
A place to post about the success you've had with the various files

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Postby 1love » October 22nd, 2009, 9:29 pm

Ok so im trying out a few trigger files but no matter how many times i listen they dont work. Ive been doing this for a week now. i dont know if im having trouble getting into trance, or ive just not been listening long enough.
Is there any induction files that are good or anything that can train me to be more suceptable. what ones are the better ones? would adding binuarals help?
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Postby Jeshi » October 22nd, 2009, 9:50 pm

This should probably be in help with file, since this isn't a success story but rather a failure story.

But anyways, it all depends on the files and how you're using them.

You do know that you have to close your eyes and devote all your attention to the voice in the file right? You can't be doing anything else but what you're being told to do in the file.

Relaxing ect.

And you also can't be resisting.

What files are you using? They might just be crappy files.
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Postby Jacoburline » October 22nd, 2009, 11:14 pm

I've never had much luck with triggers, either. Psychologically speaking, it would certainly be difficult to be able to create a new state of mind (or personality) just by saying a few words. In fact, I'm sure many people would say that the concept is laughable.

So, if you're really serious about getting a trigger file to work, you have to give it some time. After all, you are trying to bypass years of what society has told you that you are, and how you should behave. Plus, you are creating a new state of mind for yourself (with the aid of hypnosis. Hypnosis is not a new state of mind, but a state of mind that naturally occurs and that we take advantage of here to accomplish whatever we hope to accomplish.)

So, try listening to whatever file you've been listening to while lying down horizontally, first of all. Second of all, learn how to trance if you don't already know how. It's not something that comes entirely naturally to us--we have to work at it. Finally, listen to the file for a long time. I don't think a week or two will be enough--you'll likely have to do much more than that. Try listening to it at least four times a week or so, and preferably, once a day or more. (I think the best files are around 20-30 minutes long, too. If you're listening to a file that's only ten minutes long or something, then you might need to add an induction file in front of it. After a decent induction, (I'd say ten to fifteen minutes is an appropriate amount of time,) you'll probably be in a reasonably suggestible state. Of course, it all depends on the induction and your suggestibility.

I find hypnosis is most effective for enhancing erotic experiences, personally.
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Postby ftslave67 » October 23rd, 2009, 8:11 pm

Ditto what Jacoburline said, plus: time of day can make a difference (right after coming home from work seems to work best for me--not too tired, not too alert), plus relax & concentrate, give it a week or so to work. The "orgasm now" trigger is a good one, because you will want it to work, as it is pleasurable! Also, a compelling listen is littlecaltoy's curse. Listen to that for a week & see if it doesn't work! You may wish it hadn't.
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Postby Alien4420 » October 24th, 2009, 1:29 pm

FWIW, I've found that triggers can be amazingly powerful and persistent. I had one work several years after I'd listened to a file only twice. I think it depends on how deeply the trigger goes in when you do listen -- if you're really focused and receptive, it's in there forever, if not, it won't do much. At this stage, I have a pretty good sense of when something is really being written into my subconscious mind, subjectively it's a sense of openness, as if something sensitive has had its covers removed and is exposed to the world.
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Re: Unsuccesful

Postby dottie » October 24th, 2009, 8:48 pm

1love wrote:Is there any induction files that are good or anything that can train me to be more suceptable. what ones are the better ones? would adding binuarals help?

Binaurals should help you get into and stay in trance, but probably will not otherwise help you be suggestible. You could use a TrainSusceptible file in your playlist. For a while I used a playlist that included an induction, a variant of TrainSusceptible, and a couple of file bodies with triggers, (and an awakener).

Note that there are different personality types who respond differently to different inductions differently. Some folks are susceptible to physical suggestions (breathing inductions, armlift, elbow pull, etc) some are susceptible to visualization (staircase, etc) some only respond to logical inductions (confusion, 7+/-2, etc.)
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Postby 1love » October 28th, 2009, 12:34 pm

ok so i have to confess. these files are not for me. There for my girlfriend. I didnt want to say it was for her, becuase i though she might kill me for telling people on the internet our situation.
but i checked, and she said it was ok, cuase nobody knows who the real 1 love is or his girlfriend.
So here is our problem. she is one of the many women who have never orgasmed. We researched this on the internet, and there are a few sources that say alot of women cant, because they are scared or anxious, or a few other factors.
so she has been listening to trig arousal and trig orgasm, for almost three weeks. to no avail.
she says she's never been into trance before, and doesnt know how to. So i will be adding binurals and subliminals to try and get a better effect.
I know someone mentioned that you sometimes have to train yourself to be able to get into trance. is this true? and if it is how do you train yourself?

So my question, Is there any files that can help a woman achieve orgasm?
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Postby Alien4420 » October 28th, 2009, 12:58 pm

Whether a hypnosis file will help your girlfriend achieve orgasm probably depends on why she isn't. If the impediment is psychological, it could work. But a significant minority of women can't achieve orgasm at all, 25%, IIRC. A majority can't achieve it during intercourse. If a woman can achieve orgasm during masturbation, your best bet is probably to use masturbation or go down on her to bring her close to climax before having sex, that way she has a head start (lol, that pun was unconscious). Or just to give her pleasure with sex play. If she can't reach orgasm for physiological reasons, you might consider consulting a doctor. Her testosterone levels might be low. Or perhaps Viagra could help. But realistically, there are no guarantees, even some men lose the ability to reach orgasm when they take estrogen.
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