Encouraging Success

A place to post about the success you've had with the various files

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Encouraging Success

Postby ocntrl » September 13th, 2011, 8:01 am

I am not sure if this is the right place to post it since it is not based on a file. But I would like to share it to those having problems trancing to realize trance can show up in many ways.

Identities have been hidden and I would like to thank my trance partner for allowing me to share this.


o (22:19:19): may i ask how we are connected?
x (22:21:16): I have just recently found your files on youtube and thought I word say hello and thanks for providing them in a free venue
o (22:21:36): you are more than welcome
o (22:22:21): maybe you answered this already
o (22:22:27): what did you like
x (22:23:14): I am not sure if they are working for me or not but they are enjoyable anyway...the parts I remember at least
o (22:24:07): lol
o (22:24:19): why would you think they are not working?
x (22:24:38): I have listened to the bound arousal a couple of times and really like the induction on that, also enjoyed the induction on the cell phone file
o (22:25:17): so how does the bound arousal work out?
x (22:25:42): Because I have a hard time with hypnosis files working for me,
o (22:26:09): ok
o (22:26:14): nothing to worry about
o (22:26:28): so what affects do you feel from the bound arousal file?
x (22:27:08): None so far it seems, how do I go about testing it?
o (22:27:39): trying to masturbate would do the job
x (22:28:01): okay, i haven't yet done that todya
o (22:28:14): let me ask you a question
o (22:28:35): how do you feel about the words Deep Trance
x (22:28:55): lovely thought, but don't seem to affect me
o (22:29:17): why would it not
o (22:29:36): they made you think it would be a lovely thing
o (22:29:48): so you feel something about them
x (22:29:52): true
o (22:30:14): i did not ask how the words Deep Trance affect you, did i?
x (22:30:44): no you didn't
o (22:30:53): it's all in the semantics
o (22:30:58): well, just keep listening
o (22:31:02): practice makes perfect
x (22:31:14): ok, should i listen to the deep trance files themselves, i haven't done that yet
o (22:31:25): that would make sense yes
o (22:31:34): you started running before you could crawl
x (22:31:41): haha, yes it would i guess
o (22:31:55): do the long Deep Trance first (extended version)
x (22:31:57): went straight for the meat didn't i?
o (22:31:58): it's is long
x (22:32:01): oka
o (22:32:01): a bit boring
o (22:32:13): but it should help putting things in perspective
o (22:32:36): the number one reason why people feel that trance does not happen is having the wrong expectations
o (22:32:54): so entering without expectations is best
x (22:33:18): i have been dabbling with this stuff for a long time and have had no real success but haven't been consistent with listening either
o (22:33:24): the more because the second most important reason people don't thikn the trance if because they don't recognise it anyway
o (22:34:04): i aslo have a new file out 'Alternate Induction'
x (22:34:08): oh really?
o (22:34:12): something totally different
x (22:34:16): i seen that but didn't try it last night
o (22:34:27): not really in inductionbut just a conversation about trance
o (22:34:35): works well for some
o (22:34:40): everyone is different
o (22:34:46): you just have to find the sweet spot
x (22:35:13): cool, i will keep with it. haven't decided if i want bound arousal to work or not
x (22:35:29): i found your stuff through a story i seen on mcstories that you were mentioned in
o (22:35:37): be careful what you wish for
o (22:35:44): ah... nice
o (22:35:56): the author uses the file himself
x (22:36:06): yea, that is kinda what worries me, still ought to be fun though.
x (22:36:08): for a while
o (22:36:20): with success... and his partner loves it
