Bodybuilder muscle jock success-in-progress

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Bodybuilder muscle jock success-in-progress

Postby rugbyjockca » November 30th, 2012, 6:58 pm

I just wanted to post some progress for any hopeful jocks out there so they know that they can do this, it just takes patience and hard work and hopefully an understanding 'tist.

I've been on this site and listening to files for years. At first I got frustrated because I didn't turn into a jock the first time I listened to TrainTotalJock, and even though I would go in and out of phases where I listened heavily to mp3s, I never really felt like it was working.

Over time, though, I listened to advice here, learned as much as I could about being a good subject, asked questions, worked with hypnosis as often and in as many ways as I could (text chat, mp3s, skype, in person, subliminals, etc, etc).

As time went by, I started having mini breakthroughs: I'd trance deeper with one guy, or I'd get a phrase caught in my head that I couldn't shake (oh MN_Friendlyguy, where are you? Your musclepig files will be in my head forever)). They were small breakthroughs, but they started building on each other.

I don't know how other kinds of files affect people, but once I heard a tist tell me that hypnosis and trance are just like bodybuilding: you just put one day after another into it, and slowly but surely you build your ability to trance. Just one day, layered over another, day by day you get better and better. Every little breakthrough joined all the other little breakthroughs, until one day I had a small pile of breakthroughs.

Just over a year ago, something clicked and I knew that I had to become a bodybuilder. I quit drinking, I made some other major changes, I started going to the gym regularly instead of in fits and starts. My body started to change. Last year I was shaped like a barrel: 50 inches around at chest, waist, and hips. Last week I measured and my chest is the same, about 51 inches, but my waist is 44-45 and my hips are at 42-43. I'm triangle-shaped.

I have a personal trainer now and my progress is accelerating. My arms are 16" but this timenext year I bet they'll be 18. The fat is falling away from my body. I get to the gym all the time and I work hard.

I've also worked with several hypnotists, mostly online, and have learned a lot even from the "bad" ones. I just finished a session with a great tist who looks like he's going to get me where I want to go. His induction must have taken only a few minutes, because I can go under quite fast now, and everytime I get a trance, I wake up feeling such a rush.

The funny thing is that I don't feel like a different person: I don't feel like I'm a hypno-addicted freak for muscle, even though I am one. It feels natural and and a part of me, and maybe that's why it took so long for me to start feeling like it sticks.

Bodybuilding and hypnosis are so much alike, and there's a lot to learn from both of my fetishes about life and determination. With both, there are people who are naturals and there are guys like me who maybe have to work a little harder. But with both, they reward practice and determination and consistency. I can see how the work I put in over the years is paying off now: that first, disappointing trance is still a part of me, and it laid the groundwork for the next trance, and the next. My first workout was shit, but it set the stage for the next workout.

Dudes, I am not kidding: in a couple of years' time, I'll be posting progress pics and not much else. I'll be devoted to muscle and my body will show it. Already my brain is wired differently than it was a few years ago, wired toward building muscle, wired so my priorities in life are about building muscle.

Anyone starting on this path, I wanna tell you, I don't care if it seems impossible now, or if you're disappointed in yourself or with hypnosis: you wanna be a muscle jock? Just keep working on it. You'll struggle and fail sometimes, but you'll eventually struggle and succeed. Every trance you let yourself fall into is one trance closer to your goals. Every single day that you work your body or train your mind is one more day closer to being what you need to become.

So, that's what I want to say.

But if anyone out there is in Toronto and wants to join me for a workout or two, or just to chat about hypnosis and muscle, I'm always looking for a workout buddy, just hit me up. :) :)
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Postby joecomp2000 » December 1st, 2012, 6:45 pm

good to hear a success story congrats
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Postby steelchastityboi » December 2nd, 2012, 3:33 pm

hey congrats on the work.
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Postby curiousguy92 » December 2nd, 2012, 5:16 pm

Did you use any files that you felt, over time, were especially effective? Or was it mostly working with the RL 'tist that did the trick?
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Postby rugbyjockca » December 3rd, 2012, 1:53 pm

While I think the files are great and will work for some people, I think most of us would do better with real hypnotists. Especially with cam, a tist can adjust their approach depending on your reactions, whereas the files are always the same.

