can a CFG teach an old dog new tricks?

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can a CFG teach an old dog new tricks?

Postby bostonmarc » May 24th, 2011, 2:50 pm

Well I don't know. Older guy here and I have always been curious about what it would be like to crave a man. Tried some encounters with Shemales for awhile and it was ok but never really had that craving as Ihave been straight or at best bi all my life.

Then I come here, and I have been very intrigued with this site and files. I have read a number of posts, so I am going to try listening to CFG and see what happens. Thanks to all who preceeded with their stories,

I will upadate and let you know what happens. I have been listening to CFG for about a week now and still feel pretty normal. But I can say I am feeling more attracted and turned on by gay porn more and more online and looking at gay personals. More to follow.
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Postby Korusi » May 24th, 2011, 4:20 pm

It is the file that never ends ^^ hehe; if you read the whole long post about that file you'll see better what it's effects can be (good and bad).

I am a gold star natural born gay so I've never had to try this file. (I am also not interested in the other persuasions either- bi or straight.) I have however started to have some success with some files. Tis interesting.
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Postby ftslave67 » May 24th, 2011, 5:19 pm

Natural born here, too, but I'm always interested in reading about this. Maybe it fascinates me because I did kind of fight it or agonize over it when I was younger.
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Postby bostonmarc » May 24th, 2011, 5:54 pm

Yes the thing is I have been with a guy before and it was hot, but i never felt that twing in the stomach that you feel when you are really aroused by someone. I have had it with women all my life. I am wondering if that will happen with this?
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Postby Korusi » May 24th, 2011, 7:52 pm

Give it a try; as long as you don't mind the ultimate results... ehehe.
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Postby bostonmarc » May 25th, 2011, 5:01 am

Yes, that is very true. But it certainly gives me somthing interesting to wake up to each morning, taking inventory of sorts.
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Postby bostonmarc » May 26th, 2011, 3:56 pm

Well today I think was a break through as I finally think it is working!! I changed my induction and I think I got into a better trance and really enjoyed the file more than ever before.

Also I noticed that I was seeking out gay porn on the net today and I saw these two hot guys kissing, sucking and fucking and got transfixed and hard as a rock. I have never been turned on to a guy like that before.

I decided to upgrade here so I can make custom playlists, great feature!! So I am looking forward to future listens and not sure where we go from here.

I did notice that I still feel an attraction to women, so that part still seems to be pretty much intact.

more to follow...
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Re: Update

Postby Jeshi » May 27th, 2011, 5:20 pm

bostonmarc wrote:Well today I think was a break through as I finally think it is working!! I changed my induction and I think I got into a better trance and really enjoyed the file more than ever before.

Also I noticed that I was seeking out gay porn on the net today and I saw these two hot guys kissing, sucking and fucking and got transfixed and hard as a rock. I have never been turned on to a guy like that before.

I decided to upgrade here so I can make custom playlists, great feature!! So I am looking forward to future listens and not sure where we go from here.

I did notice that I still feel an attraction to women, so that part still seems to be pretty much intact.

more to follow...

What else are you planning to put on your playlist?
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Postby bostonmarc » May 28th, 2011, 5:40 am

Not sure, do you have any suggestions?
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Postby ftslave67 » May 28th, 2011, 8:27 am

My friend, "slutinmyhead" has a lot of great files. I really like his style. More indirect, NLP. "positive gay male" is a good one. it encourages you to think positively about your being/becoming a gay man.
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Postby bostonmarc » May 28th, 2011, 10:11 am

What happens when you start listening to different files on related things but different. Does one overide the other?
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Postby homerj1620 » May 28th, 2011, 10:57 pm

bostonmarc wrote:What happens when you start listening to different files on related things but different. Does one overide the other?