o (22:37:07): do the extended version once
o (22:37:11): then the no intro one for a week
o (22:37:16): and then try anything else
o (22:37:33): whatever happens happens, just don't pressure yourself
x (22:37:37): and what should happen when i go to masturbate? my hands will go behind my back like the story?
o (22:37:46): yep
o (22:38:27): i have two trance partners that i know of that can not prevent it from happening
o (22:38:42): didn't happen after the first listen, but after a while something clicked
o (22:38:47): and .... tada
o (22:39:15): that file is best combined wth Arousal and Orgasm though so you don't worry to much about orgasm and just enhoy the arousal
x (22:40:02): very cool
x (22:40:06): scary but cool
o (22:40:21): yep
o (22:40:34): feel free to let me know how things work out
x (22:41:09): i will do that, i seen on one of your files something about contacting you to test with, what file was that do you know? what kind of testing do you do?
o (22:41:36): the one hour control
x (22:41:55): ahh, cool.
x (22:42:20): if i am asking too much just let me know, this shit fascinates me, i love to hear stories from others about it and their experiences
o (22:42:31): i will
o (22:42:40): so you know any people with positive experiences?
x (22:43:33): some yea, i have a friend who can orgasm on command to certain people and stuff like that
o (22:44:23): full orgasm with ejaculation or mind orgasm?
x (22:44:38): mind, it is a girl.
o (22:44:50): it is easier for girls
o (22:45:04): a guy can have an orgasm too but it is typically more a dry one
o (22:45:50): but when done properly it basically creates the possibility of multipkle orgasm in men
x (22:46:24): that would be so much fun
o (22:46:40): you may dissagree after 20 minutes
x (22:46:59): haha, true. would be fun to try anyway i think
o (22:47:37): i did it once to a latex clad guy, while he was standing, and kept going until he basically collapsed
o (22:47:57): he said it felt as exhausting as running a marathon
x (22:48:10): oh my, i love the "thought" of forced orgasms
x (22:51:27): brb
o (22:51:29): k
x (22:54:03): back, sorry
x (22:54:22): you were saying,
o (22:55:04): what do yo think when i tell you not to think about orgasm?
x (22:56:00): i think it kind of steals the thunder from denial in regard to tease & denial
o (22:56:24): explain that more, can you
o (22:56:29): not sure if i read it correct
x (22:58:17): well if you are into T&D and you know that you are being denied something and then you take away that something then the you might lose interest in the tease side of things as well, does that make any sense?
o (22:58:39): now i see how you read it
o (22:58:49): i dodn't word it properly
o (22:59:06): what to yo uthink of when i ask you not to think of an elephant
x (22:59:11): an elephant
o (22:59:31): congratulations, you just trance for the briefest of moments
x (22:59:40): how so?
o (22:59:55): regarding the orgasm you are absolutely right though
o (23:00:08): in T&D it's a lot cooler to increase the desire
o (23:00:30): your subconscious thinks in feelings, expriences and images
o (23:00:45): so it does not know the word NOT
o (23:01:28): and in order for your conscious not to think about an elephant you subconscious needs to come into action to produce a picture of what not to think about, provide it to the conscious, and then you can decide not to think about it anymore
x (23:01:41): very confusing,
o (23:02:16): it's why hypnotist using the word not wrongly have limited success
o (23:02:24): if you hear the tist say in a file you can not move
o (23:02:55): you have to create the feeling of movement in your subc before you can decide in your conscious if you can or not
o (23:03:16): so it defies the purpose
x (23:03:24): ahh, makes a bit of sense now
