Addictive Breast Play, Female Company and Fucked By a Dog

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Addictive Breast Play, Female Company and Fucked By a Dog

Postby Cunningham91 » September 10th, 2012, 9:59 am

Here's basically what I've just put on in my journal, but I though I'd post it here for people to read as well.

I'm going to start off my saying I'm a newbie to all this. This has been my first real experiences with sexual hypnosis. No long term success but thats only after a very short amount of time. I wasn't expecting any serious results straight away and so I plan to keep listening and trying things.

I've spent a lot of time recently reading threads here and there about sexual hypnosis and last night, I downloaded a fair few files from here. I started simple. Listened to an induction a couple of times before trying 'Addictive Breast Play', I listened to that a couple of times, and I have to say, it felt pretty good. Once i had finished listening, i immediately started playing with my nipples... rubbing them, stroking them, and i managed to acheive a dry orgasm from it :) ...the addiction effects were short lasting though. I couldn't stop playing with my nipples last night, but when i woke up this morning, the addiction was gone, as was the sensitivity. But I'm going to have another listen tonight.

I also listened to the Female Company In Bed track. I listened to it once, then said the trigger. I felt a pull to look over near the door but alas, nothing. No-one in bed with me. I tried again about an hour later, but nothing at all. I shall try again tonight.

I think my main problem is being in the trance. When under, I dont feel a desire to move, and even why I try, I struggle. I am able to move if I really try though. I've heard trying to break out of the trance can make it stronger in the future than just going along with it?

My mind also tends to wonder while in a trance. But that's just because I'm quite excited about the possibilities of whats to come. My other issue is comfort. While i the trance I often get an itch on my face, or leg or something similar which breaks me out of my trance. I'm also very aware of my heart beating. I've been trying deep breathing to try and slow my heart beat down which seems to be working, but only time will tell.

This morning when I woke up, I carried on reading threads. The one's that really struck out to me were a couple of the curses. Addicted to your own cum, and being fucked by a dog. Although straight, the success rate of the addicted to your own cum is compelling, but I think I'm going to wait a while to try that.

About an hour ago, I decided to jump in at the deep end and try the being fucked by a dog curse. Its not something I have ever even considered in the past, but reading about the way people just dropped to the knees really got me excited. I'm not interested in the animal aspect of it, I'm interested in the loss of control aspect.

So I proceeded to try it, not expecting anything the first time, and I was right. Although I did feel a stirring in my body. When I awoke from the track i couldn't stop shaking with nervousness and embarrassment of what I had just listened to. I proceeded to say the trigger. Nothing properly happened, but I did feel an urge to roll over onto my front. I didnt, but I felt an urge to. My arse and lower back felt slightly pressured, although no fucking sensations or similar... just like something was pressed up against them. That was probably just anticipation and a placebo though. I will try again later.

I will be continually updating my journal on here with my experiences, so I hope a people stop by and see how I'm getting on. Feel free to pm me. I'm friendly and open and looking to speak to more experienced people and hear thier experiences as well.
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Postby Cunningham91 » September 10th, 2012, 1:40 pm

Literally just tried fucked by a dog for a 2nd time. Once I had finished listening I said the trigger and immediately rolled over onto my front and stuck my arse in the air. My back became heavy but I couldn't actually feel anything there, and no dog appeared. I said the trigger again and I thurst my arse back in the air. Again my back became heavy and my hips started moving back and forth as if I was being fucked and my arse became tenser, but still no dog. ...Not that I'm really interested in the dog, but the lack of control is good. Stopped after a few seconds though. I'm going to try listening again very soon.
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Postby Cunningham91 » September 10th, 2012, 3:02 pm

Oh my god.

I listened to accelerator, then fucked by a dog again... shit definitely happened...

Not quite the full thing but...

I finished listening, said the trigger, immediately got on all fours... nothing happend... I tried again... immediately back on all fours... I stood up, said trigger, almost throne back onto the bed... this time though I pretty much start humping the air... No feeling up the arse, and no dog, but my hips were going like mad. Couldn't help my bite the bed, bury my head in the pillow... kept having to say the trigger to keep it going... llongest without was a couple of minutes... but it felt so good... weird, but good.
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Postby Cunningham91 » September 11th, 2012, 9:17 am

Over the last day I've had a lot of fun with Fucked by a Dog. The trigger works well, forcing me onto all fours and feel like I'm being fucked, but only to an extent. I suppose having never had anything go up my arse limits the possible feeling. But i still feel as good as if I'm having sex. Only lasts for a few seconds though. But by repeating the trigger, I can keep it going. Saying that, I've used it quite a lot recently and I can feel it starting to wear off a bit. The urge to get onto all fours is less, but if I assume the position I still feel like I'm being fucked. After 4 listens in a small space of time, I've decided to give it a break for 24 hours or so then try again.
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Glad its working

Postby lightshadow » September 13th, 2012, 7:23 am

Your experience seems really amazing I am glad it is working for you. Maybe you need some actual hypnosis to make a more concrete. would love to talk to you more privately in pm or email me at
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Postby parttimecd626 » September 14th, 2012, 10:59 pm

am also having the same experience with fucked by a dog i don't feel him mounting me or penetrating me but i do feel forced there and i can feel my ass start clinching up and small little trust and some pressure but only last for a few
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Fucked by a dog

Postby davatee » November 7th, 2012, 6:28 am

I tried this file a couple of times. I ended up on all fours and I go feel my hips moving involuntarily. This only lasted about a minute, then the sensation went. No feelings of penetration or anything else really.
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Postby Cunningham91 » November 14th, 2012, 2:24 pm

I used the file called 'accelerator'. Search it in the files, it's by EMG :)
Posts: 7
Joined: September 9th, 2012, 12:00 am

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