terrible success ... incredible shrinking weenie

A place to post about the success you've had with the various files

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Posted My Pci. I really am in shock of how fast and hoghtin

Postby mondaytuesday » December 20th, 2012, 5:33 pm

http://www.warpmymind.com/modules.php?name=gallery2&g2_e=gallery2&g2_itemId=124951&g2_fromNavId=x071c7799 \n\n

There is my result in about two days.\n\nphoto\nYeah. This is what happens when you go on a regressing-to-baby marathon and you listen to both Teenie Weenie curses, oh about twelve times over three days. Yeah. I would have taken a before picture, let\'s just say I haven\'t seen this down there since I was a kid. I\'m not a kid now. I just now have the penis of an infant. Oh, gawd....

i'm curious if the hypnosis is just altering what I see. do you guys see a nub of a penis like I do? I wish I had a picture of it before. It wasn't winning prizes but it wasn't a penis that never matured.
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Postby Hitsy » December 20th, 2012, 8:02 pm

Last edited by Hitsy on February 4th, 2015, 11:30 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Oh crap, Hitsy, ow the ridicule begins...

Postby mondaytuesday » December 20th, 2012, 8:14 pm

Hitsy wrote:My lord, a nub you say? I think I had a bigger cock at age five!

Oh crap, Hitsy, ow the ridicule begins...

Just in time for Christmast...

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Re: Posted My Pci. I really am in shock of how fast and hog

Postby IWANTHOTDOG » December 21st, 2012, 3:08 pm

mondaytuesday wrote:http://www.warpmymind.com/modules.php?name=gallery2&g2_e=gallery2&g2_itemId=124951&g2_fromNavId=x071c7799 \n\n

There is my result in about two days.\n\nphoto\nYeah. This is what happens when you go on a regressing-to-baby marathon and you listen to both Teenie Weenie curses, oh about twelve times over three days. Yeah. I would have taken a before picture, let\'s just say I haven\'t seen this down there since I was a kid. I\'m not a kid now. I just now have the penis of an infant. Oh, gawd....

i'm curious if the hypnosis is just altering what I see. do you guys see a nub of a penis like I do? I wish I had a picture of it before. It wasn't winning prizes but it wasn't a penis that never matured.


For those of you that have stopped having erections from listening to these files, has that affected your sexuality?
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Postby mondaytuesday » December 22nd, 2012, 12:59 pm

IWhot doooo
Last edited by mondaytuesday on January 6th, 2014, 9:34 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Yea Right

Postby cloudrider07 » December 23rd, 2012, 7:55 am

Although this thread is very interesting, there is no way a file that you listen to can shrink your penis. Those who have taken pics must not have been as hard on later takes to show the results you have. Did you guys want to shrink it originally? Did you want it to work too badly or something? Im a skeptic.
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Postby privateidaho03 » December 27th, 2012, 8:21 am

Thought I would post an update for those interested. Thanks to everyone who has posted their experiences.


First I wanted to respond to cloudrider07. "Although this thread is very interesting, there is no way a file that you listen to can shrink your penis. Those who have taken pics must not have been as hard on later takes to show the results you have. Did you guys want to shrink it originally? Did you want it to work too badly or something? Im a skeptic."

When I first tried the file this is what I thought too. I wasn't afraid to try it because I figured it was impossible it could really work. The first of the photos I posted ... I can see how you would think it just looks like I wasn't totally hard. Because that's exactly how it worked, at first. I just couldn't get totally hard, no matter how turned on I got, how long I edged. I could still cum, could still feel the pleasure of release ... but no boner. The file trains your weenie to get *smaller* when you're turned on, rather than larger.

Over the course of a few months without erections, though, it seemed like the tissues of my cock were starting to atrophy. The file tells your body to cut off blood supply to the penis, especially when aroused. The tissues are getting less and less blood ... and I guess they just die away. The more it atrophies, the tinier it looks, the more aroused you get ... it's a really insidious self-reinforcing cycle.

