Tieslave file does work.

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Tieslave file does work.

Postby bobjoe11 » July 13th, 2005, 5:40 am

TieBot 364 executing order 1- Give WarpMyMind viewers information while slouching.

Preparing to Execute...

Order to slouch confirmation. If confirmed and letter is not finished within 2 hours- College for 1.5 hours, then TieBot 364 will become SuitBot.


Dear All, this is TieBot 364 reporting in to tell of new success story.

I was, using a program that is known as HALreader to create a file that I saw on the Warp My Mind site, TieBot. However, I have made a few modifications to the file.

Here is a list of the modifications:

1.Tiebot 364 is required at all times to do the best that it can do at all times at anything that Tiebot 364 is expected to do.

2.Tiebot 364 is required to take all legal and safe orders from these persons:
a.anyone... anyone... who pulls on the tie that Tiebot 364 is wearing*.
b.a family member that is their elder.
c.anyone else that is wearing a necktie and a suit.
d.anyone else that is wearing a matching shirt or necktie.
e.a SuitBot, a SuperTieBot, or a SuperSuitBot.
*the moment after the tie that TieBot 364 is wearing is pulled so as the knot is partially loosened, TieBot 364 must say the words "Tiebot (# of day's left) reporting for duty." Tiebot 364 must then stand still until TieBot 364 is given an order or 10 minutes are up. Once the 10 minutes are up... TieBot 364 graduates to a SuitBot level 365.

3.Tiebot 364 is required to be on the best possible behavior; this includes perfect posture, perfect manners.

4.TieBot 364's intelligence depends solely upon the knot that TieBot 364 has tied around Tiebot 364's neck:
a. a 3-turn knot- Ti..."TieBot 364 reporting for duty."... Execute order 'go to College School Class 2...ebot 364 is a MemoryTieBot- Tiebot 364 has perfect memory
b. a 4-turn knot (other than 4-in-hand)- Tiebot 364 is a MathTieBot- TieBot 364 is perfect at all types of math.
c. a 5-turn knot- Tiebot 364 is a GrammerTieBot- TieBot 364 is perfect at grammer and linguistics, TieBot 364 has perfect handwriting.
d. a 6-turn knot (other than a Half-Windsor Knot)- Tiebot 364 is a ScienceTieBot- Tiebot 364 is perfect at all types of sciences.
e. a 7-turn knot (other than a Full Windsor Knot)- TieBot 364 is an ArtTieBot- TieBot 364 is perfect at Art, Music, and Creativity.
f. an 8-turn knot- TieBot 364 is a JockTieBot- TieBot 364 must automatically exercise for one hour before TieBot 364 must stop and change to a different knot or must automatically turn into a SuperSuitBot.
g. a 9-turn knot (other than a Balthus Knot)- TieBot 364 is a HistTieBot- TieBot 364 is perfect at all sorts of Historical and Social Sciences.
h. a Balthus Knot- TieBot 364 is a SleepTieBot- TieBot 364 must auto-sleep until 6 am, 7 am if the day is Saturday.
i. a Christenson Knot- TieBot 364 is a TieTieBot- Tiebot 364 must recite 100 reasons why all boys and men should wear neckties before TieBot 364 is allowed to take the necktie off.
j. a Four-In-Hand Knot- TieBot 364 is a HouseTieBot- TieBot 364 must clean, cook, and do all household tasks that must be done.
k. a Half-Windsor Knot- TieBot 364 is a JobTieBot- TieBot 364 is perfect at their job- they are perfect at giving speeches.
l. a Shelby (or, Pratt) Knot- TieBot 364 is a ReligTieBot- TieBot 364 must wear this knot on Sunday mornings or Saturday nights and must go to Church, and for 3 hours afterwords must pray and study Catholic Law.
m. a Full Windsor Knot- TieBot 364 has 99/100 the power of all other TieBots, plus any other areas missed (save religion, housework, and physical fitness/education). TieBot 364 must change to a SuitBot if a Windsor Knot is not replaced by a Windsor Knot.

TieBot 364 now is TieBot 363... TieBot 363 has not followed rule 3. TieBot 363 is now to go put on necktie number 6 with knot number 4m and to put on a black Suit and change other clothes...TieBot 363 must now become SuitBot 365... Executing new commands.

