The forced gay success thread...

A place to post about the success you've had with the various files

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Postby Alien4420 » August 1st, 2012, 10:00 am

Alien4420 wrote:
It didn't start with Forced Gay to me, many people that are into futa have the same problem, and there are people that are only into shemales. Maybe it isn't that uncommon in ancient Greece young males were the the most valued sexually, and many people are bi-curious in they teens (because most masculine futures on face had yet develop?) but that could have more explanations obviously.

btw. did somebody did forced gay light? I can't find it.

I think there may be some biology involved in the face thing, or maybe it's just upbringing. But I know what you mean, attraction to more feminine male faces (youthful, smooth, rounded) seems to come most naturally to me. I can say that it has changed a lot with hypnosis though I'm still not to the point of being into bear types. Of course, even guys who were always primarily gay have their preferences, some like smooth twink types, others bears, etc. I think there may be a biological component to this, a predisposition that like any instinct can be altered through experience or suggestion, and that some guys may naturally have more of than others.

I did forced gay light, it was just an edit of EMG's original file to remove the stuff that interferes with sex with women. I never put it up because it was just sort of a hack job of an existing file and there are files that are specifically intended to make you bi, while Forced Gay Lite could still potentially make someone exclusively gay depending on their subconscious since while it no longer says you'll end up that way it still has suggestions along the lines of "this is all you'll think about" etc. But I can put it up if someone wants it.
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Postby Alien4420 » August 1st, 2012, 10:10 am

bostonmarc wrote:After listening to CFG for well over a year now, I feel qualified to make this statemtent, at least about myself anyway. What I found is that if you don't want to lose your attraction to women you will not lose it. Now in my case what I wanted was to add the male side of the equation and not lose the female side, and that seems to be what has happened.

There is no doubt that I now have an attraction to men. As one of our other writers mentioned it took more time to develop an attraction to mens faces or get over the image of men kissing, but that does come in time. Now Gay porn is more appealing than straight but I still get hard to staight porn, and I just got back from a cruise and believe me therre were hot women and men on that ship.

So I have looked at it more as adding the gay or bi side and not losing the females attraction complelety. I think it has more to do with intention than any other factor. So if you continue to listen what is your intention? Get clear on that and enjoy listening, CFG is a wonderful file and adding the attraction to men is so hot.

Another way to look at it is why leave anyone out? 50% or so of the population is men and the other is women look how your odds have just increased!! :D

My experience has been *sort* of the same but not completely. The same in that I didn't completely lose attraction to women, something that, like you, I never wanted to do. Sometimes it waxes but it always comes back. But what did happen to me is that I lost the ability to finish the act. If say I look at female porn I'll be getting off on it and then at some point the suggestions will pop into my mind and I can't continue and have to go look at cocks to finish. Exactly what it says in Forced Gay, you'll start thinking of cocks, etc. I've tried to reverse this but without success.

I wish I'd responded like you, I just wanted to be bi.
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Postby Alien4420 » August 1st, 2012, 10:20 am

Deltona003 wrote:Hey guys, this is my first post on WMM. I have been reading about this Cursed Forced Gay file for a while now and I have to say it is very tempting to give in and try it fully. I have listened to it about 5 times but I feel that I have a hard time really getting into the trance.

I'm also very torn if I want it to work or not. I am bi but the idea of being changed by one of these files is just so tempting. This file however is such a radical change. I guess that's why I feel kinda drawn to it.

I would love to hear thoughts about this and i would defentely love to pm someone who has had this work. I do wonder for those of you it turned. Is it really permanent? That kinda makes it even more tempting to try. Not being able to EVER reverse it, even with a removal curse would make it even more appealing to me.

Well I look forward to your post and responses.

Any hypnosis can be reversed, so it isn't really permanent -- that's a lie the file tells you to discourage you from trying. :-)

That being said, most of us who have listened to it for a while have found ourselves thoroughly unable to reverse it, there are just too many traps in it. You haven't experienced the power of hypnosis until you've tried to escape, found your hand moving by its own accord to the file, downloading it, and then listening to it again and again, even though you didn't want to! And being unable to stop, like you're a robot or something.

