My Girlfriend's Bet/Dare Diary

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My Girlfriend's Bet/Dare Diary

Postby nonbeliever » December 23rd, 2007, 10:33 am

Hey, although this isn't particularly linked to warpmymind files, my girlfriend's been going on this website for years apparently and's learnt hypnosis through this and other mediums and she's finally ready to try it out.

I'll start by telling you a bit about me, and then I'll tell you about what she wants to do or whatever. Basically I'm a normal 21 year old college guy from LA currently studying in London in England but I kinda switch between the two. I play soccer, football and used to wrestle, and I guess I'm kinda the ladies man. I've had this hot girlfriend for about 5 months now and up until now we've been pretty much into normal sex... I bang her most days of the week an I love having her on my cock.

Anyway, apparently she's not so much into normal stuff as I thought and wants to try out some of this hypnosis shit on me to make our sex even better which I'm all up for trying... it wud be amazing... So for a few weeks now she's been doing like an hour every other night on me and she's right... my orgasms last longer, and I'm properly in heaven when we're having sex. Fuckin amazing. Anyway, I've talked to my sports buddies and they think it's weird, so she told me to talk about it on here, 'cos you'll all support us with this?

Anyway, she's asked me if I wanna try some more stuff with this and I'm well up for it cos it made our sex so good but she's not really told me what she wants to do and I never remember what happens when she puts me under... but I'm pretty sure like I can't be made to do anything bad with this so I'm well up for this. The only thing I made her promise is for nothing gay to happen, because I'm really not up for that, so if you're expecting posts about that, it's not happenning.

Anyway, the reason I'm posting is cos she's asked me to keep a diary on here if anything in my life changes or summat. Not sure why../ but we'll see how it goes... anyone wanna comment, do it, and I'll try and answer.

By the way, my second session thingy of teh "dare" is tonite so like, I dunno how fast whatevers gonna happen will happen, but I'll keep you updated cos with the sex thing it happenned really strong quite fast.
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Postby liljonny » December 23rd, 2007, 11:38 am

She might be planning on putting you back in diapers or so you can only get erect for her.
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Postby loony28 » December 23rd, 2007, 12:52 pm

She could be planning on some BDSM stuff. It seems like you've told her that you're up for anything except gay stuff so she has quite a bit of room to work with. She could be planning anything for you.
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Postby cardigan » December 25th, 2007, 10:11 am

Well, whatever she is planning to do, she can't make you do anything that you would not be able to be talked into doing anyway. She can call the shots as to when what happens - within your ethic boundaries and if you hand over control to her, but hypnosis is not mind control. Between a hypnotist and his subject there is always a "contract", and if the hypnotist goes beyond the contract, the subject will either ignore the command completely, wake up and be pissed or refuse to accept while in trance.
Certified hypnotist C.I., C.H.
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Postby notyou » December 25th, 2007, 2:40 pm

Here's what I did with my girlfriend when we first started. I went through the files on this site made a list of files under the following categories:

* Things I would like to try
* Things I would be willing to try
* Things that repulse me

We were both really surprised with the results. I can guarantee that one of the files turns her on and turns you off and vice versa. It's good to know these things before you go into a scene.

Also, SET UP A SAFEWORD! If she's ethical, she'll make sure to insist that you can cancel any hypnotic suggestions if they make you extremely uncomfortable. If you two hit a boundary, you both need to talk about it.

Communication is the key to good sex, hypnosis or not. The advantage with hypnosis is that you can communicate in ways that are otherwise impossible. I recommend a trigger like the one found in

where a man hypnotizes a woman so he can talk to her subconscious without sending her under again. This allows him to ask what's going on in her mind without her knowledge, and it allows her to report things he should know without realizing she's doing so.

It's also a hot story to boot.

Those are my most practical suggestions. Have fun!
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Postby notyou » December 25th, 2007, 2:54 pm

Also, go have a listen to the Erotic Mind Control podcast:
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Merry Christmas...

Postby nonbeliever » December 25th, 2007, 3:00 pm

'Sup guys... Just a little update for you cos not much seems to happening yet...

Since I last posted she's started putting me under more often- I've been under 6 times since I last posted... and the sex has been getting pretty damn immense... I mean like mind-blowing. So I'm getting her to put me under more so I can see how amazing it can be at its best. Fuck yeah.

I'll list some other stuff I've been doing just in case there's anything else you guys can dig outta it... cos I genuinely still have no clue what she's got lined up for me... I guess its just general horniness... she's such a good girl to me...