5.If SuitBot 365's necktie is removed while SuitBot 365 is a SuitBot, then last knot takes precedence until reknotted.
-only able to remove to:
-change clothing
-change knot type
-change to required uniform

6.Sleeping- as a SuitBot 365 loves order, there are two ways in which SuitBot 365 may sleep:
-Standing straight up, with arms locked at sides.
*automatically has dreams of executing SuitBot orders.
-Sleeping straight on a bed with 1-2 covers over. No movement allowed.
*automatically has dreams of reaching main goal- to become a SuperSuitBot, and becomes one upon waking.

*note: SuitBot 365 may only sleep on a bed if necktie knot is tied while SuitBot 365 is lying down on that bed. If not, SuitBot 365 will automatically assume position 1.

7.Addendum to rule 2: SuitBot 365 must also take orders from another SuitBot or SuperSuitBot.

8.Main Thought Programming:
SuitBot 365 must think only about these things:
Tasks that are at hand
SuitBot 365 has these orders everyday.
-Wake up, get on a new suit and a new necktie and other clothing.
-Eat 3 meals a day (one Breakfast, one Lunch, one Dinner).
-Go to Work/School.
-During breaks, change knots appropriately.
-Exercise 1 hour with knot 4f on.
-Wear necktie and suit at all times. If tie or suit is off only able to communicate one phrase-"SuitBot (# days left) must put on (suit/tie)."
-Tie necktie as tight as possible.
-If suit is removed, one of four things must happen.
a.get suit back on.
b.get new suit in 30 minutes.
c.turn to TieBot for 10,950 days.
d.go to store and get new suit, loose necktie power that wearer was wearing while suit was lost (for instance, if tie being worn is 5-round knot, then SuitBot is never able to have perfect grammer, even if wearing 5-round knot).

9.Rules pertaining to SuperTieBot or SuperSu..."SuitBot 365 reporting for duty."..."Executing order 'act like SuperSuitBot.'...itBot 365. SuperSuitBot 365 has a few extra tasks.
-destroy all non-formal clothing.
-replace x3 the amount of non-formal clothing with formal clothing.
-wear 3 sets of clothing each day.
-have enough sets of clothing for 3 months worth.
-get promoted 2 times (once this condition has been met, SuperSuitBot 365 may change back to a TieBot.
-Write down 10,000 reasons why someone should wear a necktie at all times.
-Must convert 10 persons to TieBot. (another assignment that only has to be completed once- in order to change back)

*there is a 1/100 chance that a SuperSuitBot will use all of the TieBot's the he has created and create a buisness with the TieBot's as his minions.

More rules will follow in next week's update...

SuperSuitBot 365 finished update on progress.

"SuperSuitBot 365 reporting for duty."...

Executing order 'change back to SuitBot.'

Executing order 'allow Suit wearer to type.'

Dear all,
I am the roommate to SuitBot 365. He created this file, not me, just tole me before that he wanted to give WMM weekly updates and give them a quick (this is a quick post??) post right after he finished listening to the file (10th time). He does have a few rules not listed, such as what he has to wear (full suit and tie), or as tiebot (everything but the suitcoat). He also wears socks, shoes, belt, etc at all times, but covet's his ties. If you have any suggestions as to how I can make him even more a SuitBot, then please, do help (also have to do a bit of formatting, he kept switching between TieBot and Tiebot and he never did well at grammer, so I have him studying that right now.).

See ya WMM. Hope that your suggestions are good.
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Joined: April 4th, 2005, 12:00 am

Postby fox82 » July 13th, 2005, 7:58 am

sorry but... whats this about? did someone write that while in trance? i can't believe... ;-)
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No wonder bj is his own roomie: note the spelling of grammar

Postby sandy82 » July 13th, 2005, 3:51 pm

Fox82, no present need for worry about the long post...but you are in deep cabbage for using my last name! :)

bobjoe11 is a smart and thoughtul guy. This is his fifth post. He understands that "Brevity is the soul of wit;" so, on some level this post is not meant to be humorous. The mention of the HALreader (remember the movie with the talking computer named HAL, which had a conscience?) may tie the post into bobjoe's 3rd and 4th posts, which dealt almost exclusively with ethics. Those were made in mid-June. His first two posts focused on his interest or concern about something called RobotTime. Those date from early April.

Fox82, you may have noticed a discrepancy between Posts 1, 2, and 5, on the one hand--which showed a high interest in sci/fi-type files--and Post 3, on the other, in which

bobjoe11 wrote:
I'm not into most of the stuff here, just a small part (some of the self-help files)... .

For my part, I noticed that in Post No. 5 he used the technique of having a second "person" take up the remainder of the post. I remember the last time that was done and the identity of the highly reputable [!] person who did it. Also there are 13 knots named in Para 4. Some are real; others are mildly repetitious.