Also, like any suggestion, it does tend to wear off with time. The longer you listen, the more permanent it will be, until after a few years of daily listening it should be pretty much fixed. Suggestions are also more permanent if your life reinforces them, less so if it contradicts them. This I think is one of the reasons these curse files are so impossible to get out of, there's so much sexual pleasure associated with them you don't really want to give them up.

Bottom line, I was trapped about two months in when I tried to reverse it without success, and I've tried a lot of things over the last three years, including straight/bi files, Deprogram All, etc. None of them worked for more than a day or two.
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Postby bostonmarc » August 1st, 2012, 10:28 am

Did you try listening to Forced Straight. I know when I did (only once I might add), it was very powerful and I felt the tugging going on in the othter direction. I guess everyone is different iin how these files affect.
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Made my own mods

Postby kendallcd4u » August 1st, 2012, 3:04 pm

hi all,
I liked the idea of CFG but didn't want to lose my attraction to women quite yet, so I took the script and edited out those lines. Then I combined it with an edited version of the Train Sex Men, added some of my own lines and recorded it with a pretty good TTS voice. I added a binaural and it takes me real deep. It starts with EMG's induction, then the CFG script, then Train Sex Men script, then a deepener, then CFG again, then an awakener. Total running time is 42 minutes. I now find myself thinking about men almost all the time. I only masturbate to gay porn now and I have joined a gay web site where I chat with gay men. It is working and I plan on taking it to the next level soon.
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Postby bostonmarc » August 1st, 2012, 3:06 pm

Sounds great can you post it on here?
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forced gay

Postby kendallcd4u » August 1st, 2012, 8:13 pm

ok. I posted it.
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Postby bostonmarc » August 3rd, 2012, 5:29 am

Kendall, thanks for posting. Great job on the file it is really well done. I got very deep with it, and the extra suggestions to help reinforce are well done again. GOOD JOB and keep files like this coming.
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Postby kendallcd4u » August 3rd, 2012, 3:14 pm

So glad you liked it. I have a few other files I have been working on that I will post somewhere down the road.
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Postby sb2yu » August 6th, 2012, 8:00 am

Sounds just what I am looking for, I would love a copy of your file if possible.
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Postby arron » August 6th, 2012, 9:57 pm

i relly cant help it now im jacking off every chanse i get i cant seem to enjoy str8 sex videos anymore any guys wanna hit me up on yahoo for a chat ?! a small part of me is worryed but a bigger part is lusting for it like crazy
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Postby Avid » August 12th, 2012, 11:28 am

Ive listened on and off for a little while now, and I've always been skeptical as to the effectiveness of the file. But then, not too long ago, I found myself picturing a man while I was in bed with my girlfriend. And now I find myself lurking in gay chatrooms and looking more and more at gay porn. Part of me wants to have the courage to actually talk with another man, but part of me wants to think there's still time to let this all fade away if I can resist it any further.

Guess what I'm saying is, beware the file and know what youre getting yourself into. I've never thought of men like this. Kind of hoping it's not too late.
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Postby Korusi » August 12th, 2012, 12:20 pm

I'm sure the desires were always there; otherwise your curiosity in the file would not have even brought you here- you wouldn't have even decided to listen. You already take the first step when you listen to the file; nobody forced you so it must be something you truly want.... Just let go; maybe write a journal and let us enjoy your transformation along with you.
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Postby Avid » August 13th, 2012, 10:48 pm

I was worried I'd get encouragement..
I tried talking with some men in chatrooms after my last listen. It was such a rush. I'm still a little nervous, but right now it's so fun and exciting. I'm not going past anonymous chats, though. But I can't say I'm not enjoying myself.
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Postby Imperiator » August 14th, 2012, 12:49 am

Thats what life is all about. Enjoying yourself. :wink:
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Postby ftslave67 » August 16th, 2012, 5:09 pm

Avid, Where do you find these "gay chatrooms"? :)
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Forced Gay