o (23:04:08): if you say 'you could move if you want to, but it just feels better to stay still' then you attach a positive to the not moving and people are better incentivised with positive than negative
x (23:04:46): ahh, i like positives
o (23:04:56): who does not
x (23:05:03): this stuff is so hot to me
o (23:05:27): there's two files you can also listen to stand alone
o (23:05:42): even if you don't trance 100% they are still fun as a file, like an audio book
x (23:05:53): cool, what are they?
o (23:06:05): http://www.hypno-experience.com/erotic_hypnosis_for_erotic_bondage_01.html
o (23:06:10): http://www.hypno-experience.com/erotic_hypnosis_for_erotic_bondage_02.html
o (23:06:17): try not to do 2 before 1
x (23:06:27): cool, i will check them out later when i am not at work,
o (23:06:54): that would be smart
o (23:07:15): the best way to listen to those is, on you bed, naked, no headphones
x (23:07:38): yea, i can't really do the no headphones thing, others in the house that aren't aware of my fetish
o (23:07:48): it's ok
x (23:09:45): so do you have people you use your hypno skills with?
o (23:10:00): i do online yes
x (23:10:13): cool, what kind of stuff do you do if i may ask?
o (23:10:41): less and less
o (23:11:00): mostly it can be 2 maybe 3 sessions to set them on the right path
o (23:11:18): once the experience trance it's easier to reproduce it with files
x (23:11:26): and the right path is?
o (23:11:42): just experiencing it once
o (23:11:58): once you did it once, you know it and can grow it
o (23:12:32): the two 'fixed' trance partners i installed s set of triggers and behaviours they can use to play with
x (23:12:42): experiencing trance once?
o (23:12:44): and one of them has passed control over his orgasm to me
o (23:12:51): but not a lot of interactive stuff
o (23:12:55): too time consuming
x (23:13:11): i understand, how long has he been denied?
o (23:13:27): the longest i think close to 3 weeks
o (23:13:37): now it varies between 1 and 2
x (23:13:57): with teasing during the period of denial?
o (23:14:21): probably about 4-5 things in place that keep his arousal up and increasing for that period yes
x (23:14:42): What fun
o (23:15:34): took him a while to get there
o (23:15:48): he was a chronic masturbator up to 2-3 times a day
o (23:16:09): now he has touch his penis 3 times in the last 2 months i think
x (23:17:29): Holy shit, that would drive me nuts. How has he orgasmed then? Just thru hypnosis?
o (23:17:37): yep
o (23:17:51): actually yes and no
o (23:18:13): when i allow him he can do whatever he wants, it postpones the other limits until he comes
x (23:19:34): What kind of arousal triggers does he have and what are some of his limits that you speak of?
o (23:20:11): taking a shower every drop of water on any part of his body is direct stimulation of his penis
o (23:20:46): wheverer he has a though that he loves blow or hand jobs, he experiences one for the rest of the day
o (23:20:56): he'll wake up with an erection every day
o (23:21:12): he's bound whenever he tries to stimulate himself
o (23:21:29): he has a dial he can turn between 0 and 4.999999999999 (5=orgasm)
o (23:21:56): a couple of more i can't think of
o (23:22:12): and to prevent orgasm there is the bound one
x (23:22:18): Omg that is hot, can he adjust that dial?
o (23:22:32): plus when the desire to orgasm is too big it transforms in additional arousal
o (23:22:35): now he can yes
o (23:23:00): he's been building up and i think he's around 4.5 4.7 most of the time
o (23:23:06): he just loves arousal
x (23:23:25): OMG. yes I can still masturbate
o (23:23:32): last weekend he actually tested his dial and set it at 4.999999999999
o (23:23:59): at one point in time he just curled up and then suddenly something crossed
x (23:24:06): How did he feel?
o (23:24:11): and he floated in absolute bliss for who knows how long
o (23:24:19): lol