As you can see from my most recent pics, I am able to achieve something of an erection ... a "pathetic stiffie" you might say. This is only possible with the help of a penis pump. As you can see, even with a max erection I don't exceed 4" :/

But the craziest effect has been on my nuts. They continued to shrink even as my penis size stabilized. They shrunk down to about 80-90% of my original testes size, about the size of little cocktail grapes. And then one day about a month ago they disappeared! Retracted back into my body, and I haven't seen them since :(

Consequently my cumloads are down to about 5-10% of their original volume :/ I would say this part sucks the most as it feels totally lame and emasculating to drop pathetic little loads. Lately it's been just a drop or two balling up at the end of my cock and it's over !! My orgasm lasts no more than 2 or 3 seconds and feels about as exciting as a sneeze.

As for the question of did I want to shrink it originally... FUCK no!! Actually the idea of having a tiny cock mostly disgusted me. And yet I've enjoyed reading quite a few cuckold stories over the years and and getting really turned on identifying with the poor little cuck ... getting pwned by a big bull stud. But it was always clearly a *fantasy* and not a real world desire.

The insidious thing about this file is that it doesn't just work on shrinking your cock. It also works on your *desire* to have a tiny cock. After the first time listening, to my surprise I craved a tiny cock, for real, not just fantasy. It freaked me the fuck out! And then every time I find myself pulled back, inexplicably, to this file, every time I listen again I want it, more and more ... I want it to be smaller and smaller ...

I didn't really realize, as I was getting more and more addicted to the file and Sarnoga's voice ... I didn't realize what life with a teenie weenie would actually be like. Some days I still freak out and it feels like I'm trapped in some kind of horror novel. It really horrifies me sometimes to think what I've given up :/ The way the tissues in my penis and balls are dying away ... I'm starting to doubt that there is any way to reverse this process.

I haven't had the courage yet to show my cock to a woman in real life. This process has been a major shakeup in my identity. What's the first woman going to say? Will she laugh? Pity me? Even if I could get stiff enough to penetrate her, I'd be limited to missionary position ... and I'd only have an inch or two of thrusting space. I just see myself slipping out over and over and feeling really fucking humiliated :/ For the moment I don't have to worry about that as my stiffie's not nearly firm enough to make penetration possible. Basically my weenie is useless...

And yet I feel determined to find a woman. I crave pussy now even more than before! But it feels different now. I feel most attracted to having a woman so that I can offer her to other males, to superior males. The one thought that really gets me off is the image of a well endowed male ruthlessly plowing my wife or girlfriend in front of me ... as I diddle my little weenie and wonder what it's like to be *that* guy.

One result I did not expect is that in my daily life I have found a new level of respect for males generally. I'm starting to realize that basically every guy I see is more of a man than me. And it's really affecting the way I see the world. I feel a totally new respect and admiration for other guys ... and when I know a guy is well endowed, it's awe, amazement.

This online survey (http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20061110185444AAExPom) says 4" is the average size for a 12-year-old boy. One of the things that burns me the most, what really gets a burning hot embarrassment washing over my body, is when I see a 13-year-old punk kid ... and I realize he's probably bigger than me, he's probably got at least an inch on me :/ And I realize that in the eyes of women I've truly been reduced from man status back to boy status.

I am trying to accept what's happening and accept my new identity. There's no way I could be dominant with a woman in bed like I used to be ... and if I tried, I doubt I could even keep a straight face! Some days are harder than others. Ask me again tomorrow, but for today, I'm loving my new world! I am almost constantly horny, energized, I have amazing nipple orgasms every day, and my fantasies are becoming hot beyond belief. I'm discovering the extraordinary power of pain mixed with pleasure, terror mixed with desire. It's adding a whole new level of intensity to my life. I've lost a lot ... but I've received a lot too.

CAVEAT EMPTOR! Before you listen to this file, search your soul, be sure that this is truly what you want. I didn't understand the power that would be unleashed. Now my body and my sex life are totally transformed, in ways I haven't fully understood yet...
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Does anyone dare me?

