Long term effect of Doggy Fuck Time

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Long term effect of Doggy Fuck Time

Postby obedience » December 4th, 2010, 11:09 am

Hey never posted on the forum before but wanted to share my experince with Curse-Fucked-by-a-Dog. I was a bit of a submissive online whore fore years. I would go online to an adult chat room and find a differant girl or guy to dominate me every night. Sometimes if I really liked them I would add to MSN and we would stay in touch. I would not be their full time slave, just kinda online fuck buddies.

One of them had a big thing for hypnosis fetish and as I am a big fan of orgasm denial we used to play around alot with trying to hypnotise me so that I couldn't cum. (we used cal's curse alot)I loved the power play involved and played along with it not thinking it was working but eventually he had got me so deeply entranced he could control my orgasm and provide chastity belts but he wasn't happy with just this he wanted to try out the Curse-fucked-by-a-dog.

He made me listen to it 3times a day along with a custom induction file he had made for me. It worked and then I found myself talking to him more and more nearly every day online. Sometime he would start by saying "Doggy Fuck Time for you" straight away when I went online and I immediatly will fall onto all fours and fell a dog fucking me from behind and feeling thouroughly humilated by it. He would get me to type whilst I was being fucked and describe how i was feeling it was VERY arousing o be so controlled. Some night he wouldnt say it at all and we would play with other kinks. Sometimes he would say it as the very last thing with no warning and just log straight off. Or he would drop it into the middle of another. For example he liked me to dress up and then in diff outfits he would trigger the doggy fuck just for his amusement. or make me wet myself in a diaper then trigger it. The good thing was that 9 times out of 10 i would fell it i my pussy not my ass.

But now ive meet a man in real life, when we just dated I stil played online with strangers and my hypno master and I would still get doggy fucked about twice a week. But 1 month ago I moved in with my boyfriend and I emailed my hypno master and explained I was unlikely to be online much in the future. He understood. I forgot about the once a week part of the curse as I never went more then one week with out being triggered by my hypno master.

The first time it happened I was in the shower getting ready for work and suddenly i felt a familiar pressure on my back. I went down on all fours and got a solid ass fucking oin the shower with water pouring down me and the dog. I could smell wet dog. I was a bit freaked out and felt very sore all day at work. I thought it was strange but thought that if for one week I was never alone it would not trigger and maybe teh curse would be broken.

I was wrong the curse waited untill i was on my knees giving my bf a blow job and then triggered. I realised what was happening but couldnt escape. I just gave the best blow job i could with my bf holding my head whilst i felt a dog fucking my ass again. I thought if I just give an awesome 15min blow job I wont be found out by my bf. He will just think i was being extra kind to his cock. I felt like i was being spitroasted by my man and a mans best friend.

The last time it happened i just got home from shopping expecting to find my bf in the living room. I found a note saying that he had gone out for 2 hours to see a friend who was in town unexpectadly. As soon as I had read the nigh WHAM straight down on the floor on all fours with my shopping bags all around me and still wearing my coat. I felt the dog bite through my jeans and slam full force into my ass again. 15 mins late he was done and I could unpack teh shopping.

My message to everyone, dont listen to this curse unless you are prepared for long term weekly dog fucking. Strangely I've noticed since it has been triggered by the once a week cluase it has always been an ass fucking?

Do you think i should start self triggering to see if I get a cunt fucking?
Should i tell me bf?
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Re: Long term effect of Doggy Fuck Time

Postby homerj1620 » December 4th, 2010, 12:07 pm

You could get the removal file:

Last edited by homerj1620 on December 4th, 2010, 9:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby darkenedav » December 4th, 2010, 2:53 pm

I'd say, talk to your bf and explain the situ.

I've discussed the hypno side slowly with my gf and as a result she's now triggerable with me ^_^ (from someone completely vanilla!)

It won't hurt and hell might bring you closer :)

Perhaps he'd like to hear about the shopping bags scenario?
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Postby obedience » December 17th, 2010, 7:57 pm

Update for everyone,

I havent told my bf, i started to talk to him about his sexual fantasies and they seemed SOOO tame i thought i would scare him. Maybe ill try again another time. Since last time I posted I have self triggered the curse twice.

Both times I was alone for a few hours and set myself up on the bed and got comfortable. Then I triggered the curse and then got my dog fucking. Both times I got a cunt fucking. I think I have discovered that the curse seems to reward me when I self trigger and punish me with an anal fucking when I dont.

I think maybe i want to keep this file embeded in my brain, i get so wet and horny by the fucking. Infact I think I'm gonna also start relistening to the file. Maybe I should make it stronger!
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Postby inferiorwoman » January 3rd, 2011, 12:16 pm

i just downloaded this file and listened to it for the first time. i'm really excited about the fact it will trigger every week, regardless of whether i want it to or not. Can't wait to see what will happen the first time.
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Postby mecdual » January 5th, 2011, 3:04 am

such comments make the file very attractive
... maybe as a candella for a butterfly
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Postby phil » January 6th, 2011, 12:09 pm

Regardless of your BF's seemingly tame fantasies, I think if he knew that he could make you go down on all fours at his whim with a simple phrase, trust me, he's going to like it.

What he may be considerably more uneasy about is the fact it is linked to being fucked by a dog - not simply doggy style. Not my kind of thing, which is why I haven't listened to this file, but would love a "doggy style" version. :D
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Postby phil » January 6th, 2011, 12:19 pm

Also interesting how your sub-conscious decides when to trigger you.

When you tried to avoid it - it picked a scenario when you could best cover it.

And when you read your BF's note, your sub-conscioius recognised that you were'nt going to be distrubed, so immediately triggered you.
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Postby radosity » January 20th, 2011, 4:25 am

As others suggested, I tried a deepener to try to get something to work for me. I decided to try this file after the confusion induction as it seemed to work overwhelmingly well for some. After the first listen, I thought of the trigger, not expecting it to work. I was wrong. I immediately got on all fours, pulling my pants down. I didn't actually feel anything, but I stayed like that for about 10 minutes until I could get up.

I'm not entirely sure this is something I want, but it's exciting that something finally worked. I've also felt the need to listen again, which I've never experienced with a file before. It's scary and exciting at the same time.

Something I'm curious about is if I can actually feel it despite never putting anything in my ass before. We'll see, I suppose.
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Postby Czab » March 25th, 2011, 4:16 am

Wow! This sounds soooo HOT! Please tell me more, in what other situations have the suggestion triggered itself?
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Postby huntman » March 25th, 2011, 10:13 pm

Hi everyone, I'm new to the site but after reading your reviews for the doggy fuck curse, I decided I'm going to try this file. Ill be keeping a daily update in my journal on this site if any are interested or wish to comment. I'm excited to see if this will work. Also just wanted to give a friendly hello to the community :D
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