by MN_FriendlyGuy » June 24th, 2009, 6:20 am
How about a little fire, Scarecrow?
When a scarecrow is first placed out in a cornfield, it's effective. It causes crows to be wary.
But crows learn fast.
- They observe the scarecrow is stationary. It doesn't chase them or threaten them.
And if a crow can learn things like this, then give yourself credit. You're much more intelligent than crows.
- SlaveMaster2000 stays the same from day to day.
Yes, it's possible to select different options
But all the options - every one of them - remain the same day to day.
And none of them chase you. SlaveMaster2000 is unaware of you. It's unaware of you because it's just a computer program. And, your mind knows it.
When you're ready -
In your own time -
Maybe you'll find a hypnotist... someone aware of you.