Postby cloudrider07 » December 27th, 2012, 11:36 am

Will anyone dare me to test my doubts about this file? I could use one to help proove it wont work
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Postby masterdo77 » December 27th, 2012, 12:04 pm

If you want to be sure, try it by yourself and upload pictures from your dick regulary.
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Postby KIY » December 27th, 2012, 8:06 pm

cloudrider07-- I will second masterdo77's excellent suggestion. The only way your doubts can be truly tested is to try it yourself, and thoughtfully document the results. Please be certain to have the date properly set on your camera (or, perhaps better, the date on a current newspaper clearly visible, and to have your penis viewed from the same position in each photograph.)

Please keep us posted.
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Just added before pic

Postby cloudrider07 » December 30th, 2012, 8:16 am

I just added a before pic to the show your cock. Its with a cell camera so the date is always correct. I will listen to the file today and keep you updated of nothing happening. If it does work I can imagine it will be humiliating especially since Im doubting it so much now
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Postby xavious » December 31st, 2012, 5:59 am

Well at least if nothing really happens everyone will know what a nice cock you have.
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After listening a few days.

Postby cloudrider07 » January 1st, 2013, 10:14 am

So the first day I thought the file was very boring but I listened through. It was strange to me how many times through out the next day how clearly I heard parts of the teeny weenie file replay in my head. The next listen wasn't so boring.
After listening the next day, still nothing really happened the first listen. After the second listen the second day about an hour went by, and my balls started to ache. It didn't go away for hours and I am a little worried. When I went to use the bathroom, I noticed there wasnt a lot of color to my package and it looked very pale and cold.
I still played it off and listened again today. Nearing the end of the listen my ball ache came back strong and I had a strange feeling in the tip of my penis. It felt sort of like the pins and needles you get if you lay on your hand wrong and your hand goes to sleep. But by this time in the recording I sort of enjoy listening and I kept it up till the end. The recording ended but the tingling and ache is with me as I write this.
I just measured for the first time since I started and posted a pic. I have to admit I am a little freaked out. I posted the pic in the gallery. I had no problem getting very hard but I could barely pass 6 inches ay my best!

Omg did this really work somewhat after a few short days? Im hoping it was just a bad day because I think erections can fluctuate in size within a half inch from day to day. Im still a little skeptic but not as much. I am more worried now, especially because I want to listen to the file more.

For those who claimed shrinkage from this, Is this normal? Why is my package so pale? Whats going on with me?
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Postby masterdo77 » January 1st, 2013, 10:43 am

Spoke with another who uses this file and the desire to listen to it more often is normal and your shrinking process is very interesting for me, because you don't want the effect and it seems that it works. Hope you let us know how its going on.
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Postby xavious » January 2nd, 2013, 12:48 am

I appreciate that, as a sceptic, you are giving this a go, and in fact, I wonder if it gives the effect (if any truly exists) more clout.

My only comment would be if you could try to always take the picture from the same position/angle to help keep things easily comparable. If you feel up to it, it might be worth measuring several parts e.g. flaccid, erect and your balls so we can see how each part reacts.

What you may be experiencing is the way your body reacts to the file since, you are pretty reluctant, people may respond differently and this may just be your bodies way of shrinking your cock and balls. I'm not noticing much of a colour change from the photo you posted though.

Please keep at it.
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Postby robindf1 » January 2nd, 2013, 6:10 pm

No hiding it...I've been wanting to listen to this file again for a while now, but I just now got the courage to go through with it.

Three times in a row.

My nipples are tingly, my dick his having troubles getting fully hard, and whether it's from the increased weight or the file (probably the former), I'm only 5 inches instead of 5.5.

I'll keep everyone posted...


People are not exaggerating about masturbating for 30 minutes to 2 hours to cum. T_T
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Its working im shrinking!

Postby cloudrider07 » January 6th, 2013, 7:32 am

I now know this file works! How?! I have lost an inch in a week. At my first pic posting after I started listening the small difference in size is explainable, but a week into it and I am a whole inch shorter, theres no other reason.

I am now 51/2'. I was happy with my 61/2 But i cant get that any more. I feel like its not done shrinking. I still feel the sensations, of what can only be lower blood flow to my package throughout the day, and really strongly when I listen to the file.

