My sissy progress

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My sissy progress

Postby limpsissy » January 15th, 2013, 7:09 pm

I was instructed to post the results of my chat sessions with my Master. He will be watching this thread but will remain anonymous at this time.

He isn't necessarily seeking subjects exactly like me, but he wanted me to share my experience.

When we began, I considered myself mostly straight. But since then my attraction to men has increased rapidly, and my attraction to women has sharply diminished. He began to call my penis a dicklet, which seems more correct, and it doesn't get hard lately.

Today I went out and bought a dildo, and began using it on my ass. Fantasized about meeting a man. Thinking about Master, I began to masturbate by touching my whole body except my dicklet. Thought about beginning to shave myself but did not have enough time this morning to do so.

I'm more horny, and it seems like my sex drive only increases as time goes on. I've also been eating healthier food with smaller portions. I can't resist checking out men. I noticed when I was close to a man that his smell was a big turn-on. I continue to train myself with the dildo, both orally and anally. My devotion and thoughts of my Master have only grown.
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Postby Foxgirl » January 16th, 2013, 8:28 am

that's cool, i wish i could find a master who could effect me like that! best of wishes to you both hon.
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Postby lkjhgfd885 » January 16th, 2013, 12:20 pm

Congratulations to you, I was wondering if you started with any files from here and if so which ones?
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Postby limpsissy » January 16th, 2013, 4:07 pm

Thanks Foxgirl! Yes so far the experience has been so wonderful and eye opening.

lkjhgfd885 wrote:Congratulations to you, I was wondering if you started with any files from here and if so which ones?

Thanks for the question. So far my Master has not instructed me to listen to any audio files, although that may change in the future. I will definitely post here to let you know if that's the case!
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Postby limpsissy » January 16th, 2013, 4:57 pm

This is a retrospective of my first sessions:

After the first session, the changes were subtle. I noticed a slight loss of attraction to women, and more visual attraction to men. But it was not as pronounced at first. I did notice myself acting more submissively to people in general. Soon, I was having problems getting and maintaining an erection, but it didn't seem like a big deal. I didn't stress about that.

After the next session, women were just boring to me. I no longer really saw the appeal, they seemed nothing special. Just neutral. On the other hand, men suddenly were much hotter. Especially, strong, tall dominent men. By this point, my penis-now called my dicklet-seemed useless to me sexually. At the same time my sex drive ramped up. After the session, I dreamed about men. I began thinking about buying a dildo.

Now, other parts of my body... My ass, my mouth, my nipples... were extremely sensitive. I could feel these changes becoming more and more locked in place, but it didn't matter because it was so arousing. Playing with my body was already more satisfying than playing with my dicklet had ever been. I finally bought a dildo and butt plug, and fucked myself to incredible orgasm with the dildo. The orgasm ran through my whole body and pushed me beyond the edge of pleasure, but I didn't get hard or ejaculate.

Master and I talked about women and how my submissive nature is not something that most of them naturally desire, and so it is right that I am becoming a submissive sissy for men. I told about how I had hung out with some girl friends the night before but with zero sexual tension. He said that I no longer "broadcast" any sexual desire and that the girls, at least subconsciously, see right through me. I noticed that my cock would get just a little hard, but then after the session it was right back down. As I continue to work with him and reinforce the changes, these things will eventually go away forever.
Last edited by limpsissy on January 18th, 2013, 5:10 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Postby limpsissy » January 18th, 2013, 5:02 pm

Fucked myself again in the shower this morning with the dildo, then put in my butt plug. I desired a more and more smooth body, so I shaved my pubes and armpits. The most noticeable change is that my sex drive is ramping up. I'm horny a lot more often now. I think of my Master all the time. I've found so many new ways to pleasure myself, but I know it's not enough. Soon, I will have to find a real man to fuck to relieve these new urges. I remembered a couple of things at this time. One, whenever I had sex with women before I had always had trouble coming, sometimes even getting hard. Also, I remembered a few incidences of playing with other boys naked when I was a child. Master said that these confirm that I am becoming who I was meant to be.
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Postby lkjhgfd885 » January 19th, 2013, 4:01 am

Intriguing, looks like you're having fun. Hope you and your master have continued good fun.
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Postby limpsissy » January 23rd, 2013, 5:41 pm

My new progress:

My legs are now totally shaved. I've noticed guys more and more in public, and my attention to women has shifted to envy of their beauty. I don't see girls sexually at all now.

I've been practicing sucking the dildo more and more, getting it deeper and deeper and learning about how to properly pleasure a cock. I fucked my ass with it as well. It's becoming addicting. I think I'll need a dildo with a suction cup so I don't have to hold it. Plus, then I can suck and fuck at the same time.

However, afterward I felt guilt and shame. Master says this is normal, and that it proves I'm a gay sissy because all gays go through this. He says I have guilt about pleasuring myself instead of giving in fully and pleasuring someone else. He then told me to contact people on gay forums, just to see what happens. I am still waiting to hear back.
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Postby penny2 » January 24th, 2013, 11:33 pm

If your feeling guilty maybe you should put off cumming for another time. Sometimes orgasms can make a gurl feel guilty. Anyway it sounds like things are proceeding quickly and your master has it under control. Good luck.
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Postby darian » January 25th, 2013, 8:27 am

It's great to hear of the progress that you're making; I have just started recently on my feminisation and your posts give me hope. I have already noticed minor changes, behvaviourally as well as about my body image and increased sensitivity.

Thank you for your posts

Darian xxx
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Postby ipnosi » January 25th, 2013, 8:45 pm

Sounds like you are becoming the loveliest of sissies! Best of luck to you and your Master, and remember to stay safe! ^_^
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Postby maskedanonymity » January 25th, 2013, 9:29 pm

I'm glad to hear everything's working out for you :)

Wishing you the best for the future!
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