Susceptibility success: "Help, I'm an accidental hypnot

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Susceptibility success: "Help, I'm an accidental hypnot

Postby Jeshi » December 26th, 2012, 1:37 am

So here's a funny story I thought you'd all enjoy, it wasn't quite long enough to put in the stories section and since it happened because of my frequent listenings to EMG's TrainSusceptible and Chewtoy's hypnotic fantasy files and DKaiser's files and all the other files about making you more susceptible to hypnosis I figured I'd put it in Success Stories.

So at my college, for some reason I do not know, there is a large, active, open, and popular hypnosis scene. Every Friday night at midnight amateur hypnotists and anyone interested in hypnosis gather in this one place on campus and people do like simple hypnosis suggestions and mess around. It's pretty low-key and simple because it's a crowded room and the hypnotists are all being watched by crowds of interested people who heard a rumor or two.

I was just chatting with a friend about hypnosis stuff and he had never hypnotized anyone and had no clue how hypnosis works he just went to watch people and be amused, and he told me about how he saw online a video of a high-five induction. "Lemme show you what it looked like, I don't know how to actually do it but it looked like this"

So I stood a bit away from him and we walked towards each other and he held of his hand and said "High five!" so I lifted my hand and was about to reciprocate when he suddenly grabs my wrist, pulls it down, and tells me to sleep.

I went into trance, kinda fell onto the ground a bit. I didn't go too deep but deep enough not to be moving or waking on my own, but I was still aware of everything being said around me and it was pretty amusing.

"Oh haha, Jesse, that's good acting. . . wait. . . are you actually under? uh. . . what do I do? Um. . . Jeeesse???" he then went over to one of the hypnotists and said "Deevviinn, help! I accidentally hypnotized Jesse with a high-five! what do I do!" and everyone laughed and commented on how susceptible I am and then I was brought back up and the guy apologized to me and gave a hug because he was so scared about what he did since he had no clue how to handle a subject. And he earned the title of "The accidental hypnotist."

So you can see why I've been inactive on this site for a long while. While the fun hypnosis shenanigans are much tamer, they're in person and therefore much more fun. Plus since they're all amateurs it's really cute seeing them go "Oh man, I'm gonna try something really radical. . . what if I have him forget a number!!!" But yeah, I've gotten so susceptible from listening to files all the time that a high-five from someone who isn't even trying to hypnotize me can put me under.
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Postby Plaat » December 26th, 2012, 10:19 pm

That's, WIN for ya, I'm surprised such a college had this, but someones watching those basic ones alot more that the hardcore ones.
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Postby sleepyjosh » December 26th, 2012, 10:34 pm

Wow. Wish i had gone to that college ;)
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Postby gregi696 » December 28th, 2012, 4:43 pm

So have any of the amateur tists on campus made the connection with you being a very susceptible subject yet? :twisted:
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Postby Jeshi » December 29th, 2012, 12:50 am

gregi696 wrote:So have any of the amateur tists on campus made the connection with you being a very susceptible subject yet? :twisted:

It's so cute really, they recognize it but they can't conceive of what it could mean to them. They're very ethical, which is nice, I do think that that's a good thing. But they all have been learning from each other so their ethics are ingrained into how they know of hypnosis to work. The whole realm of conditioning and post-hypnotic suggestions (for longer than a few hours) is completely unconvinced of to them, or they see it as like, a dark abyss they must avoid for fear of losing themselves and going mad with power.

So like, all they've figured out is that it means I can be put under really quickly.
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Postby Jadit » December 30th, 2012, 3:58 pm

It's really shame, that second time he tries to do the high-5, it might not surprise you. It might not put you under. You can still be hypnotized though, propably as well as before, if not even better.
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Postby Jeshi » December 30th, 2012, 11:38 pm

Jadit wrote:It's really shame, that second time he tries to do the high-5, it might not surprise you. It might not put you under. You can still be hypnotized though, propably as well as before, if not even better.

No, the induction still works. On another occasion I was talking to a different hypnotist who had never hypnotized me before and he was like "So I heard you got hypnotized by a high five one time" and I was like "yeah, (told the story)" and he was like "Cool! High five!" and did the induction right then and it worked.

It's not so much not expecting an induction that's surprising so much as just the very sensation of being grabbed and moved in an unexpected direction when you're aiming to hit their hand. (Also obviously I can still be hypnotized. )
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Hopefully someone takes an interest

Postby sleepyjosh » December 31st, 2012, 7:34 pm

What a waste it will be if, having found yourself in this veritable den of hypnotists, somebody doesn't take advantage of the situation.

It almost sounds worse than having nobody to hypnotize you at all. You're like Tantalus--surrounded by hypnotists who only want to do boring, vanilla stuff with your susceptible little mind :\
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