Im scared and embarrassed for doubting it. However when I am in the middle of the day and out of the blue my balls hurt and my cock tingles, I know that I have just done a bit of shrinking. It is such a turn on and it actually feels great as well as the strangest sensation you can imagine.

Im not thrilled about shrinking my manhood yet but it doesn't bother me at all any more. But the sensation and the mind game it plays when I shrink a little bit is addicting.

The scary part is I have tried to resist it. I started eating healthy, and exercising this week and when I get the thoughts in the middle of the day of the words teeny weenie and hear Sarnogas voice telling me over and over in my head that he is making my weenie SMALLLLER I try really hard to block them out. The harder I try, the more my cock tingles and balls ache. After that an internal struggle goes on and by the end I am so happy to know that my package just did get smaller against my will and I want to listen to the file as soon as I get home.

I havent measured for several days and I was wondering what was physically going on with the thing until this morning. When I tried to get as Hard as I used to it was more difficult. I had to take the pic quick because as soon as stimulation stopped it was going soft quick. I cant doubt its effictiveness now, even among the intitaly unwilling. I wonder when my gf will notice. She knows my cock WAS around 61/2 inches. after 20 min the best I can do now is 51/2, and who knows what the future holds, or if I can stop the current fantasy with this file.
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Postby masterdo77 » January 6th, 2013, 10:13 am

Thank you for the update and i feel sorry for you that you have this success.
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Postby xavious » January 7th, 2013, 4:15 pm

Interesting progress cloudrider07, I hope you'll keep us informed.
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Postby sleepyjosh » January 7th, 2013, 7:52 pm

Congratulations on your unintentional success, cloudrider!

i think we should start a pool betting on how small cloudrider07's weenie gets before it stops shrinking :) We already know he's going to keep listening; he can't help it at this point, and can't stop the effects either.

So, i'm putting my bet on 3 1/4 inches within 60 days :)
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Postby slyfox » January 8th, 2013, 12:13 am

What are the stakes on that bet? If you lose, you have to listen to the file? :D
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Postby xavious » January 8th, 2013, 1:16 am

slyfox wrote:If you lose, you have to listen to the file? :D

Too late.
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Postby unheard » January 8th, 2013, 4:39 am

sleepyjosh wrote:Congratulations on your unintentional success, cloudrider!

i think we should start a pool betting on how small cloudrider07's weenie gets before it stops shrinking :) We already know he's going to keep listening; he can't help it at this point, and can't stop the effects either.

So, i'm putting my bet on 3 1/4 inches within 60 days :)

slyfox wrote:What are the stakes on that bet? If you lose, you have to listen to the file? :D

I'm game--sounds entertaining. I bet he's under 4" by the end of Feb. (slightly more conservative, cause while the betting's fun, I'm attached to the inches). If we win does that mean slyfox posts his experience with the file?
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The cloudrider07 shrinking game

Postby sleepyjosh » January 8th, 2013, 10:43 pm

slyfox wrote:What are the stakes on that bet? If you lose, you have to listen to the file? :D

Well, i originally meant what i said as a kind of joke, but since there has been so much interest, maybe we can turn this into a real game. So here are the rules:

1. cloudrider07 must agree to participate, or else all bets are off. If he does agree, then by "participate" i mean he needs to do what he already has been doing--post a measurement of his dick, as hard as he can get it, at least one more time at the end of the contest.

2. Although i originally said 60 days, to make things easy to remember, the official end of the contest will be March 1, or as close to March 1 as cloudrider07 posts his contest ending measurement.

3. To participate, post a reply saying you are making the bet, and how long you think cloudrider07's dick will be on March 1 (or as close to March 1 as cloudrider07 is able to post his result). Guesses may be made to the nearest 1/8 inch.

4. You must make your guess before the end of January for it to count. In the event of more than one person making the same guess, the first person to post the most nearly correct result will be the winner (i.e. in the event of any kind of tie, the earlier post wins). Ties include two guesses which bracket the official measurement (above and below by the same margin).

