Curse Bimbo

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Curse Bimbo

Postby vickie17 » December 16th, 2009, 9:28 am

has any one used the new free file Curse Bimbo by hellion0?
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Curse Bimbo

Postby pennyT » December 16th, 2009, 11:03 am

I have not tried this file mayself but would be willing to try it with you if you like! :) Mastress catgirl's gogogirl files are really great, those I have tried.

I just downloaded curse bimbo, let's give it a try! giggle
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Postby darkenedav » December 16th, 2009, 2:03 pm

Keep us posted :D
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Postby pennyT » December 17th, 2009, 11:58 am

I listened to curse bimbo several times, the first time through I thought it was interesting. Each time I listen I go more and more into trance. This morning when I woke I put on my frilliest undies and a bra and then begam to dress in a skirt and tight top before i caught myself! I was getting reaqdy for work! I am still wearing the panties and bra beneath my clothes, I simply could not remove them. Last night I found myself reading some ladies magazines I had bought apparently while grocery shopping but did not remember buying. I also recal in the grocery store seeing a gentleman with a bulge in his jeans and almost salivating over my desire to suck his cock and swallow his cum.

Would you say the file is working?

God I am so horney just sitting here typing this post! I absolutely need SEX!!! LOTS of SEX!
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Re: OMG!!!

Postby darkenedav » December 17th, 2009, 2:58 pm

pennyT wrote:
Would you say the file is working?

God I am so horney just sitting here typing this post! I absolutely need SEX!!! LOTS of SEX!

Nah that's the norm ;) need to listen to it a lil more ;) ;) ;)
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Keep listening...

Postby pennyT » December 17th, 2009, 3:11 pm


Well prolly an option not to at this point! The file makes me tingly and feel so good, so aroused, and pretty too! I love how I feel when I have finished listening!

If it were not for lack of money I would go crazy buying things. This afternoon I was in Target and bought the most wonderful matching panties, garter belt and thigh high stockings, then I bought a new black camisol. There were matching bras too but I had to try to be responsible, was not easy!

Just posting this makes me want to go try them all on!

I have not been able to stop thinking about sex all day long! And I love it!
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Postby darkenedav » December 17th, 2009, 3:44 pm

refers to my previous statement :twisted:
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can't stop!

Postby pennyT » December 17th, 2009, 9:49 pm

2 more times since my last post and wore my new frilly things while listening! I am wering my makeup, not going anywhere but had to put it on. I need more lipstick colors!

Feeling horny!

may-b i will go out after all!

may-b i am listening 2 much?
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Postby Futafan357 » December 17th, 2009, 11:34 pm

to much? .... na, your about half way there ;) keep us updated :D
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Postby pennyT » December 18th, 2009, 1:48 am

It's like 1:30 am and I woke to playing with my clitty and cumming sooo good. I am wearing my new sexy clothes now and they feel soooo good. OMG I love this file! I should prolly sleep but may-b 1 more listen? God I need a man right now!
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Postby darkenedav » December 18th, 2009, 2:17 am

nah sleep is always good (eventually) gives you time to rest, recharge and dream of more naughtiness ;)
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Postby hellion0 » December 18th, 2009, 11:36 am

Seems Penny's caught on to how the file's meant to work. Nice that you're having success.
"One should strive to achieve; not sit in bitter regret."
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Postby darkenedav » December 18th, 2009, 1:19 pm

And with any luck keep us posted with updates :D

makes for an interesting read ;)
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Postby vickie17 » December 19th, 2009, 6:50 am

Wow you are having great results I would like something to happen to me, I have listened every day and nothing yet.
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Postby darkenedav » December 19th, 2009, 6:59 am

vickie17 wrote:Wow you are having great results I would like something to happen to me, I have listened every day and nothing yet.

I'd say try mixing in a few 'onto next file' mp3s before it? Cardigan does a good one of those :)
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May b I should slow down?

Postby pennyT » December 19th, 2009, 4:08 pm

I have listened to other files like this, the gogo girl files affect me too. But this one really took hold. I wear my garter, thigh highs and at least a camisole under my colthes all the time lately.

Yesterday on the way home I stopped for some groceries and picked up some hair color. I have long hair, past my shoulders, a little grey, naturally a medium brown. I bought a blonde color, noticed when I got home. I figure why not try it. Men like blondes yes? So today I colored my hair blonde, I really love it! Never thought much about my hair color before.

Thinking I should maybe slow down on the listening though, listened twise today so far. I love the way I feel when I have listened, so sexy, so aroused. I like this feeling. I may go out tonight. Thought about it already but have not as yet. Maybe I will meet someone new?

