Cal's Curse "success"

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Cal's Curse "success"

Postby pine » June 10th, 2010, 11:56 pm

I am stunned by my "success".

I have been listening to Cal's Curse for about 3 1/2 weeks, almost every day and lots of days 2 and sometimes 3 times. Probably 35+ times total over that period of time. Until 3 days ago - nothing. Then 3 days ago, I went to jerk off in the middle of the day and I couldn't cum. At first I didn't really get the connection. I guess I expected that the Curse would work differently,...although I suppose I couldn't tell you what I expected. As I got close to cumming, the sensation in my penis just started to go away. I just couldn't feel enough to cum although I was still horny. It wasn't exactly numb, more like how I used to feel when I was 16 and used to masturbate 6 times a day, except that it wasn't just hard to cum, I just couldn't do it. I tried several times later in the day. Nothing.

It was real weird and I sat with my pants down most of that night exploring the sensations and the effects. Every time I would get about 5 seconds from when I would normally cum, it just seemed to hang there and there was nothing I could do to finish. After the novelty of it wore off it became really frustrating.

The next day I woke up with morning wood and I still couldn't cum. Later that day, my wife got home from a 5 day business trip and we had sex for the first time in a week. I could not cum. She really likes "pounding" as she calls it, but I have never been able to do this for any length of time without cumming, especially if she is getting into it. I was able to aggressively fuck her for half an hour. She had at least 3 orgasms from doing this and this has never happened in our lives. The weird thing is that I actually ended up faking an orgasm because I was exhausted.

Usually she can only cum from oral sex. She was very happy with this "performance", although I didn't tell her about the Curse. She is fairly vanilla and does not know about my interest in hypnosis.

Today, I still can't cum and I don't know what I'm going to do.

I feel like my sex life has potentially taken a turn for the better, but I'm really horny and I don't know how to bring this up to my wife. I would really like it if she would take control of my orgasms, which was why I guess i was listening to the file, but now I don't know.
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Postby DancingShadow » June 11th, 2010, 1:24 am

I think that at this point your options are pretty much down to:
A) Curse removal file
B) Coming (parden the pun :P) clean to your wife.

Unfortuantly this is one of the great examples of the importance of looking before you leap :( I hope you can work things out
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Postby pine » June 11th, 2010, 7:35 am

Well, I'm actually very happy about it. I just didn't think it would work as effectively as it has in the last 4 days.

I had sex with my wife again this morning with the same result: I could push myself over the feeling I get about 5 to 10 seconds before I cum and ended up having intercourse for about 30 minutes which is a long time for me. I was actually getting physically tired. I ended up faking another orgasm because my wife had to leave for work. (hard schedule). She ended up having another orgasm from penetrative sex which very rarely happens. I could tell she liked this. As she was leaving she asked me if I had a secret stash of Viagra.

I think about sex all the time now and I'm getting a steady state of horniness. which is nice so far. At this point everything is fine and I plan on continuing to listen to the file.

I posted because the effect was completely as described and was just like throwing a switch. Although, I am now thinking about what to do with my situation. I don't know if she is ready for the whole story of the truth and I'm pretty sure that she wouldn't like the part of the curse about anybody being able to give permission. I wish the curse was specific only to a wife.
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Postby Konton » June 11th, 2010, 4:03 pm

well you can always just not ask permission from other people unless something happns that inhibits her giving permission.
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Postby ftslave67 » June 11th, 2010, 6:47 pm

Congratulations! You have achieved success!

If you're afraid she might not be receptive, why not bring it up casually, like, I read this on the internet somewhere, that this guy was hypnotized and . . . what do you think?
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Postby actofgod » June 11th, 2010, 11:23 pm

It's not required that you tell her about the file unless you want to. The file mentions you can ask casually, as in "are you ready for me to cum now?". After 30 minutes, she'll probably say yes. ;-)
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Postby phil » June 12th, 2010, 8:46 am

As others have suggested, you can ask for permission in the throes of passion and phrase it in such a way that it won't sound odd.

