Has anyone had any success with the FurryTransformation file

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Has anyone had any success with the FurryTransformation file

Postby Warman1 » May 19th, 2005, 10:21 pm

Has anybody had success with the furrytransformation or morph files?
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Postby kghost74 » June 28th, 2005, 4:33 pm

i have tried many times now with no success unfortunately...

this seems to that this file would take months of constant sessions to properly condition your subconsious to get results...
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I have had a little...

Postby SarahSweaters » July 5th, 2005, 8:53 am

I have had limited success, even though I've only listened once so far, during the file I could feel fur covering my body, and felt my hands and feet become 'paws' - although I don't know if i coul dhave seen the effects (done at night whilst lying in bed), I have great hopes with this file.
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Postby ORL97 » August 4th, 2005, 1:50 am

Hm, I'm trying to get to a very deep trance using the train succeptable file.

Well... I just managed to obtain it, after just 3(!) nights of training.

Granted, I used sublimtraintrance, but that don't mean nuffin'! Okay, yeah, it does.

I remember waking up in the beginning of the induction of another file (next one in the playlist), one that isn't meant to put you under(deep, anyway... I think...), but it almost did.

Well, I think I'll play the sublim file, then the furry file, and I'll get back to ya on the results. =P (I'm excited, I put off listeing the file for several nights, because I knew I wasn't trancing deep enough.)
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Postby KatieFox » October 8th, 2005, 9:58 am

im gonna try this now :)

i finally got a mp3 player, so now, sublim furry and normal furry combined with sublim trance

should work !
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Postby joey_jojo » December 20th, 2005, 3:33 pm

im currently using the trans furry one. last night, while listening to some hypnosis, i kept on coming out because of itching all over. i got up to take a piss, and when i looked in the mirror, i was covered in a light coat of blue fur! when i looked again later the night, it was gone, but i know it was there earlier, so thats a success.
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Postby nikolus69 » December 26th, 2005, 12:13 am

what the hell is sublim furry? link plz
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Postby gerbillord » December 26th, 2005, 8:52 am

the furry is not subliminal, it's a trigger. here's the link:
[img:c9524bacd8]http://img276.imageshack.us/img276/8341/gerbilsig0cv.jpg[/img:c9524bacd8] Gerbil says: Hi!
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Postby HypnoSnake » January 4th, 2006, 12:30 pm

hi, im new to the forums and i thought i'd just mention my views on the furrytransformation file.

every time i listen to it, my body does feel very relaxed. its very clever and all, but from wot i hear ppl arnt having much success with this file. Shame, cuz i'd love to hear this work.
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Postby loadedkaos » January 5th, 2006, 12:21 am

When this site started up I talked to someone cant remember who but they said they had success with "animal transformation" I'm interested in the file but this is one that is most likely going to take time, to be honest I don't think alot of the people on here have enough patience for the hallucination transformation files.
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Postby HypnoSnake » January 5th, 2006, 10:37 am

i myself dont see how it can work. Im not sure if its even possible to turn on and off hullicinations with a couple of words.

Anyway, im gonna try this file twice a day for a month or so, and see what happens :wink:
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Postby devonimp » January 5th, 2006, 2:32 pm

I have yet to experience any success with this file, but same with any other. I know that it COULD work, because my friend is under a modification of the enchanted keyboard curse that lets me trigger them however I please. I can do anything with their perception <Incidentaly, I'm also trying to train this modifyed script on myself>.

So it is quite possible. However, for some, if not, to my understanding, most people... a file like this would take LOTS and LOTS of practice, constant sessions and effort. In addition, a person whom is easily discouraged may see a lack of result after each session and convince themselves that its not working, not giving their mind a chance to accept it.

I myself am training myself in self-hypnosis outside this website to try and increase my success with these files :P.

So.... this file could work. I just haven't had any success with it myself :P.
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Postby goldragon_70 » January 5th, 2006, 8:08 pm

Furrytransformation file will take a while, because of the hug illusion that it creats, remember its not just how you see fell and change, but how others look and there forms. For some people it will take longer because of diffrent perseptions of the furry form that they want to take.
In my dreams I once said, "Ahh, Yes, but how many minds does my one mind hold?".
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Postby HypnoSnake » January 6th, 2006, 9:49 am

does listening to the MP3 just put in a deep relaxation and then from that the rest is up to u? i guess wot im saying is is it just your deep concentration on the form you want to take that actually makes it happen?

sorry if this message has confused anyone, it sort of has myself ^_^
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Postby ZhenJi » January 18th, 2006, 5:03 pm

Once you're in trance, you become more "suggestible" - basically, you're more inclined to do the things that EMG tells you to do, but it's not 100% guaranteed that they will happen exactly as he describes them, or even at all, until you've practised some more.