Having fun!

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Re: May b I should slow down?

Postby darkenedav » December 19th, 2009, 5:37 pm

pennyT wrote: Having fun! pennyt

Good :) otherwise what's the point?
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Saturday night

Postby pennyT » December 21st, 2009, 3:51 pm

Went out Saturday night

as a blonde

fully dressed

an older man bought me a drink

when he touched my thigh - i was gone

had some "fun" with him <blush>

felt good but...

may-b i should slow down listening to this a bit?
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Postby darkenedav » December 21st, 2009, 4:03 pm

sent you a nice long pm about the point your at now :)

It's the realisation that a great hypnosis mp3 like this is like a really good alcoholic beverage ;)

As long as you know when you've had enough then chug on down!
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Postby pennyT » December 23rd, 2009, 3:41 pm

i luv this file!
had such sexy dreams last night!
feeling sexy and horny still today.
going away for xmas for a few
wont b able to listen as much :(
every body have a great holiday!
and lots of sex! giggle

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I'm back!

Postby pennyT » December 29th, 2009, 1:17 pm

Having spent several days traveling and way to visit relatives for the holidays, I have finally returned home.

I have not been able to listen to my favorite files (this one amogst them) as much as I would have liked over the holiday but now that I have returned I will certainly resume (as if I had a real choice in the matter <giggle>)

Some of my relatives thought I was crazy to have died my hair blond, others probably thought so from the looks on their faces but elected not to comment at all :) Gradually it seems that everyone got used to it.

I did do some more shopping while away and the effects of the file are still with me. Being home again and having the freedom to listen more, I am quite anxious to feel the wonmderful arousal and beautiful feelings fully.

Time to have another listen and go try on some of my new frillies and makeup! giggle!

Hope everyone had a great holiday!

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Strong effects

Postby pennyT » January 11th, 2010, 12:47 pm

Having been away from my files in general for some time, I am back at the point where I can get back into my routine here.

I am curious, as I began listening to this curse bimbo file as a result of another posting, if anyone else has had similar effects from it as I have had. I have listened also to several other files with similar subject matter so that may have contributed some to the success I have had while listening to this one.

Well, going to go and listen again as I have a very strong draw towards resuming my listening to this file, so... onward down the path :) giggle

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Postby izatga88 » December 11th, 2011, 4:13 am

I wanted to comment - I tried the file out about a week or so ago as an experiment. I wasn't overly-impressed at first, but the entire week feels like it didn't happen (I outright woke up at one point realising I was missing an entire few days of my life).

I noticed a few days ago too that my mind is wandering towards wanting to buy clothes I had not cared to before & other things like guys or magazines I may not have considered messing with. I notice every-so-often that I kinda blank when talking or "like" and other oddities slip into my writing/speech.

To take it further, I gave Zapnosis's "SLUT Remix" & "SLUT Core" files a try somewhere around 48 hours ago (also having trouble placing my finger on an exact number there) - I'm a mess now (poke the other topic: Zapnosis's "SLUT" file in this section of the forums for my comments on that). 8O

But certainly works, it's just really subtle for the moment (I think).
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Postby izatga88 » December 12th, 2011, 9:02 am

Oh my gawd - I'm sitting here, hearing myself in my head while typing that, and I do not know where it came's seriously like the words are just spilling out. I woke up....gosh, not THIS morning, but the morning of the 11th.....I don't even think I can remember.....


Oh! Ok, so I remember just being really happy all day - like some weird euphoria. I've been slipping in and out of control for the last 5 hours - the fact that I can even type this right now shows how tired I am (I think I woke up at 4am this morning here and went on a binge of browsing dresses and porn). It's taking every ounce of my will to churn this out and type everything (I want to share the awesomeness with others!).

I think I said before that the effects of this were subtle, but I think I ran the file again two nights ago and yesterday was a blur.

I think I have to go now - I'm getting this fuzzy feeling all over and in my head, sitting here....
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Life... sigh...

Postby pennyT » December 19th, 2011, 11:58 am


I been away for awhile, listened to this (and other favorite files) but not as often as I would have liked to. Can't stay away from the feelings for long though and so, I am back and listening full force again!

All the feelings, needs and desires are coming back strong and today I am going to get out some of my frillies and emerse myself in femininity and file listening! giggle...

Hope you are are having a happy (and frilly, silly, giggly and sexy) holiday season!