Postby sb2yu » August 25th, 2012, 10:37 am

kendallcd4u Thank you so much for your forced gay file.
It has taken me places in my mind that ive never reached with CFG.
I think maybe it might have been just what i needed to take me that extra step that CFG could not.
I am going so much deeper with it now almost like it is talking to the deepest part of my mind, there are parts that seem to go in but can not exactly remember them.
I feel so much better about what ive done to myself and i guess thats what it is all about.
Again Thank you,
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Postby redhotpump » August 26th, 2012, 11:36 pm

kendallcd4u thank you for your file, my guilt complex scares me away from CFG sometimes, but your file seems easier for me to listen to. I don't seem to go under, but do get very horny listening to it, hopefully it will help me let go of my guilt complex, thanks again
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Postby Alien4420 » August 29th, 2012, 10:04 am

bostonmarc wrote:Did you try listening to Forced Straight. I know when I did (only once I might add), it was very powerful and I felt the tugging going on in the othter direction. I guess everyone is different iin how these files affect.

I did, two or three months in. It was a horrific experience. It worked once, as I recall, and then stopped working and the files were fighting one another, and that produced intense anxiety. I think it was several days before I could do anything sexually.

But as I recall it has worked to flip those back who listened for a shorter time.
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might be working on me?

Postby samhash » September 11th, 2012, 2:50 am

I feel like this file may be starting to work on me some. I was listening to the file yesterday evening, but instead of listening once ( like i usually do) I listend to the file back to back. My second time through the file I fell asleep, but i woke up on the verge of orgasm, i was so excited that I was unable to control it and blew a load... I guess the words being spoken while asleep caused me to get to that point. It was a very cool experience, I hope this is a sign the file is working, I like the way it felt to think that the message in fhe file made me that sexually excited. I am not sure if I am turning Gay, but the thought of it must really excite my subconcious mind.
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might be working on me?

Postby samhash » September 11th, 2012, 3:59 am

I feel like this file may be starting to work on me some. I was listening to the file yesterday evening, but instead of listening once ( like i usually do) I listend to the file back to back. My second time through the file I fell asleep, but i woke up on the verge of orgasm, i was so excited that I was unable to control it and blew a load... I guess the words being spoken while asleep caused me to get to that point. It was a very cool experience, I hope this is a sign the file is working, I like the way it felt to think that the message in fhe file made me that sexually excited. I am not sure if I am turning Gay, but the thought of it must really excite my subconcious mind.
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Postby ftslave67 » September 11th, 2012, 4:10 pm

Bet that felt great! :D
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Postby samhash » September 11th, 2012, 8:27 pm

It did feel great, i hope I can have it happen again!
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Postby sb2yu » September 14th, 2012, 10:12 am

I have been listening on and off for several months.
I never came while listening but am really horny after listening.
One thing that has definitely happened is that when i see a cock weather its in a vid or in person especially in person i get a very intense hard on...Its wonderful.
I love this file and want to take it as far as possible.
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Postby Imperiator » September 14th, 2012, 10:11 pm

sb2yu wrote:I have been listening on and off for several months.
I never came while listening but am really horny after listening.
One thing that has definitely happened is that when i see a cock weather its in a vid or in person especially in person i get a very intense hard on...Its wonderful.
I love this file and want to take it as far as possible.

Is that for all dicks :?:
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All dicks

Postby sb2yu » September 15th, 2012, 7:14 am

Yes it is for all dicks, at least now it seems to be.
I can not seem to control it.
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Postby hypnoslave85 » October 3rd, 2012, 9:09 am

I hadn,t listened to cfg or even thought about listening to it for a while I think it was round about the last time I Posted on here when ever that was,as I have been quite busy

And hd gone back to being atracked to women, then for the first time in months, the other day I had nothing what so ever to do allday that I suddenly had an irrisistable urge to to listen again.

so I redownloaded it (as i had deleted it off my laptop to make space for somethin else) and listened to it on repeat uninerupted for a few hours after that I was so turnd on spent the rest of the day watching gay porn on da net

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Postby Imperiator » October 4th, 2012, 9:18 am

hypnoslave85 wrote:I hadn,t listened to cfg or even thought about listening to it for a while I think it was round about the last time I Posted on here when ever that was,as I have been quite busy

