Success with CurseForcedGay?

A place to post about the success you've had with the various files

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Success with CurseForcedGay?

Postby johnny_york » March 12th, 2009, 11:48 pm

Hey! It seems that there have been quite a few topics on this file, and I don't want mine to be lost in the murk, so I promise to keep it interesting.

So I started listening to the file about a week ago because I thought it might be fun to try out. I'm not in a relationship right now anyway. I've always had, I feel, a sort of latent bisexual side of me at least. I won't get into the "is he gay because he listened to the file or did he listen to the file because he's secretly gay" debate, but something was definitely there.

Anyway, after a week of listening to it quite a bit, including at night while I slept, I've noticed fairly dramatic changes (relatively speaking, I guess). When I'm having sexual thoughts, they tend towards men now. Also when checking out women I might have thought were hot before, I kinda feel apathetic. Nevertheless, I still feel attraction toward women at this point, and there's still a certain grossness to thinking about men.

I'm interested in seeing this through. I figure I can always get the curse removed if things take a turn for the sour, right? Specifically, do any files exist (or can anyone help with) completely draining my desire for women and making them seem disgusting? It's weird, but one of the big kicks I'm getting out of the file for some reason is the nauseous, grossed-out feeling of thinking about women. And of course for now I'd like to further the attraction to men :).

Anyway, thanks!

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Joined: April 18th, 2008, 12:00 am

Postby MYTY90 » March 13th, 2009, 11:00 am

hey hope u have fun with it .
Posts: 33
Joined: January 22nd, 2009, 1:00 am

Re: Success with CurseForcedGay?

Postby Alien4420 » March 25th, 2009, 4:31 pm

johnny_york wrote:Specifically, do any files exist (or can anyone help with) completely draining my desire for women and making them seem disgusting? It's weird, but one of the big kicks I'm getting out of the file for some reason is the nauseous, grossed-out feeling of thinking about women. And of course for now I'd like to further the attraction to men :).

Anyway, thanks!


Mind Mistress has a CD that's supposed to do that, I haven't listened to it myself and don't remember what it's called but you should be able to find it on her site.
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Re: Success with CurseForcedGay?

Postby ekluise » March 28th, 2009, 1:05 am

Alien4420 wrote:
johnny_york wrote:Specifically, do any files exist (or can anyone help with) completely draining my desire for women and making them seem disgusting? It's weird, but one of the big kicks I'm getting out of the file for some reason is the nauseous, grossed-out feeling of thinking about women. And of course for now I'd like to further the attraction to men :).

Anyway, thanks!


Mind Mistress has a CD that's supposed to do that, I haven't listened to it myself and don't remember what it's called but you should be able to find it on her site.

It's called Envy.
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Joined: May 26th, 2005, 12:00 am

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