by demigraff » April 18th, 2011, 11:32 am
I really don't understand these kind of posts.
I've got one guy who added me on facebook, who always wants to chat if I'm online at 5am. Within 10 minutes, the conversation jumps to "I still don't believe in hypnosis" and "I bet you couldn't hypnotise me". Which always raises the question: what's in it for me? If you're trying to resist the effects of some suggestion, then why should a hypnotist put the effort in?
Admittedly, recommending files is a lot less work than creating and selecting the right induction for that individual; but seriously, if you don't want to be affected by a file, then don't listen to one.
If you want to be hypnotised, then asking might prove a better solution. If you want to listen to a file, then try looking for a file that does something you want. If you want recommendations for a file, then tell us what you're interested in.