Success with Ocntrl's Arousal and Orgasm Curse file

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Success with Ocntrl's Arousal and Orgasm Curse file

Postby z119z » June 20th, 2011, 7:56 am

OCNTRL’s Arouse and Orgasm files (both curse and non-curse)

These files are parts of Ocntrl’s Deep Trance series and use the induction and trigger found in his Deep Trance induction and Deep Trance Deepening files. Ocntrl posted the non-curse version on May 20 and the curse version on May 24. I downloaded the non-curse version on May 22 and the curse version on May 28. I have listened to the curse version at least once daily since May 28 and often several times a day.

The curse version is some twelve minutes longer than the non-curse version. The principal difference is the curse version adds a section at the end that instills a want, need, and finally a compulsion to listen to the file over and over. I have found both files effective, especially the curse version. I have become addicted to listening to it. If you want the results (described below) without the added need to listen to the file repeatedly, use the non-curse version.

The basic goal of both files is to dissociate sexual arousal from orgasm. The point is to make arousal open-ended and capable of being extended indefinitely. The file creates a feedback loop in which arousal leads to a desire for orgasm, a desire that in turn is channeled in more arousal, which leads to a greater desire for orgasm, which is channeled into even greater arousal, and so on. In the end, the desire for orgasm is subsumed into a desire for arousal. The file also instills a need to give another person control over your orgasms. The listener can become aroused but can only orgasm when the other person permits.

Do the files work? Oh yes, and very well, for me at least. I often find myself whimpering with pleasure while listening to the segment of the file in which Ocntrl repeatedly snaps his fingers. With each snap, the listener becomes more and more aroused. I emerge from the file with a great desire for more arousal, but not for orgasm. Orgasms seem almost tame in comparison the advanced levels of arousal I now experience.
My partner is pleased with the results as well. He now controls my orgasms and likes the benefits of prolonging my arousal for as long as he wants.

I recommend this file highly and look forward to more files from Ocntrl. Download it here
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Joined: December 15th, 2007, 1:00 am

Postby rgn » June 21st, 2011, 1:44 am

What an excellent description of the files and your experiences. I too have had excellent results from these files. I was addicted to the first file after my second listen. After I listened to the curse file there was no turning back. The curse part of the file does not actually use the word curse. And it seems to put me in a deeper trance. I feel so fantastic after the file ends!

Its hard to explain how wonderful being highly aroused can be when there is no desire to orgasm from being aroused. Sometimes when alone I just sit back, close my eyes, and relax while taking in all the wonderful sensations in my body. Yet for some reason the strong arousal does not interfere with my daily activities. It just moves to the background until I become idle again (or until I think, see, read something I find sexy or arousing which immediately shifts my focus - and that can sometimes be just a little distracting :D )!

Even though I do not feel the need to have an orgasm, eventually I get to the point that I want to have one. I still enjoy the climax and ejaculation sensations, even though they only last a very, very, short time. Besides, the pressure buildup from being highly aroused for days on end just needs to be released at some point. Of course my body will release on its own without climax, but I do enjoy the climax more. I did give control of my orgasms to a very good friend, so I do need permission to have an orgasm.

Another nice effect is my body does not lose all of the built up arousal after climax or after a release. And I start noticing increases of arousal within a few hours. Its really a phenomenal experience!
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Joined: August 4th, 2008, 12:00 am

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