The forced gay success thread...

A place to post about the success you've had with the various files

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Postby Ryan83 » December 5th, 2009, 4:02 pm

Alien4420 wrote:I'd got with the flow, then! I mean, if you keep listening, you're going to be gay eventually even if you aren't already, so why not just let go and have fun with it?

I think you're right. At this point, I feel like I've gone too far to go back.

Maybe I'll feel differently later, but right now I'm pretty ok with just going for it. :)
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Postby Ryan83 » December 5th, 2009, 10:07 pm

Ok, forget what I said earlier. I'm going to fight this thing to the bitter end. I will get back to who I was or I will die in the process.
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Postby Alien4420 » December 5th, 2009, 10:46 pm

I guess what I'd ask is what's wrong with the way you are now?

I'm not saying that you shouldn't go back. But, if you can't bring yourself to listen to Deprogram All or have a hypnotist remove the file, why not make the best of it? Have fun with some new experiences?

Not that I haven't been on the roller coaster myself, in fact I decided to listen to Deprogram All today (because of Stroke Sissy, not CFG). Instead I ended up listening to Stroke Sissy, CFG, *and* a Catgirl file. Hopeless, no? I hadn't been listening to any of them but the suggestion to listen kicked in and I told myself I was going to listen to them just once more and then I'd listen to Deprogram All tomorrow. You have to laugh.

I think I protect myself by telling myself that I'll eventually wiggle free. And who knows, I may, the bi suggestion in the Catgirl file had me briefly interested in women again. But if not, I tell myself I'll kick back and enjoy whatever I am.
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Postby catgirlatheart » December 5th, 2009, 11:42 pm

Alien4420 wrote:I guess what I'd ask is what's wrong with the way you are now?

I'm not saying that you shouldn't go back. But, if you can't bring yourself to listen to Deprogram All or have a hypnotist remove the file, why not make the best of it? Have fun with some new experiences?

Not that I haven't been on the roller coaster myself, in fact I decided to listen to Deprogram All today (because of Stroke Sissy, not CFG). Instead I ended up listening to Stroke Sissy, CFG, *and* a Catgirl file. Hopeless, no? I hadn't been listening to any of them but the suggestion to listen kicked in and I told myself I was going to listen to them just once more and then I'd listen to Deprogram All tomorrow. You have to laugh.

I think I protect myself by telling myself that I'll eventually wiggle free. And who knows, I may, the bi suggestion in the Catgirl file had me briefly interested in women again. But if not, I tell myself I'll kick back and enjoy whatever I am.
Do you mean catgirl as in the furry kind or Catgirl as in the Tist that owns that snappvilla site?
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Postby Ryan83 » December 6th, 2009, 12:19 am

Alien4420 wrote:I guess what I'd ask is what's wrong with the way you are now?
Because what I am now is a lie. I won't stop until I get back to who I was. I will not live a lie.

I'm not speaking for anyone else but myself. If this is what makes you happy, or anyone, for that matter, then more power to you. But to me, this is a lie, and I refuse to live that way.

I'm not saying that you shouldn't go back. But, if you can't bring yourself to listen to Deprogram All or have a hypnotist remove the file, why not make the best of it? Have fun with some new experiences?

Because I don't want to participate in a lie. I don't want to do something that I'll regret. Besides, I don't have casual sex; nothing outside of a relationship. I'm most definitely not going to have a relationship with a man when I'm going back to being attracted to women. It's a waste of time and it would be hurtful to the other person.

Not only that, but I don't need to make things worse or confuse myself more. I need to focus on fixing this before ANYTHING else. This has absolutely destroyed my life and I plan in reclaiming it.
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Postby Alien4420 » December 6th, 2009, 7:16 am

catgirlatheart wrote:Do you mean catgirl as in the furry kind or Catgirl as in the Tist that owns that snappvilla site?

