
A place to post about the success you've had with the various files

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Postby hypnostudent » October 29th, 2008, 4:51 pm

Back at the end of August I received a PM

'Melanie wrote:I have been listening to the e-mail slave file for a while now but never really got the nerf to ask a stranger to test it (you never know what they send). but after your posts in the forum I decided that I should it try it with you :p. So I was wondering what your e-mail might be so we can discuss this a bit more (that is if you are interested)

so, I sent a few files, sent some fun and some serious suggestions and hypnofiles.

We chatted and IM'd and I sent suggestions fairly regularly.

90 emails and chats later ... she tells me about a 'friend' who has tried files from this site, but not had much success. So I had her pass on my email address, and we arranged an IM session, and I attempted a text trance the other night, which was only partially successful. We had a follow-up session which seemed to be working better, but not quite there.

then this little bombshell at the end of the session ...

[note that the names have been left in to embarrass the guilty]
[21:40:48] Arminas says:
hmm you must get lots of people just fooling around with you pretending to be under or doing stuff
[21:41:03] HypnoStudent says:
I've had a few
[21:41:13] HypnoStudent says:
they get found out, or give up pretty quick though
[21:41:19] Arminas says:
what do you think of them?
[21:41:39] HypnoStudent says:
well it's unfortunate that they want to waste their, and my time like that
[21:41:49] HypnoStudent says:
if they wanted to experience something they should just say so
[21:42:18] Arminas says:
hmm you seem calm about it
[21:42:29] HypnoStudent says:
no point geting upset about it
[21:42:30] Arminas says:
well gues there is indeed no point getting mad at it
[21:42:42] HypnoStudent says:
is this your way of saying that you've been messing about ?
[21:43:09] Arminas says:
[21:43:18] Arminas says:
I truly do my best
[21:43:44] Arminas says:
though there might be something keeping me back
[21:43:52] HypnoStudent says:
that's OK
[21:44:02] HypnoStudent says:
I think it might just be trust
[21:44:18] Arminas says:
I think not
[21:44:24] HypnoStudent says:
oh, OK
[21:44:49] Arminas says:
Oh god you are going to hate me perhaps. I think its rather fear of you finding out that me and melanie are the same person
[21:45:59] Arminas says:
before you say anything I dont have an idea why I do that
[21:46:10] Arminas says:
well actually a few ideas
[21:46:47] Arminas says:
as a girl I talk more, seem to have more fun conversations, and well basicly am liked
[21:47:53] Arminas says:
it just started someday and well since that day I never really quit. I tried it once and laster for a while but well obviously...
[21:51:42] Arminas joins conversation
[21:51:47] HypnoStudent says:
so, who were the photos of ?
[21:52:18] Arminas says:
a friend
[21:53:29] Arminas says:
I really am sorry and I totally understand if you never want to talk to me again

*sigh* :roll:

I think I'll look up some old friends, and re-evaluate the amount of time I spend on here, and perhaps divert some of that attention to real-life activities that I've been neglected, like DIY, and tidying.
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Postby BillGwyn » October 29th, 2008, 5:14 pm

you can trigger me - I'm not faking.

36/m. UK.

Will try most things.

No MUST DO files though, please.
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Postby BeMine » October 29th, 2008, 5:28 pm

I've been fooled before, too. I've run into one person that said he was a woman, and when I tried to take him under like he asked, he didn't cooperate. I took a glance at his post history, where he said he was a man in an earlier post I missed, and I realized I had been had, though I've no idea why the person did that.

There've been times where I hear exactly what a person wants, bring them the effects they want, and then we promise to meet again, at another time, and I never hear from them again. There've been three times where I've found someone that seemed to have been in a bad situation, and all times I've gotten them out of it. The first time, I never heard from them again after that night of hours of hypnotism and checking. The second was my friend before hand, online, at least, and now doesn't even believe the event happened, and has left herself vulnerable to the same things, hypnosis-wise. The third, luckily, and for once, is still talking to me, happy as can be that they found out what happened.

It's taken patience, but I've made a few friends. As things have gone, it's hard to find someone that isn't entirely out there for their own pleasure, and there's some that say they want to lose control, and at the hint of loss, they scatter, but every once in a while, I find a gem. It's just sad when I lose that gem.

One person I worked with for about 40 days, working with them on a safe and slow personality change they had wanted. Then, one day, I never heard from them again. It really tore me up, because I really thought this person was a friend. They didn't even say they were done talking to me.

However, it's all been worth it so far, to me. The positives far outweigh the negatives.
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Postby lexxstrum » March 18th, 2009, 3:04 pm

When I first found this site i was a dabbler. But now, after I've tried my hand at some stuff, I'm not sure.
I have a friend who does hypnofiles, and she assures me that IM hypno isn't real, and most times I agree. I've had my share of fakes; heck, sometimes I think all I'm doing is rp, which isn't so bad, but if they just wanted cyber/rp, then they shouldn't make me waste my time "earning their trust" and "putting them under".

