by Dogboy » August 2nd, 2010, 4:04 pm
Hey, I had found halloween trick 2007 file in my files folder and decided to see what would happen when i listened. Wanted to find out what I'd listen to. turned out it was traintotal jock.
I've been listing for almost a week and i've been working out a lot. Thats all I think about half the time it feels. I love working out, feels great. (ive been working out for awhile already, but now its taking up a lot of my free time). I've been watching a bunch of sprts now, baseball and x-games. This is up from watching no sports before. I also bought some sports clothes and stuff to show off my body.
Im also horny all the time it feels its crazy. whats also crazy at how harders it been getting to think clearly, sometimes it feels like my head is in a fog, working out helps that feeling though.
First time I listened after the trick file I said tnhat was cool and was interesting in what I picked, but I decided to not listen again. I've been listening to it daily ever since. Today when people were talking to me and I was looking at them unable to figure out what they were saying I decided to stop, but after dinner i just went and listended to it again! Not sure how i should be procedeing. The dog files had a natural protective barrier of the fact that Im not a dog so i could only go so far, this file has no such barrier.