The hypnotist Catgirl.
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Postby Alien4420 » December 6th, 2009, 9:57 am

Ryan83 wrote:Because what I am now is a lie. I won't stop until I get back to who I was. I will not live a lie.

I'm not speaking for anyone else but myself. If this is what makes you happy, or anyone, for that matter, then more power to you. But to me, this is a lie, and I refuse to live that way.

[ . . . ]

Because I don't want to participate in a lie. I don't want to do something that I'll regret. Besides, I don't have casual sex; nothing outside of a relationship. I'm most definitely not going to have a relationship with a man when I'm going back to being attracted to women. It's a waste of time and it would be hurtful to the other person.

Not only that, but I don't need to make things worse or confuse myself more. I need to focus on fixing this before ANYTHING else. This has absolutely destroyed my life and I plan in reclaiming it.

I'm honestly troubled by your posts because you sound so desperate.

I don't pretend to have the answers, I've been going through my own version of this and I'm still debating whether I should just go with the flow or keep trying to change/slow things down. But one thing I'm convinced of, this isn't a lie -- we've been changed, the subconscious was programmed one way when we were growing up and now it's been programmed a different way. The old us is still there, repressed, but the new us is no less real.

Still, the new sexuality can be peeled off easily with Deprogram All, I did it myself way back when. And the old you is still there, latent, ready to be reactivated.

My mistake was not to listen to Deprogram All when I woke up the morning after I'd listened, by then it had worn off and I immediately listened to Forced Gay again. So if you listen to Deprogram All, I suggest you listen twice a day without fail until you're absolutely sure that the suggestions have stuck.

Now not only can't I listen to Deprogram All but trying seems to make things worse by making me listen to all the files again. So what I'm asking myself right now is whether it's time to just go with the flow (more with Stroke Sissy than Forced Gay, at this point I'm cool with being gay).

What seems to happen is that no one believes this stuff will work, then you freak out and fight it, and if it's too late to change back you accept it and end up happy with whatever you've become.

Anyway, as I said, I don't have all the answers, but I do know that there are files that can change you back to your old self. And I believe that if you can't bring yourself to listen to them, you'll still be happy in the end and shouldn't beat yourself up too much over it.
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Postby ftslave67 » December 6th, 2009, 8:43 pm

Ryan, I am glad to hear that you have a strong inclination to follow you're moral code and I have a lot of respect for that. I'm sorry to hear that you feel this experience has "ruined your life". Maybe you should just think of it as a side-trip on the journey of life, an adventure?

Something made you want to listen initially, right? Or was it forced on you or were you tricked into it? I mean, the description in the download section, is fairly accurate, no? Maybe you just wanted to see what it would be like & don't want it anymore? It's good that you know that, then--you've learned something about yourself. Good advice from Alien about "deprogram all", but I think in most cases the effects would generally wear off anyway, after a couple of weeks or so, if you didn't listen to the file anymore.

Some people classify themselves as "bi" or even "questioning". Kinsey created a six-degree scale from totally hetero to totally homosexual. And most people he interviewed fell somewhere in-between.

I guess, like Alien, I'm a little concerned that you seem to be freaked out about all this. I think you should trust yourself & things will work out in the end. Get counseling if you need it, please.
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Postby Alien4420 » December 7th, 2009, 10:43 am

ftslave67 wrote:Good advice from Alien about "deprogram all", but I think in most cases the effects would generally wear off anyway, after a couple of weeks or so, if you didn't listen to the file anymore.

That's an excellent point. As with any file, the longer you've listened the longer it takes to wear off. But even after 9 months I find that it still wears off, albeit very gradually and the compulsion to listen kicks in before it fades too far.

If you take that approach, don't try challenging the file by looking at women, that may trigger the compulsion to listen again. Don't struggle against it, ditto. Just let it wear off to the point at which you start finding men sexually repulsive again.

I think it's worth adding -- it's been said here, but I don't know if you've read it -- that Curse Forced Straight will reverse the effects of Forced Gay. Several guys have changed back that way.