This is what happens:

In reality, your mind will work out the differences.
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Postby bostonmarc » May 29th, 2011, 6:34 am

thanks for the visual of what happens, now what file do you listen to after that to put your head back together? :lol:
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Postby bostonmarc » May 31st, 2011, 9:11 am

Week 3 here we go.
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Postby bostonmarc » June 3rd, 2011, 5:09 am

I am wondering if anyone can answer this for me, if you are straight, and listen to CFG (and I have quite a bit over the past 2.5 weeks) are you likely to turn Bi or Gay? Or is it a matter of each person is different depending on their belief system? I guess the question is might it be a full change, or partiial one?
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Postby sarnoga » June 3rd, 2011, 9:02 am

bostonmarc wrote:I am wondering if anyone can answer this for me, if you are straight, and listen to CFG (and I have quite a bit over the past 2.5 weeks) are you likely to turn Bi or Gay? Or is it a matter of each person is different depending on their belief system? I guess the question is might it be a full change, or partiial one?

Hello bostonmarc, and everyone.

Not that my opinion carries any more weight than anyone elses in this matter or that anyone is in need of knowing it, but it seemed relevant to your question and I thought I would share it in case anyone is interested:

Society has thier quaint little labels. It is convienient to be able to say, this one is straight and that one is gay. In my opinion, most human beings are sexual beings. Rather than there being nice neat little boxes to fit everyone in, the reality is that there is a wide spectrum of human sexuality. There are many things that come into play besides gay and straight, but that is a discussion for another day.

One of those spectrums is whether the person is more attracted to the opposite sex than the same sex or the other way around. To be totally gay or totally straight would put someone at one end or another of that spectrum when most people probably fit somewhere inbetween.

One of the reasons that many people fail to recognize this, is that in this society, especially for men, being attracted to members of the same sex is not acceptable, and can socially disadvantage someone. In the U.S.A. some states still have laws on the books prohibiting certain sexual activity between consenting adult members of the same sex. The U.S. Supreme Court in its typical wisdom has decided that it is fine for states to outlaw nature. But then what else should we expect from an institution that put out the decision in Buck v. Bell, 274 U.S. 200 (1927), and has never oveturned it.

The result is, that while most males fit somewhere on the spectrum between gay and straight, they self identify at the far straight end of the spectrum, being unwilling to risk thier position in society by admitting (often even to themselves) that to one degree or another they are attracted to members of the same sex. For most, this is not a problem as they have sufficient attraction to members of the opposite sex that it is relatively easy for them to ignore and/or deny any attraction to other men.

But as to the spectrum of the sex or gender of one's sexual attractions, not everyone is somewhere around the center or on the straight side of the spectrum. The farther one is on the gay side of the spectrum the harder it is for them to ignore their attraction to members of the same sex and satisfy themselves exclusively with members of the opposite sex, as expected by society, and the more likely they are to self identify as gay.

Incidentally, this phenomina causes some really bizarre behavior in many men as they sometimes act aggressively, or in other inappropriate or strange ways, towards other males because they do not know how to deal with the attraction they sometimes feel but may not recognize, and certainly wont admit. But that is a discussion for another day.

Now all the above is just my opinion based upon a lifetime of personal observation.

One conculsion I draw from this, in the context of this thread, is that you shouldn't really think of CFG making you gay, or turning you from straight to gay, even though that might be your perception of what happens. As I said, very few are at one extreem end of the spectrum or another. Few are 100 percent straight or 100 percent gay. They could be 90/10 or 70/30 or 20/80 or 50/50, or anywhere between 100/0 and 0/100.

My take on it is that a file like CFG starts by making someone aware of thier pre-existing attraction towards memembers of thier own sex, regardless of what percentage of thier sexual makeup it is. Once they become aware of that attraction, CFG often goes on to move them farther up on the scale towards the gay end of the spectrum.

The reason it is so effective as a curse and so hard to undo is because even though many men self identify as 100 percent straight, that is simply thier own perception and often is based on unknowing denial or self deception. When they awaken their prexisting attraction toward other males, that they had been denying or ignoring all that time, it becomes nearly impossible for them to return to a state of ignorance of that attraction and it is no longer possible for them to go on ignoring or denying that the attraction is there, to whatever degree.