Anyway, yesterday we had sex like three time (more than normal cos of the amazingness)... in fact, pretty much the only time we left the bedroom, xcept for the meal was for me to go play some touch football with a few bros... we won...

Erm, today, xmas day- stuck in the UK away from family an stuff so lotsa phone calls and lotsa sex and a meal somewhere down the road. She thought itd be hot if I wore no underwear so i didnt an then i get this massive boner in the restaurant... she found it proper hot apparently- amazing sex when we got back home so i guess it turned her on. Just an evening in with a movie tonight, just about to get back to it... so nice and relaxed... I hope she'll put me under again...

Apart from that I've just been getting some work done and stuff. Boring... oh, and because weve just been trying normal sex lately becki says were gonna try sumthing new sexwise later, like cover her in chocolate or sumthing i hope... anyway, merry christmas and ill post again tomorrow or whatever
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and it goes on...

Postby nonbeliever » December 26th, 2007, 11:18 am

hey... a few sessions later i've decided to give you all an update on the current happennings which arn't really that many...

firstly, last night, becki and i had the most awesome sex... we decided to do sumthing kinky so she tied me to the bed then teased me for ages before finally letting me cum... so horny...

secondly, shes decided she wants me to wear my sports jockstraps as my regular underwear cos they look hot on me... fair do's, i guess i owe her a favour or too anyway...

finally, and most impressively, the horniness i feel towards her is just growing every time she puts me under... today i was just thinking of her and i jizzed in my pants... it was pretty gross, but it felt so amazing... almost good as sex just thinking of her...

anyway, were off to the cinema later or sumthing and then shell put me under a couple more times before bed, so ill keep you updated whenever...
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Postby Tleilax » December 26th, 2007, 1:52 pm

Wow man look like you're the luckiest man on the world! 8)
I'm not english and if I understand it well, I've difficulties to write it, so please scuse me if I make some mistake... :D
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Postby nonbeliever » December 29th, 2007, 11:11 am

hey, sorry its been a while to update you, ive been busy. hypnosis-wise, she's still putting me under several times a day, but now im really feeling the effects... and im starting to get a little uneasy about it all, but its still mostly quite hot and i guess i do keep going back for more, so i cant really complain...

firstly, i'm totally unable to wear underwear anymore, ill go to put them on in the morning then i just wont quite be able to bring myself to do it for some reason... the only time im allowed to wear them is when im playing sports with my buddies and need to use the communal changing rooms...

secondly, our sex style has started to change, i really get off on giving her oral and stuff more now- more in fact probably than the sex itself... just by giving her oral i can make myself cum these days- im really really sensetive, but the orgasms are amazing and i get those from giving her oral, so i dont really miss the sex that much...

the other thing thats happenning now which i dont like as much is that when i do cum, she makes me eat it and its really like degrading... but for some reason i feel like i have to do it or ill upset her, and she'll stop putting me under and giving me these amazing orgasms and stuff... but yeah, not so happy about that, because im really not a kinky guy... i just really like regular normal sex...

anyway, signing off, expect to hear from me tomorrow- shes got an extra long session planned for me later apparently..
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Postby notyou » December 29th, 2007, 4:34 pm

You sound like a very good subject. Just out of curiosity, is there anything she's tried to do that hasn't worked?

I also agree with WizDom, read more about D/s and hypnosis so you can provide more ideas. Two people can brainstorm more ideas than one person.

It sounds like she's interested in demonstrating to herself that she has control of you. Taking away your ability to come without her permission seems like the next logical step along these lines.
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Re: whoa...

Postby Blink » December 29th, 2007, 5:39 pm

nonbeliever wrote:hey, sorry its been a while to update you, ive been busy. hypnosis-wise, she's still putting me under several times a day, but now im really feeling the effects... and im starting to get a little uneasy about it all, but its still mostly quite hot and i guess i do keep going back for more, so i cant really complain...
Tell her about your uneasiness. I'm almost certain she can help with that.