Another thing you can do is edit the file in Audacity to take out the compulsions to listen. Then when you feel the need to listen to the file listen to the edited version instead, that will satisfy the compulsion. The compulsions and addictiveness will fade with time.

Or you can take out the suggestions about not liking women and listen to Train Bisexual, it doesn't really attack CFG so there shouldn't be much of a conflict and it can restore your attraction to women.

Finally, despite what the file claims about being irreversible, any qualified hypnotherapist can remove the effects of this or any other curse file in an afternoon. The file lies to you, that's one of the ways it tricks you into getting stuck. You don't have to go to the hypnotherapist to have the file removed -- the file might not let you do that -- just go to explore the issues. He can make a suggestion that you can think rationally about what you want to do free of all the compulsions, an online hypnotist did that for me. Then you can decide what you want to do.
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Postby dottie » December 7th, 2009, 3:33 pm

Ryan83 wrote:
Alien4420 wrote:I guess what I'd ask is what's wrong with the way you are now?
Because what I am now is a lie. I won't stop until I get back to who I was. I will not live a lie.

I'm not speaking for anyone else but myself. If this is what makes you happy, or anyone, for that matter, then more power to you. But to me, this is a lie, and I refuse to live that way.

I'm not saying that you shouldn't go back. But, if you can't bring yourself to listen to Deprogram All or have a hypnotist remove the file, why not make the best of it? Have fun with some new experiences?

Because I don't want to participate in a lie. I don't want to do something that I'll regret. Besides, I don't have casual sex; nothing outside of a relationship. I'm most definitely not going to have a relationship with a man when I'm going back to being attracted to women. It's a waste of time and it would be hurtful to the other person.

Not only that, but I don't need to make things worse or confuse myself more. I need to focus on fixing this before ANYTHING else. This has absolutely destroyed my life and I plan in reclaiming it.

I think you've got a pretty good set of reasons to back out of the curse. I see the fear that the other posters mentioned, but that doesn't invalidate your concerns. Homosexuality is a big deal, a giant weight around one's neck, and not to be taken lightly. If you aren't willing to commit to being gay for the long haul, then the time to get out of it is sooner rather than later. (before it gets difficult to remove the suggestions, and before you get involved in a relationship that is doomed) People will ask you why did you listen to the file in the first place -- assuming that means that you're really gay, when you are likely not gay. There is a big difference between being bi-curious and being gay. Only you can figure out where you really lie on that spectrum.
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Postby ftslave67 » December 7th, 2009, 7:18 pm

Homosexuality is not a "big weight around one's neck"--that is ridiculous, and defamatory. Not being true to yourself or denying your feelings or your nature is the real big weight.
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Postby dottie » December 9th, 2009, 12:33 am

ftslave67 wrote:Homosexuality is not a "big weight around one's neck"--that is ridiculous, and defamatory. Not being true to yourself or denying your feelings or your nature is the real big weight.

How is it ridiculous? Being part of a minority that exposes you to ridicule/harassment and shrinks the available pool of relationship partners is somehow NOT a huge hassle?

Accepting and taking joy in what you are does not mean that there aren't non-trivial disadvantages associated with it.
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Postby Jeshi » December 9th, 2009, 1:39 am

I think what ft meant was that being homosexual in and of itself is not a big weight around your neck. If it was perfectly accepted by society then it wouldn't be a problem at all. The act of dating somebody of the same gender isn't much more difficult then somebody of the opposite gender is for a straight person.

However socially it is rather heavy. Considering that even in the most gay friendly places, only %13 of people are openly gay and it's an average of %5 in most places. And it's very difficult to meet somebody because you can't tell if they're gay automatically, so you almost have to go to clubs and bars to meet people.

And being a minority considered a second-class citizen is always terrible. People don't seem to understand that what's private and "TMI" still applies when talking to gay people. People ask you really disturbing awkward questions without even realizing how disturbing and awkward they are! Like "Are you a top or a bottom?" And "If you look at yourself in the mirror while naked do you get an erection?".