o (23:24:51): felt anything,the sligthest hesitation a faint picture of being bound?
x (23:24:56): Doing it right now
o (23:25:26): why don't you just stop for a second
o (23:25:33): i know you can continue
x (23:25:37): Always think about being bound but no not really
o (23:25:46): but for fun, why don't you hold it for a sec
x (23:25:53): Can continue?
x (23:26:05): Hold off?
o (23:26:08): you want to continue?
o (23:26:16): hold of for a sec
o (23:26:19): can you?
x (23:26:43): Yes I can hold off
o (23:26:46): ok
x (23:26:54): Tell me when
o (23:27:02): let's discuss hypno a bit more with an example
o (23:27:10): no actual hypnosis but an example ok
x (23:27:33): Ok
o (23:28:11): now when you hear someone say 'imagine your hand is stuck'
o (23:28:18): what is your first reaction?
x (23:28:48): None really
o (23:28:58): ok
o (23:29:12): for a lot of people, they read imagine as, a fact
o (23:29:33): so when they then are asked to test it, obviously they can still move there hand
x (23:29:45): yes
o (23:30:09): so
x (23:30:21): so?
o (23:30:33): imagine your hands are pulled back behind your back if you would try to touch yourself again
o (23:30:43): don't try it yet
o (23:30:51): try to imagine what it would feel like
x (23:30:52): imagining
o (23:30:54): ok
x (23:30:58): ok
o (23:31:02): now try to touch yourself
x (23:31:10): ok
x (23:31:19): touching
o (23:31:22): ok
o (23:31:24): no stop
o (23:31:35): so you did not imagine what it would feel like
x (23:31:36): stopped
o (23:31:42): you think you did
o (23:31:49): but you did not live it
x (23:31:58): true
o (23:32:03): there's a difference
o (23:32:09): now imagine it again
o (23:32:23): imagine that with your hands in the position they are now
o (23:32:35): you try to move them towards you penis
o (23:32:39): imagine that
x (23:32:43): ok
o (23:32:52): and feel, truly feel that you could move tthe a bit
o (23:32:59): but then a tension build in your arms
o (23:33:03): being pulled back
o (23:33:12): just play that in your mind
o (23:33:16): how it would work
x (23:33:16): imagining
o (23:33:25): maybe a bit fo moving back and forth
o (23:33:32): a sigh of frustration
o (23:33:57): you can imagine you can get a good amount closer
x (23:34:03): on a toilet thinking of my hands being tied to the back of it
o (23:34:17): but then it's offset by a strong pull back
x (23:34:32): like a rubber band
o (23:34:34): no try to touch yourself while you are in that feeling, that moment
o (23:34:39): *now try
x (23:35:07): still able to
o (23:35:15): how different did it feel?
x (23:35:58): felt a little tension
x (23:36:08): hard right now
o (23:36:18): but then you switched back from feeling/imagining to fact
x (23:36:18): and dripping
x (23:36:30): probably
o (23:36:34): now do it again
o (23:36:49): but this time imagine you are trying
o (23:36:57): imagine the tension building
o (23:37:01): no need to type answers
o (23:37:25): just try getting to touch yourself, making yourself feel how amazing it feels not being able to
o (23:37:29): gradually
o (23:37:37): you feel hands being pulled behind you
o (23:37:45): you are in that moment
o (23:37:59): it is your reality now
o (23:38:06): because it feels good
o (23:38:14): you can struggle all you want
o (23:38:18): but you know
o (23:38:22): because you feel it
o (23:38:26): it is no avail
o (23:38:37): and now feel the bands release and you can touch again
o (23:38:46): how did that feel
x (23:38:57): felt good
x (23:39:15): makes me stroke harder
o (23:39:20): i bet
o (23:39:25): can you stop again?
x (23:39:35): yes
o (23:39:40): cool thanks
x (23:39:50): thank you
x (23:40:01): so hard
o (23:40:34): now if i would ask you to make a representation of the place of your arousal as a color, sound or smell, what would it be and where in your body would you experience it?
x (23:41:45): probably a deep bass note that I feel throughout my chest
o (23:41:53): very nice