5. cloudrider07 is the judge, and he will give the official reading of the measuring tape. The picture he posts is for reference (and for people who just like to look at dick); his reading of it is the official result.

6. Now for the fun part: by posting your entry, you agree that if you lose, you will listen to The Curse of the Teeny Weenie at least once every day for a week, and report your results here. Pics are not mandatory for every loser (but see below).

7. EVERYBODY who loses needs to listen a minimum of once a day for a week, however, the winner gets to choose one of the losers who will listen for a full month, and who must post a before picture of his dick (in the Gallery, just like cloudrider07 has) and a follow on picture at the end of every week listening.

8. If you don't want to risk having a teeny weenie, then don't enter the contest. If you don't want to take a chance being the one guy who must post pictures of his dick in the Gallery, then don't enter. Nobody is forcing to you place your bet. But if you do enter, be prepared to listen to a minimum of a weeks worth, and up to a month, of The Curse of the Teeny Weenie!
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Bet it gets smaller

Postby sleepyjosh » January 8th, 2013, 10:46 pm

BTW, my bet remains for cloudrider07's dick to reach 3 1/4 inches at the end of the contest.
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Postby unheard » January 8th, 2013, 11:56 pm

Assuming cloud is up for it, I suppose I'm game for the new rules. I'll guess 3.75"
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Postby NOSTR0M0 » January 9th, 2013, 8:15 am

I am going to wager it will be 3.5"
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Postby ERW » January 10th, 2013, 10:32 am

I like this game :) it will be 2.75''
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Postby pashrinker » January 10th, 2013, 3:01 pm

Since I've been pretty sporadic with my listening, I'll bet he'll be at 3 and 7/8 inches.

I think we should place bets on the loser for another round of "teeny weenie lottery" when cloudrider is done.

edit: I've added my own pics to the gallery
Last edited by pashrinker on January 11th, 2013, 1:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Sober » January 10th, 2013, 3:52 pm

Not meaning to interrupt the betting ring, but I wanted to ask, could someone listen to this file for a short period of time, achieve "some" loss, then stop listenining before they became impotent? I'd like to lose maybe an inch or so, but I'd hate to lose my erections :(
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Im up for it

Postby cloudrider07 » January 10th, 2013, 7:39 pm

Sounds like fun at this point. I will not post any more regress untill the wagers are in. Wow, you guys don't give the little guy much of a chance. Some of you I think want a reason to listen, 2.75" wow. I hope not and I dont see how thats possible. But then again two weeks ago I was doubting if this even works and now look.

Lol, no one even guessed in the 4" range. Scary. Can this file do that much shrinkage to me?

The only update on my progress I will say is that I do not feel comfortable in boxers lately. The feeling of having a weenie sticking out from me has become an embarassing feeling and I now wear panties. They are not as uncomfortable as I thought, but two weeks ago, I would have been popping out of the things.
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Postby robindf1 » January 10th, 2013, 8:34 pm

Lost the courage to listen to the file, but I have to try and bet!

Two inches.
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Postby IWANTHOTDOG » January 11th, 2013, 12:06 am

I'm gonna be nice and say 4 inch. But I'm gonna go listen to this file now anyway, so probably won't matter weather I win or not. I have been listening to Curse Penis Shrink a couple times, but haven't had any effect. Is Teenie Weany better? Are people having more success with it than CPS?
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Postby PervManDude » January 12th, 2013, 12:26 am

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Postby regulus » January 12th, 2013, 1:29 am

i'll play hmmm i 'll say 2.5 inches
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Last wager deadline

Postby cloudrider07 » January 12th, 2013, 7:05 am

Next weekend I will post a progress pic taken this weekend and taken next weekend. That will be when the last wagers can be in to guess the size of my shrinking weenie by March 1st.

I am shrinking below average now and I cant stop it. My mind really wants it to now. I wonder if it will come back when I am finished with this, I obviously will not be listening to this file for years.

My girlfriend in an investigating mood put her hand around it to get it hard yesterday and giggled. As I blushed with embarasment she said< " OMG Its working" I was caught. I sheepishly asked What are you talking about, and she said she had found the file on my computer.