And of course your love life is apparently public information now. People will always want to know your opinion on whose attractive over everybody else's. And they'll want to know the details of what kind of guy you like! Which is terrible if you're shy like me!

And then there is the double standards. In places where PDA is typically find among straight couples, If you so much as hold hands with your boyfriend or give him a peck on the cheek then you'll be asked to "Tone it down" And they'll insist that they hold the same standards true for straight couples, even if there is a straight couple in their line of vision do the exact same things and they are clearly ignoring them.

So the burden is created by society. The actual romance and everything else that comes with a relationship isn't much more of a burden then a straight relationship.
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Postby ftslave67 » December 9th, 2009, 5:35 pm

Are you gay, Dotty? Yes, there are trials & tribulations, just like "normal" people have, but there are also blessings & love & community, special gifts, etc. I just think the whole notion that it's a big millstone around one's neck is offensive. I know straight guys that have difficulties meeting someone; just because there's a larger pool doesn't necessarily make it any easier, only perhaps statistically.
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Postby Jeshi » December 9th, 2009, 8:22 pm

ftslave67 wrote:Are you gay, Dotty? Yes, there are trials & tribulations, just like "normal" people have, but there are also blessings & love & community, special gifts, etc. I just think the whole notion that it's a big millstone around one's neck is offensive. I know straight guys that have difficulties meeting someone; just because there's a larger pool doesn't necessarily make it any easier, only perhaps statistically.

It's not a millstone around the neck in and of itself.
But the homophobia I've experienced defiantly does tell me that socially there is a weight.
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Postby ftslave67 » December 10th, 2009, 6:21 am

Jeshi--Even once you realize the problem is them, not you?
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Postby Alien4420 » December 10th, 2009, 8:15 am

Been musing on this conversation, because while I had the same negative reaction to the millstone remark that you did I also have to acknowledge that there's some truth in it.

There are practical consequences to being gay -- fading rapidly, to be sure, but a real consideration if you don't live in a gay-friendly place. People still lose their families, get kicked out the military, face denial of death benefits, and so forth.

But I think most of us can get beyond those problems. For me, anyway, it's harder to isolate yourself from the prejudices of others. We seem to have evolved to be extremely sensitive to social pressure, to internalize rejection by those around us.

I've always envied those who don't care what others think, just go their own way thinking 'If you don't like it, tough." Unfortunately, I'm not one of them. I've always marched to a different drummer, but it seems to me that I've paid a fairly high emotional price over the years for doing so, either because of sensitivity to social rejection or the denial of self that comes about when you give in to pressure and conform.

Mistress Catgirl does a great job dealing with social rejection in her feminization files, in fact, she makes you revel in it. I don't know of anything comparable for Forced Gay, but I think it could be useful, because, after all, where prejudice doesn't result in substantive harm like the denial of a job opportunity, the harm is in your head. That doesn't make it any less real or painful, but it does mean that it's amenable to corrective suggestion, as the loss of a job is not.

In that context, I'd like to clarify what I tried to say to Ryan. I wasn't suggesting that he choose to become or remain gay -- that's entirely up to him and I accept and understand and to some extent share his reservations. Rather, the point I was trying to make was that you have to make the best of the opportunities with which life presents you. Because if you beat yourself up too much, you're going to do more damage to your happiness and well-being than any curse file could.

It's important to remember that despite all the social prejudice, lots of gay guys are happy being what they are. Just look at how happy Dave is. Talk of millstones and pressure to change back really do no good. The important thing to keep in mind is that you can be happy whatever your orientation, as long as you don't internalize the prejudices of others.
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Postby ftslave67 » December 10th, 2009, 7:17 pm

Good post, Alien. You know I've had my difficulties, but I don't know that I wouldn't have had others had I been "straight". We all have our "cross to bear".
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Postby dottie » December 12th, 2009, 10:57 am

I didn't mean to disappear for a couple of days in the middle of this - sorry.

ftslave67 wrote:Are you gay, Dotty? Yes, there are trials & tribulations, just like "normal" people have, but there are also blessings & love & community, special gifts, etc. I just think the whole notion that it's a big millstone around one's neck is offensive. I know straight guys that have difficulties meeting someone; just because there's a larger pool doesn't necessarily make it any easier, only perhaps statistically.

