curse penis shrink

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curse penis shrink

Postby little_n » August 13th, 2006, 7:48 am

Has anyone had any success with this? I have tried it a number of times and i am sure my penis is smaller - I was small to start with bu now it feels even smaller!!
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Postby Jack » August 13th, 2006, 12:58 pm

Measure with a ruler. Take photographs.
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Postby xavious » August 13th, 2006, 7:34 pm

Why would you want a smaller penis anyway?
I'm just curious.
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Postby TabbyCat » August 14th, 2006, 5:10 am

Sissies dont need a big one.
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Postby RubberedUpGreg » September 24th, 2006, 8:28 pm

I've been listening for well over a year and have lost 3 inches so far.
Last edited by RubberedUpGreg on October 14th, 2006, 9:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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success with penis shrink

Postby babyjoe40 » October 12th, 2006, 10:46 am

I have been listening to this, along with train bladder incontinent and curse thumb sucking. I wear diapers 24/7 and am finally incontinent. I don't know whether it's from the cd or from being in diapers or as I think from both, but it has shrunk to the size of a ten year olds. I never get an erection anymore, but that could be from being in wet diapers all the time also. I wear cloth diapers from angel fluff. I wear double diapers during the day and add a soaker at night, along with plastic pants from Gary. The only time I use disposable diapers is when I go to the doctor.
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Shrinking? Yes, it will shrink!

Postby Warper7 » October 19th, 2006, 11:15 pm

This file will shrink a penis but it takes a lot of time - a year or two or more of continual use gives the best results. I went from a little over 7" down to a true 5", measured along the top. I haven't listened for a long time now but it hasn't recovered. It would seem that any shrinkage is indeed permanent, so listeners should be prepared to ending up with a smaller penis. I've been wondering what the shrinkage limits are and too 'chicken' so far to find out for myself. Any info or advice or maybe a 'shrink buddy' to compare notes with?
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Re: Shrinking? Yes, it will shrink!

Postby wdbames » October 20th, 2006, 7:35 pm

Warper7 wrote:This file will shrink a penis but it takes a lot of time - a year or two or more of continual use gives the best results. I went from a little over 7" down to a true 5", measured along the top. I haven't listened for a long time now but it hasn't recovered. It would seem that any shrinkage is indeed permanent, so listeners should be prepared to ending up with a smaller penis. I've been wondering what the shrinkage limits are and too 'chicken' so far to find out for myself. Any info or advice or maybe a 'shrink buddy' to compare notes with?

Well, If You're looking for a "shrink buddy", I'm game, PM me if You like.
I've been listening nearly daily for a little over a year. I've gone from 5" down to just slightly over 3" erect, and anywhere from 0 to 2" limp, depending on my mental state.
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Postby arion » October 25th, 2006, 7:13 am


Just curious if anyone has noticed any other effectd besides just the shrinkage? The description mentions impossibility of erections, and loss of pubic hair i think.

I have been considering this one for a while just out of curiosity, but havent gone for it yet.
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Postby liljonny » October 25th, 2006, 6:05 pm

arion wrote:Hello,

Just curious if anyone has noticed any other effectd besides just the shrinkage? The description mentions impossibility of erections, and loss of pubic hair i think.

I have been considering this one for a while just out of curiosity, but havent gone for it yet.

I haven't noticed any loss of pubic hair. I can still get an erection, but it isn't easy and not a full erection. The reason I had EMG put no erection is because I thought an erection might hinder the shrinkage. Also I thought no erection would make it harder to tell how small it is getting because most people measure erect. The reason I want mine smaller is because I am an adult baby.
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Postby Data » November 4th, 2006, 10:37 am

I have been listening to the file for about a month and my ball sack is all but disappeared and my penis is considerably smaller then when I first started. :D
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Progress Photos?

Postby tallhungnfurry » November 6th, 2006, 8:08 am

Has anyone kept a journal or album of progress measurements and/or photos?
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Postby pachasteboi » December 13th, 2006, 9:28 am

I just started listening today, I took the last pics of my cock at 6 inches today and will post results at every half-inch of loss.
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am I missing something

Postby excitableboy » December 26th, 2006, 8:36 pm

why would anyone want to use this file? Why would anyone create it in the first place?
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Re: am I missing something

Postby AuntKay » December 27th, 2006, 8:11 am

excitableboy wrote:why would anyone want to use this file? Why would anyone create it in the first place?

