New user: TotalJock

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New user: TotalJock

Postby ck » March 1st, 2010, 9:31 am

New to the forum...glad to be here.

I've decided to keep my resolution, this year, and get into shape. But frankly, I hate exercise and am literally ashamed of having to go to a gym. So, hypnosis files would seem a good way to "flip" my strong negatives into strong positives.

So, let's just get down to my question. Would the TotalJock files help me out? They have strong overtones that would undoubtedly turn me towards exercise and sports...but I don't want to end up a sex-addicted, alcoholic peabrain in the process. I'm not yet in the right physical condition to addict myself to the BodyBuilder type files...don't even know *how* to lift or press, yet. Basically, I need to know where to desire is to become a musclebound jock-esque person, but not a sex-addicted, alcoholic *dumb* musclebound jock.

Thanks for any insight...or as I might have to say after using these files, DUH!
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Re: New user: TotalJock

Postby AlphaShepherd » March 1st, 2010, 1:12 pm

To start off perhaps you might try my file, Be Fit! If you're really that bad out of shape and want to end up nice and muscled as part of your goal, this file might be a good starting point. Rather than blast you straight into jock behavior and gym addiction, this will ease you in to taking care of your body - watching your diet, hygiene, exercise and so on. It will reinforce the desire to improve yourself and build a strong base physically, hypnotically, and psychologically for later transition to more intense jock-centric files.
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Postby ck » March 1st, 2010, 5:17 pm

I *want* the gym addiction, muscle bodybuilding and sports obsessions...I *don't want* the alcoholic sex-addicted empty pea-brain. Jock...not dumb jock.

Despite my reservations, I figured it would be appropriate to do a "light switch" polarity change, rather than something gradual, which is why the jock files are so tempting. And, a *little* frat boy behavior might be fun, but could prove problematic in my job.

As to Be_Fit, it describes preparing the listener as a submissive. Love the exercise part...not so sure about the submissive part.

The Country_Boy file could also be fun...but I live in the South already, and there's the beer and chewing tobacco issue. Behavioral modification is one thing...encouragement to use addictive substances is quite another. And, besides, who would notice the changes? I would just fit in a little better at the barber shop! A minimal change. :)

Back to my original question. Maybe I just need to rescript the Jock Files, excising the "throbbing jock cock" parts...but I've not done this type of thing before. Anyone willing to give me some feedback, if I post my attempt? And, what is a good MP3 editor?
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Postby tezivan2 » March 1st, 2010, 9:51 pm

Try TotalJock4. I think you will find that it's a good mix of body-building without the dumbing down.
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Postby Dogboy » March 2nd, 2010, 11:18 pm

You can use Audacity to edit sound files for free.

It works great.
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Postby ck » March 3rd, 2010, 9:48 pm

Thank you for the recommendation of TTJ4, and for the recommendation of Audacity.

I'll see if I can script some changes, and post them on the forum for peer review.
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Postby Rossyfox » April 7th, 2010, 8:37 am

I think people are a lot more flexible in their responses to hypnosis than they realise. It's especially true with longer files. Hypnosis isn't a "take it or leave it" sort of thing; some suggestions will embed more deeply than others. Those which would definately be problematic generally have a hard time embedding, unless the user is really set on wanting them.
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Postby trawl » April 9th, 2010, 7:45 am

Have to agree with everything said here, you will generally ignore any suggestion you arn't comfortable with.

But that being said use TTJ4 it's the one I use and have had the most success with, I work out six days a week now and find it lots of fun, rarely go out and have more or less given up alcohol.
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Postby ftslave67 » April 11th, 2010, 6:32 am

Oh come on, you don't want to have a "throbbing jock cock"? :)

Seriously, though, if you are badly out of shape, you should probably consult with a doctor. Maybe start walking daily and work up to 30 min/day before getting too intense. Also watch your diet.

Is there a YMCA or gym where you can get a trainer for a couple of sessions? Sounds intimidating, but there are trainers out there that are professional and will work with you.

Also, if you're not into the "sexy" stuff, there is the "" site.
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Postby trawl » April 11th, 2010, 6:56 am

Very good advice there!

Too many people lose motivation by trying to go to far too fast. Always consult a medical professional when making life changing decisions about your health and consulting a fitness professional may help, see if you can have them set up a training schedule for you.

Always do your research and make sure you understand how to safely perform an exercise, including warming up and stretching.

when I started I began by slowly conditioning my body up to the point where I felt comfortable with lifting, I consulted a doctor and started with 30 minutes of cardio a session and slowly built it up over a few months to an hour a day. At that point I asked a personal trainer to create a workout schedule for me, at this point I feel knowledgeable enough to construct my own schedules although I need to consult a nutritionist now because I lack that knowledge.