I think I'll jump directly to my motivations (rather than my orientation) -- What I was consciously talking about was the stuff Jeshi just mentioned, but in the back of my mind, I was remembering a time in my life when I projected a *slightly* effeminate image. I got harassed on a regular basis and wouldn't wish that on anyone. (one does learn when and where to be careful)

Anyway, the millstone comment was over-dramatic, but the point was, "know what environment you are getting into", not "liking people with muscles & penises is unpleasant"
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Postby brconfused » December 23rd, 2009, 11:05 am

I find this to be quite an interesting thread. I understand the pull of listening to this file. I have listened to it, be it only twice. However, I found that I am too ADD to actually get much out of it. I also have listened to CFS simply because I can not figure out what I want.... Anyway. I am glad some people are having success with the file.
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Postby Alien4420 » December 23rd, 2009, 8:04 pm

Those two files will fight one another! I suggest you make your choice first, listen second . . .
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Postby angelcraves » April 7th, 2010, 3:47 am

I stopped listening to this file a long time ago, but the effects seem to have grown, i havent listened, and i am resisting listening.
occasionally i will look at a gay pic and see if i get aroused, never happens, until today.
just saw some pics, and instant arousal and nearly exploded.
i was shocked by how quickly i was aroused.

a question now, if you dont feel anything when looking at a guys face then surely that must mean you arent gay?

i don't find men handsome or attractive, just seems to be the neck down, curious.
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Re: update

Postby Alien4420 » April 7th, 2010, 6:44 am

angelcraves wrote:I stopped listening to this file a long time ago, but the effects seem to have grown, i havent listened, and i am resisting listening.
occasionally i will look at a gay pic and see if i get aroused, never happens, until today.
just saw some pics, and instant arousal and nearly exploded.
i was shocked by how quickly i was aroused.

a question now, if you dont feel anything when looking at a guys face then surely that must mean you arent gay?

i don't find men handsome or attractive, just seems to be the neck down, curious.

I found my reaction to faces was just about the last thing to change. I don't know what will happen to you since you aren't listening to the file right now, sounds like things are proceeding on their own. I don't remember it as being suddenly "you're gay," it was more like I got gayer each time I listened.
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Postby Ryan83 » April 8th, 2010, 8:32 pm

I feel the same way. I never liked guy's faces at ALL- not even the body- just the cock. But god damn do I love cock now. Just typing this out is making me rock hard.

But I digress.

It wasn't until recently that I saw a guy's face that I actually liked- and there's only been one, maybe two. I don't know if that means something has changed or not. I still am not into the body (other than the aforementioned part). So, I don't know.

On the plus side, I am getting closer and closer to just accepting being gay. So...who knows? Not sure if I'm going to fight this any more.
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Postby Alien4420 » April 9th, 2010, 6:57 am

Ryan83 wrote:It wasn't until recently that I saw a guy's face that I actually liked- and there's only been one, maybe two. I don't know if that means something has changed or not. I still am not into the body (other than the aforementioned part). So, I don't know.

I know that faces seem to come last for everyone. And it isn't all or nothing. Even after a year, there are occasions when faces and bodies don't seem right to me.

You've reminded me that at some point I decided that the suggestions about liking male bodies (which worked for me, I don't remember exactly when) apply to faces too.

On the plus side, I am getting closer and closer to just accepting being gay. So...who knows? Not sure if I'm going to fight this any more.

