first file, trig werewolf

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first file, trig werewolf

Postby Ilisha » October 16th, 2008, 3:00 pm

Well back info, was told about this from a friend, since i'm into werewolves and other similar creatures. He told me of the file and showed it to me. I though about it for a while and though hey why not.

Well i got the file say 3 months back. I posted a shorter version of this to help another but gonna put a full version here. i only just signed up as i'm curious in a few other files. though won't name any yet.

Anyway i started out with just the file, and i didn't really have any type of trance i have seen or heard about, infact nothing much happened. trigger did nothing. So I continued to listen to the file, once a day or there abouts, was not everyday but there abouts.

The first week went by with nothing happening at all, and well my friend said try an induction file. Can't remember the induction file as don't have it anymore, i only use the file now. I tried that and others and nope nothing. So a month went by, no trance no happening after the keywords.
Though in my2nd month, around back end of first week, i got this tingerling feeling all over my hands and face.

It did not go till i said the ending phrase, that took me by surprise. So to make sure i said it again and low and behold happened again. Now i was conviced it was the file starting to work. ever so minor but it was working.

I then decided to add in inductions and deepeners, well by my friends suddjestion, i was there when i got the files. Then i tried them and things didn't seem to advance, so i decided to just use the trig werewolf file and nothing more. So for the next week or so just the tingerling but it was a start.

Then around the back end of the month, it changed from a tingerling gradually after i said the words, to slight unconfortable points around my jaw, ears, hands and nose, and sometimes around the base of my spine. It seemed to just happen one time and i was again surprised by this.

I then new it was working and during that time, when it actually started to work better, i know i had a good trance before it. The trance was strange, i could hear the voice but the fuzz that is always near it was gone, and my body though feeling really light and i could move, i didn;t try to, except for a few fingers on my hand. During this i tingled all over and well i did not end till the wake up phrase.

So i said i would continue on, into second month i found new things with the feelings after i said the keywords, pressure would begin around my jaw and nose, my ears would feel like they were trying to move but not just yet, my hands well seemed to want to go to paws, and as the month went on, it got more and more. Basically i could feel more things of what were ment to change.

Now where i stand is i can feel my jaw pushing out, but not get anywhere, same with the other head features. My hands become slghty stiff and are harder to use, and i cen feel this odd sensation at the base of my spine.

There is only 1 problem i have with this file...which dissapinted me, tried editing it out but caused problems and didn't flow right, so i had to leave it in. Its the transformation of the penis....which is a problem when you don't have one.....heh. Though i stuck with it, besides that file so far is working somewhat.

If i could edit it out and keep the flow of the file i would be happy, but i have problems there. But so far so good. I'll post an update if things 'change' pardon the pun

So, so far its a partial success.
Posts: 4
Joined: October 15th, 2008, 12:00 am

Postby blackshirtboy » October 26th, 2008, 6:57 pm

I don't mean to steal your thread but the opposite thing happened to me not half an hour ago.
I had been listening to files from here for a while with zero success to speak of and finally decided that instead of listening in front of the computer I'd put my files on my iPod and listen while relaxing in bed.
The file I listened to was trigwerewolf, after reading the good reviews through the forums. Now it started like usual, my mind wandering throughout the induction but suddenly I reached the part about the trigger and the transformation and the outside world vanished, my extremities went numb and suddenly it seemed all that existed was my mind and the voice.
If that makes any sense.

And before I knew it I felt my body changing while I was still listening!
I felt my face push out into a muzzle, my teeth felt sharp against my seemingly longer tongue, I felt the air on my larger ears and all of a sudden I was looking through my closed eyelids and instead of me, I was looking down onto the body of a dog lying on my bed.
Soon I was brought out of trance, I opened my eyes and everything was normal and fine. Of course I was excited now so I got up, shut my door, turned around and said the trigger.

At first there was nothing and I was immediately disappointed but then my body started to tingle, my face pushed out into something like a half muzzle and my tongue lolled out. Soon the tingle increased and my knees bent, I fell onto my knees and felt my ribcage flatten and my spine elongate, my hands were stiff and a saw my arms covered in a thin layer of coarse dark hair.
Before I knew it I was like a half-werewolf-half-human thing on all fours, panting on my bedroom floor.
The transformation is over I can tell that much so I try to say the return trigger and find I can't talk. So I try barking or growling but that's not coming out so after a moment of panic I manage a strangled chocking sound and wham! back to normal and kneeling on the ground.

That is what I got my very first try! I couldn't believe it!
So yeah, not trying to steal the thread, just trying to say that there are other factors involved in getting hypnotized, like you said the file seems meant for men so that might be the main problem.
I dunno.
Also: woo! first post evar!
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Joined: March 2nd, 2007, 1:00 am

Postby MattSquach » October 30th, 2008, 9:53 pm

Wow, perhaps you could post some photos of the experience?
Posts: 6
Joined: August 21st, 2008, 12:00 am

Postby Ilisha » October 31st, 2008, 2:39 pm

Hey sounds like you had a good success with it. For me Use my mp3 player and listen while laying in bed, or relaxing on my sofa. Though i have to admit, during the file when i have my eyes closed i can feel some of the changes but not all, at least now anyway. They always fade when the files say they do though. That i have experianced which is weird. I know when i go into a deep trance now, see whenever i do i first get this weird feeling like my stomach is sinking and then my body spreaidng out and well then things seem to be far more effective. Besides that though its not offten.

Though got to say i have had some fun with the file, at least more lately. When i say the words, i can feel the changes, moreso around my head and hands, and feet. Like an odd wave and disscomfort. I have yet to be pushed to all fours. Though i have started to 'play along' trying to see if that help.....which without much a shock does ^^. Playing along works wonderes and i think i am expecting still a little too much but i am learning and things are advancing slowly. I really want to experiance the full thing and until i do will keep going ^^.

Though good to hear of your success and I really wish you luck in getting it to work fully.
Posts: 4
Joined: October 15th, 2008, 12:00 am

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