o (23:42:08): and what would be the sound of the rest of your body
x (23:42:35): water babbling gently
o (23:42:52): very very nice
o (23:42:54): now
o (23:43:01): this time
o (23:43:13): that sound in your chest
o (23:43:26): will grow louder and louder
o (23:43:32): and expand more and more
o (23:43:58): while you can hear yourself try touching yourself but your hands being pulled back
o (23:44:06): and with every breath
o (23:44:12): every time you inhale
o (23:44:31): that deep bass becomes louder and louder
o (23:44:47): vibrating through your entire body
o (23:44:53): resonating in you entire body
o (23:45:08): fueld by you breathing in
o (23:45:13): louder and louder
o (23:45:29): entire body one imense bass note now
o (23:45:48): and you pull and pull to get to you penis but you are so bound
o (23:45:57): the sound growing stronger the more you try
o (23:46:23): and the more that note is in your body the more your bound
o (23:46:45): and on the count of 3 everything goes quite again
o (23:46:45): 1
o (23:46:46): 2
o (23:46:46): 3
x (23:47:07): mmm
o (23:47:41): a bit more intense,no?
x (23:48:12): yes
o (23:48:25): what's your body sounding like now?
x (23:48:34): calm
x (23:48:38): soft
o (23:48:46): gently bubbling water?
x (23:48:55): yes
o (23:49:27): on the count of 3 that bass not is back louder than before, hands pulled back instinctively
o (23:49:27): 1
o (23:49:27): 2
o (23:49:29): 3
o (23:50:06): i guess i will leave you like that for a while then
x (23:51:05): hard for you, but hands don't want to leave ny legs
o (23:51:22): that's ok
o (23:51:29): do they want to go to your penis?
x (23:51:37): yes
x (23:51:52): but arent
o (23:52:00): seems like they are bound to you legs then
x (23:52:40): seems, have phone in my hand and not moving other than to type
o (23:52:47): horny?
x (23:53:11): somewhat, not uncontrollable
o (23:53:19): smart subconscious you have...bound to your phone so you can still type
x (23:53:32): Haha yea
o (23:53:36): let me talk to the subconscious directly then, can i?
x (23:53:57): whatever pleaded you
o (23:54:15): are you listening to me subconscious?
x (23:54:20): yes
o (23:54:27): very nice of you
o (23:54:45): would you be ok we talk direct now, bypassing the conscious?
x (23:54:55): yes
o (23:55:03): great
o (23:55:12): would you like to learn a neat trick?
x (23:55:17): yes
o (23:55:39): you obviously have some control over the body already
x (23:55:50): really?
o (23:56:02): that's what you the subconsious does
x (23:56:16): ok
o (23:56:16): we wouldn't want the conscious to handle breathing
o (23:56:31): it would not be able to handle that all the time
o (23:56:32): could it
x (23:56:47): no
o (23:56:49): so
o (23:56:59): let's have you take a bit more control over the body, ok?
x (23:57:04): ok
o (23:57:30): what i want you to do is every time yo inhale, you take a little bit more control
o (23:57:47): and every time you exhale, you move the conscious a bit more to the background, gently
o (23:57:49): can you do that?
x (23:57:54): yes
o (23:58:16): just count between 15 and 20 breathes and let me know when you're done
o (23:58:54): taking more control when you inhale
o (23:59:07): and moving the conscious to the background, gently, when you exhale
o (23:59:16): nice and easy
x (23:59:21): done
o (23:59:26): how do you feel?
x (23:59:31): good
o (23:59:57): what is your conscious doing now, and it's ok if you don't know or don't find the conscious
x (00:00:13): resting
o (00:00:25): let's leave it like that, ok?
x (00:00:36): k
o (00:00:48): now would you like to pull a llittle joke on the conscious?
x (00:00:56): sure
o (00:01:17): you know you store many,many memories the conscious does not have access to all the time, right?
x (00:01:38): yes
o (00:01:43): so let's do this
x (00:02:14): k