I'm still trying to undo the stuff about not liking women. So far, it hasn't worked, I got some of my attraction to women back but I still can't have sex with them.
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Postby ftslave67 » April 11th, 2010, 6:38 am

Maybe the suggestions in the file are more geared toward men's bodies.

Or maybe that's just the last part of your sexual repression to be eliminated.

As a "golf-star" gay, I was sort of attracted to women's faces & personalities when I was younger, but it was always the guys that I fantasized about, including their faces!
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Postby atan » April 11th, 2010, 4:25 pm

I'm new here and I've also been reading all the threads on the CFG. I really want to give this a try.

It does intrigue me and it seems like pretty much everyone who has tried it has worked.

Has there been anyone out there that it hasn't made a change for?

Has anyone changed their mind try the removal file from EMG?
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Postby Alien4420 » April 11th, 2010, 6:47 pm

I only know of one guy for whom it hasn't worked, he just popped out of trance the first time he listened. Which will happen with any suggestion if you have a really deep-seated objection. But that's of the people who have posted here, of course.

As to changing back, several guys have done it using Curse Forced Straight, one guy I think ended up bi and the rest went back to being straight. There's also EMG's Deprogram All which removes the effects of his files. But the longer you listen the less you'll want to go back and the harder it will be. I love this filem but you're definitely playing on the edge here, after a few months, you'll be gay and most of your thoughts and desires will be in that direction. I'm listening to a file now that's making my attraction to women come back, and it's working, but I'm aiming for bi -- I like being gay and I don't want to lose my attraction to men. I suspect that if it weren't for social pressure I wouldn't even bother.
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Postby atan » April 12th, 2010, 12:05 am

Well, I don't think I'd have a deep objection, I've always been a bit curious. That's why I was thinking about giving it a try. From reading everyone's accounts, it seems like everyone goes through the stages of thinking it isn't doing anything, to a stage of shock or denial that changes are beginning, to acceptance and enjoyment of where you're at. Does that soudn about right?

So do you think it is the longer you go with the file, the less you want to "remove" it? How often are you listening to it?
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Postby Alien4420 » April 12th, 2010, 12:29 pm

atan wrote:Well, I don't think I'd have a deep objection, I've always been a bit curious. That's why I was thinking about giving it a try. From reading everyone's accounts, it seems like everyone goes through the stages of thinking it isn't doing anything, to a stage of shock or denial that changes are beginning, to acceptance and enjoyment of where you're at. Does that soudn about right?

So do you think it is the longer you go with the file, the less you want to "remove" it? How often are you listening to it?

I answered the first part in a PM -- as to the second, well, I think the truth is I never really wanted to remove it, I love being gay, the only reason I've ever tried was because I thought I *should* and because there's a suggestion in the file that makes you miss sex with women (which I recommend taking out before listening in trance).

Don't remember the last time I listened, I listened once a day for the first two months, a few times after that. Not for at least six months. After a while, you don't really have to, or you can refresh it occasionally if the effect starts to wear off. At a year, it feels permanent to me, which is to say the only way I could stop being gay at this point is through hypnosis.

I've since learned that the quickest results with hypnosis files seem to come from listening once in the morning and once before bed. For me, anyway. But the important thing is daily, in the initial phase. It takes a couple of months of daily listening to become I'd say 90% gay. After three months at once a day, it should need only an occasional refresher. You can just let the suggestions guide you, your subconscious should know when it can stop listening and when it needs a refresher (there's a suggestion to listen again if the file's effects diminish). Basically, the longer you go, the more gradually it will wear off if you do stop listening, at least one guy has gone back to being straight just by not listening and waiting for it to wear off.
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Postby atan » April 13th, 2010, 4:42 am

Well, I decided to go ahead and give CFG a try. So we'll see what happens.
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Postby ftslave67 » April 13th, 2010, 5:22 pm

There's also quite a few bisexual files here in case you don't want to "go all the way". You can do a search.
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Postby Alien4420 » April 14th, 2010, 12:37 pm

I didn't know about Curse Forced Bi. Just downloaded it, I think I'm going to give it a try . . .
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Postby atan » April 16th, 2010, 12:40 am

Well, just a quick update, I've been using CFG since Monday, and boy it is addictive. I think I've listend to it 12 times since then, 4 times today. I really makes me feel relaxed and good after listening to it.