Make sure you have clear fitness goals, are you trying to improve your fitness, build muscle or lose weight. Choosing one goal and working towards it till you achieve it far more likely then trying to do everything.

Hypnosis can definitely give you the push to get you through the rough days but you have to be intelligent about your fitness goals and really have the want to see them through.

Good luck :)
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Postby TeenWolf » July 2nd, 2010, 10:07 am

I use TTJ3 and the effects are good.

As soon as I came out of the trance, I took my top off and flexed.Then, I did 300 pushups.
I then put on my basketball shorts (I play basketball in the yard wearing only shorts) and started playing for 2 hours.

I did, however, not think about anything else besides improving my performance and to become sexy.

I listen to it 3 times a day.
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Postby nemo128 » September 16th, 2010, 1:08 pm

has anyone tried the total Jock #4? and if so, how well dose it work?
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Postby outkast1728 » November 21st, 2011, 9:58 pm

If anyone else posts on here that they've had a successful experience from this please email me and tell me what happened to you. My email is
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Postby AussieMuscle » December 5th, 2011, 9:55 pm

Anyone else had any success from the Jock or Bodybuilding files?
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just 2 cents

Postby joecomp2000 » January 30th, 2012, 6:56 pm

"although I need to consult a nutritionist now because I lack that knowledge"

my experience with nutritionist and personal trainers is that they are interested in getting you safely healthy... if you want to be a bodybuilder.. they don't teach that..

see these people are paid by companies to do their job without recommending anything extreme.. get you to a healthy weight and not risk any injury.. they are risking a law suit other wise..

however bodybuilding requires you to go to extremes ...lifting weights that are relatively unsafe and cause injury ...
and competitive bodybuilders are not healthy.. in order to get that big they are doing extreme things ( roids, injecting synthol ( look it up it is similar to the procedure for a self basted turkey ).. and to get that lean for contest they do some more crazy stuff that is ridiculous. stimulates, drugs , and prescriptions . All bad for you..

the natural body builders are also pretty extreme...but they actually care about health ( for the most part) ...

so if you are looking for the safest way to get healthy eventually to nutritionist and personal trainers...
you want to get big , talk and workout with a body builder for a few months and then walk away before you are an addict ..
power lifters are another crazy bunch by the way, very friendly though
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Postby Fractalbad » January 31st, 2012, 11:22 pm

I like the file cursed to be muscular. I downloaded that one back in November, when I decided to start walking to work. Its VERY motivating, I believe it's the remix version. But I always find myself super power speed walking when its playing. But since November I've lost 25 lbs, and that is the most I've ever lost at a single time before. I still have 55 lbs to go, but I'm finally on the right path.

I should also point out that in late December, my car died on me. now I have to walk everywhere. It can be a bit of a pain, especially since I live in Minnesota, and its February. But I've gotten over that for the most. I have a different perspective on travel now. grocery shopping is no longer a menial task then it is an adventure (especially considering its 5 miles round trip). plus I have to think of terms of what I'm physically able to carry. Needless to say my grocery bill has gone down, and junk food is completely out of the question.

This spring I plan on actually running/jogging. so I'm betting the weight is gonna start plummeting once that gets going. People have asked me why I haven't already started doing this, and the answer is simple: Its the middle of winter and the ground is slick, and I'm working up to that type of pace. I know had I just started going all out, I would have quit two days in.

But as I said I like cursed to be muscular, and there are some submissive overtures in it, but they don't really bother me.

*quick edit* I also have a couple of 10 lbs dumbbells that I keep next to my chair, I will watch TV while working my arms, shoulders, and back. I know they don't weigh much, but you would be amazed how many reps you would do while zoned out watching a 2 hour movie!
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Postby KIY » February 1st, 2012, 6:16 am

I couldn't find a file named "cursed to be muscular"-- what is it called in the files section?

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Postby Fractalbad » February 1st, 2012, 11:21 am

I can't find it now either, where the hell did it go?
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Postby Fractalbad » February 1st, 2012, 11:36 am

Found it! On here it's called: curse muscle bound - no hair loss, it's by EMG
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Postby KIY » February 1st, 2012, 5:41 pm

I already have that one, but thanks anyway.
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Postby ftslave67 » February 2nd, 2012, 6:38 pm

Good for you, fractalbad--that IS a success story! keep it up!
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Postby joecomp2000 » May 4th, 2012, 6:30 am

any updates?
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