Feminization playlist success

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Feminization playlist success

Postby Scarlett_S » October 23rd, 2012, 9:21 pm

I started a regimen of Estrogen Cocktail, Feminine Appetite, and Curse Female Mannerisms. I took a 20mg Adderall last night when I got off work around 10 and immediately get out my spare Blackberry (That I keep my trance files on) and started a search for the best feminization files I could.

I should say at this point that I'm legitimately transgender, and I have been long before I discovered this website, so I figured I'd try out some files to help me transition a bit smoother. Anyway, I found those three, made a playlist, and went and lied down in bed with my best noise-cancelling headphones. I started listening around midnight with that hour long playlist and listened to them all nonstop until 6 this morning when I had to get up for school. Now, anyone who has taken Adderall recreationally knows of the effects and side-effects, namely incredible focus and insomnia for a few hours.

And so I listened, trancing deeper than I ever have before practically nonstop for 6 hours. For those of you keeping track at home, that's 6 plays a piece. Trancing HARD.

And boy, did I feel it today. I've had success with Estrogen Cocktail in the past, but I stopped listening to it due to the fact that I lost my Blackberry. Already, one day later, I'm having the same success in that my nipples have been erect all day long (This is a result of an increase in Estrogen, as I found out last time), and I'm doing well with the other files as well.

Feminine Appetite also hit me quite hard. Every day I eat a meaty sandwich, whatever sides I'm served that day, and two pints of milk. Today, I just couldn't stomach the thought of the pulled pork we were served, so I got a salad instead. When I decided on the salad, I got this instant rush of euphoria and pleasure.

Don't get me wrong, I've always liked salads, but I've never gotten excited about them. And I'm not even sure there's anything in the file about pleasure when you submit. This same euphoria washed over me nearly every time I took a bite. I didn't even get a large salad by anyone's standards, and I could hardly eat half of it, and barely managed to force down a mere half pint. I'd also like to mention that I couldn't stand to take large bites as I normally would, and I'd pick through the salad and absentmindedly pick out the smallest leaves to eat, rather than try to fold the large ones into my mouth as per usual.

Curse FemaleMannerisms was a lot more subtle, as the file suggests. I went most of my day thinking that it wasn't working, only to become aware that I was walking with a distinctly female stride. Smaller steps, much more fluid, smoother. Not necessarily an OBVIOUSLY female, ass-all-up-in-your-face strut, but just a common, comfortable, feminine walk that I've struggled with before.

All of these files give the suggestion that you become addicted to these files, as is expected, but it's never before impacted me like it's impacting me now. All day long, I've just wanted to trance more than anything else.

Tonight, I'm adding a few files to the list, namely Train Flexibility (from Hypnofiles), Adaptive Muscle Memory (Pretty much unrelated to the feminization, but it's a high rated file that, if working, will prove to be extremely valuable).

I'll continue to post updates here, but I've got a few questions.

1. I'm struggling to find a bubblebutt file. There's a few, sure, but I can't stand TTS files or files that make you obsessed with the speaker's ass. I'm looking for a legitimate file designed to give the listener an amazing ass without any side affects, be it bimbo-ization, constantly horny, etc. Could anyone direct me to one? Please? :D

2. There's a file in Estrogen Cocktail that causes your penis and ballsack to shrink until there's nothing but a smooth crotch left. I don't want this to happen, as penis size is directly proportional to vagina depth after SRS, and I want as much as possible. Unfortunately, this curse is the dominant track throughout the file, and I'd really hate to have to stop listening to the file because of this. Obviously you can't hypnotize someone by force or make them do something they don't want to do, but if I'm already in deep trance when this particular file comes on, will my stubborn-ness on this issue prevent that suggestion from sticking or will it bypass barriers because I'm cool with everything ELSE happening?

Thanks everyone!
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Postby Fjm » October 24th, 2012, 1:53 pm

You may edit the file with the free software Audacity http://audacity.sourceforge.net/download/ and cut out the undesired parts.
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Postby Scarlett_S » October 24th, 2012, 8:49 pm

It's not that easy though. I know how to use Audacity and more complicated audio editing programs, but Estrogen Cocktail is a conglomeration of 3 or 4 file bodies edited into a simultaneous mass.
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Postby frosty46 » October 25th, 2012, 12:00 am

I think if the thing works for you as you want it to now, it will continue to help the way you want it to. When theres something I don't like in a file, it fucks the whole thing for me. So, if youre using and not having a problem now, you should be good.

Is your dick shrinking? Then don't worry.
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Postby Scarlett_S » October 25th, 2012, 7:31 pm

Well, I guess I'll just have to start measuring frequently :P Checked it earlier, it's about 6 7/8", not sure on the length.

I've been sick and trance hasn't been as easy as it should be, but I'm still trying to listen to at least two files a night. I went to bed last night listening to Estrogen Cocktail, expecting to wake up when it ended, as per usual. Buuut I got REALLY relaxed and fell asleep. And within those 15 minutes, I went lucid in that dream. However, I accidentally had the Blackberry set to loop every track when I listened to Phallophilia earlier ( :oops: ) and the thing that actually caused me to go lucid was the file ending and starting over again. When it ended, it brought me partially back to consciousness (When I went lucid) but it played again, which prompted me to wonder where the hell the sound was coming from.

In my dream, I was in bed, lying exactly as I was when I started trancing, headphones on and everything. I couldn't turn the track off, even when I disconnected the headphones and took them off. I haven't been lucid in quite a while, so I didn't think of anything for a few minutes until I decided to perform a reality check, which, obviously I failed, making me lucid. I'm not sure if it was Phallophilia or what, but in the dream, my older brother walked through my bedroom door, and knowing it was a dream, I kinda play tackled him and started rubbing his cock. As I held him, he looked at me with this loving, though horny gaze that just made me shudder. I pulled down his pants, and, well...

I've never really made my sexuality important. I could say that I'm bi, but only if there's a really strong emotional connection. That's why I think my brother was involved, not out of some incest perversion, but just because of that emotional bond.

Anyway, so after that little dream, I woke up, changed files (and underwear) and listened to Curse FemaleMannerisms. I don't remember this file well, though I don't necessarily remember falling asleep while listening to it or amnesia immediately afterward, so I'm kinda confused on that aspect. But I've been noticing all day long that my skin is feeling a bit softer everywhere and my leg hair has been bothering me a lot.

I haven't been shaving due to marching band (I know I reference school a lot, I go to uni), and changing in front of everyone else in the band. It's been bothering me, but I've also enjoyed being able to wear shorts. But it's been making my legs itchy and uncomfortable and whatnot, so I'm probably gonna shave tonight. I'm not sure if this is due to one of the files, but regardless, it's happening. I haven't been listening to the Feminine Appetite one though, as I totally lose my appetite every time I'm sick, so I figure it wouldn't be the best idea to enact a diet plan at this point :/

The Adderall I initially took made the trancing sooooo much easier and intense, but I'm out :/ I noticed lately though that my mind tends to take on the effects of whatever the last drug I took was, so I can trance better than normal at this point :P Up until I tried Adderall, I'd never done anything except smoke pot, which left me with a constantly sluggish and extremely laid-back, no-cares attitude, even though I only smoked it like once every couple weeks. Since I initially took Addies about a month ago, I've been focusing on everything a ton better and procrastinating a ton less.
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Postby Scarlett_S » October 25th, 2012, 7:35 pm

I'd also like to point out that Phallophilia fits nearly perfectly with Around the World with Daft Punk :D
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