At first, I didn't think it was doing anything, other than making me want to listen to it over and over.

However, today I felt different, I noticed that I was starting to look at guys differently, I think I was checking them out. Do you think it is possible that it has already had this much of an affect on me so soon?
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Postby ftslave67 » April 16th, 2010, 4:50 am

If you're listening that much, it must be something you want to experience on some level, so yeah, it is going to happen. As for "checking out guys", you don't even really have to be gay to do that! :)
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Postby Alien4420 » April 16th, 2010, 6:23 am

atan wrote:Well, just a quick update, I've been using CFG since Monday, and boy it is addictive. I think I've listend to it 12 times since then, 4 times today. I really makes me feel relaxed and good after listening to it.

At first, I didn't think it was doing anything, other than making me want to listen to it over and over.

However, today I felt different, I noticed that I was starting to look at guys differently, I think I was checking them out. Do you think it is possible that it has already had this much of an affect on me so soon?

I think so, you've been listening to it a lot.
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Postby atan » April 16th, 2010, 7:28 am

ftslave67 wrote:If you're listening that much, it must be something you want to experience on some level, so yeah, it is going to happen. As for "checking out guys", you don't even really have to be gay to do that! :)

Maybe checking out isn't the best way to put it, more like I'm now noticing guys. I didn't before.
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Postby angelcraves » April 16th, 2010, 2:59 pm

i dont think i have even listened to it twelve times.. but what an effect.. all the time resisting listening again.
all sorts of thoughts more about the file than anything else.
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Postby Alien4420 » April 16th, 2010, 4:10 pm

angelcraves wrote:i dont think i have even listened to it twelve times.. but what an effect.. all the time resisting listening again.
all sorts of thoughts more about the file than anything else.

I've had that with Stroke Sissy, I listened to Forced Gay about 60 times before I tried to change back but I listened to Stroke Sissy maybe 4 times and it took on a life of its own. It took a month of listening to Deprogram All to bottle most of it up again, and even now, there are times when I feel the effects.
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Postby pbow2010 » April 17th, 2010, 3:47 am

I have been lisitening to the CFG and other gay files for over a year now. I was completely straight and just got into it out of curiosity not really believing in it all. But I got drawn in and found myself needing to listen, again and again. And I am being completely honest when I tell you this, IT WORKS whether you want it to or not and I am really not very happy with myself for doing this. I am no longer able to become arouse by females at all and I haven't dated for a long time. I have not yet ventured out into the world of a real gay sexual experience but all of my fantasies are about are about men now. I am trying to work up the courage to just accept all this and take the leap into a real gay relationship. On one hand I wish I had never done this as it has made my life much more complicated than it was before but on the other hand I have no desire nor do I think I am even capable of ever transforming back. The change is a permanant one just like the file says, "it can't be reversed or undone." I strongly suggest that you don't tamper with this. I know that I am stuck with this change and I am just hoping that I can find peace and happiness with it (maybe someone could create a file for that) but if I had it to do do over again I would have avoided this file like the plague.
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Postby ftslave67 » April 17th, 2010, 7:24 am

Pbow, don't be too hard on yourself. It's my opinion (and some others will disagree) that someone who wants to listen to this file probably has more than an idle curiosity. So maybe you had some buried desire to at least see what it is like to be with a man. And the hypnosis helps you by removing the "guilt" or whatever is blocking it, and making you feel like you're being controlled or manipulated. Something to think about, anyway.