-- Blink
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Postby loony28 » December 30th, 2007, 2:02 am

Sounds like she's turning you into a sex slave little by little. This is how you can get someone to do anything with hypnosis, by changing them little by little so they don't even notice it much and by giving them something they really want. In your case it's the amazing sex you're getting and if you go against her then it might stop. If this is what you want then fine, if not then you seriously need to talk to her and consider if the relationship is going to work out. You're already having some misgivings but are afraid to voice them because you might lose the amazing sex. If you can't get over this then it might be too late for you to back out now if it's not to your liking.
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and it goes on

Postby nonbeliever » December 30th, 2007, 12:08 pm

hey... just to reply to a few of your posts before i start going off about the current ongoings...
-firstly, i have since offered to come up with ideas and stuff, but she pretty much said that she's got plenty to do before we have to resort to that... so, ill read up and stuff, and if she backs down a bit, ill offer help then.
-secondly, iv decided not to talk to her about my uneasiness but instead carry on going until it really bothers me- there's no point risking losing it all i dont think
-thirdly, im pretty sure she isn't turning me into a sex slave lol, im really not into that whole scenes and i dont think she is either

anyway, experiences over the past day- they're not too vast but ill say carry on anyway:
lots of sexual stuff as usual- she said my orals getting really good now :-) and thats amazing 'cos when she's horny, i get well horny too. these days i can only get horny around her for some reason- i guess its cos we're having so much sex im worn out... but like, i tried looking at some porn and im just too exhausted to wank off...

but anyway, that wasnt the mistake- for some reason i decided to tell her about it and she was well offended about me trying to wank and said she'd stop putting me under or id have to do a punishment to apologise... so i decided id do her punishment...

so she put me under as usual, but this time she made sure i remembered everything i did while i was put under vaguely... what i remember was feeling the need to please her so intensely and she asked me to put on a solo sex show for her- so i started stripping and jacking off for her then she gives me this dildo which i assumes for her, but shes like 'no, its for you' and for some reason i obey her and shove it up my arse... bearing in mind ive never had anything up there in my life- it was the most awful experince ive ever had- but there i was, raping myself with this dildo which i really didnt want up there but for some reason i had to do it... it was really surreal. eventually i managed to cum and ate it as usual, and she brought me out the trance. i said sorry and promised id never do it again- i never wanted anything up my arse again, im really not in any way gay like that. anyway, i guess i shouldnt have gone behind her back, so i deserved it. i didnt really have a choice anyway, i just had to.

anyway, apparently we're gonna try something really horny later in the bedroom- so ill keep you posted on the going-ons. laters
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Postby Draygone » December 30th, 2007, 12:59 pm

Congratulations. You are a sex slave.

Don't believe me? Let's see how well you can go without sex for a few days. If you're not a sex slave, not having sex should be an easy choice to make and follow through with.

Still don't believe me? Well again I say, congratulations. You are a sex slave.
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Postby loony28 » December 30th, 2007, 1:01 pm

I hope that you really like your new life. Your girlfriend is turning you into her sex slave and it seems to be to the point that no one can help you. Oh well have fun with your new life.
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Postby Fixx » December 30th, 2007, 1:07 pm

You know, I don't want to be offensive, but this whole thing sounds like a cheesy script from some kind of movie.
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while it lasts..

Postby thisguy » December 30th, 2007, 1:16 pm

.. it looks like a real treat to readers of this forum, let's just hope at least some of it is true.

Right now I'm just mildly surprised at the possibility of having attitudes like that in situations described here in real life.

Partly it sounds "too clueless to be true", partly "too horny to care".. how those two things can combine in such a calm "why not, let's look what happens" mindset is really big surprise for me, but I'm only your neighbourly little control-freak.

But I'll follow with interest how this homey hypno-saga plays out.

My little addition to the ideas to use would be a suggestion, that some entries of your diary could be written in deep trance before the end of sesson, just to document feelings and situations for later reading fun.
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Postby CycoMelody » December 30th, 2007, 3:36 pm

If you don't want to believe what those that are reading this are seeing, I would suggest recording a session or 2 with an audio recorder. Don't let your girl friend know, and listen to the session while you are fully conscious. You may not be into the whole slavery thing but it is becoming apparent by your own words that you're in it. Sorry :oops:
You define your reality!
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Postby VeryGnawty » December 31st, 2007, 1:26 am

Fixx wrote:You know, I don't want to be offensive, but this whole thing sounds like a cheesy script from some kind of movie.

I have to agree. Either the OP is complete BS, or too naive to know what he has gotten into.

IMHO, this is definitely slavery if you are doing things you don't want to do, just because someone else said to do it. I don't care how much you are addicted or attached to it, slavery is still slavery.

If the OP is serious, then have fun with your new experience. Otherwise, thanks for some interesting fantasy at the very least.