Sooner of later she will notice this. You can explain it that you find it kinky asking her first. But eventually she's going to catch on to the fact that you can't orgasm without her permission. At that point, you're busted.

Now your wife may like this, especially if it means your "performances" are as good as you are saying. However I agree that she may be concerned that anyone can give you permission. If she doesn't give you permission, will you simply go to someone else that will. Speaking of which, how have you been getting off?

I think Cal produced this file with single people in mind, not those in stable relationships. I would love to see a restricted version whereby only your SO can give you permission.

But back to your situation, only you know how likely your wife is to react. Your options are:-.

a) Tell your wife about the curse
b) Get a curse removal file - does one exist for CalsCurse??
c) Stop listening to the file (if you can) - the effects should wear off
d) Don't tell your wife about the curse, but start asking her for permission, but this just eventually leads to one of the above options, probably a) in the end

Good luck
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Postby pine » June 12th, 2010, 6:44 pm

It is still working.

About your question about how I'm getting off, I haven't since the first day the curse started working for me. It is probably the longest time I have gone without an orgasm since I discovered I could pleasure myself when I was in 5th or 6th grade. I find that I am horny a lot. In addition to the wait, the whole idea that it continues to work really excites me. I sort of figured that it would break after a while and I'm really hoping it won't. So for now, I think I'm going to wait and see of it continues to work or under what condition it breaks.

I have put the body of the file into my ipod and have been listening to this looped at low volumes when I'm working (I work from home). I don't know if doing this is a help or not.

I find that I am experimenting with the effect quite often...I attempt to masturbate every couple of hours when I can. The last two times, the sensation in my penis dropped way off as I got closer.

I admit that one of my most powerful fantasies is that my wife is the only person that can allow me to cum and that she would take great delight in tormenting me with this power.

Like you, I would just love it if littelcaltoy would produce a similar file that only worked for my wife. I suppose that you could make the file a little more generic for the general public and have it target a specific individual rather than everyone other than yourself. What would be even cooler would be if the file also had an orgasm on command component, I never thought that these orgasm commands could work, but then again, maybe it would.

I'm hoping to have sex with my wife tonight. I think I'll see if I have a similar performance again. If I do, then I might try asking her.
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Postby Tapp » June 12th, 2010, 8:12 pm

Just tell your wife that she's the only one that can give you permission. You won't be asking anybody else, anyway.
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Postby ftslave67 » June 13th, 2010, 1:27 pm

You know you don't even have to tell her about the hypnosis part, you can just tell her you think it'd be kind of hot if she had this kind of control over you, or that you would find it enjoyable if she told you when you could come.

Of course, you could let it wear off, if you stopped listening, but what fun would that be? Plus, there are suggestions in the file that make you want to listen to it again.
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Postby CuteLittleFaery » June 16th, 2010, 5:15 pm

pine wrote:...I'm pretty sure that she wouldn't like the part of the curse about anybody being able to give permission...

I'm not really sure why this part should be of any concern to her. Prior to your success with the file, you didn't need permission from anybody at all and could give yourself orgasms whenever you liked. Now that your options for release have become more limited, she has less reason to be jealous than ever. :)
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Postby phil » June 19th, 2010, 2:39 am

I admit that one of my most powerful fantasies is that my wife is the only person that can allow me to cum and that she would take great delight in tormenting me with this power.

Well the only way that can happen is if she knows she has that power in the first place. If you don't tell her, it will never happen.

Like you, I would just love it if littelcaltoy would produce a similar file that only worked for my wife. I suppose that you could make the file a little more generic for the general public and have it target a specific individual rather than everyone other than yourself.

It wouldn't have to be a named individual. Such a file could refer to "your partner". In the end, your own subconscious will decide who that person is

What would be even cooler would be if the file also had an orgasm on command component, I never thought that these orgasm commands could work, but then again, maybe it would.

There may be separate files that do that anyway.

To a degree, an element of that already exists in this file. When you're ready to orgasm and needing permission - when you get permission, you'll probably orgasm straight away. However, what I'm not sure is whether you specifically need to ask for permission first.
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