Think Curse Random Orgasms worked for me this morning

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Think Curse Random Orgasms worked for me this morning

Postby dancin » July 22nd, 2011, 12:36 pm

I've been listening to it for about a week mixed in with Cardigan's Horny (which really works well by the way - highly recommended). Last night I was really tired, listened to Cardigan Horny and took care of myself, listened again almost immediately but was too tired and then went to sleep without taking care of myself.
I woke up this morning and was laying in bed a little before getting up, then started getting very aroused. It built quickly and I had an erection and then felt what could best be described as something possibly licking my cock. Next I was hit with one of the best orgasms I've had for a couple minutes. Didn't think I came, but after I got up I noticed some pre-cum on my stomach.

I'm not sure if it was just residual effects from not taking care of the Horny listen last night or if it was the curse, but it was amazing. I hope it was the curse. Looking forward to tomorrow to see what happens.
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