But I think you should seriously consider the fact that a dildo in the rear is actually a very mild thing to do. Your girlfriend might have more...interesting things to coax you into later. On the kinky scale, anal penetration by inanimate objects barely even registers as "strange"

You might want to have a plan of how far you are willing to go, before you let your cock do the thinking for you. I'd hate for you to end up permanently injured in one way or another. Actually I wouldn't hate it, it's not my life. But, meh.
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Postby Blink » December 31st, 2007, 10:40 am

VeryGnawty wrote:I have to agree. Either the OP is complete BS, or too naive to know what he has gotten into.
There's an old, old bit of roadside advertising that seems to apply here:
If you don't know
whose signs these are
you haven't driven
very far.

He's either aware of what's going on (i.e., faking to some extent), a moron (well, maybe he's... nah, he'd have to be a moron), or the "victim" of some elegant hypnotic work.

I wanna meet the GF.

-- Blink
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Postby nonbeliever » December 31st, 2007, 3:57 pm

hey all... ive read through all your responses and stuff, and i have a few comments:
firstly, for all you "hes faking it"-ers i can promise you that i'm honestly telling you my exact account of what is happenning at the current time- im not telling you about something in the past or whatever- im telling you about whats happenning now... anyway, i dont mind what you think, i can tell you these are my real experiences so far, and whether you want to believe it or not, illl carry on documenting it all here... and as someone says, its completely consensual, so ill back out as and when i see fit.

i would like to point out, that she's been putting me under for pretty much the entire time we've been together but only for relaxation stuff and things in the past- to the extent im sure of this, im not so sure anymore- part of me believes that she's been planning this a while...

secondly, im starting to see what you guys are on about now, and getting a bit worried about the state of affairs- i tried to stop her putting me under today- but i just "never got round to telling her". either way, i've talked about my worries a bit and she's reassured me that she's going to do nothing i wouldn't want to do. anyway, ill see how it goes after this chat and keep you posted.

in other news, she's got something special planned to see in the new year, so we'll see what happens later...
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Postby loony28 » December 31st, 2007, 5:20 pm

Somehow I don't think you're going to be able to back out because your girlfriend has
been working on you for a while. Like I said before, I hope you like your new life.
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Postby somerandomguy » December 31st, 2007, 5:53 pm

Real or fake I'm enjoying this thread, and I'm sure others are as well. I think everyone should relax a bit and see where this goes :)
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Postby Mino » December 31st, 2007, 7:24 pm

If it's real then I don't think you're a slave or anything, you said you were enjoying it, you said the sex and such was intense, what more could you want then to be happy? You even said everything felt better than before.
There's a high chance that this is fabricated or at very least exaggerated to some extent but it doesn't really matter if it's fake or real as I'm enjoying reading this thread and I'm sure other people are as well.
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Re: My Girlfriend's Bet/Dare Diary

Postby gregi696 » January 1st, 2008, 11:53 am

nonbeliever wrote:Hey, although this isn't particularly linked to warpmymind files, my girlfriend's been going on this website for years apparently and's learnt hypnosis through this and other mediums and she's finally ready to try it out.

I've got a question for you Nonbeliever. If your girlfriend is a regular browser of this side like you said, don 't you think she would have stumbled upon this thread? I know that a lot of users just peruse the forums. Not saying your story is fake, just wondering if she doesn't know about you telling us everything.

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Re: My Girlfriend's Bet/Dare Diary

Postby thisguy » January 1st, 2008, 12:37 pm

gregi696 wrote:I've got a question for you Nonbeliever. If your girlfriend is a regular browser of this side like you said, don 't you think she would have stumbled upon this thread?..


If you would try to be less selective about your reading, you would have stumbled over this also..

nonbeliever wrote:
Anyway, the reason I'm posting is cos she's asked me to keep a diary on here..
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Re: My Girlfriend's Bet/Dare Diary

Postby lorcain » January 1st, 2008, 1:36 pm

thisguy wrote:
gregi696 wrote:I've got a question for you Nonbeliever. If your girlfriend is a regular browser of this side like you said, don 't you think she would have stumbled upon this thread?..


If you would try to be less selective about your reading, you would have stumbled over this also..

nonbeliever wrote:
Anyway, the reason I'm posting is cos she's asked me to keep a diary on here..