The best files I ever saw on WMM were the musclepig ones by MN_Friendlyguy (who left a while ago, and I guess took his files with him). I think the ideal situation would be to have a good tist and some mp3s that work as reinforcers for what you want to do, but let the tist guide the overall arc of your progress.
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Postby joecomp2000 » December 3rd, 2012, 6:50 pm

I tried the muscle pig files and they were pretty good.. the best I ever got from and mp3 was from this site ..took me deeper than I ever went . he charges for it , but does give guidance if you buy the file ..
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Postby dombbum » December 5th, 2012, 2:25 pm

i wanna do the muscle thing but i don't like the dumb jock aspect of it. i want to find some files where you get bigger and smarter
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Postby rugbyjockca » December 5th, 2012, 2:32 pm

I think the thing about bodybuilding is that it is a lifestyle that demands an intense focus on muscle, so it's not that bodybuilders are dumb, but that they put every cell of their being into growing muscle and staying fit. Not to say that you can't be a bodybuilder with a PhD (they exist), but the amount of commitment in time and brainpower to achieve the size and definition of a bodybuilder is already inhuman enough without the distractions of academia.
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Postby psiboi1977 » December 5th, 2012, 2:48 pm

Perhaps, but I myself would just like to have a body that would be considered muscular, perhaps even bodybuilder, but not insanely huge like the professionals...I don't think that takes a lot of brainpower, though the committment would be significant....wondering if the bodybuilding files can be used in this regard somehow, myself. Maybe dombbum is of the same mind...?
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Postby slyfox » December 8th, 2012, 11:22 am

As a fellow muscle jock/bodybuilder I congratulate you on your progress and hope to see more from you! Perhaps we can chat sometime via email or PM.

I have been working with a friend hypnotist for about a year as well, and he's helped me a lot in my jock transformation. I feel about the same as you do; I don't feel like a freak but the drive to become bigger, stronger, and more of a jock just seems to come naturally for me. I know deep down that this is the right path for me, and nothing will deter me from my goal.

Since I started, I changed my diet, changed my habits, and even my interests have changed. I try hard to keep my diet clean and mostly paleo. I weightlift four times a week, often for at least an hour and a half. I'm more competitive and more dominant than I used to be, and I can now qualify as a football fan when I wasn't even interested in the sport previously (part of the hypnosis training; jocks love sports). I may not be as big as you are, but I've definitely made major improvements in size and strength since I began, and I am dedicated to continue doing so until I'm satisfied. And even then I'll keep on pushing myself.

Also, if you're interested, check out the series Training with Kai Greene on youtube. That man is a hell of an inspiration.
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Postby rugbyjockca » December 8th, 2012, 12:32 pm

Hey slyfox, I just watched my first video about Kai Greene and you are right, that man is proof positive that an individual can overcome any obstacle with enough determination. If I have even half the will of that man, I'm in great shape.

Would love to chat with you about training, diet, etc. I'm trying not to get too hung up on the types of diet, and more following general rules, like making sure I get my macros for the day, choosing fresh veggies and lean meats whenever possible, basically doing a snack-meal-snack-meal-snack-meal thing each day. I've been strict about my diet for only a month and the changes have been incredible...and I have a lot more to learn.

It's amazing how once you have the right attitude and maybe the right hypnotist, how easy everything becomes. I used to have a real problem with cheating on my diets, but that's not an issue anymore somehow. In fact, it kind of turns me on to eat good food. When I see a plate of chicken and greens, I kinda get a little hard!

I'm on skype as rugbyjockca if you wanna chat some more...would love to hear more about your training.
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Postby joecomp2000 » December 8th, 2012, 5:50 pm

rugbyjockca wrote:I think the thing about bodybuilding is that it is a lifestyle that demands an intense focus on muscle, so it's not that bodybuilders are dumb, but that they put every cell of their being into growing muscle and staying fit. Not to say that you can't be a bodybuilder with a PhD (they exist), but the amount of commitment in time and brainpower to achieve the size and definition of a bodybuilder is already inhuman enough without the distractions of academia.

make plans on your life time does not exclude building your brain as well..
while I do agree that the bodybuilding can be time consuming ..there also significant time where you are recovering and do some reading
Nasser el Sonbaty speaks several languages and has a masters degree..
Franco Columbo has a Dr in Chiropractics .. that being said ..
These are professional BB'rs and that takes even more time ...
Usually the really big guys are constant reading about bio mechanicals , drug interaction and can explain the way the body generated testosterone and burns fat ... biochemical interactions and hormone balance

that all being said .. you occasionally run into that huge guy that would loose a battle of wits with a fire hydrant , that fits the stereo type