And hd gone back to being atracked to women, then for the first time in months, the other day I had nothing what so ever to do allday that I suddenly had an irrisistable urge to to listen again.

so I redownloaded it (as i had deleted it off my laptop to make space for somethin else) and listened to it on repeat uninerupted for a few hours after that I was so turnd on spent the rest of the day watching gay porn on da net


You said that you started being attracted to women.
Were you still attracted to guys by your attraction to women was coming back?
Was this attraction looking at women on the street or were you watching porn?
Either way, hot. :wink:
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Postby Avid » October 4th, 2012, 8:48 pm

Been a little while since I posted, but I can't stop watching gay porn, or chatting up guys online and it drives me wild. Still nothing in person, but I've found a gay bar about a 20 minute walk from my apartment, and I can't say I'm not extremely curious.
Still not much attraction to faces, but just the thought of a big, muscular man using me drives me crazy.
It's amazing how strong this file is. Still feel like I'm pretending with nothing in person, though.
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Postby hypnoslave85 » November 1st, 2012, 1:59 pm

Hi Imperiator

Sorry for not replying sooner but have been busy.
To answer your questions: yes I was still attracted guys by the time my attacraction to women came back. The acttaction was looking at women on the street[/quote]
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Postby Deltona003 » November 2nd, 2012, 8:06 pm

Hey guys I haven't posted in a while but I have been listening to CFG on and off for a while now. I must say the results are very interested. I have seen a steep increase in attraction toward men and a slight decrease in attraction toward women. I have not decided if I should continue on or not. I feel the urge to make the change more dramatic and I have a strong urge to change and never go back.

So what do you guys think? Should I go gay forever or go back to bi?
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Postby Imperiator » November 2nd, 2012, 11:06 pm

Deltona003 wrote:
So what do you guys think? Should I go gay forever or go back to bi?

I say go for it :)

hypnoslave85, dont worry about the time of your reply.
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Postby Ryan83 » November 2nd, 2012, 11:16 pm

Le sigh.

Still struggling with this. Getting hard just thinking about listening to the file again. Not sure it's doing anything. Hmmm.
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Postby danny1988 » November 3rd, 2012, 6:03 am

Deltona003 wrote:Hey guys I haven't posted in a while but I have been listening to CFG on and off for a while now. I must say the results are very interested. I have seen a steep increase in attraction toward men and a slight decrease in attraction toward women. I have not decided if I should continue on or not. I feel the urge to make the change more dramatic and I have a strong urge to change and never go back.

So what do you guys think? Should I go gay forever or go back to bi?

Depends, what would make you more happy being totally gay or being bi?
Whenever I have a question like the one you asked I just think what would make me happier after all isnt that what we all want in life.
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Postby Glasnerven » November 3rd, 2012, 2:36 pm

Well, being totally bi would give you more opportunities to find sexual partners, so that's what I would suggest.
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Postby debbie32 » November 24th, 2012, 10:22 am

The file is wonderful but dont be afraid to try it out . I just love the adult video booths where you can experience it . Once you start noticing cocks on men you dont want to go straight again
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Postby Ryan83 » November 25th, 2012, 2:12 am

I think I've finally come around. I just wanted to say that I'm gay and I LOVE it. Thank you, CFG. Thank you SO much for everything.
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Postby JoyofSub » November 25th, 2012, 6:43 pm

[/quote]I think I've finally come around. I just wanted to say that I'm gay and I LOVE it. Thank you, CFG. Thank you SO much for everything.

Congratulations! Although this is my first posting, I've read most of this thread and know that you had been having difficulties. Glad to hear you've succeeded. Hope you will tell us more of your breakthrough.

Having had a fair mixture of gay and straight experiences, I'm certain my story is similar to many of you who follow this thread and are seriously contemplating this conversion. But sadly, I never felt straight or gay. I am enormously attracted to women: their gait, gestures, voice, gaze, scent, smile can arouse me in a nanosecond and leave me panting for more. But more means sex and pussy. Unfortunately, the sex is tiresome and tepid at best; and pussy has the appeal of a festering wound smelling of dead fish. Whereas a cock can leave me feverish and spellbound for hours. Yet, I haven't a figs interest in establishing an emotional attachment to a man nor am I sexually attracted to any other masculine feature or attribute.

