belly and going around the house humming lullabies. I almost could feel some motherly feelings well up inside of me.
Now almost 110 Minutes have passed since this all started and I wonder what will happen next. Since I don't know, I thought about emailing you about this and how it felt to give you a little feedback about your cookies and what effect they have on me. It was quiet difficult to write this with my belly and my breasts getting in the way a little. But I really enjoy this waking dream and I am looking forward to how it will end.

The "pregnant" R

and later on he had another one.

R wrote:I wanted you to know that I had another one of your special cookies. After I had eaten it I sat on the couch and expected something to happen just waiting for the effect to take place but over the first 10 minutes nothing happened. I was a little worried but then an old school friend called. He wanted to tell me that we'll have a school get together sometimes soon and we chatted a little about the old times. After hanging up I thought a little about school time and that is when I started feeling a little dizzy so I sat back down on the couch and let the waking dream began.
I sat on the couch and suddenly the whole room shifted and began to change. I felt a little woozy and had to rub my eyes but then I was standing in my old class room. I was very confused to start with but then I realized I was holding a speech to my class and the teacher urged me to go on. I looked down and saw I had some sheets with notes in my hand but couldn't grasp what was standing there and started to get nervous. My school mates were all quiet and teacher started to get angry because of my hesitation. He pressured me to go on, or else he would give me a bad grade. I was getting really nervous and emberassed because I knew nothing and then it happened.
I started wetting myself. It felt so humiliating I instantly cast my eyes down stood there but couldn't stop myself. It just flowed out and out and out, it seemed that it would never stop. The whole class was laughing and the teacher sent me to the school nurse with some disgust in his voice. I ran out of the class and hurried to the school nurse. I felt myself running and running and bursting through some door and I stood in the health office. The nurse looked quiet bored and asked me what was wrong. I answered honestly that I've wet myself and the teacher has sent me here. She looked up and told me to get out of my jeans and my underpants and lie down on the medical bed.
I did as she told me, and was even more emberassed by lying half naked before our school nurse. She came over with a sponge and started to wash me, which was even more emberassing but somehow I got excited and I had to concentrate not to get a hard on. By now she was smiling a little, I think she knew what was going on and took her time teasing me. When she finished she got up but told me only to stay down as I tried to get up. She went over to the cupboard and came back and held something in her hand. I didn't recognize what it was. She told me to lift my butt a little, I did as she told me. And then I realized she was holding a diaper in her hand. She put the diaper under me and then fastened it around me. I felt like I was going to die by this humiliation but she only said I was good and could now go back to class.
After she said that I felt dizzy again and after I blinked once or twice I was back in my living room laying on my couch. I instantly checked if I was wet, which I was not, thankfully. Didn't want to clean up the mess. I guess your special cookies are working really well. I plan on eating one today before going to sleep to see what will happen.
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Which film to see ?

Postby hypnostudent » August 23rd, 2008, 4:40 am

This guy was going to the cinema to see a film, and he named some films,
HD wrote:Hulk, Hancock and Kung Fu Panda look good. Not sure Narnia is my cup of tea ?

HypnoStudent wrote:What about Sex and the city ?

I told him in IM that I would make him go and see a chick-flick by way of an email suggestion.

HypnoStudent suggestion to HD wrote:you'll now start to build a desire to go and see Sex and the City, but you'll realise that wasn't one of your choices, and think that I've sent you a suggestion to like watching chick flicks, and you'll believe you're trying to fight it, but the feeling from being controlled is to strong and pleasurable. You will pick the film of your choice when you get to the cinema and thoroughly enjoy it, remembering afterwards that the desire to see Sex and the City was just a joke, and that you had free choice all along.

HD wrote:I was thinking about Sex and the City but I saw Incredible Hulk instead
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Postby Lunn » August 23rd, 2008, 1:51 pm

Well, not sure what to say, so, ehre goes.

I generaly only work with genuine females for sexualy explicit suggestions, so, if you are and would like to have an e-mail, shoot me an e-mail at If you would like some simple, demonstration kinds of things and are of any sex, you are welcome to ask. Please be aware that I may not reply, or, you may not know I have replied if thigns work well.

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Postby hypnostudent » August 23rd, 2008, 3:07 pm

here's some fresh feedback I received this evening.