You can't put the genie back in the bottle.

Sometimes there is further confusion added by a lifelong habit of believing that most people are either gay or straight and, except for in the few odd people who identify as bi-sexual, that being sexually attracted to males or females is mutually exclusive.


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Postby ftslave67 » June 4th, 2011, 12:57 pm

Great reply, Sarnoga, much wisdom in there.
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Postby bostonmarc » June 4th, 2011, 2:36 pm

Saranoga, many thanks for the post I agree with Ftslave67.
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A new trick?

Postby bostonmarc » June 4th, 2011, 2:39 pm

Well today I had an interesting development. I was watching tv and a local hockey analyst came on the screen. After a moment I realized I wasn't paying one bit of attention to anything he was saying, but I did notice I was getting a hard on and thinking what a hot looking guy. I have watched every Bruins game this season, but I never saw what I saw today!

I would classify that as a new trick.
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Postby cisvestite » June 7th, 2011, 3:04 am

"In the U.S.A. some states still have laws on the books prohibiting certain sexual activity between consenting adult members of the same sex."

Though they are technically on the books in several states, it should be noted that all laws against gay sex were overturned by the Supreme Court in 2003 with Lawrence v. Texas.
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Postby bostonmarc » June 7th, 2011, 11:11 am

It does seem amazingly dumb, but what else is new. At least Massachusetts has seen the light!!
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Postby sarnoga » June 8th, 2011, 1:50 am

cisvestite wrote:"In the U.S.A. some states still have laws on the books prohibiting certain sexual activity between consenting adult members of the same sex."

Though they are technically on the books in several states, it should be noted that all laws against gay sex were overturned by the Supreme Court in 2003 with Lawrence v. Texas.

Hello cisvestite,

Thank you for the note and update. Lawrence v. Texas is a court opinion I must have missed. A very interesting opinion at that. It is good to know that Bowers v. Hardwick is not still the law of the land. While it may be overly optimistic to state that "ALL laws against gay sex were overturned. Lawrence v. Texas was certainly a giant step in that direction. For those interested please see the quote below taken from Lawrence v. Texas.

Justice Kennedy wrote:The rationale of Bowers does not withstand careful analysis. In his dissenting opinion in Bowers Justice STEVENS came to these conclusions:

“Our prior cases make two propositions abundantly clear. First, the fact that the governing majority in a State has traditionally viewed a particular practice as immoral is not a sufficient reason for upholding a law prohibiting the practice; neither history nor tradition could save a law prohibiting miscegenation from constitutional*578 attack. Second, individual decisions by married persons, concerning the intimacies of their physical relationship, even when not intended to produce offspring, are a form of ‘liberty’ protected by the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment. Moreover, this protection extends to intimate choices by unmarried as well as married persons.” 478 U.S., at 216, 106 S.Ct. 2841 (footnotes and citations omitted).

**2484 Justice STEVENS' analysis, in our view, should have been controlling in Bowers and should control here.

Bowers was not correct when it was decided, and it is not correct today. It ought not to remain binding precedent. Bowers v. Hardwick should be and now is overruled. Lawrence v. Texas, 539 U.S. 558, 577, 123 S.Ct. 2472, 2483, U.S.,2003.


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Postby Alien4420 » June 10th, 2011, 9:36 pm

bostonmarc wrote:I am wondering if anyone can answer this for me, if you are straight, and listen to CFG (and I have quite a bit over the past 2.5 weeks) are you likely to turn Bi or Gay? Or is it a matter of each person is different depending on their belief system? I guess the question is might it be a full change, or partiial one?