Because it probably turns them on. Who are we to question what people listen to? This file is not my bag, but I do listen to other files on this website. Don't you?
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Re: am I missing something

Postby MN_FriendlyGuy » December 27th, 2006, 10:43 am

excitableboy wrote:why would anyone want to use this file? Why would anyone create it in the first place?

Welcome to WarpMyMind, excitableboy. I'm still kind of new here myself.

At your local grocer's shop - you probably see (and ignore) delicacies that don't appeal to you. You know they're on the shelf because some other customer wants 'em.

As you explore WarpMyMind, you'll find this site is more than a shop where MP3s are sold (and samples given). Now that you're a member, you've become part of a community.

    If the inventory of MP3s doesn't contain what you need/want, please browse the 'Voting' page.

      - If you find it there, vote for it. This'll increase the likelihood that a hypnotist will develop it for a general audience.

      - If you don't find it there, use the "Add Item" tab (at the top) to describe what you want/need.
    If what you want/need doesn't exist, and you want to commission an MP3 customized just for you - you're part of a community that includes experienced fee-for-service hypnotists.
    Even better - you're part of a community where a hypnotist might be interested in you (your goals) and be willing to work with you without charge for trance sessions.

      - Some hypnotists will only trance males or females, or, will trance only straight or gay subjects.

      - Some will trance only subjects that have particular kinks or interests (like this one, for example).

      - Some will do trances only for a specific objective, like domination or erotic arousal.

      - Some are expert hypnotists who love the challenge of a subject who has trouble entering trance.

      - Some are less experienced and only want easy subjects with existing trance triggers.
    You can easily increase the likeliness that a 'tist will want to work with you. Here's how:

      - Be prepared to tell what you're like, and what interest and experience you have in hypnosis.

      - Be prepared to tell what your hypnosis objectives are. If you can say exactly what you want, you stand out (in a good way).

      - If you have an intriguing idea or fantasy about something that could happen in a trance session, you're more likely to get an offer of a session.
Most Importantly (returning to your question)
Being complimentary about a hypnotist's work makes a good impression. Encouraging other community members as they pursue their needs/wants might motivate them to assist you as you network here.
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Postby loony28 » December 27th, 2006, 4:47 pm

There are those that for some reason or another don't want their penis. Most often it's part of a feminization deal but there are others who might think that it's too big and they want it smaller. As for why someone would make this kind of file, well there is a demand for it.
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Fair enough

Postby excitableboy » December 27th, 2006, 4:56 pm

I understand people have different tastes and desires. That was just my initial gut reaction. I also find the 'forced gay' thing interesting. There is a movement on the religious right side to try to treat gays to turn them straight. Some claim it works. Others claim it doesn't. I wonder if someone could make some decent money selling 'cursedstraightjock' to these guys. I'm sure that TrigHardon could appeal to them as well. I just have never heard of anyone wanting to be turned gay.
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penis shrink

Postby larrn » December 28th, 2006, 2:25 am

The curse says you will not notice a change until 9 months, so how can you notice a change after 1 month.
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Postby diaperchaps » December 28th, 2006, 10:10 am

I appreciate that having a smaller penis could sound .. 'odd' however, think of Dolly Parton, she had her breasts reduced. Bigger is not always better. There is another slant to this, i am gay, a bottom and a sub. So my size really is unimportant for pleasing my partner, but being smaller then him is. As a matter of fact the smaller i am the more drastic the obvious physical appropriateness of my submission.

'odd' .. yeah .. probably, but if i think of a lifelong of missionary position sex, i shudder at the plainess of that.
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Postby CanuckFlicks » February 19th, 2007, 11:29 pm

I've listened to this file many times... but might have only done the trance once or twice (I'd be scared of it working too well! :D)

I find it very erotic to listen to. My penis is around 7"... but I think it would be very sexy to have it shrink down to 5" or so. (Exactly the results Warper7 achieved, it seems). I like the idea that my penis would be smaller than many other people's. It would emphasize a feeling of inferiority... which can be very erotic. I think it could also be fun to engage in small penis humiliation... which isn't really possible with 7 inches.