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Postby ztshp » December 24th, 2011, 12:58 am

Listen More
Don't Stop Listening
You Need To Listen
Listen as Much As You Can
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Postby natalie_london » December 24th, 2011, 9:22 am

im going to try this file too.. ill do regular updates any one want to pm feel free.
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Postby natalie_london » December 25th, 2011, 11:24 am

wow scary
so i listened and i went into trance
and about the 15 min mark, i woke up and got all freaked out
i cant remember anything before that, and i listened a little after it and thought bad idea
but now the challenge is on, to not wake up until the end
i guess if i keep waking up at the 15 mark im going to get to afraid to continue.
im typing this and feeling relaxed and a little away from the keyboard so there must be something at the 15 mark.
i felt a little bored listening before i woke up at 15 minutes.

all the best all,
Merry Christmas!
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Postby ztshp » December 25th, 2011, 4:39 pm

Keep trying
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if at first you dont succeed.

Postby natalie_london » December 26th, 2011, 1:08 am

ok trying again now, to anyone who messaged , please add your msn / yahoo site only lets me send slow replys
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Postby natalie_london » December 27th, 2011, 6:41 am

this is a great file the voice is perfect . I keep jerking out of it around the fourteen minute mark. but if I listen from twelve or so I don't and complete the file with a headache. do I just persevere or is this not going to work. bizarre ly I remember very little so I must be dropping into trance again ? . great file.
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Postby Midnight68652 » December 31st, 2011, 8:28 pm

It sounds like its pulling you under but your subconscious is holding you back. There's something in the file you don't like atleast subconsciously. If you keep forcing it it might break you but its doubtful natalie. You might need a real hypnotist to see why it won't work. Since the file is putting you under i'm sure somebody can put you under over im to find the problem and make it work if that is possible.

(if you wish I can help ya. Just messege me on yahoo *midnight68652* msn ** or aim *midnight68652*)
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Postby izatga88 » January 4th, 2012, 8:42 pm

I was like, really wondering....has anyone else who tried this been like, totally stuck? XD

I looooove my new busty/blond brain.....lost my

Oh well ~ so anyways, is it the file that has like, totally taken over, or has my other files or they way I'm listening to them like, broken something? lol
Sharpened myself up a bit for work & school, really trying to put the bimbo stuff on the back-burner for now.

5/10/2015, 2:35 AM ET
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Postby Holli » January 5th, 2012, 10:22 pm

hehehe im totally stuck an i love it! :D

i used to be like this rly smart girl with like loadsa good exam results an a uni degree an stuff an i looked all boring an mousey but now im a superhot slutty dum stripper. this shit rly works!
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Postby wolf010203 » January 5th, 2012, 10:35 pm

Holli wrote:hehehe im totally stuck an i love it! :D

i used to be like this rly smart girl with like loadsa good exam results an a uni degree an stuff an i looked all boring an mousey but now im a superhot slutty dum stripper. this shit rly works!

What files did you listen to?
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Been listening every day agin

Postby pennyT » January 6th, 2012, 2:36 pm


So yeah, like I am so totally into my files agin, it dint take as long to take hold this time thru as it did before so I guess sumthing was resid... resid... ummm still there from before and all.

I am sooo addickted to this and I love being a silly giggly sexy, slutty bimbo. I need sum stuff though, I need bigger boobs and I am gonna start working on that more than before. I also need to go out sumplace and find me sun guys who like want a cum slut to swallow and all for them too. My mouth sure feels empty.

Been listening to all sorts of great files lately!

giggles... this is fun!

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Postby xstealmymindx » April 13th, 2012, 6:52 pm

I like totally love this file but i so need to get off it! it makes work like soo hard!
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Re: Curse Bimbo

Postby makemebimbo » May 27th, 2016, 8:24 am

This sounds like a great file. Can't wait to try it:)
Ignorance is bliss
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Re: Curse Bimbo

Postby lisacd20 » May 29th, 2016, 11:03 am

I guess ill try it out since it seems like alot of fun for everyone, I have a huge bimbo/brainwash fetish
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Re: Curse Bimbo

Postby makemebimbo » June 3rd, 2016, 7:06 am

I can't find any files by hellion0 but I also really suck with technology so like if someone can leave a link here if it's still a thing. If not lots of really good files on here anyways so I should be okay lol.
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Re: Curse Bimbo

Postby Moral_Lowground » June 4th, 2016, 4:24 pm

I can't find any files by hellion0 but I also really suck with technology so like if someone can leave a link here if it's still a thing. If not lots of really good files on here anyways so I should be okay lol.

Here it is ... le_id=2609
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Re: Curse Bimbo

Postby makemebimbo » June 5th, 2016, 9:16 am

Omg yay ! Thank you I can't wait to listen:))
Ignorance is bliss
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