I'm not sure, but maybe what Gregi96 is saying is that his girlfriend would have stumbled across this thread, or gone to look at it since she asked him to make it, so she would have read about how he was feeling uneasy about certain things and she would know that he hadn't brought it up. So if she had wanted to, she could change it, but if she hasn't that might mean that she isn't going to. If that didn't make sense I'll try and unscramble it a bit :?
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Re: My Girlfriend's Bet/Dare Diary

Postby thisguy » January 1st, 2008, 3:02 pm

lorcain wrote:
..If that didn't make sense I'll try and unscramble it a bit :?

What would be the point to ask such thing, if she is hypnotizing him regularly. Even if he would try to have a secret diary, she could read it without him even thinking of the possibility of her reading it( which would be even more fun of course ).

So obviously she reads it as much as she wants to read it. And he has no problem with that, if even she has no problem with him keeping it.

On the other hand, after asking him questions while in trance and more horny than normally possible makes her reading his PUBLIC diary she ASKED him to keep kind of last thing we should worry about.

..that looks scrambled enough for a volunteer unscrambler to work on ;)
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Re: hey

Postby homerj1620 » January 1st, 2008, 6:20 pm

nonbeliever wrote:secondly, im starting to see what you guys are on about now, and getting a bit worried about the state of affairs- i tried to stop her putting me under today- but i just "never got round to telling her".

That's because you're her sex slave.
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My Girlfiend's Bet/Dare Diary

Postby diggermaloo » January 4th, 2008, 2:30 am

Well we've not heard from Nonbeliever now for five days so I guess his GF has either put a stop to his postings or his imagination has run out. Shame because it would have been good to hear what happened at New Year!
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Re: My Girlfiend's Bet/Dare Diary

Postby loony28 » January 4th, 2008, 8:37 am

diggermaloo wrote:Well we've not heard from Nonbeliever now for five days so I guess his GF has either put a stop to his postings or his imagination has run out. Shame because it would have been good to hear what happened at New Year!

Something tells me that his girlfriend put a stop to it. The reason why she put a stop to it is pretty simple. We were hitting the mark on her turning him into a sex slave and he was starting to have second thoughts. I think she started to see us as a danger to her plans and so she somehow stopped him from coming on. Now that doesn't mean that we won't hear from him again as I'm sure she'll allow him back on when she has some more control over him.
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Re: My Girlfiend's Bet/Dare Diary

Postby thisguy » January 4th, 2008, 11:14 am

loony28 wrote:We were hitting the mark on her turning him into a sex slave and he was starting to have second thoughts. I think she started to see us as a danger to her plans and so she somehow stopped him from coming on.

Does not sound reasonable at all. Him realizing what happens to him is just a rational explanation to the things he would otherwise not understand so well. What would be more scary for you: That something weird happens you don't understand, or something weirdly pleasant happens with good explanation, how it will get even more weird and even more pleasurable very soon..

Otherwise, him realizing what's happening would just be "a challenge". If he already goes down on command and is well enough trained, it's only a matter of time and arrogance, when things will get "more clear".

Might aswell be that such diary-thing grew old for them more quickly than anticipated.

Of course, only sad for us ;)
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Postby distantflame » January 6th, 2008, 5:52 am

The story seemed very fake. I read fictional hypnoliterature in the past and it is typically strewn with with phrases like "part of me believes that she's been planning this a while..." (nonbeleiver) and commonly starts out with some guy that's a jock that is either feminizied or enslaved.

1) The most typical forms of stories (the ones that follow the most common themes, plot devices, and language) are written by hypnotists. You find them as "testimonials" from subjects on the hypnotist's webpage, or on fake blogs, etc. They end up telling how good a certain hypno site is, and you end up at some overpriced hypno-media shop.

2) When that is not the case (when the fake testimonial is not for marketing purposes), then the hypnotist will write this type of story as a form of practice. Imagining a session of hypnosis is challenging but possible. But a hypnotist or hypnotherapist can't just take a few minutes and imagine the complete transformational process of a subject. It is easier to write it out.

Given the nature of this site, and the use of tension with a tone alluding to how much the subject changed in the story without realizing it, I assume that if not posts had been submitted suggesting that the thread was based on a fake diary, I think we might have seen some files up for sale by someone named becki.