For me, this dichotomy where I am attracted and emotionally bonded to one gender but only sexually satisfied by the other has been a life-long nightmare. CFG promises to harmonize all my desires onto one gender. In truth, I would be ecstatic if CFG could transpose every attraction I feel for women, and deposit them onto men. That is why, after concluding 10 sessions with CFG, I feel the addictive qualities are taking root and I am like the entranced ingenue, standing in the moonlight on the veranda with my neck bared to the breeze awaiting the Count's return to sink his hypnotic fangs into my veins, slowly yet inextricably transforming me into what I once abhorred but now desperately desire to be.

I have noted from the thread that those who listen to the file faithfully until they are totally gay, are happy in the extreme. Whereas those who succumb to doubts or fears and drop-out of the reprogramming before completion, get trapped in a series of cures and curses. So my goals are:

1) To keep strictly to a schedule of 2 sessions a day.

2) Each session to be comprised of CFG and Trainsexman
a) CFG is such a marvelous mind fuck, while Tsm
is like afterwards falling back into the arms of
your lover while he whispers how much he
owns you. (ever so sexy.)

3) Preface each session with 10 minutes listening of Theta Isochronic
Binaural Beats
a) This places the mind in a near trance state

4) Set the Theta beats to play with the files

5) Consciously affirm all suggestions in the files

6) Maintain this schedule until I am confidently gay

I noticed that there is a Curse Forced Submissive Gay Male file. If anyone has tried it, I would love to hear your thoughts about it.

Oh yeah, curiously, I seem to be loosing my aversion to gay porn. 'Yay'

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Postby AlanH26 » December 10th, 2012, 1:46 pm

Ryan83 wrote:I think I've finally come around. I just wanted to say that I'm gay and I LOVE it. Thank you, CFG. Thank you SO much for everything.

Glad to hear you've finally accepted in hun. Now, just enjoy it!!! :D
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Postby sleepy134 » December 30th, 2012, 10:27 am

off and on listener. vowed to stop and did, several times. last night
insomnia, listened again. now i feel like listening again. straight male
married. The file seems to draw you back. Good induction. First file where
I felt like I was hypnotized.
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Postby sleepy134 » January 1st, 2013, 6:00 am

resolve to resist listening to the file doesn't seem as important as it did.
I listen almost daily. not as homophobic as I used to be. will listen for
awhile. really just curious.
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Postby JoyofSub » January 1st, 2013, 10:34 pm

My first submission to this thread was little over a month ago and I feel an update would be appropriate. At the time I thought a routine of listening to this file along with TSM twice a day would be effective. It's a good plan, but sadly, like so many good plans I'v concocted for myself, easily and swiftly abandoned.

I've been on an extended Holiday-furlough and with so much unstructured time available I found myself listening to these files repeatedly throughout the day. By the end of that 2nd week I was experiencing audio overdose. A proper remedy would have been to limit the sessions to once or twice a day. But there were other unsatisfying manifestations. I began to sense that the apparent gains I had originally noted were fading. Images from gay porn were losing their appeal: dwindling to the realm of the barely tolerable. Furthermore, I began suffering a condition noted by other fans of CFG; one that I believed I would have been spared.

Many listeners have complained about the files insistence at negating all sexual attraction towards women. For me, that had not been an issue. Personally, I enjoy that prohibition. My problem has always been in having too strong of an attraction to women when in fact I find pussy to be sexually uninspiring; whereas cock gets my riveted, heart pounding attention, despite a total lack of attraction to men. I would love it if this file and all the files of its ilk, could leave me detached and indifferent towards women and absolutely ga-ga over men. I have gay friends who become ecstatic and effusively fem when enamored of some "hot" guy; and while I can't fathom their heat, I envy it to the max. So imagine my surprise and disappointment when I began to notice a diminution in my attraction towards women and my reaction was one of horror. My most primal and instinctive attraction, regardless how inappropriate and unfulfilled, was being dismantled and there was nothing to replace it except a nascent gay interest that itself was retrograding to its former status of abhorrence. Regardless how frail and untenable my relationships with women have been, I became overwhelmed by the desire to retain my attraction to them rather than live in a sterile world without an equal replacement.