And, for some reason, I find something very sexy about an "average" sized penis. Not big, not small... but average. (Around 5"... or even a bit less) I can't really explain why, though. :)
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Postby Warman1 » February 20th, 2007, 10:24 pm

Heh, Nice page.
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Postby jjlynn20 » February 25th, 2007, 1:30 am

I'd be interested in it myself, if the "No erect" thing wasn't there. :wink:
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Postby liljonny » February 25th, 2007, 7:47 am

jjlynn20 wrote:I'd be interested in it myself, if the "No erect" thing wasn't there. :wink:

I am the one that commisioned this file and I figured the the erection would hinder the shrinkage. Erections is one of the things that increased the size of the penis in the first place.

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Postby jjlynn20 » February 25th, 2007, 10:13 pm

Well there's also a no masturbation!

That's like the ultimate tease o.O.
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Re: Fair enough

Postby novak124 » May 29th, 2007, 10:39 pm

excitableboy wrote: I just have never heard of anyone wanting to be turned gay.

Well me personally, I am very turned on by the thought of being with a man, and I want to be treated and fucked like I was a woman, but I am not attracted to the the whole male package, so the idea of being forced to be gay is very appealling.
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Postby Draygone » May 30th, 2007, 1:56 pm

How long is it supposed to take for the "you can't be aroused", and "you will not masturbate", and "you will not get an erection" parts to kick in? Because I've been listening to this almost every morning for well over a month. Maybe two months by now, 'cause I figured that the end of the 9-month curse falls on Christmas, of all days. But as far as I can tell, nothing is working at all.

For those who would wonder, the reason I'm listening to this file is because my interest in all things furry and transformation has for a long while turned into a fetish, resulting in the usual masturbation deal that fetishes usually result in. My problem hasn't revealed itself online (I've kept my stuff tame), and it thankfully is not resulting in "wet dreams" (at least not since I caught on to the problem and stopped daydreaming furry stuff as I fall asleep), but I simply hate this problem.

So, essentially, I want to be "turned off". I want to enjoy furry stuff just because I think they're interesting, not because it gives me a pleasure trip in my crotch. But the fact that my old habits are staying strong is really irritating me.

(Oh, and also, waking up with a "hard-on" every morning really doesn't make it easy for me to sleep in. I also blame the neccessity to stop daydreaming furry stuff at night as the reason why I have trouble visualizing things anymore.)
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Postby etrain911 » May 31st, 2007, 5:52 pm

Did anyone try using this file and then one that is supposed to make your penis grow?
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Postby VeryGnawty » June 2nd, 2007, 3:54 am

I am the one that commisioned this file and I figured the the erection would hinder the shrinkage.

I'm not so certain of that, actually. The size while erect isn't necessarily related to the size while limp. Although it would seem counterintuitive if either case started getting bigger as the result of such a file.

Draygone wrote:

So, essentially, I want to be "turned off". I want to enjoy furry stuff just because I think they're interesting, not because it gives me a pleasure trip in my crotch. But the fact that my old habits are staying strong is really irritating me.

There are other ways to change such obsessions. You should study your own thought process, and recognize which emotions or thoughts trigger the fetishistic behavior. If you truly like furries/animals on an emotional level (like I do) then it is very easy to feel that without any sort of arousal.

Chances are that furries are a repressed symbol which you are passionate about, whether for good or ill. You should contemplate your behavior, and find out where the arousal is really coming from. Then you'll have to go deal with that can of worms, which is likely to be twisted and ugly, but unraveling it will unfold your true desire, and put you once step closer to your true identity.

Sorry to get all psychological and stuff. But I feel that you are trying to take out the baby with the bathwater.

Another option is to recognize that the emotions you desire are on an entirely different level than sexual thoughts. You might simply be able to ditch whatever habits are leading you to arousal, and take a different approach when engaging furrydom.
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Postby Draygone » June 2nd, 2007, 9:47 am

Um, I'm not really sure how to do that. Stopping my arousal altogether through this hypnosis is the only thing I can think of that'll help. That, and stop playing with myself any time the arousal becomes more noticable. But the file handles that as well.
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how to decode a symbol

Postby plum » June 6th, 2007, 6:40 pm

You are right: what VeryGnawty is suggesting is a pretty big undertaking, possibly time consuming. But I also agree with VeryGnawty that a furry paraphilia probably means that furries are symbolic to you of something -- something you probably feel cut off from, which is why it bubbles up from your subconscious in disguised, symbolic form. If that doesn't quite make sense, maybe look up paraphilias on wikipedia.