Or maybe someone here was just trying out his or her creative side. Which is great, and even though I was a skeptic for the first post [the language does not sound at all natural or authentic, as does the random slang occurrence]. Nonetheless, if "he" hadn't stopped posting and telling the story, I never would have said anything because you all seemed so entertained by it.
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Postby BobbyS » January 6th, 2008, 1:29 pm

I have to say I agree - but am stunned by how taken in everyone was. When are people going to realise how many people seem to enjoy "pretend" erotic hypnosis? It makes you wonder when you see hypnotists on forums boast of their supposed skill over IM, how many of them actually were chatting to a roleplayer and just didn't realise.
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Postby VeryGnawty » January 6th, 2008, 5:20 pm

That's the reason I said it was probably fake. The writing style exhibited most of the commonalities of fantasy writing. I've seen several BDSM fictions written in a similar style. Although this one was more believable in content, it didn't seem any more sincere.
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Postby thisguy » January 7th, 2008, 4:05 am

Well, we are just "too nice" to shout "you lieing faker!" at somebody with big puppy-eyes after such confession:

nonbeliever wrote:firstly, for all you "hes faking it"-ers i can promise you that i'm honestly telling you my exact account of what is happenning at the current time- im not telling you about something in the past or whatever- im telling you about whats happenning now... anyway, i dont mind what you think, i can tell you these are my real experiences so far, and whether you want to believe it or not, illl carry on documenting it all here...

you see, he promised!! And he will carry on!! So all of you experienced and well-read folk, it just might be his girlfriend was well read too! And all the mannerisms and phrases and paceing and vocabulary was just sticking to him after the numerous sessions.. However unlikely it sounds, there was a slight chance.. ( please, god? )

But of course in the end we all waited for him to "slip" and hoped, that no-one would be that lucky :P Aren't we sweet bastards..

Of course, he might read it all and plan his "totally believable" comeback ..just to annoy you some more :D
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Re: ..conclusions..

Postby VeryGnawty » January 7th, 2008, 5:32 am

thisguy wrote:
Of course, he might read it all and plan his "totally believable" comeback

I usually LOL at those.
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Postby BobbyS » January 7th, 2008, 5:42 am

you see, he promised!!

Shit - stop the witch hunt folks, it's OK - he promised!
It must be real after all!

Damn - I feel kind of bad for hating Bush and Blair now - they didn't start a completely unnecessary and economy-driven war after all - Saddam REALLY DID have WMDs. It's not their fault they couldn't find any after extensive searches.
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Postby loony28 » January 7th, 2008, 7:57 am

I hope that most people realize that most of us on here take hypnosis seriously. It's a shame when someone comes on and claims something and then doesn't answer anymore. I'm not sure if nonbeliever is telling the truth or lying to us. I'm hopeing for the first one. When someone lies about hypnosis working for them, it damages the credibility of hypnosis to those who may be here for the first time.
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Postby bdbu » January 7th, 2008, 8:27 am

man yall need to get off this guy. who cares if hes lying or not. it does read like a MCstory drawn out over several posts but i was entertained by it no matter if it was fiction or not.
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Postby BobbyS » January 7th, 2008, 9:04 am

bdbu Read previous post as to why most of us here care - I like an MC story as much as the next man, but I like it presented as fiction - not some moron going around pretending this is real hypnosis. If it wasn't for some of the more (ie very) dubious elements of his story I'd have swallowed it hook, line and sinker too.

The other big shame of course is that it is quite a good story - if he'd posted it on, or I think we even have a story archive on here, he'd have got deserved recognition. Instead I know at least I (if not others) think he's a time-wasting tosser.
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Postby xxxlatexloverxxx » January 8th, 2008, 10:32 pm

This could also be posts from this "becki" person who fantasizes about having a submissive sex slave. Maybe she's just expressing her fantasies verbally so they can seem a bit more real, imagining herself as her sex slave and imagining the pleasure and ordeals of such a life.

Or it could be some hoax...
watever both r entertaining!
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Postby ollie-owl » January 18th, 2008, 4:38 am

from this read I would say nonbeliever is bull s**t**g
and the only sex he's having is by hand
:lol: :lol: :lol:
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Postby KingMob » August 27th, 2009, 11:49 am

Wow. This is one of the hottest things I've ever read. Is this actually possible? What a lucky guy. Love how he doesn't even know how he's being hypnotized. She just takes control and next thing he knows he's a sub who can't fuck pussy who has to pop his own cherry for punishment. Plus he has to keep a journal of it so we can all read along. Hot.
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Postby OMGWTFBBQ » September 3rd, 2009, 6:45 pm

talk about bumps
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