A review and success story for The Sock Trap, by Bellmar

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A review and success story for The Sock Trap, by Bellmar

Postby cubes » October 13th, 2011, 12:42 am

A review and success story for The Sock Trap, by Bellmar

The gf was going to be out of town for a couple weeks, so despite being sad that sex was on pause, I got excited because I could listen to a bunch of hypnosis. The title of this one stuck out, so I gave it a blind listen, only reading the description. Even though I'm not all that much cross-dressing, chastity, or even socks and stockings in general, it seems to have got me pretty well. Right after the first listen, I immediately went and put on some socks and panties without really thinking about it and slept with them on.

For me, this is a *huge* result for the first day. It usually takes much longer for me to get any effects that last after trance. I managed to get them off the next morning and put on regular ones, but that night I listened again (several times I might add) and the day after ended up wearing them to work!

Suffice it to say, I've been wearing some (or several...) ever since, and it's been just over a week since the first listen. I'm not entirely sure what I'm going to do when my gf comes home, because I love how good wearing a thong feels now, and I can't seem to forget that even if I try. Even if I stop listening, I bet that that particular thing will be what sticks with me. No matter, the file has a listen-once-a-day suggestion, and I've done at least that so far, so stopping is not on the menu just yet.

For the first day or two, I sort of planned to stop listening after a week and see what it felt like. However, seeing that it's been more than a week (and I'm listening even now), I may be in for a longer haul. Even more, I bought some of my own toe socks and panties, which is a first for me. Can't let them go to waste.

Last night, I had an amazing realization. Background: the file "punishes" you for not wearing socks or panties, masturbating, or not listening once a day, and punishment takes the form of wearing multiple pairs of socks and panties at the same time, among other things.

So far, I hadn't really felt like I'd experienced that punishment yet. There were a few times I was compelled to put on a couple more socks and/or panties, but it didn't really happen as a result of disobeying. I realized last night that those urges to put on more were starting to come as a result of me just *thinking* about masturbating. As I sort of plan my evening and sort of plan things out, I find that I need to go put on more to make sure my future self obeys the suggestions, which is pretty much the hottest hypnotic bondage I've found myself in yet.

I've had more luck with the clothes-wearing than the chastity suggestions so far, but I guess that makes sense, since the file uses the socks and panties as a tool for chastity, so step 1 is be stuck wearing them. For the suggestions about making them tight and impossible to take off, I still have to pretend a bit, but I think I'm making progress.

This file is great at hooking you, because once you start listening to it while wearing women's socks and panties, it's *really* hard to convince yourself that it's not working. I kinda like the feeling of "losing" to the hypnosis, and so part of me says, "naw, it's not really affecting me" and then another part says "orly? tell that to the panties you're wearing," and it's pretty clear who won that argument, so I go deeper. This is especially true when it makes me wear more than one pair, because the file uses the increased tightness as a great reinforcement for trance and chastity.

I sort of like how this file can make you love wearing socks and panties without emphasizing any long-term feminization. I've listened to a lot of gender-bending-related files, and usually had limited success because so many try to stick you with permanent changes, and I don't want those changes to be part of my public life. This file focuses on the chastity and clothing only, which is easy to keep private, and easy to trust.

Finally, I think the file could benefit from a shorter version for easier looping, especially with another file in the background. The Sock Trap has a suggestion that when you listen to other files at the same time, those files get stronger, which makes a nice manta-style loop for this practically ideal. I've been a bit tempted to cut together such a loop myself, but haven't got to it yet.

tl;dr, if you are in to casual gender play, this file is definitely worth a try.
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Postby VeryGnawty » October 13th, 2011, 6:02 am

That file sounds hot, actually. How exactly does the chastity element work? Does it make you not able to stimulate yourself while wearing panties?