Anyway, so if you want to dig (and as pointed out, digging might raise unpleasant surprises), a few classic ways are to reflect on what you like about furries, what you see in them, what they make you remember, what they make you feel, what ideals they remind you of. Write your own biography, looking for common threads with the above. Write down your dreams. Keep a journal of your emotions. Look for patterns or repetitions in all this writing. Try to decode what the symbol means, why you've split it off. Then you'll have to "integrate" but I really don't know what to tell you for that part. I'm not a shrink. I have done this though -- been through some therapy and tried to decode some of my own fetishes. I think I know what most of them are now, but some I've dealt with and some I really haven't (yet).

Just trying to squash out your sexual arousal is probably not going to work, because the sex drive is so strong.
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Postby Draygone » June 6th, 2007, 9:22 pm

Oh, figuring out what's causing it, that's easy. I just really wish I could be them. I know very much how I feel about them, to be covered in fur and have a tail, having a muzzle in front of my face, to have a tail, and all that is just wow. That feeling, that yearning just somehow wound up manifesting itself into this problem. More often than not it's more erotic ideas that wind up causing trouble, and that's how it's always been, but it still crops up when eroticness isn't involved, if the yearning pops up. Like if I'm looking at a well-drawn wolf anthromorph, looking intently at his features (tail, muzzle, tail, etc.) and thinking at least in the back of my mind what it'd be like to be that wolf.

I still don't have any idea to fix it, though. Other than this file.
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Postby Phoenix-D » June 7th, 2007, 12:49 pm


Just a thought, but I don't think trying to cut your arousal off entirely to stop one problem is a good idea. You're more likely to make it so you can only get off on the very thing you don't want to.
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Postby Draygone » June 7th, 2007, 1:46 pm

I don't see how. The "no arousal/erection/masturbation" part seems all-encompassing.
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Postby bubblebutt » June 7th, 2007, 3:05 pm

From what you said I think that your mind is automatically associating furries as being erotic. Possibly if you just find some way to change furry=erotic into furry=interesting...
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Postby abunidal » June 7th, 2007, 3:18 pm

You want to know more about yourself? Here's what good old Timothy Leary would probably suggest:

- Write down what you want to know from/about yourself on a sheet of paper
- Take mushrooms or LSD
- Answer your questions, and believe me, you will! Ah, and don't forget writing the answers down. Might be too much to remember :wink:
- Enjoy the rest of the trip (might take 6-12 hours)

Later, try to decipher and make sense of your writings.
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why someone would listen to this file

Postby chucksantenna » February 4th, 2008, 5:36 am

Ive been listening to files i found on this site for years and i can tell you without any doubt that ive had amazing success with the physical transformation files i listen to regularly. my clit (i cant stand to call it that other word) used to be pretty big, about 7 or 8 inches long. now it has gotten so small that its usually completely inside me. it still sometimes hangs out and occasionaly gets errect but its only about 2 or 3 inches at most. ill post some pictures to show the changes ive made. ive also had an impressive amount of breast and nipple growth. for a few weeks they were getting noticably bigger overnight. i wasnt the only one who noticed, other people mentioned it without me saying anything. of course the reason i listen to these files is because ive always known since i was a young child that i was meant to be a girl. unfortunately i wasnt able to convince anyone to help me then but now i am working to undo the effects of the testosterone ive lived with for so long.
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Curse Penis Shrink

Postby Calhoun5830 » March 3rd, 2008, 2:58 pm

Well, I did it. I downloaded the "CursePenisShrink" file and have started listening to it. If it works, in nine months I should have a bald pubic area with a smaller penis and smaller balls I started on 2/27/08 and the nine months should be complete 11/27/08. Thanksgiving Day. I'm going to take some pictures and measurements either today or tomorrow so I'll have "before" pics to compare to my "after" pics. I started a journal on here today, and I plan to post new entries regarding any progress on a regular basis. I'll be glad to answer all questions and comments. I'd love to hear from guys who have allready had success in shrinking the size of their penis.
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Ready For little clit

Postby slavelittledick » May 12th, 2008, 12:49 pm

Hi I am new here. My Dom Master want to impose complete chastity on me. Hard my penis is 6.5 but not hard its very small like an inch. And in winter or coming out of the shower at the Y its a half inch and very Humiliating. My Master knows this humiliates me and that I am turn on by the humiliation. He wants me to become total masculine Anal boy for his pleasure to fuck and to fist. With my Penis shrunk and unusable for sex he will have total dominance over my sex life. To be used by him or his friends or even by Women with strap ons. I would be grateful for any adive or help in making this a reality. My penis will be shrunk like a button and only pleasure will be thru my Anus. Oh, he wants this to be permanent. I live near St.louis. Any help or advice will be great or even a Hypnotist friend to stall my training. He thinks it will be even more humiliating since I might have to sit just to pee. I am a masculine jock type guy with nice body so the humiliation should be plenty.
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Postby l3ishop » May 22nd, 2008, 4:21 pm

To answer your question, slavelittledick...