My stuff's been mostly IM; I do a quick induction, and then try some triggers after getting some information. Then i bring them back up, and try out the triggers. Sometimes I'm amazed at how bad an actor someone can be, and sometimes I'm worried I'm playing with fire.

And then there are the sessions where everything goes great, and then they drop outa site. I know some of those are just people who needed to feed their fetish, and now that they are finished, they no longer need me.
I did hve one that worried me: a young man still living at home, wanting to be a girl; I gave him some instructions, but I worried after I didn't hear back from him. He seemed to love the idea that I could alter his perceptions like that, and we had talked about making him think he was a model that I found some pictures of, so I didn't think that he was unsatisfied.
Of course, barring the idea that he just got tired (who could get tired of me?), then the possibility that he followed a few suggestions too closely comes into play. And that could be a kettle of fish, if you catch my drift.

I know, a little rambly, but I get what you all are saying.
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Postby hypnointerest » March 18th, 2009, 6:12 pm

Can you ever really trust someone that you only have a text based relationship with?

I believe most text based relationships are just really long roleplays. The "hypnotist" gets to romance about mind control and the "subject" gets to live out their fantasies under the guise that it isn't their actual will, that they are being forced to behave a certain way.

But you know, Erickson told Bandit and Swindler that You are not a therapist, you are a pretender. But you just keep pretending and eventually the subjects will pretend until they forget they are pretending, until they pretend for their whole life. Just don't you forget.
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Postby ftslave67 » March 19th, 2009, 5:16 pm

You could probably say that about all relationships, in general--they are roleplay. We play the part as we have learned it, from our parents, from society, etc.
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Postby hypnointerest » March 19th, 2009, 5:54 pm

Well.... I would have to completely disagree with you there. My current real life relationship experiences have nothing to do with past environmental learning. Our relationships are defined by our own ideas of the meaning of love, and I assume most long term relationships invoke this kinship in most people. True lovers do not define themselves by how they are perceived and they do not shape themselves to please outsiders. They are far to involved in each other to cater to what their friends and family define a relationship as.

A text based "relationship" on the other hand will not tell you what a person is like, only what they want you to think of them. No ulterior motives are truly understood over such a confining, barrier ridden system of communication. You do not see them laugh. You do not see what their eyes would be telling you. You do not see any of the mannerisms that make up such a large part of communication with others. You don't really know anything about the person that they aren't explicitly telling you, and even then you can't truly believe any of it. But I think that's what text based relationships are for. A fantasy outlet, hidden away from the person's actual real life experiences.

The two "relationships" are entirely different in my opinion.
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Postby BobbyS » April 5th, 2009, 12:48 pm

I've been fooled before, too. I've run into one person that said he was a woman, and when I tried to take him under like he asked, he didn't cooperate. I took a glance at his post history, where he said he was a man in an earlier post I missed, and I realized I had been had, though I've no idea why the person did that.

There've been times where I hear exactly what a person wants, bring them the effects they want, and then we promise to meet again, at another time, and I never hear from them again. There've been three times where I've found someone that seemed to have been in a bad situation, and all times I've gotten them out of it. The first time, I never heard from them again after that night of hours of hypnotism and checking. The second was my friend before hand, online, at least, and now doesn't even believe the event happened, and has left herself vulnerable to the same things, hypnosis-wise. The third, luckily, and for once, is still talking to me, happy as can be that they found out what happened.

It's taken patience, but I've made a few friends. As things have gone, it's hard to find someone that isn't entirely out there for their own pleasure, and there's some that say they want to lose control, and at the hint of loss, they scatter, but every once in a while, I find a gem. It's just sad when I lose that gem.

One person I worked with for about 40 days, working with them on a safe and slow personality change they had wanted. Then, one day, I never heard from them again. It really tore me up, because I really thought this person was a friend. They didn't even say they were done talking to me.

However, it's all been worth it so far, to me. The positives far outweigh the negatives.

Oh, amen to that brother.

90% (or more) of all women I've spoken to via IM in an erotic hypnosis context have been men, roleplayers or both for definite.
One guy was making me suspicious and when I asked his name when under he told me his real, MALE one.
Another I caught chatting to other people while supposedly deeply under.
Even if you are suckered by a 'woman' over IM, like you say you could be developing a really effective hypnotic relationship for a month or so then you never see them again. It's not because you've necessarily become more extreme with suggestions, which risks pushing their boundaries, you just never hear from them. Are they bored? Why is that?

It's gotten to the stage where I refuse point blank to believe any "woman" is a woman unless she can provide a live audio or video feed.
That way I can speak to them or ask them to say a phrase like "The lolly was red and the van was blue", or hold up four fingers in a distinct manner, if they don't want to be on very long.
Why make such a fuss? Incredibly, there's still been people who've used Microsoft Mary and pointed HIS webcam at a recorded webcam video on his computer - the guy in question did such a poor job of it the rest of his desktop was on show and there was a watermark from whatever site he'd pilfered it from.

You CAN hypnotise people over IM though. Or at least get them to roleplay extremely convincingly.
I've done one girl who had a mike and one woman with a cam and their 'performances', if they really were roleplaying were verrry convincing!
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