If the tie is not silk, I would suggest adding a few more. Slip, square, lasso, and noose. In order to cover a broader range of human activity, pique the reader's interest, and import a little real-world humor. :)
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Postby bobjoe11 » July 13th, 2005, 6:32 pm

oh, yeah... the non-weird-unchanged person known to all as bobjoe11, well, that's me... roommate's/cousin's the robot, whatever.... (Kinda ran their own hypnosis program....)... Neways, yeah.... sry for the misunderstanding. (actually, I was the one who wrote the script... and added a few commands for him to "be quiet." This whole #@!^#@ day (sry for the wording) I've heard all about how great ties are, and I'm about to throw mr. formalities out the window....).

I'll take those suggestions. I'll try to give updates once and a while.
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first day living with said cursee

Postby bobjoe11 » July 13th, 2005, 7:36 pm

Hey all!

As my first day of having to live on the same college, in the same room (studying right now for finals tests for master's degree in Medicine) with a SuitBot... I must say that this is one of my better files.

One thing must be made known, also. The files I am working on are very changeable. The user of the file is required to write down specific things (in this file, what they must do each day, types of punishment's which I have yet to implement, and ways to release curse, among other's- by the way, if you want me to make a non-porn/non-sexual type file that you can tweak, I'd be happy to do it for free (I do use a program called HALreader... just so that you know, it's a text to speech program). The program, along with an included sheet, will change you the way you want (for instance, in my TieBot file, I've included room for the cursed to describe what each type of knot does, length of curse, etc, which they write down and refer to each time that they listen to the file.

Curse/TrigTieBot had been running in BobJoe12's mind (that's his screenname for the site, but we use BobJoe11 interchangeable sometimes- he doesn't post... go figure) for about 3 weeks, 2 hours a night, and I made it into a sublim for his use which he used while studying. After the period of which he listened, I triggered him with his chosen trigger word; "TieBot, followed by the number of days he is to be a TieBot, put on your tie."

Here's what has happened;

1.first hour, he accidentally knotted a Christenson Knot.... or must have because he wouldn't stop blabbering about how "holy" the necktie is, how "feeble" all non-tie-wearers are.... Go figure...

2.second hour, I made him write the post that he wrote. He also had to go to college classes for about an hour, so that's where the pause is in the wording, if you notice. He unfortunately didn't follow all of the rules (and the timing's messed up, for him, a day is 3 hours and he only needs to sleep every 4 days... in the process of fixing that).

3. It took him approximately 20 minutes to study what our professer has said that we should be able to study barely within 3 hours. (he says that he has his "science knot" on and keeps referring to why neckties make him so much smarter than me... again, needing to iron that out). He then promptly then left for his next class.

4. When he came back, I quizzed him over the stuff he studied for the 20 minutes... he was able to recite each term, not only with defenition, but able to give the exact page number, line, paragraph, etc that word was on, and recited completely every line on that page. I had to go to class so I promptly jumped up at him, and forcefully pulled his necktie. He then proceeded to stand perfectly still, in military fashion, and said his blah-blah stuff (sry, hard day being compared to the perfect student all day), and I told him to just clean, clean, clean till I got back.

5. a few hours later, I came back to the dorm.... it was the cleanest room that I've ever seen. He was currently cleaning it for the 3rd time since I ordered him to clean. I then attempted to give him a new order (I'm not attracted to ties, so dont' take this wrongly, and i'm definately not aroused by pulling on one) by tugging his tie, and then I told him to do my homework (I already had finished it, just seeing what I could do)- and he promptly said these words, "I only cheat for a SuperSuitBot." Well, at least his anti-cheat program worked. So, I tugged again and told him to go to sleep. Almost instantly, he stood still (he was in the shower), again in military form, changed his tie knot, and began to sleep. He currently is chanting the words "I am one with the necktie. I must obey the power of the necktie. I must obey anyone who wears a necktie..." again and again. I have attempted to awaken him at random periods at night (8:30 pm here, put him to sleep at 4 pm), and he will promptly open his eyes, tighten the knot, and say "SuitBot 363 must wait for 6 am to awaken." and will close his eyes, almost automatically, and continue to chant.