How could massive doses of CFG be generating these feelings? I was crushed. Was I immune to the 'gay' effects of the file? Maybe those early, positive responses were nothing more than self delusion? Whatever; it was enough for me to suspend all hypno sessions. For the following three weeks my time was focused on personal projects that needed attention. Then last Friday I decided to give tumblr a quick browse. The very first image encountered was of two naked guys embracing in a passionate kiss. a scene that at any other time would have left me queasy and uncomfortable, now had my heart beating against its cage and my cock nearly ripping my jeans. It wasn't just a kiss. It was now a credible display of affection and romantic desire. As I toured the site I became even more aroused and it didn't take long before I unloaded. And there were no after affects of shame or disenchantment. I continued with the tour until I was compelled to engage the CFG file.

Since then, I have set up a routine of similar, gay reinforcing files, including TSM, which I will play in a mix of alternating cycles. I am however taking CFG off the play list. It obviously is the most potent script and deserves top billing, but I really want to give 'Curse Forced Submissive Gay Male' a try. Hopefully, I'll be able to afford a download soon. Would love to receive feedback on this file if anyone is familiar with it.

As to why the file has affected me this way, where after a three week hiatus it generates more gay desires than I have ever sensed before, still leaves me puzzled. Even now, those desires seem to teeter in their intensity. One moment I'm thinking of men, the next I'm wondering what I'm doing to myself. On the street, I am looking at men more often and with greater interest, but I think it is more a self-directed determination to do so, rather than an unconscious affinity. That realm still belongs to women. But this recent development encourages me to continue with the program. I am growing in confidence that CFG will effect an even deeper change in my condition.
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Postby debbie32 » January 3rd, 2013, 10:42 am

Congrats Joy I am so proud you found yourself through the tapes you have been listening too. I have been gay all my life and know others like you that found their place later in life . You will be so much more fulfilled and happier I am sure in your new life style. Hugs sis and welcome
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Postby ftslave67 » January 3rd, 2013, 8:21 pm

I think there is something to the idea that the desire has to take root & germinate in your mind. Maybe by "over-sampling", your conscious mind becomes too alerted to what you are trying to do. I've noticed similar effects, that when you stop listening to a file, it kind of creeps up in your dreams or when you are not expecting it. Maybe the mind has to adapt to the new idea, or maybe for the subconscious to do it's work the conscious mind has to be in the dark a bit.
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Postby Dave564 » January 16th, 2013, 6:01 pm

Hiya everyone :)
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Postby ftslave67 » January 17th, 2013, 6:18 pm

Hiya, Davey, how's it going? :)
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Postby Dave564 » January 23rd, 2013, 7:22 pm

Good hun, god I can't believe this thread is still going!

I just read back through it and feel so embarrassed!
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So Quiet

Postby bostonmarc » February 3rd, 2013, 9:33 am

Hey everyone,... it is so quiet in this forum, has everyone stopped listening to CFG?
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Postby subjerseyguy » February 3rd, 2013, 3:09 pm

Hi All-

Ive been quiet and just taking it all in before I shared my experiences with CFG. I listened to it off and on about a year ago. I would say that it caused a few things to shift in me.

1. I find that i need to search out she-male or gay cocksucking erotica to get off. I need to do this almost daily.

2. Rarely, do I orgasm from guy/girl porn. Unless she is giving an awesome blowjob - in which case i end up fantasizing that its me in her place.

3. I still find women attractive as hell

4. My lust for them is usually replaced by a need to feel submissive, that ends up becoming fantasies about being submissive to a man.

5. I used to go to the adult bookstore on a regular basis to jerk off, and get jerked off. One of the last times i was there, i found myself drawn to giving another guy a helping hand. I truly believe that if he hadnt cum almost immediately from my touch that i would have submitted to him. I cant bring myself to go back. The fear has me frozen.

What do i do? I am lost.
Posts: 38
Joined: May 4th, 2005, 12:00 am


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