Another thing I noticed ...if you meet a guy with a really great set of legs... I mean much better than the rest of him... those guys are usually really tweaked in the head . I am not saying they are homicidal ... just expect some strange things to come from their mouth and the occasionally head lock.. a person that is not only marching to a different beat , but doing a samba

my $.02 and experience
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Postby rugbyjockca » December 8th, 2012, 6:02 pm

joecomp2000 wrote:
Usually the really big guys are constant reading about bio mechanicals , drug interaction and can explain the way the body generated testosterone and burns fat ... biochemical interactions and hormone balance

I think this is what I was trying to say...the more I learn about bodybuilding, the more there is too learn about it. It would suck up anyone's spare time just to learn one aspect of the sport. I just watched the first couple of "Training with Kai Greene" videos that Slyfox recommended and was blown away by the thoughtfulness that man puts into his workouts: while on the treadmill he says "This isn't a warm up", because what he's doing is thinking about the biomechanics, focusing on the muscles and joints he's going to use. Throughout the video he knows so much about how our bodies actually work....

So, okay, I'm backing up on this...bodybuilders don't have to be dumb at's probably an asset to be a genius in bodybuilding. The dumb ones who are successful probably have geniuses in the background, making the plans for them.

joecomp2000 wrote:Another thing I noticed ...if you meet a guy with a really great set of legs... I mean much better than the rest of him... those guys are usually really tweaked in the head . I am not saying they are homicidal ... just expect some strange things to come from their mouth and the occasionally head lock.. a person that is not only marching to a different beat , but doing a samba

my $.02 and experience

Why legs? I played rugby for years, so my legs are pretty good (for a noob). Should my friends and relatives be worried? LOL
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Postby curiousguy92 » December 8th, 2012, 7:44 pm

rugbyjockca wrote:Why legs? I played rugby for years, so my legs are pretty good (for a noob). Should my friends and relatives be worried? LOL

The only explanations I can come up with are (1) those particular guys were just bat-shit crazy anyway, or (2) big legs mean lots of squats, and what I've heard is that squats release the most testosterone due to the fact that you're engaging the some of the largest muscle groups (quads, hamstrings, glutes), so...big legs => major squats => huge testosterone release => aggressive behavior.

Just some theories, but mostly I think it was (1).
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Postby joecomp2000 » December 9th, 2012, 11:48 am

"just bat-shit crazy"

well that is a little to extreme... just a little off.. as for rubgy legs. probably not big enough ..( although rugby players typically have gotten a few hits to the head :D ) I am talking about a guy with a set of Legs that is ready to hit the posing stage .. but the rest of him is way behind.. Met 3 guys like that.. nice guys all of them. just a little different .. One guy I remember at a party ( in the US there is a discount for a case of beer .. so the local mom and pop stores used to cut the 24 box in half and sell 2 -12 packs cheaper ..the 24- box has a cut out to form a paper handle and thus the nick name suite case.. ) he took the half box and put it on his head. the half handle over his nose and was on the porch yelling at the top of his lungs " aruuu gah" . The box gave him this very low budget but extremely effective "Viking Vibe " .. Anyhow shortly after his father called from around the block and told him to tweak it down a bit.. Knowing full well that , that noise was his son.. he wore the box for the better part of the night..

another example.. different guy informs me in the gym ..he has to take a sh*t .. Ok I say ... there is a bathroom.. he forms he is going to wait was kind of turning him on... really?! thanks that was TMI..Lol.

another was horsing around and threw me in a head lock until I was seeing stars..

so in summation.. just a little off.. but if you are looking for a good leg workout ..hook up with them.. and see if you can keep up..
see if you can walk the next day ..

just my experience of 3 for 3 guys with big legs... but the top 1/2 of them needs work..
Last edited by joecomp2000 on December 9th, 2012, 1:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby rugbyjockca » December 9th, 2012, 11:56 am

Love these stories, Joe. I can picture the viking guy...must have been a wild night. :)

I love squats, though, so who knows, maybe one day I'll be "awoo-ga-ing" down my own street. My legs are my favourite body part.... (cue suspense music, dun-dun-DUN!)
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Postby joecomp2000 » December 9th, 2012, 1:25 pm

well now you guys know what I mean by a little tweaked
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