It is a full change. Keep in mind that this is a malicious file. Not only does it increase your attraction to men, it attacks your attraction to women. In practice, in my experience, and that of some others, attraction to women is just about the last thing to go. Perhaps Sarnoga is right, and it can never be entirely effaced (repressed, actually). I and others have also found it coming back at various times. It will always be down there, buried.

But -- this is not a bi file. If you want to be buy, I suggest you listen to Curse Forced Bi. If you listen to this file, it will make you exclusively gay, and at some point it becomes difficult or impossible to reverse the effects.
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Postby bostonmarc » June 11th, 2011, 6:50 am

So my question is you went from being completely straight to completely gay? With the other points you made about the occaisional attraction to women.

I have always thought that it really would depend on a person's belief system, in other words none of this can happen without their conscious consent. BUT maybe I am wrong about that. WHat is interesting on some files I have listened to and had strong disagreement with I have felt myself say NO or something to that effect when I strongly disagreed with what is being said by the hypnotist. What happens in that case, when you are fighting the speaker? Or is that a sign that you are not deep enough in trance?
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Postby Alien4420 » June 11th, 2011, 7:44 am

Well, as Sarnoga says, human sexuality isn't quite as cut-and-dried/black and white as our very homophobic society supposes. But in the sense that before I listened to CFG, looking at a naked guy was about as sexually stimulating as looking at a dishrag, sure, I was straight.

I've noticed that people who haven't actually listened to these files sometimes have a hard time with the notion that our sexual responses can be reprogrammed the way a computer can. Those of us who have know that the things that turn you on can be flipped this way and that. No need for it to be preexisting. Although I agree with Sarnoga's point that those of us who are "straight" have a certain amount of repressed homosexual feeling -- certainly, homosexuality made me nervous back in the day, and Freud would have said that's the reaction formation -- essentially, the ego denying those repressed attractions. But this is true of all of our subconscious programming, we decide on a course and that's what's conscious, the rest is repressed. I've heard gay guys say that the sight of men and women kissing makes them feel much the same way as the sight of two guys kissing makes a straight guy feel.

I don't want to make this too complicated, but I want to add that I do believe that some people are "born that way," with a predisposition for being gay. The twin studies make that clear: if one identical twin is gay, the other has a 50% chance of being gay. So it's not destiny, but it does appear to be a predisposition.) Much of the objection to the possibility that our orientation can be flipped comes I think from the activities of homophonic religious groups, who stupidly assert that homosexuality is a matter of "choice," as if a gay guy could just think I'm going to be straight and be straight, or vice-versa.

I'm honestly not sure about conscious consent here. It's known that people will throw off a suggestion to which the superego has a strong objection. I've experienced that myself. You just pop out of trance, that happened to somebody who tried CFG. Or you're in a light trance, but your attention wanders. Or you give yourself a suggestion like "NO," although in that case, what I found is that after repeated listenings, the suggestion eventually wins. When I first listened to CFG, I didn't want to lose attraction to women. So every time those suggestions came up while I was in trance, I'd reject them. Ultimately, though, that didn't work, and I haven't been able to reverse it, and I've tried a lot of things.

If you're deeper in trance, of course, you aren't going to be arguing with yourself, and IME the suggestion will take effect more quickly. But I've heard hypnotists say that light trance can actually be more effective, since the conscious mind is engaged.

Beyond that -- I think we're influenced by our beliefs, sure. Also our experiences with the people around us. Which is to say that if everyone tells you you're going to go to Hell because you're gay, the suggestion is more likely to wear off than if you find a cute boyfriend and go off and live happily ever after. Also by earlier suggestions and experience, which tend to reassert themselves over time.