I always thought the idea of using underwear as a chastity or sex device was genius, but I couldn't ever think of an idea that interested me enough to try it.
"Once, people only flew in their dreams. Now, they dream during their flights." - Howard Hendrix
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Postby ftslave67 » October 13th, 2011, 3:18 pm

Cool! You should definitely post pictures! :)
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Postby cubes » October 13th, 2011, 9:29 pm

The chastity element is pretty heavily emphasized with a reinforcement loop: masturbation means you are punished with additional pairs of socks and panties, wearing additional pairs makes them a lot tighter so you think about them more, and thinking about them reinforces the chastity suggestion. Yeah, it makes you not be able to feel pleasure from your hands, and not be able to take off the socks or panties.

It also makes your sort of trance out if you try to masturbate, so you sort of forget what you were doing and stop.

Near the end of the file there's this a hypnotic orgasm section, which is supposed to be the only way you're allowed to orgasm. If you listen every day like you're supposed to, and the hypnotic orgasm works on you, then you still get to orgasm every day. It's a unique sensation trying to come when you're really horny, but you've got a few pairs keeping you from getting erect. That was a new one for me too.

Warning ahead of time: It talks about you trying to "get over your masturbation addiction" and gives suggestions to imagine pain if you try to masturbate. I like to keep the trance positive, so I try to selectively ignore those suggestions.

It's good at giving you the right "outs" though, like there's an explicit suggestion that "The Sock Trap doesn't care if you have sex with a partner", so IMO it's lenient when it should be.

As far as using the underwear themselves as the device, that's probably the main suggestion. It has you imagine them as the device, both keeping you from masturbating, punishing you, and rewarding you when you listen.
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Postby VeryGnawty » October 14th, 2011, 2:36 am

This sounds like a really well-designed file.

cubes wrote:The chastity element is pretty heavily emphasized with a reinforcement loop: masturbation means you are punished with additional pairs of socks and panties, wearing additional pairs makes them a lot tighter so you think about them more, and thinking about them reinforces the chastity suggestion. Yeah, it makes you not be able to feel pleasure from your hands, and not be able to take off the socks or panties.

That's interesting.

It also makes your sort of trance out if you try to masturbate, so you sort of forget what you were doing and stop.

That's an interesting way to prevent someone from masturbating. I wouldn't have thought of that.

Near the end of the file there's this a hypnotic orgasm section, which is supposed to be the only way you're allowed to orgasm. If you listen every day like you're supposed to, and the hypnotic orgasm works on you, then you still get to orgasm every day. It's a unique sensation trying to come when you're really horny, but you've got a few pairs keeping you from getting erect. That was a new one for me too.

Interesting. I always found the idea of only being able to orgasm under certain conditions to be interesting.

Warning ahead of time: It talks about you trying to "get over your masturbation addiction" and gives suggestions to imagine pain if you try to masturbate. I like to keep the trance positive, so I try to selectively ignore those suggestions.

I'm not averse pain, just injury. I would probably leave such a suggestion in to make it even more difficult to masturbate.

As far as using the underwear themselves as the device, that's probably the main suggestion. It has you imagine them as the device, both keeping you from masturbating, punishing you, and rewarding you when you listen.

Yeah, I really like the idea of using underwear as a hypnotic device. I haven't yet thought of an idea interesting enough for me to try.
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Postby ShiningFingers » November 8th, 2011, 7:58 pm

How goes your run with the file. Are you still cursed to wear panties?
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Postby cubes » November 8th, 2011, 11:47 pm

I wore some 24/7 right up to when my gf came home from her trip, but then stopped because she's not really into that (nor into hypnosis yet, but I'm slowly working on that).

Every once and a while I get a chance to play with fire though, and listen to this or a similar file. A week ago or so ago I listened to one, then put on some panties sort of out of reflex, and then immediately lay down on my bed, spaced out, and started having dry orgasms, so there's *definitely* some lasting effects :D

It was so much fun that I almost lost track of time and fell asleep, the thought of which turned me on a lot :roll:. I'll have to start setting an alarm.
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