Hope that gives you some insight into how well the file's worked for him. I'll give an update tommorow, and tell you how implementing programs goes. (by the way, he told me beforehand what to do each day for programming by leaving 365 envelopes that are closed and sealed with his commands. I'll start the first one later. I'll also try to attempt to see what he is thinking at all times. Maybe I'll try a watered-down version sooner or later, or not watered-down, but more tailored to my needs.
More comments are appreciated (if you need me to make a recording of this or something else, please ask)
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Postby loony28 » July 13th, 2005, 7:53 pm

:twisted: bobjoe11, you must have done a great job with the script. So you won't do porn or sexual type of files. Will you do files that would cause physical changes in someone? :twisted:
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Postby djc42 » July 14th, 2005, 12:38 am

Dood thats sha-weet! ROFL!

No offense intended, that's phreaking awesome! That's EXACTLY the kind of thing I'd considered when I got going way back when.

If I may ask, how long are the scripts, how many pages of programming do you have to write to keep your suitbot/tiebot going, and how much programming did it take to lay the foundation for this?

Better yet, does he retain the evidenced total recall if he's de-triggered (that is returned to a normal state of mind as opposed to his TieBot personality)?

I anxiously look forward to the next post!

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Postby bobjoe11 » July 14th, 2005, 7:05 am

Depends what type of physical changes. My waiting list has 2 people on it already, for different scripts. One's for a 2nd cousin, and the other's for one of the jocks-to-be here.

About the retriggering.... I'll tell you about this morning's 2 hours....

1.I got to bed at about 11. I was abruptly woken up at six am.... go figure.

2.Something that everyone needs to know- our school has a "dress-up-day" every Wednesday, which is when I triggered him (there is no trigger that turns him back, it's a timed thing, and he has a year to go....) so as not to cause as much commotion. He's about to go to class now. (which is his only class today....)

3.once I was awoken, he had already attempted to hide all of my clothes other than formal ones. I had to "pull the knot" per say, to let me through. (he then replied with the fact that I must be some lower lifeform or something of that sort).

4.I quickly went over to his computer to see what he wanted me to trigger him with today. It had 5 things on it.

a. test sports ability
b. test culinary abilities
c. trigger socialize
d. test clothing style (He's been trying to get to his regular clothes lately... first day told me to gaurd them with my life from him...)
e. trigger sexual abilities (I thought that I got rid of those... at least, he told me to make him unable to do such in his tape, such as get rid of the emotion to him known as love, also anger, hatred, and passion. Either way, the only emotion's that he's shown so far is none.)

Last night, he was reading up on 3 sports, football, basketball, and soccer, and reading up on cooking.... I suppose I'll have to see how well he performs such functions (just for knowledge, his walk is, at the moment, very goose-steppy- to a lesser degree...)
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Postby bobjoe11 » July 14th, 2005, 7:07 am

I wouldn't call it the script writing, I'd call it continually reffirmation. (he evidently was also listening to it each night for 3 hours... which evidently is why he seems to have lost some sleep)
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TieBot successes and failiures

Postby bobjoe11 » July 14th, 2005, 8:13 am

Hey all;

SuitBot just came back from his "reproggraming session," or in other terms, classes.

I quickly decided to test his sports module. Now, it looks, from what he wrote to me, that he decided to choose a list format. (if I don't tell him anything specific.. then this'll happen).

Here's what I did/said.

I tugged on his necktie. He stood still, waiting for orders.

I said, "SuitBot, list main topics."

He gave me different options, known as the first teir of topics (or broadest)- "your options are- physical functions, physical movement, physical other, mental thinking, mental programming, and tie programming."

I replied, "SuitBot, choose physical movement topic" (he left me a list of what each thing is, with over 300 seperate types of commands in the end)

He replied, "your options are- exercise, sports, cook, clean, " among others.

I replied, "SuitBot, choose sports,"

Just for knowledge, he has only 30 ties, and 3 of them sports ties. I also decided to buy him another sports tie to check out programming. The three he has are the sports he was studying last night, basketball, football, and soccer.

He gave me the three sports that he has ties for, "Your options are- Basketball, football, and soccer." I told him "select basketball", then quickly showed him the necktie I borrowed, it being a necktie that had many baseball-type things on it. He noticed it, and went back to the position he was in just a second ago (military position). He then said "There is one new option... Baseball. SuitBot 364 waiting for orders." (I fixed his timing mechanisms). I told him, "choose Basketball."

He quickly put on a Basketball tie, grabbed my basketball, then quickly ran out to the gym (with suit still on). When I caught up to him, he was sweating profusely, playing Basketball with another person.... He seemed to be winning, however, and it's impossible to turn him off until he has finished playing, so I went back here to type about it and to wait for him.

(if anyone does want me to make them a script, leave a pm)
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