I always thought I was 'unhypnotisable'.

A place to post about the success you've had with the various files

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I always thought I was 'unhypnotisable'.

Postby isadora » July 10th, 2005, 10:22 am

If that's even a word.

I've been lurking a few days and have decided to share what happened when I finally got the guts up and just downloaded some files, stuck them on my iShuffle (totally *heart* the little guy).

I'm using the files, for now, to 1: lose weight and 2: for kink purposes. i've always found the thought of hypnotism for sexual purposes highly arousing.

Anyway, I started out with:

Induction (with the female voice, she was very very soothing).
Train Susceptable

I'm just listing those two (there's more afterwards, some, like I said weight loss, kink and also to hopefully help me with my college classes).

Anyway, I listened to Induction, and I just relaxed. I didn't expect it to work right away, it didn't. But it got me to the place I needed to be for 'Train Susceptable'.

I was in bed, and was planning to listen to them while i was asleep (for the theory of: well if it doesn't hypnotise, maybe subliminal).

It was during Train Susceptable that I finally went out, I don't remember anything after this.

I woke up 2 hours and some later (when it was over), at the start of Induction. It went through the files once and I woke up at the start of Induction.

I drifted off back to sleep/trance, and when i woke up at 8am-ish i quickly fell into Induction. i found that my limbs were heavy, and after awhile i couldn't feel anything.

My cat at one point got under my hand and I forgot she was there and couldn't feel her soft fur underneath my fingertips.

That's when I knew it was working.

I've downloaded a few more files (the kinkier ones *wink*).

But I just thought I'd say to the nay-sayers out there: it does work. but like anything it'll only work if you want it to work.

Kudos EMG, You've made this cynical submissive a believer ;) Keep it up!
Posts: 28
Joined: July 9th, 2005, 12:00 am

reply to a great post

Postby morrcomm » July 10th, 2005, 11:18 am

The was a great post to read, isadora! That kind of iShuffle, "crash course" is something I haven't tried yet. I've tended to have the best results from a lot of short sessions, such as listening to a file several times a day but with a few hours in between each listening. Maybe you can give us an update from time to time?

Your "wanting it to work" comment was interesting, too. One thing I've found is that what my subconscious "wants" isn't always what my conscious might want. Sometimes, something will work (on the kink side) that I never thought I would enjoy, and I end up learning something very new about myself -- and then need some time to make my peace with it!

Take care!
Posts: 80
Joined: April 21st, 2005, 12:00 am


Postby djc42 » July 12th, 2005, 8:40 pm

I've tried in the past with very little success. Its like my brain just rejects it all and I quite literally lie there bored to death... even if the goal of the session is something I'd rather like to experience. I haven't tried the female voice induction... mayhap I'll have better success with it... Being partly diagnosed as the dreaded "Attention Deficit Disorder" probably doesn't help me, but even the confusion induction didn't do anything for me. *sigh*.

Some time when I've a few days to myself I will have to try your immersion technique. Thanks for the info, at least a couple of us got some ideas out of it =). BTW: Could we coax you into following up with the details and experiences with the "kinks"?

Posts: 6
Joined: July 7th, 2005, 12:00 am

Postby groomlakeguy » August 4th, 2005, 6:25 am

isadora, any other files that have worked for you since your first success?
Posts: 24
Joined: May 1st, 2005, 12:00 am

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