by Calimore » January 22nd, 2009, 10:56 pm
I hate to answer your question with another question, MrMan, but what do you think about this:
In one study, about 65% of the men who enhanced their hair restoration program with a recorded hypnosis file began reporting a significant increase in hair growth and fullness after about 20 hours of listening to the recording along with ANY program meant to restore a full "head of hair".
Considering the small percentage of men who simply cannot be hypnotised, and, taking into account the percentage of men who probably can't even follow simple instructions, 65% is a whoppingly significant figure.
But the file we are talking about involves hair loss, right? Can you imagine how effective the subconcious mind would be, if it were properly compelled, to simply "Stop!" any and all hair growth somewhere that it wanted or needed it stop? Would there be anywhere that it couldn't effect? Or don't you think your unconscious mind can do anything to stop hair from growing anywhere you don't want it to be?
Your physical body and your unconscious mind are linked in ways your conscious mind simply cannot comprehend. After a 'once through', try allowing files such as these to affect you deeply without even thinking about how or why they work. Give them time and you may find that their effects manifest effortless, almost automatically, as your unconscious mind decides to just listen and follow their simple instruction. You will be surprised that, if your conscious mind's goals are in agreement with what your unconscious mind already wants and needs, you WILL experience the changes that these files can bring about.