Feminizing Massage Success

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Feminizing Massage Success

Postby chives » July 23rd, 2011, 8:09 pm

I've tried this file a few times now and it has worked a little, although I can barely feel the massage, I can feel the stroking somewhat and while what I have isn't an orgasm, it feels wonderful. Any others have success with this file? If you have, any tips would be appreciated, as this is probably the first file that has worked for me. I'm also listening to Real Porn with very minor results, but I really want it to work, so tips to go into trance would help a lot.

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Joined: April 12th, 2011, 12:00 am

Same here

Postby dancin » July 27th, 2011, 5:40 pm

Yes. I felt my legs and feet being massaged and imagined them being shrunken but that was about it for the body changes and I felt a full body experience for the orgasm at the end which was very nice. I think the biggest problem with this file is that it should spend more time describing in detail what the girls look like and what they are doing. For me since there wasn't much description of what the women looked like and I hadn't prepared images of them in my mind before listening, my mind was too awake trying to build a picture of who exactly was doing it rather than trying to trance. I only listened to it once, but I would bet if you spent some time before listening to it getting a very good picture in your mind of who the two women are, the file would be more successful.

Fro general trance tips, I've noticed that the trigger files in general seem to require a lot more training and repeated listening in order to work well. If you don't trance very deeply, it takes a long time for those triggers to get embedded. I haven't tried Real Porn yet, but I would guess that one is going to be one of the more difficult ones to get to work well. Until you've trained with it for a couple weeks I'd bet it will work best if you watched a video right after listening to the file. The triggers seem to wear off pretty quickly for me so far.

Try out all the different types of induction files available as there are many different techniques and some people respond better to some of them. If you find one that works really well for you, you can edit the other files with audacity and replace the induction it comes with. I find the Blank file works pretty good to help with a trance in front of other files if you've gotten used to EMG's voice. Also specifically for the EMG files, there's a file you can listen to in the background all day long called SuggestiveTranceTrigger that won't put you under but will help train you to respond better to his files.

Some other files besides this massage one that worked (at least partly) immediately for me were the freeze ones, cardigan's horny and lrhousecat.

I'm not into the furry stuff, but the descriptions in the lrhousecat file are really good and make it very easy to imagine what is supposed to happen. I only tried it because the comments made it sound like it was well done and worked for a lot of people and I had much better results from that file than I expected. Actually hallucinating physical changes is probably the hardest to accomplish but that file still had me unable to walk on two feet for more than a foot or two and unable to say anything but meow for at least 5 minutes. Give it a try. As long as you don't have some objections to crawling around like a cat for at most 15 minutes, that file is a lot easier to picture and imagine than feminizing massage.
Posts: 3
Joined: July 20th, 2011, 12:00 am

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