I've never experienced phsyical change with the MP3s. But then, I'm just a bad subject in general. As you can see by many of the posts here, a lot of people are having success with the files. If you want your penis smaller, then this one is definitely for you. ;)

Regarding the other stuff...there are other files on this site that can do that for you. Plenty of files can train you to find anal sex pleasurable - some even go so far as to make living without it unbearable ;) . And then there are others that can switch off all your pleasure zones.

I'd actually like to reccommend the 3 Train Male Slave files. They'd give you the permanent changes you seem to want, and should do wel if supplemented by any others you fancy.

Good luck!
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Postby RubberedUpGreg » August 31st, 2008, 1:06 am

I've had a lot of success with this file.I've been listening for a few years now ,and my cock is now only about 2 and 3/4 inches when erect,and under an inch when not erect.

This file definitly works! :D
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Curse Penis Shrink

Postby Gwither » September 25th, 2008, 10:55 pm

:P I was not very big to begin with but have truly seen reduction. I was around 5.5" to start and 6 months later I am about 4" with much less girth. I would like to get down to 2 or 3. I know my wife notices but does not have the heart to say. I can't wait for the day she says "honey I hate to say this but I can't feel you at all."
I am a sissy cocksucker
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just the curse files or other external elements?

Postby joebot » October 22nd, 2008, 8:34 pm

For everyone that has seen definite results from listening to any of the curse penis shrink files, are you also doing anything else that would facilitate the shrinkage? Chastity belt, hormones, etc... Feel free to PM me as I am very interested in the effectiveness of these files.

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Postby Gwither » October 25th, 2008, 11:08 pm

I am doing nothing but the files. If I were younger, I think I would be more interested in hormones but at 40 I would make a pretty nasty women. I just want a small limp cock. This is pretty much what I am getting. I am losing a lot of girth. There is just not much there which is fueling things for me more and more. I love the files. I do penis shrink and the wildsprite variant as well. I can tell you that they work.
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Postby RubberedUpGreg » November 22nd, 2008, 12:20 am

Down to an inch and a half hard and 1/2 inch when limp. :D
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Postby slyfox » November 22nd, 2008, 2:54 pm

garchub wrote:Down to an inch and a half hard and 1/2 inch when limp. :D

Wow, that's really tiny O.o Sounds like you're not going to even have a penis before long! Are your balls shrinking too?

Also, pics plz :3
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Postby RubberedUpGreg » November 23rd, 2008, 11:49 pm

Yep,balls too.
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Postby Sub_Male_Oz » May 12th, 2009, 1:55 am

To be honest I didn't think this would be possible, so I listened to it a few times out of curiosity. It's been almost 8 months and I am not getting to the 4" mark. I was once 6" and I looked the other day and was shocked at the size I now am. I notice it when having sex, I can't get as deep and feel less pleasure. My wife has also noticed it and is very bored when I penetrate her to the point where we may have sex once a month. I have also noticed my erections disappear very quickly and my time to ejaculate has become very quick. I am now wondering what to do about this.
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Smaller penis

Postby larrn » June 6th, 2009, 11:46 pm

I've been listening to the mind master diaper file and feel my penis is smaller than before. I am not getting erections as often as before. Any idea as to how small i can get.
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Postby stereoxchild » June 9th, 2009, 11:16 am

Sub_Male_Oz wrote:To be honest I didn't think this would be possible, so I listened to it a few times out of curiosity. It's been almost 8 months and I am not getting to the 4" mark. I was once 6" and I looked the other day and was shocked at the size I now am. I notice it when having sex, I can't get as deep and feel less pleasure. My wife has also noticed it and is very bored when I penetrate her to the point where we may have sex once a month. I have also noticed my erections disappear very quickly and my time to ejaculate has become very quick. I am now wondering what to do about this.

lol how responsible of you. will you continue the files when your wife leaves you?
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