So really, I don't think you can think of hypnosis as some form of mind control that will make you do x, y, and z without question. Rather, I think it's a way of exerting strong influence on the motivational part of our brains. But there are other influences as well, both in the past and the present. Within that limitation, I do think you can be hypnotized to do something you don't want to do unless you have a huge objection to it, because hypnosis is, after all, about changing our minds. And also because your minds aren't unitary entitities -- we have conflicting desires. So forex someone might want to be forced to be gay because they have a hypnofetish and get off on it precisely because it *isn't* something they want to be. It's like a masochist seeking pain -- the sexual reward outvotes the aversion to pain.
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Postby VeryGnawty » June 11th, 2011, 11:03 am

Alien4420 wrote:minds aren't unitary entitities -- we have conflicting desires. So forex someone might want to be forced to be gay because they have a hypnofetish and get off on it precisely because it *isn't* something they want to be.

This is where people get themselves into trouble. They don't understand that the mind is ruled by emotions, not thoughts. The idea of being forced to do something that you specifically don't want to do is quite common. But once someone tries it, they cannot stop it, because the desire is stronger than the complications that it poses for their practical living.

Desires are often conflicting. This is why it is important before making any major life change that one is sure that it is something they can be dedicated to.
I get extremely horny until I have to masturbate, every time this is posted.
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Postby Alien4420 » June 11th, 2011, 12:43 pm

Agree completely. In real life, we sometimes suffer because we can't do what we want but we reach the best accommodation we can between conflicting needs and desires. Hypnosis can, to a certain extent, shift that balance. Or it can change the desires. So I think the first rule has to be don't listen if you can't accept the consequences. Most people just have fun with this stuff, but occasionally someone feels they've seriously screwed up their lives, and IMO that's going too far.
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Postby bostonmarc » June 13th, 2011, 6:27 am

I agree with Alien about the idea of hypnosis being an aid to be able to do things and accept things you might not be able to do. The question is once you get there and have tried the new behavior or experience can you modify it to be what you want.

In other words, do you have any say in modifying the suggestions once they are implanted based on your beliefs or desires, or does the suggestion trump that?
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Postby Alien4420 » June 13th, 2011, 8:39 am

I'd say with a curse file the answer is maybe you can modify it, with difficulty. They're designed to be resistant to change and even if they weren't once you've listened to a file long enough it's going to become part of you on some level.

On the basis of my experience with CFG, I'd strongly advise not listening to a file that has something you want to change later. Either find a file that does what you want, or edit out the parts you don't want with Audacity before you listen in trance. Not only will this keep you from being stuck with changes you don't want, it will make the rest of the file more effective because you won't feel the need to fight it.
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Postby bostonmarc » June 13th, 2011, 12:24 pm

That is a great tip thank you Alien!!
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Postby Alien4420 » June 13th, 2011, 12:39 pm

No problemo. :-)
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The wheels move slowly

Postby bostonmarc » June 26th, 2011, 7:31 am

Well as time has gone on it has been an interesting experience. No major wake in the morning and I am different changes, but I do notice suttle things like watching more and more gay porn, and getting aroused by pictures on line. Still haven't been able to go for real thing...yet.
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Postby Alien4420 » June 26th, 2011, 7:43 am

IIRC, that first stage of gradual change lasted about a month.
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Postby bostonmarc » June 27th, 2011, 5:53 am

Gradual is the operative word for sure. The other thing I notice is mood swings and being more and more drawn to gay porn.
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Postby Alien4420 » June 27th, 2011, 9:18 am

I was definitely drawn to gay porn. But then I'd check every day because I was curious to see what if anything had happened. Also remember very vivid dreams, resistance to thoughts of sucking cock, etc. There was apparently a lot of heavy duty emotional programming to overcome.
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Postby bostonmarc » July 1st, 2011, 5:15 pm

Well it is almost two months now,.. mood swings are more intense in terms of feelings. PGM was defitnly the way for me to go. I have also listened to a few other files which are gay related. I really love watching cum shots in gay porn..I guess that says enough for now. Oh well happy 4th everyone!!
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Postby bostonmarc » July 5th, 2011, 7:02 pm