DO wrote:that was incredible, i can't believe how good that felt to be an empty plastic doll... and then the being chained to the chair part was so erotic... god that was 10/10!
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Trigger me please

Postby picklecereal » August 24th, 2008, 6:22 am

Please trigger me, I want the effects only last for one hour please!
No public, private only :)
I listened to this 10 times hopefully it will work. Please only test me once.
Make it something like doll or a pregnant woman, or female maybe
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feedback just keeps on coming

Postby hypnostudent » August 24th, 2008, 3:04 pm

Here's the latest feedback from someone who PM'd me directly

st wrote:Wow, I would just like to tell you how much I enjoyed this, being a doll, with no cares, no thoughts or anything was, while quite bizarre and unlike anything I've ever experienced before, an experience that I would love to try again. I could physically feel the straps and chains tying me down, but could not see them. Again, a bizarre experience, but one I loved a lot, as bondage is one of my main fetishes.

I look forward to getting another hypnofile from you. If I had to rate this one, I would give it an 8, as I would love to involve more bondage, and, if possible, a leather element in there (the straps, which I can still feel on me, were a good start!).

I also love your other hypnofile, giving me a relaxation trigger, and think I will find it immensely useful when things get too stressful.

Hope to hear from you soon.

I sent him my standard dolly suggestion, plus the relaxation one I created.
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dolly amy

Postby hypnostudent » August 24th, 2008, 3:48 pm

Sometimes the dollies email me to let me know how the experience is going for them.

Dolly Amy wrote:Hi there, I'm dolly Amy, just thought I'd e-mail you, tell you about me :D.

I absolutely love being this cute little dolly, where I dont have anything to worry or think about. I love to be played with, to be posed and put in positions by my owner, and being bound down to my bed. It all excites me very much *hee hee*

Anyway, I have to go now, its kinda getting harder for me to write now, I dont know why, but its taking me longer to figure out what I want to type, and trying to type it :S. Hope to hear back from you,

Dolly Amy

This one is a suggestion called "dolly suit" and one in which intelligence slips gently away over the course of the experience.
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Postby hypnostudent » August 24th, 2008, 4:09 pm

Dolly Amy just came round

not Dolly Amy anymore wrote:Hi,

I'd just like to thank you for this latest hypnofile, which I have just 'snapped out' of. Wearing that dolly suit was such an exciting experience, I loved going about my daily business THINKING I was a dolly. It was strange though, as I started to find it harder to type and think, until, for the last 5 minutes or so, I just sat, staring at my screen, trying to remember what I was doing, and how to do it. Then, I figured, it must be the suit, as it was the only thing that was different about me, so I've (sadly) had to change into something else, to go back to normal.

I even went to watch some porn, since I was finding it hard to do other things, but then realised, and genuinly thought, I had no penis, and couldn't get sexually aroused, so just gave up in the end.

I love your e-mails, and look forward to receiving some more, thank you.
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Postby otterman4444 » August 28th, 2008, 8:26 pm

Hypnostudent, please me too
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Postby trightsix » September 2nd, 2008, 6:38 am

Please make me your email slave
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Wow, sounds amazing!

Postby spbcool » September 2nd, 2008, 12:42 pm


After reading all the testimonials I would loove if it you made me one of your hypno slaves. Please test it out on me. My Email is If you do decide to make me your slave, could you send me one of those questionnaires so I can tell you all the specific things I like. Thank you soo much!!
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me tooooo!

Postby kyse » September 4th, 2008, 12:20 am

i have been listening to email slave for a few months now, please help me test it out...i only want one master so if i don't respond within a long time it probably means that i have a master already

email is
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Postby deep4menow » September 5th, 2008, 5:09 pm

Hey I've been listening for over a week and a half now anyone want to take me on long term?
Last edited by deep4menow on September 7th, 2008, 6:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby PS360 » September 5th, 2008, 7:48 pm

Oh my this seems fun but i dunno if i want to join in.
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Postby nefarious426 » September 9th, 2008, 7:30 pm

I have been listening to the email slave file, and I want to test it out. I'm a straight male, and am interested in masturbation, kink, and pretty much anything else that's not super public humiliation or illegal etc. I am also interested in triggering others than wish to be triggered (let me know your limits/interests).
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Postby windelslipjunge » September 12th, 2008, 10:41 am

I realise that it is better to send me a


i am gay, 18, sth. private and humilated with tights, plastic pants or underware.

I love diapers very much. Please send me instructions with diapers and baby-behavior- things (like drinking formula or wear onesies and so on)

living at the home of my parents
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Postby Janis_en_femme » September 14th, 2008, 7:37 am

I've been listening to email slave for a few days and I found out from someone who has becomea dear friend that I am quite susceptible to it.
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Postby Curious_sub » September 15th, 2008, 4:01 pm

Last edited by Curious_sub on September 16th, 2008, 12:58 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Tiakat » September 16th, 2008, 12:34 am

Please trigger me with anything! (More humiliating the better!)
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Postby Elac » September 16th, 2008, 10:58 am

Curious_sub wrote:a

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