You can make your own "script" to listen to - tell yourself exactly what you'd like to happen. Then all you'd have to do is record it, put yourself under, and listen. There's no magical property to EMG's voice - it's all suggestion. It doesn't matter who's doing the suggesting.
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Postby Shinsei » October 10th, 2006, 9:37 am

I've had the exact same type of success as described above, the command phrase only seems to work when I'm lying in bed in the dark, right before I go to sleep. ^_^ I did manage fur, and to switch genders, after one night and only having listened to the basic induction, deeper, and deeper 2. I should probably grab a few more of the supplement files.
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Postby Majestic » October 20th, 2006, 12:32 am

Its wierd the first time i listen to the thing i couldnt movee any of my limbs but still had feeling in them, near the end of the thing my hands started to feel kinda fuzz. When i woke up nothing was different... Im going for a second round.
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Postby AshTR » October 20th, 2006, 1:05 am

Majestic wrote:Its wierd the first time i listen to the thing i couldnt movee any of my limbs but still had feeling in them, near the end of the thing my hands started to feel kinda fuzz. When i woke up nothing was different... Im going for a second round.

Can't wait to hear your results!
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Postby Majestic » October 20th, 2006, 8:30 am

I listened to it almost alnight and I cant seem to go into a trans again "or anything similar to last time. Any tips?
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Postby AshTR » October 21st, 2006, 2:26 am

Majestic wrote:I listened to it almost alnight and I cant seem to go into a trans again "or anything similar to last time. Any tips?

Hmm, what did you do different from last time?
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Postby Kanibal » October 21st, 2006, 3:01 am

This was the first file I tried on this site. infact its why I signed up!
The first trance I ever tried and I did it! I woke up and tried the trigger and felt fur grwoing and thats where it went wrong. I think that must of scared me or something cause I never saw anything and I've never maneged a trance since! :x
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Postby Majestic » October 21st, 2006, 2:55 pm

AshTR wrote:
Majestic wrote:I listened to it almost alnight and I cant seem to go into a trans again "or anything similar to last time. Any tips?

Hmm, what did you do different from last time?

I used speakers the second time since my roommate stepped out.
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Postby irunincircles » May 18th, 2007, 5:03 pm

Perhaps using the remix would be better? It only makes you transform so it might be a little easier... I dont know though I havent gotten either to work XD
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Postby Noluk » May 22nd, 2007, 11:02 am

The thing is you need to have an extremely vivid imagination. I imagined myself as a cartoony fox in the exact same body position I was in while I was listening the entire time the hypnosis worked. I imagined the image of my anatomy as a fox as if I looked towards on from my laying body. You also have to be in an extremely deep trance in order for a bit of success.

At one point I definitely could feel nice, luxurious fur flushing down my entire body, making me feel very warm, and I could feel my tail sprouting out very quickly. I also felt my toes and hands numb as I imagined they were paws, and I could feel them too. I didnt have much success with the ears but I had plenty of success with the tail. I can still feel the tail after I say the exit trigger, it's very relaxing... I dont see anything though.

Remember you have to vividly imagine yourself as the animal constantly, or else you can't convince your brain. Remember you also need to blot out "wait, this isnt real" and turn it into "I am an animal". It's very hard, I've tried at it for about 3 months but it really paid off this time!

Plus, every expression you make, if you are smiling, the animal has to smile first, if you are looking at something, the animal has to look at it first. I've tried looking at my hands in very dim light and stare long enough at them until they turn into paws. I'm not exactly sure if it works or not. I've walked digtitrade for quite a while, imagining myself as a fox, and my toes became the most vivid paw transformations.
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Postby Draygone » May 23rd, 2007, 9:31 am

Huh, I wouldn't have thought that concentrating on the look you want while trying to go under would be possible. I mean, the files say to let your mind focus on the file in question.
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Postby LDark » May 23rd, 2007, 12:33 pm

My friend gave me this file to try, and while it never worked fully, it usually felt like it worked -- I could feel everything, just not see anything as different. Phantom tail, felt like I was covered in fur, the whole bit.

Really annoying in the middle of class. XD My friend leaned over, tapped me on the shoulder, said the trigger, then continued working. *grumbles*
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Postby sean1 » May 26th, 2007, 5:56 pm

anyone got ever to that point who he saw himself completely like a furry in the mirror ?
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Postby simoncan » April 18th, 2011, 7:10 am

sean1 wrote:anyone got ever to that point who he saw himself completely like a furry in the mirror ?
yess super high on pot shrooms work
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Postby violinmadness » December 26th, 2011, 5:36 pm

I've had success with it, i could feel my body and face shifting but I only had success with getting a tail once, guess it is materialising a new body part in your mind and feeling it as well.
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