o (00:02:18): can you hide the number 7, in any way, shape or form the conscious know it, any language, any way it is written in a safe place
o (00:02:26): a place the conscious has for now no access to?
x (00:02:32): yes
o (00:02:37): wonderful
o (00:02:38): now
o (00:03:01): i am going to ask you soon to give control over the body back to the conscious, is that ok?
x (00:03:07): yes
o (00:03:15): so on the count of 10
o (00:03:22): just turn control back over
x (00:03:30): ok
o (00:03:33): and while i count hide that number 7 real good
o (00:03:37): ready?
o (00:04:13): 1
o (00:04:17): hide the number
o (00:04:20): 2
o (00:04:26): gently returnign control
o (00:04:28): 3
o (00:04:33): 5
o (00:04:35): 6
o (00:04:36): 8
o (00:04:37): 9
o (00:04:38): 10
o (00:04:48): and are your hands still stuck to the phone?
x (00:04:55): yes
o (00:05:17): you can release them if you want, but not touching ok?
o (00:05:21): can you do me a favor
o (00:05:32): answer a couple of questions
x (00:05:37): sure
o (00:05:42): they may sound silly but humo me ok#
x (00:05:47): k
o (00:05:55): how many fingers do you have?
x (00:06:01): 10
o (00:06:07): that's a relief
x (00:06:14): I agree
o (00:06:21): now do me a favor and count them for me and let me know how many you count
x (00:06:54): 9 ?
o (00:07:00): so is it 9 or 10?
o (00:07:25): don't worry
o (00:07:31): everything will work out
x (00:07:39): 10 I thouggt
o (00:07:41): how much is 3+4
x (00:07:50): 8
o (00:07:51): ok
o (00:08:00): now subconscious, are you listening?
x (00:08:17): yes
o (00:08:29): can you please give what you just hid back to the conscious now?
x (00:08:38): have to get up from bathroom
x (00:08:40): yes
o (00:08:48): just a sec
o (00:08:51): 3+4=?
o (00:09:05): but you can walk around
x (00:09:08): 7. duh
o (00:09:11): lol
o (00:09:16): see what happened?
x (00:09:23): not sure
o (00:09:34): what do you think happened?
x (00:11:17): seems I forgot a number or something
o (00:11:23): yep
x (00:11:38): weird
o (00:11:42): congratulations on a pretty good trance
o (00:12:01): hands stuck to the phone
o (00:12:06): forgetting the number 7
o (00:12:18): not bad for a first session, isn't it?
x (00:12:22): thanks
x (00:12:28): not at all
o (00:12:46): so did you feel any different?
x (00:12:58): relaxed
o (00:13:08): see, that's all it is
o (00:13:21): nothing magical zombie like brain dead
x (00:14:06): true, thanks.
o (00:14:15): everything ok, not feeling anything negative, or annoying?
x (00:15:01): no not at all
x (00:15:07): should I be?
o (00:15:10): and you think you can trance?
o (00:15:18): no, just checking if all is ok
x (00:15:45): yea I am good, thanks for spending all this tine with me
o (00:15:57): so, you think you can trance?
x (00:16:22): I think so yea
o (00:16:25): lol
o (00:16:29): i am sure of it
x (00:16:51): thank you for your confidence
o (00:17:00): and i love helping people to get past that first hurdle
o (00:17:11): you did it, now just keep practicing
x (00:17:24): can't wait to listen to more of your files
o (00:17:24): start with basic files and alll will work out just fine
x (00:17:46): are any available for free in mp3 format
o (00:17:57): check out warpmymind
o (00:18:04): there's a bunch of free ones
o (00:18:14): and you can always convert youtube to mp3
o (00:18:18): just google it
x (00:18:42): ok, I have been a member there like 10 years but haven't been in a while
o (00:18:52): gotta go
o (00:18:58): ciao

Posts: 186
Joined: January 8th, 2007, 1:00 am

Postby qv » September 13th, 2011, 8:27 am

So this guy was talking to you on the toilet for two hours? :)

In all seriousness though, great story. I love seeing this sort of thing... you handled everything like a pro.
Posts: 219
Joined: March 5th, 2011, 1:00 am

Postby Heartwould » September 13th, 2011, 10:39 am

Wow. Brilliantly done!
Posts: 20
Joined: April 14th, 2010, 12:00 am

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