You could always stop listening for a while, or use a curse removal file, if you feel that it's necessary, and see what happens with your desires. If it really gets you down, that is. If not, I would just enjoy it. Depends on how much it is complicating your life, I guess. Hope everything works out for you.
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Postby Alien4420 » April 17th, 2010, 7:29 am


I don't think that can be emphasized enough. This file does what it says it's going to do. It's for people who want to be gay, or want to be forced to be gay and are OK with the consequences. It is not true that hypnosis can't make you do something against your will. It is not true that your sexuality can't be changed, or that it can only be changed to something for which you secretly yearn.

I do think, at least I think it's true in my case, that 90% of the problem with Forced Gay is internalized social pressure. Unless you're in the army or your parents are fundamentalists or something, being gay isn't a practical problem these days. I've been trying to deal with that with some suggestions in a file I made myself but so far they've been only partially successful, I still feel pressure to change back even though I don't really want to.

I guess -- I'm not going to try much longer to get my attraction to women back. Actually, I've already managed to do that, but I can't get rid of the suggestions that keep you from having sex with women and I can't seem to listen to a straightness file and now it seems Curse Forced Bi, which I was all hot to listen to yesterday. So I feel like I'm getting to the point where I say OK, I'm going to give it one last try and if that doesn't work I'm just going to accept it and focus on being happy as a gay guy.
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Postby Alien4420 » April 17th, 2010, 7:34 am

ftslave67 wrote:Pbow, don't be too hard on yourself. It's my opinion (and some others will disagree) that someone who wants to listen to this file probably has more than an idle curiosity.

I do disagree, though I think that's clearly true of many. But mostly I wanted to point out that the post I just made was written before I read yours, it wasn't a response to it but to Pbow's.
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Postby ftslave67 » April 20th, 2010, 5:15 pm

Alien, I wish you much happiness either way.

Internal or external, there is a lot of societal pressure to not be gay. We are bombarded with it every day.
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Postby Alien4420 » April 20th, 2010, 5:42 pm

Thanks, you're not kidding! And really, that's what it amounts to, all that pressure. The being gay part itself is fine.
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Postby atan » April 21st, 2010, 6:20 am

I think it might be easier said than done when it comes to letting the effects wear off. What makes this file different from other "curse" files, from what I can tell is that in the script, it is addictive, and that if you try to "escape" it compells you to listen to it again and again, further enforcing it. So if you are consciously trying to stop listening to the file to try to "escape" from it, you'll find yourself listening to it.

I've been listening to this file for the past week or so and I'd have to say that it works and I can feel myself changing. Although honestly, I am finding I'm liking the changes and am starting to embrace being gay. Although there is a reverse file out there, I'm not sure if I want to use it now.

One piece of advice for anyone contemplating listening to this file, be absolutely 100% sure that you want this to happen, because listening to the file just once can have you in its grips and by the time you notice it has had an effect on you, it'll be a hard, if not impossible, road back.
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Postby hypnoslave85 » April 21st, 2010, 9:00 am



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Postby Ryan83 » April 21st, 2010, 7:17 pm

atan wrote:One piece of advice for anyone contemplating listening to this file, be absolutely 100% sure that you want this to happen, because listening to the file just once can have you in its grips and by the time you notice it has had an effect on you, it'll be a hard, if not impossible, road back.

I can't emphasize this enough. This file has, quite literally, absolutely destroyed my life. The only hope I have is somehow reversing the damage, but I don't know if it's possible. So be CERTAIN that this is what you want. If you're not sure, if there's even a hint of doubt, resist at all costs.
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Postby blahblah2 » April 21st, 2010, 8:23 pm

Has anyone snared by this file considered seeing a professional hypnotist? I feel like that might be a productive avenue.
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Postby Alien4420 » April 21st, 2010, 9:00 pm

I'm sure you're right, any suggestion can be removed. However, Forced Gay can make it impossible to take that step, or for that matter to listen to the undo files on this site or Curse Forced Straight, which several guys have used successfully to reverse the effects of Curse Forced Gay.
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