She confirmed she feels me less, but is turned on by all this and says there are plenty of ways to get her off without a big hard cock. Now I would have to be more attentive to her needs in bed and she said and she likes the fact. At the mall she continued her game and pointed out a few guys, and said I bet that cutie is bigger than you. And look at that package bulging out.

When I asked how she knew they were bigger, she giggled and said that if they are not now, that they will be soon.

I have noticed that in this game and relationship I have taken a more subserviant roll and she has become more agressive.

She loves me in panties and siad she will throw out my boxers. She grabbed my whole limp and under armor lycra panty compressed package in one hand and laughed as she said, I want this to get smaller and smaller and smaller! lol. Then she squeazed and I felt an erotic pleasure and pain rush as I felt her bring on the shrinking feeling and practically put me in trance as I heard the file in my head over and over.
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Postby masterdo77 » January 12th, 2013, 9:07 am

You should be very lucky with a girlfriend like this. But it seems that you know this allready and you are a good boyfried for her.
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Postby simgold » January 12th, 2013, 2:05 pm

Im gunna go with 3".125 ~ 3"1/8
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Postby Khas » January 12th, 2013, 10:23 pm

I am going to go with 3"
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Postby Balletboy » January 13th, 2013, 11:56 am

I bet 2.0 inches.
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Postby EDCORLANDO » January 13th, 2013, 11:59 am

I'm going with 2.75 inches.
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Lucky bastard

Postby sleepyjosh » January 13th, 2013, 12:40 pm

Wow... cloudrider07, congratulations on having an awesome girlfriend! i hope she continues to enjoy and support your inescapable shrinkage :)
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Postby xavious » January 14th, 2013, 9:57 am

Well this thread certainly exploded!

I find it interesting that, when mentioned, most of the people using the curse seem to be straight AND have girlfriends. Perhaps a lot of straight guys have emasculation-type fantasies that they won't often admit to?
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Postby Erder » January 15th, 2013, 4:53 pm

This file certainly interests me and I gave it a trial run last night to see how I reacted. What brought me out a bit was that I got confused towards the end of the file where it suggested that I had been (or should be?) playing with myself whilst listening :?. How are other people dealing with this?
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Postby Lostone0 » January 17th, 2013, 5:38 pm

I think I shall try this now that I'm getting on hormones.
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Postby aleyster » January 20th, 2013, 9:52 am

Hmm... I'll go and place my bet, for 2.25. I know I'm risking a full month of file listening, but hey! what's life without risks? ;P

Maybe I'll even get as lucky as cloudrider07 and find a gf as awesome as his!

Anyway, wish you lots of fun, cloudrider07, enjoy these glorious times with your gf!
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Still shrinking

Postby cloudrider07 » January 20th, 2013, 10:10 pm

I just posted results by last weekend and today. I am traped in a kinky game of trying to resist the file thus making it so effective, and I love it.
Its not a game its real! I am actually less than four inches. I took the pic with my weenie standing up on its own to prove i was hard. It must be hard to believe because I cant believe it myself. It is pale and the veins you can see in earlier pictures are less pronounced by far. Also at full erection, the head doesn't pass the foreskin like it did by a long shot in earlier pics.

I now have on official small weenie. Most men are bigger than me now.
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Postby cloudrider07 » January 20th, 2013, 10:34 pm

Yesterday my gf played a game w me which greatly increased the results I think. I dont have time now, but if there is any interest I will tell you guys about later. Let me know, or if its a boring topic now.
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Postby Khas » January 21st, 2013, 12:26 am

I would love to know about the game maybe you could PM it to me if not enough interest is shown.
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Re: GF

Postby lkjhgfd885 » January 21st, 2013, 1:33 am

cloudrider07 wrote:Yesterday my gf played a game w me which greatly increased the results I think. I dont have time now, but if there is any interest I will tell you guys about later. Let me know, or if its a boring topic now.

I'm sure there is plenty of interest, please continue when time allows.
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Joined: April 7th, 2009, 12:00 am


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