best Curse or Trig file

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best Curse or Trig file

Postby Insider » October 15th, 2008, 3:15 am


Which Curse (or Trig) file most powerfully affected you?

I ask especially those of you who have listened to a number of Curse/Trig files and therefore have the experience to say which are better made than others, although of course they are all well made.

I want to study those best files and also try them on myself. The end goal is to write my own scripts and contribute back to this site.

(Of course great also if fellow hypnotists could give me some pointers!)

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Postby Cade » October 15th, 2008, 5:08 pm

Depends on the person really, not to meantion what exactly you're looking for.
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Postby Calimore » October 15th, 2008, 7:24 pm

I found Cal's Curse to work very effectively. I used it 3-4 times and it worked for 3 weeks before it broke.

The most useful curse I used is the Enchanted Keyboard Curse. I primarily use it to enhance my trances, alter triggers and the like. I have also used it to finish a project, like, "I will remain awake and alert until X Project is done, but when I'm completely finished and have put away all of my work materials, an undeniable sleepiness will fall over me. Then, I will go to bed and immediately all thoughts will rush from my head and I will fall into a deep, refreshing sleep. The End". I've slowly been building up to changing my perceptions of reality. It really is like a Swiss-Army Knife hypnosis file, when used correctly, with respect to your current limits.

I even use it to push back those limits. Like when I noticed that I was beginning to wake up and not remember the body of the file I had just listened to. Then, I typed, "I am noticing more and more that I am not remembering listening to parts of my files. I am going so deep into trance that the suggestions are going straight into my subconscious, bypassing my conscious mind altogether. The End". Sure enough, it began happening a lot more frequently and to a greater degree.

Hope that helped. Good luck with your scripting!
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Re: Curses!

Postby SDoll » October 16th, 2008, 12:22 am

Calimore wrote:The most useful curse I used is the Enchanted Keyboard Curse.

A question about the EKC from the comments:

I'm scared to use this. It sounds awesome, but I wish the "The end" trigger was somthing less obious. Like, what if I was writing a story about a guy being tortured, forgot about this, then wrote "The End"?

I've been wondering the same thing myself. I want to use EKC, of course I want to try more fun effects than the ones you do. :P Or will the things you type only happen to you if you say I? Then you'd only have to worry when you type a story in first person.
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Postby Insider » October 16th, 2008, 7:01 pm

I'd check out Cal's Curse but for now I think I'll stick with finding a script by EMG to study. He's the most experienced here.

EKC sounds fun and useful in many ways, and possibly you can expand the use of it also to something which is not hypnosis. I mean like spells/manifestation/etc. Although it might be too complex for studying at this point.

I suppose I look for a script that causes heavy compulsions for a specific simple activity. I read that Curse Cum was dangerously good.

Any tip for how to study a script without accidentally getting caught in the programming?
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Postby Calimore » October 16th, 2008, 10:11 pm

Again, I would use my keyboard curse to block such issues, but you may also want to consider trying text trancing in the chat room on this site. There are tists there that may help you with such things, once they get to know you.

I hang out there myself, but I currently only text tize a few clients, as I am new. But there is usually one or two tists there with 'voice' who can help with issues like those.
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Postby Insider » October 17th, 2008, 8:08 pm

Some scripts are very destructive for MY choice of life style.. for others they may be a blessing, so no judgement from me. But... I don't seem to have any problem reading through a script so my inquiry was actually redundant.

I read them with a very analytical mind seeking answers to specific questions.. and with a speed reading attitude, meaning I don't internally vocalize the words. Safe enough for me.
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