Well I agree with you about Sarnoga I love his files. G File and Always Sexy are my favorites. But as I posted earlier my goal was not to obliterate all feelings for women, but rather add the male side, and that was why Positive Gay Male was more apealing to me and I do feel like it is working in that way for me. But I have heard very good things about Sarnoga's file but as you stated it is likely more than I want in that direction.
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Postby Jeshi » July 6th, 2011, 12:59 am

happytobehere wrote:I'd like to highly recommend Sarnoga's Forever Gay file. It can be found here:

If you're really interested in the forced sexuality aspect, and really truly want to become irreversibly gay (I'm serious), then this is the file for you. Some people complain that it's a bit misogynistic. I don't see any hatred for women as people, but it does destroy (I mean it, destroy) any attraction to women.

This file completely changed me, I was once heterosexual and now am gay. It has been working for six months and required only one listen (though I have listened other times for enjoyment). Sarnoga's induction style is highly suited for me, and the file as a whole is the best of the gay transformation files.

Check it out if you dare and can really live with the consequences.[/i]

Yeah, the file's actually really scary with it's misogyny. It basically says over and over that women are weak useless disgusting creatures that are running a secret conspiracy to trick men into thinking they're supposed to be attracted to them so that they don't die out. It doesn't just suggest becoming gay and only being attracted to men, it suggests disassociating yourself from all women in your life altogether including friends and relatives.

Sarnoga is a pretty cool guy though.
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Postby bostonmarc » July 6th, 2011, 4:50 am

Well it looks like we are getting a good conversation going here on this. I think we all respect and really appreciate Sarnoga and the great work he has posted here on WMM. In addition I agree with Happytobehere that his files are really execellent to listen to both in the pace and the messages. AND THEY WORK!

Where we are having disagreement is the scope of goals. Everyone is different and each of us have their own reason for being on this site and are looking for different things. We are all correct on this this, just of different opinion on what we are looking for in terms of end results.

As has been posted by others CFG has worked well for many people, some people like the Forced part of it. Others have different feelings about it. It is all personal taste, preference, and goals. I think we are all fortunate to have a site like this which has so many choices, great tists who not only give us a lot of files to choose from, but are interactive with the members too.

Bottom line, if a file feels good to you keep listening, if not, look around and bit. Clerarly if anyone is reading this thay have alread found the Forums and know that his is a great place to learn about new files and what they do and share with our colleagues here.
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Postby ftslave67 » July 7th, 2011, 3:25 pm

Haha--Everybody loves cum shots in gay porn!!!
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Mood Swings

Postby bostonmarc » July 14th, 2011, 5:22 am

One thing I have noticed as time has gone on, is Mood Swings. Yikes, one day you get up feeling sure about your new feelings, and other days you are very uncertain. It has been nearly 2.5 mos now listening regularly to PGM mostly. But have added some very cool other files too.

In chatting with some of the folks on here I have come to find that this was what others also went through too. It is a bit maddening, as you can never really know which way you are going to feel on any given day. There doesn't seem to be a trigger which makes you feel one way or another. I have been told it fades over time, what do others think? :roll:
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Postby Alien4420 » July 14th, 2011, 7:20 am

I've had that too, in various forms. Currently with PGM, which is what I'm listening to now. Forex, last night, after listening to it, I felt great about being gay. So too when I woke up late at night and couldn't fall back asleep for a while. But this morning I'm back to thinking "This is nuts!"

For me, anyway, it seems to reset overnight. My guess about that is that the brain compares the day's experience, including hypnosis, to stored memories, and what comes out incorporates both. If you've had lots of experience being straight, that's naturally going to predominate in your memories. But I think with repeated listenings over time and positive experience, the changes gradually come to predominate.

I've also noticed that what I think about during the day can have an effect the next. We give ourselves suggestions all the time without really being aware of it. Also, I think experience has a big effect, pro or con.

I've also noticed that, paradoxically, if I don't listen to anything for a few days I start to feel more uniformly gay at this point. It's as if the file is stirring things up. But after not listening for too long, the effects tend to fade.

Finally, even if I waffle at this point in the morning, if I look at porn it's obvious that I'm gay, I have almost no reaction to women at this point, and a strong one to men. Once that happens, the non-sexual part of me tends to be more accepting for the rest of the day.

I wish I knew of a magic bullet that would make it all stable. I'm listening to PGM partly because it's obvious that I won't be changing back and so I just want to accept it, be happy about it (which PGM is great at), and move on. But it doesn't seem to be a sudden process. The old straight part of me -- most of my life, after all -- is still in there fighting to get out, and it's beginning to get that it's lost, but it hasn't quite given up.
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Postby bostonmarc » July 14th, 2011, 10:55 am

Thanks Alien for a great repsonse, and I can certainly see where in one aspect I have little or no experience and none since I started listening to files. That is real live contact with a gay guy. So you have a very key point in terms of past experiences and until I acutally go out and meet someone, I guess this may continue.

Also the idea of the overnight reset is an interseting one which I can see your point. Sometimes I feel better if I listen to PGM in the morning, I hadn't thought of going to the porn that early, lol but maybe it is an easier solution.

Another thought is G File which I think we have mentioned before. I listened again to it last night and it is a remarkable file in that is seems to be the King piece on the chess board. In other words if I understand the file correctly it can help the listener do what ever they want to do. it is able to help make another file work better or taking it one step further, perhaps reverse the effects of another file. Or in this case perhaps use it to smooth out the mood swings. I will give it a try next time I listen to it and post results. I can say with certainty that many of the things I have been thinking about during the listening of G File are happening, so that file has some serious juice.
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Postby Alien4420 » July 14th, 2011, 3:54 pm

I've still only listened to g file once, but I found as you did that it's extremely effective. The only problem I have with it is the fact that it takes 45 minutes to listen to and I find it hard to do that and add on another couple of files.

I do suspect that the sooner in the day you listen to a gay file the better, since in my experience it does a pretty good job of resetting things in the gay direction. Also, I think some of it depends on how horny you are, gay seems better to me when I'm horny than when I'm not. I know others have experienced the same thing, when you're horny your other concerns tend to fly out the window and when you're not, you're more likely to say "Why the hell am I doing this."
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Postby bostonmarc » July 14th, 2011, 5:03 pm

Now that is a good point I had not thought of. This past week i have been very busy at my job, so no time really to play.
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G File

Postby bostonmarc » July 14th, 2011, 5:23 pm

One other thing about G File, you are so right about the time it takes to listen to it is long, here is a suggestion. Instread of loading up other files to follow G File; as you go into trance begin to think about the things you would want those files to do. During G File Sarnoga asks you to think about things you want to change, that is the time to fill in the blank with the desired results you are looking for those files to acompllish.

That at least cuts down your listening time to just the 45 mins for G File.
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In the Doctor's office

Postby bostonmarc » July 28th, 2011, 3:15 pm

So I am in the waiting room of one of the surgeons at the BI hospital in Boston. In walks the amazing looking guy and I notice that I am looking at him with total lust. I stop myself and turn my gaze away, as it is so obvious to him that I am drooling. Of course he is loving the attention and being so coy as he is waiting for his boyfriend who is in getting xrayed. So I look up on the televison monitor and immediatly regret it as it is going from begining to get a hard on from looking at this hot guy in the waiting room to Fox News. Bummer.

Well I guess the whole point of this is.. it is working!
Thanks to Slutinmyhead, EMG, and Sarnoga
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Postby angelcraves » August 16th, 2011, 3:20 pm

Any updates
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Postby bostonmarc » August 19th, 2011, 5:43 am

Coming Soon.
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Postby angelcraves » August 19th, 2011, 11:10 pm

I want a real man in the UK to force me to listen to this and appreciate it the gayer the better. Maybe force is a strong word I am quite tv maybe even ra. We can discuss
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